stoleass · 3 months
Hey I know this is the time of month when everyone is ebegging but my husband just had surgery and hasn’t been able to work since February and we are literally $20 short on our phone bill. Things should be sorted out next month when he gets back to work but our account is overdrafted and I don’t want to have to pay a bajillion fees on literally $19.46 until I get paid on the first
Cshapp: $wryemandel
Pypal: @deybnogardi
Kofi link in bio
Anything helps thanks sorry
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stoleass · 3 months
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can't restore it to its original state, but they can fix it.
(The heart on the Blitzo's side uses a traditional Japanese restoration technique called ”kintsugi”.)
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stoleass · 3 months
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Frog 🐸
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stoleass · 3 months
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Hello Bitches😎
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stoleass · 3 months
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backpack 🎒
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stoleass · 3 months
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A little nuzzling never hurt anyone, right?
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stoleass · 4 months
[ID: a digital painting of Fizz and Blitzø from Helluva Boss. They are teenagers and are hanging out together in a bedroom in a circus tent. Blitzo is sitting on the floor leaning against the foot of the bed with a somewhat bored expression and Fizz is lying upside down on the bed beside him looking sly. Both of them are holding phones and look to be in the middle of speaking. END ID]
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theyre showing each other bad taxidermy photos and telling each other "you look like this"
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stoleass · 4 months
Per Mammon's request, Ozzie meets with one of his clowns to make a sex doll of him. Ozzie plans on being totally, one-hundred percent professional about it.
(That doesn't mean he follows through). - This one wasn't gonna go on tumblr but it's being better received than I thought it would be so uh. Here!
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stoleass · 5 months
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Helluva boss as textposts part 7/?
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6]
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stoleass · 5 months
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stoleass · 5 months
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Loving you is the most exquisite form of self destruction.
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stoleass · 5 months
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I'm sure I'm not the only one who has questioned this. But is Fizz a multi-generational hybrid?
His eyes, original skin color, white scarring, and horns are all red Imp traits.
Black scarring looks to be a shark trait.
His mouth marks look to be a siren and/or shark trait.
And the way his teeth angle also seems more siren/shark.
being a multi-generational hybrid could also explain why he has the asymmetric horn pattern. A bit of an anomaly caused by mixed heritage.
IDK, probably just over thinking this because I've been drawing him so much lately. Would love an episode about Fizz's birth parents. I question if he was born into the circus, adopted in, or possibly abandoned.
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stoleass · 5 months
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Helluva Boss as textposts part 1/?
[part 2] [part 3]
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stoleass · 5 months
i am so serious crooked is the best song in this entire fucking show. how it is SO intimate and so perfectly simple. the music is just guitar there's no wild production or instruments or dazzle it is JUST them and this song and this room, and the way they sing is so so cute and clunky and natural and real like they're just so in love.
fizz's flirty little look as he slips between ozzie's arms, ozzie's goofy smile, "i think you're messy but i'm messy too," the way ozzie pulls him into a waltz, the way they dance together so naturally, "i don't know why you waste your time on me" "baby, all i got is time!", ozzie's laughter, "holy shit, babe, there's so much you can't see," when fizz starts singing with him, the silly and imperfect harmony between their voices, the way ozzie dips and twirls him around, "you sure are lucky you make my crooked heart do freaky little flips," THE INTIMACY, THE GUITAR, DO YOU EVEN FUCKING GET IT
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stoleass · 5 months
Another interesting theory! In fanfiction, Blitzø is always portrayed as a drinker, but yeah, looking back at the episodes, the only time we see him actually drink was S1E8, because he was in a self-destructive spiral.
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stoleass · 5 months
"He can get hurt?"
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This line caused such controversial opinions in this fandom, and I'm less to say disappointed with how most people just attack Blitzø for what he said.
Let's analize this better shall we?
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It is no mistery that in Blitzø's hallucination, he sees Stolas sitting on a throne, looking all-mighty and handsome, tying him up to chains that represent the deal they set a long time ago. Blitzø of course felt conflicted, because while I think he DID like what they were doing, he also felt trapped and commanded by something bigger than him.
To who doesn't know, Imp's are like, the lowest class of hell. Even humans that got sent to hell come before them, so just imagine the difference between Stolas and Blitzø here.
Blitzø always saw Stolas as someone important, there's no doubt. Just because they sleep together now and then, it doesn't mean he sees him as an equal. Rich and powerful, Stolas MUST be able to protect himself, doesn't he?
At least that was what Blitzø thought. When he first got the call from Stolas, it was clear he did not take him seriously. He had already been his "bodyguard" for a while after all, and nothing serious happened. Why should he be too worried? Besides, he had to take care of Loona at the moment. Even when he leaves the job to M&M and enters the main hall, he's still rumbling between himself about how "he really had to get his feathered ass kidnapped NOW, I waited 5 years for this appointment damnit."
This could both mean that A) he's annoyed at Stolas in general or B) he kind of feels bad because a part of him did want to go and help him.
When he sees Stolas again, he almost doesn't want to believe it's him the one being brought to the hospital. You can understand that from how he looked at the feathers, with that "oh fuck I know these feathers" look, but still asked Millie wtf happened, not looking concerned for a brief second, just pissed. But when Millie confims that Stolas got hurt, Blitzø has a small denial phase where he stutters and continues to ask small, incredulous questions.
To quote, "Stolas got.. what? But- wha- who- how-? He can get hurt?"
You can see the pure schock and realisation on his face. The softness of his voice. I think that in that brief moment, he understood that no matter the social status and royalty, Stolas is deep inside just a demon, like him. He can get hurt, and maybe even die.
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It's a nice little detail that most missed, that for the very first time Blitzø is the one to text first. In all their other convos, Stolas was the one to start it.
Being someone with a constant sense of anxiety as well, I sometimes find myself hesitant to text someone or even talk to them. I can imagine what Blitzø, who possibly thought that it was all his fault - it clearly was not, but he still probably felt guilty for not being there for Stolas -, could have thought at that moment and probably has re-written that message over and over before sending it.
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A lot of people are also mad because Blitzø apparently left Stolas on read after that. But as we can see, he was typing before.
Again, think about the hesitation. We learn in after episodes how Blitzø struggles with self hatred and guilt due his past actions, events that happened just because of him and that he would do anything to delete, to go back in time and re do things correctly.
So at that moment, it must have been difficult to find something to say.
"I'm sorry"? "Are you feeling alright?"? "I should have been there"? "I'll see if I can come"?
Probably better to not say anything at all.
I was myself disappointed to learn that he did not visit Stolas at the hospital, not even once. But once again, I get that. Having to talk through text is already hard, imagine in person. In my opinion, he feared to face him directly and tried to do other things to distract himself from these complicated and twisted feelings he does not understand.
Even when he talks to Fizzaroli, he continues to exclude the SLIGHTEST possibility of Stolas having actual, pure feelings for him.
Blitzø suffers from such deep adbandonment issues and still has to deal with uncured trauma. I understand why he acts like he does, why he pushes people away. And I invite you all to do so too.
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stoleass · 5 months
love the "oh. oh." moment in fics as much as the next person but can i also advocate for "stay?" reaching out to grasp for their wrist. the surprise, the anticipation, the acceptance... a confession disguised as a request.
so fucking good
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