storyspinningspidcr · 8 months
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Indie Multimuse - OC and Canon - Semi-Selective - Private 15+ years experience - Written by Magpie Includes canon muses from;; Stranger Things, BBC Sherlock, BBC Ghosts, Marvel, The Owl House, Star Wars, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe and more!! And oc muses with the following themes;; Fantasy, superheroes, gods, aliens - also includes ocs based on Homestuck, The Owl House, Invader Zim and Sanders Sides!!
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storyspinningspidcr · 4 years
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       Every fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned villain.
                                       | Rules | Mobile friendly rules | Verses |  
                       Indie Jim Moriarty | 14 years rp experience | Written by Magpie
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storyspinningspidcr · 6 years
(Indefinite hiatus)
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Okay so I’ve been trying to get stuff done for what seems like eons but honestly it’s like fighting against the tide of drafts sitting in my tracker, and doing nothing at all is causing me so much anxiety because I feel like an asshole for leaving you all waiting. Instead I’m just gonna leave it at this. Indefinite hiatus. Don’t know if I’ll come back, maybe if I feel the passion again I’ll reboot but idk, cosplaying has kinda taken over and it leaves little time for me to do rp. Never thought I’d lose passion for rping because it really has been something I’ve done for years and it helped me through some of my darkest times but I’m just not as interested in it as I once was. Sorry everyone. I love you all, maybe I’ll be back with a fresh blog eventually idk but for now I’m outies.
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storyspinningspidcr · 6 years
“blackberries.” Ruby replied with a slight shrug. “I’m allergic to those if I eat them. Other contact is alright but still would rather not. As for illnesses, unless I catch the flu, there’s nothing of importance to tell you about.”
Another moment to think, just to be sure. “Although.. At times I’m prone to bad headaches if flashing lights are too intense. Normal concert types are fine but I nearly passed out while doing a job at a rave once. Don’t worry, I got it done. Just spilled someone’s drink on me so I had an excuse to throw up after.’
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         ❝-- Good to know, I'm sure these things seem         somewhat insignificant but I assure you that no         detail is too small to take into account when         making plans. I don't like surprises unless they         benefit me.❞
Knowing her weaknesses also offered him a certain hold over her, information to use to his advantage should she be foolish enough to double cross him in any capacity. He doubted that would come to pass but as he'd explained, one could never be too careful.
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storyspinningspidcr · 6 years
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I have returned and I’ll be working on stuff later today but it’ll take time for me to catch up with everything so please be patient with me. Life has been hectic with family nonsense with my parents and my mental health has been a bit of a disaster but I want to get stuff done. If I respond to your thread and you don’t want to continue it then please don’t feel obliged, I won’t be insulted.  I think I’ll likely be archiving a couple of my more inactive accounts (likely rocket, bill cipher and blue diamond). While it’s been fun writing them I just don’t get much interest on them anymore and I don’t want to stress myself trying to get people interested in writing with them. Bucky, Kylo, Sans and Jim Moriarty will be my only active accounts if that does happen.
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storyspinningspidcr · 6 years
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               "Perhaps a little.“ Lone wolves were always supposed to be scarier in a way, weren’t they? The image of it being one person capable of getting in and getting back out somehow more intimidating. She wouldn’t have called herself as such so much; while she did prefer to do things on her own, it wasn’t out of want of a notorious sort of story. It just tended to be easier that way for her. 
Less people to account for, less people to lose.
But when the scale of the operation was bigger than anything else being done —– a bit of help made sense. "But you can’t be everywhere, can you?” Can’t have eyes everywhere. She supposed that by extending her services, she’d be another set of eyes for him; another opportunity for him to be in additional places. “You just have to make it appear that way.”
She offered him a quick smile when he opened the door to the awaiting car for her, hands tucked in her pockets as she ducked into the back seat. And when it was made clear that their driver wasn’t simply just a driver, she offered him a smile and a brief hello. She was sure there would be a more formal introduction at a later time —— glancing at one another in the rear view mirror didn’t seem proper all things considered.
