Cultural Appropriation and Halloween
Cultural appropriation for the win. Let the cultures mix and meld until there’s nothing recognizable left! Sounds good to me, but what about you?
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I’m alive!
Stovetop back on the scene, telling you that magick and witchcraft are bullshit.
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Left! Right! Left Right Left!
People on both sides seem to actually believe that their side of the political spectrum is better than the other.
VERILY they are slaves to passion.
I’m so sick of this stupidity.
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So I have discovered a youtuber called “boogie2988″. Very strong willed person yes... very strong willed. He’s inspired me to begin to change myself... the current state of mind that I’m in, it is no good. Non functional socially... I can’t have that. I need to be able to be “me” in front of other people. No false personas, and no more yes man attitudes.
I cannot call myself a chaos magician until I start following my own ideals.
Upon hitting post
I intend to do what I desire, regardless of what that manic anxious part of my mind tells me’ll happen.
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Truly it is. So magnificently bright, yet so so distant from the eyeballs it blinds!
A powerful force, indeed indeed.
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The Sun is so beautiful. Sadly, I couldn’t see any sun spots…I’m using the Celestron’s Eclipsmart photo filter. #sun #greatamericaneclipse
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I need something different. I don’t know what it is, but I need something new.
(via deeplifequotes)
Dontch ya know it!
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Pony screenshot 1
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So many smiles... it isn’t right! But it is cute... adorable even!
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Ink Magick
Yes yes! I plan to specialize in this very field that I’ve just made up. Does it even exist?
I like ink
Ink looks cool.
Ink is pretty.
I like ink.
Ink looks nice.
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What keeps me energized is music! Music speaks to the mind in peculiar ways doesn’t it??
However, MAGICK is LIFE.
But what is “Step”? Hmph! No matter no matter. For charity I suppose...
Hey Tumblr, what energizes you to achieve your dreams?
We’ve teamed up with the girls from STEP - a real life story from Fox Searchlight about a high school girls’ step team in Baltimore - to learn what energizes people to achieve their dreams. For the girls in the film, Step is Life and is helping them to achieve their dreams. It’s the outlet that keeps them united and helped them prepare to be the first in their families to go to college. When we surround ourselves with strong women, anything is possible!
We want to hear your story!
What keeps you motivated and energized, despite any hardships or barriers you face? Maybe it’s music, film, dance, sports, drawing, fandom, or maybe it’s something else.
Tell us what keeps you going and moving forward by filling in this message:
________ IS LIFE!
Post your “___ IS LIFE!” story on Tumblr with a selfie, text, video, or piece of art. Just make sure to tag your post #StepisLife so everyone can see it.
Here’s the awesome part. For every post that’s shared with the tag #StepisLife, 21st Century Fox will donate $1 to Step Up to support mentorship programs for high school girls. By sharing your story on Tumblr, you’re helping to make things possible for women everywhere.
STEP is in theaters on August 4th, 2017. Don’t miss the inspiration! Check out the trailer here. To learn more about the movie visit stepmovie.com.
To learn more, visit 21.cf/stepislife. For every use of #StepisLife across Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram between July 31 – August 6, 21st Century Fox will donate $1 to Step Up, up to $25,000.
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You see? You see? A real reason to protest, you crazy lefties!
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I believe it’s time to draw up a sigil and charge it. Make the day go by easier? No that’s an absolute waste of a spell, ink, and energy. No no no no.
What do I even want? I feel as if I have everything I want. I already have everything I’ve ever wanted... no no I don’t yet hahaha. I know just the thing. Yes. It is time to get to work, both figuratively and literally!
Consider this a statement of intention. PURE INTENTION.
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Okay... okay
I don’t have answers. Not the ones that I’m looking for. Will I have what I was looking for in the future? It’s a possibility. I do not TRULY know though.
I don’t think that there’s any spiritual force guiding or watching over me. I find comfort in knowing that I’m just a product of natural processes... I’m comforted by that because I know it’s a truth.
I will still practice my religion, even though I know that it is false. What can I say? It’s what humans do. It’s in my nature. Who am I to deny that?
However... I only intend to practice religion for the psychological benefits. Because I know that my religious beliefs are not objective facts, there will be no evangelism from me.
So... ahem
“What the Hekem?”
Soi soi soi.
l’ll do some more good.
Consider this to be a statement of intention.
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Soi soi Soi
Day Night No
I don’t believe any of it. The religions and philosophies.  Why should I? There’s holes in all of it, like Swiss cheese. Riddled with holes. There are no gods, no spirits, no other   worlds not... not like the ones that are described by the other people.
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Trans folk banned from military service?
I don’t understand the fuss over this. So what? Some folk got banned from the military. Nothing new there. Certain diseased folk can’t go in... what’s the difference?
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As unjust as this is... I don’t care.
But now that I think about it more, what I am curious about is... why? How rude of you, Mr.President!
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We are appalled by President Trump’s tweets about banning transgender people from military service. There are an estimated 15,000 transgender people already working in the Department of Defense, putting their lives on the line to protect our nation and its values. Those values do not include the heartlessness exhibited by Mr. Trump this morning. Discrimination has no place in our government, in our workplaces, our schools, or anywhere else in our lives.
While it’s still unclear what the actual policy ramifications of these tweets will be, we recommend keeping up with (and, if you can, donating to) the ACLU and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund. 
You can also directly tell the president how unacceptable his attack on American servicepersons is by using this form provided by the @transgenderfreedomproject.
We know there will be plenty of conversation about this on Tumblr in the coming days, and we urge you to take this moment to support and educate each other in whatever ways you can. And if you just need someone to talk to right now, there are people here to listen, 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
Trans Lifeline: A crisis hotline by and for the transgender community. 877-565-8860
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741741
The Trevor Lifeline (@thetrevorproject​): Confidential hotline for LGBTQ+ young people. 1-866-488-7386
The GLBT National Help Center: Free and confidential peer support for the LGBTQ+ community at 1-888-843-4564. Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743
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Still haven’t the slightest...
No idea... I still have no answers. No matter how much I think about it, read about it, meditate on it... no answers. What is the world like, when the veil of our senses and minds... is removed?
Utterly impossible to comprehend, because all that we can experience, are those things that I’ve mentioned. Mathematics... to an extent help us see. It helps us predict the future, predict events, discover phenomena before encountering them, and so much more.
Remember, the holy words are “What the Hekem?” because that’s all I’m left thinking after thoughts like this.
37 Thirty-Seven
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Why did God create us? And what did he do before he created the universe?
Better question... what is the universe? What it it? A simulation? Too human of a concept... too mundane, too boring. Something that humans can’t understand perhaps. Something that a little mortal mind cannot bear perhaps. Something too big for the limited, fleshy brain of a mortal perhaps.
Thirty-Seven... has a lovely ring to it. I think that’s my new favorite number.
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