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Context: No-one the Rainwing isn't a Rainwing, he just appears to be one. He will grant you a wish in exchange for letting him copy your exact appearance and cast the spell in this form, intending to let any resulting "soul damage" fall upon your soul, not his. He will also continue to use your appearance to cast other spells not related to your wish (and for whatever else he wants to use it for), protecting his soul while damaging yours in return. This is all laid out in a contract he makes you sign before the wish, but let's be honest, who would even bother reading this much fine print?
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Jambu offers you the JamboofTM
Do you accept?
Expect a drop in quality but an increase in quantity, I cannot keep sitting on these animations.
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Hey do you ever think about how absolutely insane the whole situation with Hailstorm and Pyrite was. Like, imagine one day you find out that you aren't the person you thought you were. That the person you thought you were never even actually existed. And the person you were supposed to be has been dead for years but suddenly you're that person again and everyone just expects you to go back to how you were before even though you've lived an entire other life as a different person since the old you died. Would you be able to do it? Would you be able to go back? Would you want to?
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y’all ready for 2014 ???
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I'm late but did you guys know Rain world isn't my only obsession fixation?
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Used this picture from the comic as a reference, btw
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"icewings don't need fur skywings don't need feathers it's not realistic!!!" Blah blah blah I don't care dragons aren't real let people have fun
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um, isn't that a bad thing? Scarlet's just going to make a bunch of SkyWings fight in her twisted arena.
Hey buddy.
Scarlet's fucking OUT we haven't heard from her ever since she got sprayed by something/ someone. We don't even know if she's alive
+no more arena
+Those prisoners can hopefully go home
+We can insult Scarlet freely without having to worry about being sent to the arena
+Pray that her daughter or Burn don't start it back up (which it seems like they aren't so that's good)
+My pay might get docked significantly
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How do you deal with the pine pollen? It’s getting everywhere and I am starting to look like a poorly drawn rainwing-
I stay inside the majority of the time, but whenever I'm forced outside I tend to cover my eyes via my wings. It doesn't help when it comes to getting covered in pollen but it definitely keeps it out of your face
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So... that happened...
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I heard someone saying Princess Blaze is going to survive the war. What idiotic thinking!! Queen Blister will defeat her sisters and the great Nightwing prophecy will be fulfilled.
When was the last time this dragon won a shred of land
When you side with the seawings (reclusive) and the nightwings (reclusive) I don't think you're getting much progress
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Oh,, look at that. She sent the seawing to fight a grown starving adult. If this is her idea of entertaining then I'm disturbed
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Oh,, look at that. She sent the seawing to fight a grown starving adult. If this is her idea of entertaining then I'm disturbed
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Oh,, look at that. She sent the seawing to fight a grown starving adult. If this is her idea of entertaining then I'm disturbed
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Welp. The day has come. The event is happening tonight (I'm mainly worried for the dragonets though, no clue what Scarlet may pull)
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