     "I suppose I can agree to that.“ At least he would be doing the courtesy of phoning instead of just showing up at her door ( or sending Sebastian in his stead, which seemed a bit more likely with the way their dynamic had been explained to her so far ) when the time would come for her to be useful.
    "Did you already have a place in mind, or do I get to make a request?”
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Clearly there was some kind of misunderstanding regarding the nature of his relationship with Sebastian, the man wasn't at all an influence on his plans and certainly had no hand in developing them. No, the man was a lackey the same of the rest of them and he was well aware of that fact, he was just a more USEFUL lackey than most - one that knew how to work alongside Jim respectfully.
Trust was a rare thing for the criminal to offer afterall and Sebastian was the only one to earn it.
        ❝-- No, I can't be everywhere but I do make all        the plans myself. Sebastian is naught but hired        help like the rest, just one I know won't make        any foolish mistakes.❞
Sebastian could choose to take such words as an insult, being compared to the rest of them but he saw them as something closer to praise, or at least as close as Jim would give him while having a casual conversation.
       ❝-- I've yet to look at places for you but if there        are areas you have interest in, I can have them        check thoroughly to ensure they'll be safe enough        and then see what I can do.❞
Having her somewhere comfortable was just as important as having her somewhere safe, she'd be less likely to wander off in discontent or want for something else if he could cover all of his bases. Certainly he didn't expect to keep her PRISONER and had no inclination to attempt such a thing but minimal wandering would do well for increased security.  
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storyspinningspidcr · 6 years
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That actually felt good.
Despite it a mild surprise to find that he was still alive after punching the notorious criminal to the ground, not even a scratch on himself. John flexed his fingers, relishing the soreness of his bruising knuckles, drawing in a breath of satisfaction. The last time he stood so close to the edge was when he punched out his colonel out of pure dislike; he was transferred to Kandahar right after.
He supposed this was Kandahar now—–the centre of the war. Tempted was he to take up the offer and send the second strike, maybe one where it would really hurt, even knock out a tooth, or silence that maddening laughter.   But it still wouldn’t be enough, would it? Because unless Moriarty was dead, he would continue to haunt him like the psychopath of a ghost story would. And his moral code wouldn’t allow it; not at this time.
         “I don’t stoop that low.”
A twitch of the corner of his lips, and he stepped back and away from the man. Entertaining Moriarty meant fueling his life span. Would this be stopping it then? John could hear his heart pounding with anticipation in his ears, but didn’t mean he wasn’t also bracing himself to run if he had to. If he could.
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Slowly getting this his feet, the criminal carelessly used the sleeve of his expensive suit to wipe any remaining blood from his lip, a smirk still spread wide across his face. He wasn't entirely sure what was keeping the former soldier from attacking against, whether it truly was some moral compunction or simply because he couldn't be sure that Jim would actually allow him another blow. Eyes everywhere and all that, if he wanted to he certainly could've had John shot already but that would be no fun.
         ❝-- Oh you do spoil my fun. Not many people dare         throw a punch, it's a little refreshing.❞
While John certainly offers nothing to sate his ever-hungry mind there's something PLEASANT in facing down someone that doesn't cower, someone either too brave for their own good or too stupid to understand just what he is capable of. John is the former and that's rarer still, especially since the man knows EXACTLY how far he can take things if he wants to. Minor thefts, murders, all of that is but child's play in comparison to the international havoc he wreaks regularly - knowing all too well no one can stop him.
Not even the Holmes brothers could stop his games.
        ❝-- Save yourself the energy if you're thinking of leaving,         you'll be home safe and sound in time, I have no reason         to kill you YET.❞
This was but another test for the consulting detective, though not something as base as solving his friend's kidnapping this time. No, as far as Sherlock was aware John was still at work - couldn't have the good doctor ruining the case he'd set up for his favourite detective afterall.
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storyspinningspidcr · 6 years
Even better. Kind of. At least Audrey wouldn’t be killed off yet. She saw it as more of an opportunity to spend some time to plan out and think of a better escape. 
Now for the horrible balance of first impressing this nut and not showing too much real power at the same time. Light grabbing parlor tricks would only entertain a person for sometime. It could get boring, even for her. 
‘Fine, Did you want to do that now? Because, some things need to happen First, I need more space than this little murder-basement.’ Unless he wanted to be within the reach of some more “physical spells,” Audrey not going to argue too much. A horrible accident might be a god send to avoid whatever painful and deranged plana these guys have. 
‘Then, for the fun stuff, I need a few things. I’d get them myself but, you know, being held here against my own will and such.’ A little summon could be built up to for more of a finale if he intends to go through with it. ‘Third, if you value all of your limbs staying attached or being alive, don’t interrupt me. I’m not trying to threaten you but I deal with things that will try to kill you if you don’t know what you’re dealing with.’
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Jim could be a patient man, he was capable of waiting YEARS for a plan to come together just right but that was only if it was NECESSARY to do so, waiting around was a BORE and if the girl was ready to show off her tricks already then he'd not waste his time waiting.
The sniper was far more hesitant, he could see just how excited Jim was getting over all of this and he worried about it going too far. They were playing with things they didn't understand at all, that alone brought about an unfamiliar sense of dread in him.
       ❝-- How much space do you need? I'm sure I can find       somewhere suitable.❞
No such concerns crossed Jim's mind and he considered locations that would be more appropriate for her to work, somewhere secluded enough to ensure she'd get nowhere if she tried to run would be ideal. A warehouse perhaps? That would provide ample room for him to watch too, as that was the point of the entire endeavor.
      ❝-- I can try and get whatever it is you need, just be       sure your little BEASTS don't cause me too much trouble..❞
It would be exciting to see just what she could conjure up, whether it be animals or something not of their world and if he could learn how to control them then all the better. She was to be a tool afterall, amusement alone wasn't enough of a reason to keep her around - at least not for long. She'd have to prove her worth  that before he'd consider keeping her around, perhaps even providing her with comfortable benefits as long as she was compliant.
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storyspinningspidcr · 6 years
Inwards cast HIS BITTER breath, through NOSTRILS and a MOVING head, the mere second that the smaller man’s touch danced about along HIS BEHIND. It was QUITE the SENSATION, he had  to ADMIT. One that brought on a dangerous INTRIGUE and a lump over HIS adam’s apple, for he knew that those whom he conversed  WITH would not approve OF HIS lack OF ACTIONS. That he was BEHAVING FOOLISHLY. Why, IT almost made HIM want to progress all  the more IN the game J U S T to SPITE them. Just to get ahead on the board. Blood on FIRE, breaths laboured, he felt HIS step etch forth,  as though he were tugged along by a rope that had latched on to both M I N D and body. What he was GIVEN, wasn’t enough. It never was enough. He was so EASILY bored. And LIKE the COCKTAIL MIX OF drugs he had strayed away from, he found HIS ATTENTION HOOKING on another… STIMULANT.  Mutually BENEFICIAL? What could POSSIBLY be so mutually  BENEFICIAL for them both that he could not F I N D elsewhere? And so, as he  entered such a conundrum, he found HIMSELF MAKING HIS own move on the chessboard. “—And JUST what,” he began IN a blunt mumble as he PINCHED a stray strand OF the man’s locks to tuck back INTO place, as HIS PIERCING blue hues held H I S gaze. “Are you OFFERING that could POSSIBLY be so BENEFICIAL?” 
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Watching Sherlock trying to reason all of this with himself was amusing enough as it was, that intelligent gaze set on him as though this was yet another GAME but it was nothing so complex. Sometimes SIMPLE could be just as satiating if it was done right, those lesser BASE needs being met offered a high not all too dissimilar from the drugs Sherlock had once been so reliant on and truly there was no one better to sate their needs with. A sly smirk spread across his face, dark eyes watching for signs of WEAKNESS, for any assurance that Sherlock was going to decide to indulge himself.
Though he half expected the detective to pull away,  attempting to put space between them, he was PLEASANTLY surprised to have the man in his own space so readily. Deft fingers gently neatening his hair for him as though the action was the norm for them, it could almost be considered AFFECTIONATE were they not both above such things.
         ❝-- Oh come now Sherlock, you want me to spell         it out for you?❞
His tone betrayed his amusement, there was no denying the fact that he was thoroughly enjoying himself even before they'd gotten to anything more INTIMATE. Pulling himself in closer, he looked up at the detective through his eyelashes as he ensured there was no space between them whatsoever before he finally replied, no longer dancing around the subject. There was no need when he could see the OBVIOUS curiosity he'd instilled in the detective
        ❝-- Sex can be STIMULATING for both body and         mind, especially when your partner knows exactly         what they're doing. My benefit would be getting to         see you lose that strict control you try to keep, that         would be TANTALIZING for me.❞
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storyspinningspidcr · 6 years
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A burst of laughter from the former army doctor to the answer.
Only because he actually expected no less than a predictable answer from a deranged criminal. Or maybe he was amused by the fact that he could even think of such. Actually, he should be terrified, for you become who you mingle with, they always said—–and how nearly so true it was.
Which was why he needed to keep Sherlock away from this man.
But for now, he was turning back, and advancing towards Moriarty ever casually, in his still almost military march, right up so close to him that their chests should nearly touch, his voice a harsh loud whisper.
            “Yes, bored, right, how could I have missed that? Screaming            like a child, shooting at walls, spouting the worst of deductions.            Lots like him and you, always riled up when you’re bored. You            know what I do when I’m bored?”
A tucked fist balled further into itself, and then he was swinging it towards Moriarty’s cheekbone. 
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It seemed his response had quite TICKLED the good Doctor as a laugh spilled from the man's lips, earning a curious quirked brow from the criminal.
That wasn't what he'd expected but it was a response nonetheless and that was all that mattered, clearly he was managing to get under John's skin with his comments. Perhaps it was hard for him to see that Sherlock really wasn't all that different from the consulting criminal himself, just a version of himself he considered less intelligent and burdened by the weakness one might call a HEART.
There was no attempt made to put space between himself and John as the man advanced, Moriarty simply squared his shoulders, head tilted in that serpentine manner of his. Body language gave everything away and he knew he was going to find himself on the receiving end of an attack - yet he still didn't move, nor did he give the signal for his men to step in.
Knocked to the floor by the force of the punch, he's silent for a moment, sprawled out in a messy heap - but then there's laughing. HYSTERICAL laughing. Men like John responded to him with such BASE instincts and unfortunately for him, Jim wouldn't offer up the fear or pained reactions that might offer satisfaction. No. He laughs even as the tang of blood hits his tongue.
       ❝-- Does that make you feel any better? The ADRENALINE       that's coursing through your veins, is it enough? Come now,       doctor, I'll even allow you a second blow.❞
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storyspinningspidcr · 6 years
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Are you an independent BBC SHERLOCK roleplay blog?  REBLOG this post if you are interested in being added to the masterlist whether you are a single muse or multi muse blog!
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storyspinningspidcr · 6 years
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                       Something she’d said had been enough to strike some sort of chord it seemed; his pooh - poohing of her little theory on how thing around him worked had gotten a reaction. “Can I? That’s comforting.” It was actually something she hadn’t been expecting, and least not right out of the gate like this. But she was apt to take it; opportunities like this certainly didn’t come along often. 
    “I almost feel bad for them. Getting their hopes up. Being unrealistic about their prospects.”
And she could only assume his version of a P45 wasn’t very nice.
   “Your right - hand man?” Of course, there would be one —- it made sense. No matter how good he was, he couldn’t be everywhere; the more sets of eyes and ears in his service, the better. So it wouldn’t just be her dealing one - on - one with him, which was fine. But it made her curious about who else was in what was sure to be almost a stiflingly small inner circle; was he the mirror image of the man in front of her, or something of the opposite to balance him out? And how would he feel about her coming on board to let her services?
Only time would tell, wouldn’t it? “I suppose I’ll be meeting him soon enough too?”
She straddled the curb once they reached the street, one boot on the pavement, one on the roadway while they waited for his car to arrive. The offer to relocate was tempting, even if she was content in her current situation. He could no doubt afford something a little more affluent than the flat she had now —– but what was the downside?
   “I’ll consider a move if I like it enough. Just so long as there’s a good bit of privacy involved, that’s all I ask.”
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Though he didn't expect her to trust him immediately, he hoped she would believe that he had no intention of letting any harm come to her, if only due to how valuable her powers would be to him. Having her worried for her life constantly would likely be a hindrance to whatever plans he formulated, it would be best her focus was turned to something that actually needed her attention.
        ❝-- I wouldn't. Most of them aren't very nice people - nice        people don't tend to work for me, afterall. So don't feel         sorry for them.❞
Of course it didn't matter to him whether they were nice or otherwise, people were but pawns to him but it was a matter of fact that most underlings of his were the less savoury characters of society.
       ❝-- Does it surprise you that I have someone working        with me?❞
Most did paint him as a lone KING upon a throne of underlings, he supposed but having someone at his side helped keep him in check to some degree, he was a creature prone to flights of fancy - impulse could ruin a plan if badly directed - and Sebastian would know just how to direct that restless energy if need be. Among other things, of course. He was a useful tool, perhaps even more so than his current guest in some ways.
It didn't take long for the car to finally pull up, Sebastian in the drivers seat. It was safer to keep anyone else out of their interactions for now, the less people knew about her, the better. Pulling the door open for her like a gentleman, he waited for her to get in before following suit. The car pulled away as soon as they were inside.
       ❝-- Speaking of the devil, this is Sebastian, my right hand        man. Long term sufferer of my mad schemes.❞
Looking in the rear-view mirror, the sniper gave a small nod, more focused on driving than their guest but a small hint of a smile played at the edge of his lips at Jim's description. He wasn't wrong but he couldn't say he wasn't a grateful sufferer.
       ❝-- You would have absolute privacy, I would contact you        via phone whenever you're needed but other than that,        you would have the place to yourself.❞
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storyspinningspidcr · 6 years
It’s a shock for a human to actually catch a witch never-mind really hunt them down. Really, she was just a human as well. One that can deal with unknown forces, but still a human and one that can blend in if necessary. It was her own mistake, lingering for too long, using her abilities in front of someone like this and staying caught. 
Not much to do at the moment and play along, the witch didn’t have much of a clue as to this guy’s power and reach, nor did she have the plan necessary to make any sort of daring escape. That would stop her from making her annoyance with the whole thing known. 
‘Let me guess, or you’ll kill me? Being a glorified show-dog or corpse? I have some great choices here.’ There was already the issue of her family not being happy about this, never mind just the witch herself. Then again, if she mentioned too much now, she’ll end up confirming that he likes to play with fire. The only one she could really worry about was her human brother and put up with this for his sake. 
‘Not really sure what else you would want from me here. I’m just burnt out, annoyed, and want to go home, didn’t really plan on being kidnapped today.’ When she had a person too close for comfort, she opted to lean back and cross her arms and legs. 
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        ❝-- Kill you? Oh no no, it'd be much worse than that,         you'd be no use to me dead but I do assure you, trying         to escape would leave you in an unpleasant situation to         say the very least.❞
Though he couldn't be sure he could truly contain her, he hoped the confidence in his words alone would at least make her hesitate to try escaping, especially when coupled with the vague threat of torture. He'd have men watch over her regardless, taking shifts to ensure she didn't do anything that could seem like even an attempt to escape. Even drugging her to ensure she slept when she wasn't needed seemed a decent enough solution, should all else fail.
Gaze turning from the Witch to his boss as she pulled away, Sebastian could practically see those little cogs in Jim's brain turning, all the ideas and plans he had were going into motion and it didn't matter what Sebastian thought about any of them. It would be nice to have some input sometimes. Especially in situations where he could see everything going wrong.
        "-- Uh, yeah, what exactly do you plan t' do with 'er, boss?
Jim undoubtedly had many ideas but really Sebastian couldn't see her being anything more than a novelty, it wasn't as though they could trust her to complete jobs for them or even run errands, she'd likely try to escape the first chance she had. The criminal mastermind shot Sebastian a sharp look, clearly not impressed by his inquiry. Sebastian truly only saw the smaller picture sometimes.
        ❝-- I plan to see everything she can do before making my         decision, then I can decide whether she'll be useful or         otherwise. For your sake, my dear, I would try to impress me.❞
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storyspinningspidcr · 6 years
       Your body is a MESS; goosebumps scatter your skin, hairs on your arms and the back of your neck stand on point. At the same time beads of sweat glint at your throat, forehead, no doubt running down the path of your spine. Of course, salty trails of tears are there too, marring your cheeks, an addition to hiccups stumbling out of your sternum. Out of all the ways he tortured you, you MOST hated the cutting. None of the wounds he inflicted upon you with a knife were cleaned properly enough to not leave any scarring. And this specific one will no doubt leave the most prominent scar; you’re marked as his now, for eternity.
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        Although you shouldn’t entertain thoughts about escaping either. Jim Moriarty was a very meticulous man to say at least and you are very well aware of how intent he is to go through this plan. There are two outcomes from this to you ——— you get killed by Sherlock’s hands OR you kill Sherlock and get killed by Moriarty once he gets bored of watching you wallow in guilt and despair. And he WILL get bored of you. You won’t be as exciting in case the consulting detective, Moriarty’s other half was laying six feet under. 
            “Please… Please just…. I beg you.”
      You’re B A B B L I N G, pain clouding your mind as he presses the rough fabric against your skin and with every beat of your heart you can feel more and more blood pour out. Of course, the cuts were not deep enough to make you bleed out fatally, but if one wanted to leave a permanent mark, one needed to make the cuts more than shallow and barely skin-grazing. Your head tips back, tears running into your hair and you lick your lips, furiously blinking against the blurriness of your sight. 
       “Please. I—I can’t do this. I’m not—— not strong enough. I’m not SPECIAL.”
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Briefly your head tilts in a serpentine manner as she babbles, cold gaze set upon her as though she is nothing more than an object - a PROJECT you are working on until it is satisfactory - but that coldness makes way for irritation as she babbles about her worth. You know what she is capable of, she'd been doing PERFECTLY up until this more recent failure and you're sure you can get her to fall back into line with some work but having her argue the point really does nothing for your mood. She's testing your patience and unfortunately for her, you have very little of that to give today.
Reaching forward, your fingers run through her hair in an almost delicate motion before gripping tight, your teeth gritted and almost BARED in a show of anger. You pull her head forward, looking into those tear-blurred eyes regardless of whether she can meet your gaze or not. Limitations are an unending frustration for you and you won't let her limit what you're doing here, it would make all the work you've done thus far a complete waste of time. No. That wouldn't do at all. She'd either learn or die trying.
        ❝-- You're right. You're not special. Not to the rest of the        world, not YET. Out there you're NOTHING. Just a boring        girl with a BORING job who can sometimes be USED for        solutions.❞
Despite the anger welling inside you and the tight grip on her hair, your voice is eerily calm, making a point of letting her know her place outside of the special opportunity you've given her. She's no hero, she's never had it in her to be anything more than the compliant little mouse, that very same compliance and OBEDIENCE is all you expect of her for your plans. It's just the detachment they needed to work on. The realization that the rest of the world, those people who she once cared about, truly didn't matter.
       ❝-- What I'm doing is BURNING that old useless version of        you, so you can claw your way out of the ashes as something        BEAUTIFUL. Like a phoenix. Do you understand? I'm doing        this to make you BETTER.❞
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storyspinningspidcr · 6 years
“well then I’d better lie out my ass and hope I don’t get caught then.” She shrugged.
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There’s a soft, slightly irritated hum from the criminal, clearly not pleased with such an answer but not willing to push it further. He couldn’t be sure yet whether she was a reckless one, whether he’d have to concern himself over sloppy work, he had enough IDIOTS working for him and certainly didn’t need another.           ❝-- Onto other subjects, is there anything myself or         those that might assist you should be aware of?         Allergies, illnesses, things such as that. Usually I         could care less but I can’t have you dropping dead         in the middle of a job.❞ 
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storyspinningspidcr · 7 years
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He nodded. “I’ll be sure to take a look at those. I might have additional information, depending on how recently it was compiled.” He be thorough. Not that he wouldn’t usually be, but he’d have to be even more circumspect, given that there could be absolutely no hiccups. “That sounds good. I’ll keep them out of there, and that should be that.” Nothing was ever that simple, but if he vetted the crews enough and made sure to keep an eye on everything, mishaps would be slightly less likely. 
Keeping track of leverage would be important - and a bigger task that before. He’d have to do so much more of the job himself. Which, given that he was rusty and he’d been able to delegate in the past, would make for slow going at first, But he imagined if Jim had put them on a list, they’d probably listen to the first threat. Maybe the first ones would be a bit of a struggle, but he’d get back into his groove quickly enough. 
“Oh, you mean like last time?” It was a dig, probably a bad idea, but Jim had to know that Sebastian still hadn’t forgiven him. He’d move on, perhaps, but he wasn’t going to just forget everything that had happened. “You know, when it was cut short by your death?” It was slightly uncalled for, given that he’d agreed to all of this and it wasn’t like Jim had promised never to leave him. Jim didn’t make those sorts of promises.
“Alright.” God, he was happy about that. Holmes was the one who’d gotten them into this mess. And fine - it was actually Jim’s obsessive nature and lack of an ability to back down that was to blame, but blaming Holmes was easier. He’d kept the game going. “Keep off of Holmes, but don’t let him stick his fucking nose in without consequences. I doubt he would at this point, but who knows.” They couldn’t be too careful, but when Holmes was concerned, Moriarty liked to go all out, and Sebastian would prefer to avoid that for the time being. He did believe Jim’s statement that they’d stay away for the time being, but he didn’t like what that implied for the future. 
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         ❝-- Of course, I expect you to be as thorough as possible         considering how easily this could all go wrong. If anyone          makes a mis-step, they have to die. No threats this time,         no relying on fear to keep people quiet, we can't chance         them being STUPID.❞
Things would be more difficult this time around even if they did kill to keep themselves undercover, they had far less resources to hand and not many people on staff that had proved themselves to be trustworthy just yet - but Jim would make it work if he had to. It wasn't as though he had everything handed to him in the beginning of his career - in fact he'd started YOUNG and with absolutely no real power to hand. It had been a matter of playing people like chess to crawl his way to the top.
But this time he did have his REPUTATION to contend with, people knew his face, they knew SOME of what he was capable of and that would be a roadblock that he'd never had to deal with before. -- It wouldn't stop him, nor would he even let it slow his plans but he would truly have to focus on every aspect of his work to ensure no one found out he was still alive. Especially not the Holmes brothers.
Drawn from his thoughts by Sebastian's SNARKY comment, the criminal looked decidedly unimpressed with the attitude. Realistically it was understandable that he was still upset, it was to be expected but Jim truly didn't care for such sentiment-fueled digs at him. He'd done what needed to be done in his eyes, that was all there was to it, Sebastian's feelings were entirely inconsequential.
        ❝-- Don't be a CHILD about it Sebastian, I've already         assured you that I have no intentions to do that again.❞
Though his assurances truly held no promise, he never lied to his second in command, even during the first plan he'd not lied - instead he'd simply omitted the details regarding the end of that plan. It was best for Sebastian to trust him afterall, that way he could offer the man trust in return, lying to him wouldn't exactly be conducive to that.
        ❝-- I very much doubt either of the Holmes brothers think         I'm alive but I can never be too careful, best to make sure         my work doesn't even touch their peripheries. We both         know what Sherlock is like if he catches the scent of         something INTERESTING, the man is like a bloodhound.❞
There was no doubting Jim would be playing with him once things were up and running. Boredom was the sole motivator for the criminal, as long as he was busy with something interesting then he'd be the closest to content a man like him could get - Sherlock was the most interesting thing he'd found to play with thus far.
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storyspinningspidcr · 7 years
The CONSULTING DETECTIVE had very LITTLE need, IF any at all, to be the tease or to be teased. The blur from lust and sex was not an act that INTRIGUED HIM, nor DID IT appease H I M. What IT D I D do however, was allow proper DISTINGUISHMENT  between he and those whom R E L I E D on the sensory  REACTION for a STIMULANT. The CRIMINAL whom stood before HIM, IT would seem, was not exempt from such DESIRES. The way IN WHICH he played about IN THEIR close PROXIMITY proved that. But no matter whether HIS TIE was released or not, he DID not move away. Not out OF refusal, or SPITE, but SIMPLY because IT DID  not cross HIS MIND to do so. There was a flex IN HIS hand, INDEX FINGER RAISING, as the others tensed; as though he were overwhelmed WITH energy, that H I S body DID not know how to, or where to, process IT, when the curve IN HIS DEFINED back was ABSENTMINDEDLY caressed by the man’s SEARCHING FINGERS.  “—If IT’S KINKS you’re REFERRING to allow me to assure  you that I have none,” stated he Q U I T E the blunt tone, almost as though he was IN attempt to CONVINCE HIMSELF OF such words.
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Sherlock was correct in believing Jim wasn't EXEMPT from physical desires though to call them a NEED would certainly be an overstatement, he rarely indulged himself with them and usually it would be something akin to the cigarettes Sherlock used to smoke - a bandaid over the bleeding wound that boredom could create. One had to pass the time SOMEHOW afterall and while torture or high class crime was far more EXHILARATING for the criminal, he did have to keep a low profile for the most part.
This, however, was no simple act of PASSING THE TIME. No, things were different with the genius present, even such BASE feelings were made fascinating by watching that mind of his dance. A sense of satisfaction was found when the detective didn't move from his spot even once his tie had been released, earning a DEVIOUS smirk. Oh he'd have such FUN.
There was no attempt to hold back a soft scoff as Sherlock talked so BLUNTLY, eyes rolling in a disbelieving manner. KINKS were not exactly the first thing on his mind, though he had PLENTY of them himself, just making Sherlock SQUIRM in any manner was satisfaction enough. Letting that hand slide down further, just RESTING on Sherlock's backside, he met those defiant eyes of the detective. He had such PRIDE in his ability to separate body and mind but truly there was no doing so, even Jim could accept that, they were HUMAN as anyone else - just BETTER Humans.
          ❝-- Kinks? Well now, I hadn't had those in mind but          it's clear you did...❞
He teased, shaking his head ever so slightly, certainly amused. Honestly he could've very happily done NOTHING to the detective, left that TASTE of what he had to offer just lingering on his tongue for a while to make him curious but that would be admittedly less satisfying.  Perhaps it was his turn to be BLUNT.
         ❝-- I'm offering you a chance for a new experience,          Sherlock. Something MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL.❞
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