stellarstolen-a · 6 years
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                                                    “I wasn’t much of a petty thief.                                                     I wanted the whole world or nothing.”                                        the 100 oc || indie || selective || written by brea
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stellarstolen-a · 6 years
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stellarstolen-a · 6 years
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                                                    “I wasn’t much of a petty thief.                                                     I wanted the whole world or nothing.”                                        the 100 oc || indie || selective || written by brea
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stellarstolen-a · 6 years
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stellarstolen-a · 6 years
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                                                    “I wasn’t much of a petty thief.                                                     I wanted the whole world or nothing.”                                        the 100 oc || indie || selective || written by brea
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stellarstolen-a · 6 years
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stellarstolen-a · 7 years
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stellarstolen-a · 7 years
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buddy & darling in baby driver
“we roleplay that. a lot.”
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stellarstolen-a · 7 years
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                                                    “I guess some people are just                                                         born with tragedy in their blood.”                                        multimuse || indie || selective || written by brea
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stellarstolen-a · 7 years
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                     1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY. ya’ll know me, i hate making things serious and sappy but i really did want to get around to writing something more for my one year on this babe because she means so much to me ( and so much more now that i’ve been writing her for a year ). ontari is such a wonderful and complex character, and it’s a shame given the show she was given she was only in there for one season it’s always an honor for me that ya’ll are willing to accomidate me into your lives, rp timelines, and plots ! i’ve honestly adored spending this last year with yall. with so much that’s happened irl in this past year it’s been such a blessing to have a steady place where i felt comfortable and identified to be able to hang out and write creativly, plus the bonus of enjoying my bbies ( that’s you lot ).  and i know i’ve done some pretty shitty shit in this past year. and this is deffiently also a thank you letter to everyone that’s stuck by my side despite everything i’ve done not to deserve it. so this is my personal way of saying THANK YOU for being here, for wanting to write with ontari, for wanting to write with me, thank you for those 2AM movie nights, for the 4AM rush replies because a thread was just addicting, thank you for bringing a smile to my face for introducing me to friends new and old and freinds i wouldnt have been able to make if not for this blog. thank you so much. ya’ll don’t understand how much this means to me. and i dont think you will. so here’s a small little thank you notice for those of you that care:
if you were to LIKE & REBLOG this post ( * yes both ) you’ll be entered to win the following provided to you by YOURS TRUELY examples including ( all my rp blogs legit just look at any of the rp blogs ): a THEME BG + CODE * only if u want a custom code by me ofc it’s up to you, a PROMO SET, a DASH ICON, a MOBILE HEADER and !! an AZGEDA EDIT of your character because how tf would you not want more azgeda around !! 
now that we’ve gotten that out of the way and i’ve given ya’ll a small thanks, i want to give you an even bigger thanks ! and wanted to give a big shout out to my fave babes whom have stuck by my side through a whole lot of shit that is hella undeserved ! but yet you’re still here ! despite it all and i owe you all the world so thank you. so much. 
@murhys - MOON !! love of my life. cas to my dean. actual other half. salt king husband to our salt kingdom. moon you’ve been there for me since day 1 and are probably the only person on this website i’ve never had a disagreement with. you wormed ur skaidad into my baby icekids heart which i thought would be impossible and it’s magic how much i enjoy ur presence really. you’re deff like my other half babe. ultimate husband. ily
@azgona / @braverstars - HANNAH !! b to my v. actual partner in crime when it comes to like anything ! legit we write anything and theres so much perfect chemsitry between the characters that i think we were meant to b babe. like legit anything we do its magic and you really need to have more faith in this community because we need u man. we need you. 
@kiingbuilt - LENEE ( STARS ) !! actual babe. positivity queen lenee. honestly ur so sweet and so perf and idk what you want me to say bc ur awesome in every way ? you put up with me who’s like the dark hole to ur sunshine but like i’m always so greatful i don’t think there could be a better person i’d want to play tari against than you, roan and her have such depth and it’s so wonderful to be able to talk at lengeth about our ice siblings and what could have been like ! ily so much thanks for legt taking care of us all better than what we deserve
@leyosgona / @saviorbuilt - SOCHIE !! my babe sochie waht to i say about you. well lets start with the fact i don’t think i’ve ever become trash for a ship quite as quickly as i became trash for catari like wtf man. i’m going to second that with sayig ur clarke is presh and i love her to death ? and top it all off with the fact hat you legit always put up with me spamming u wit random af things without ur permission and are a okay with it all the time which makes u way too cool. 
@humansympathies - CHARLES !! legit one of these days im sealing u away form ur wife just u wait ( * hamilton an american musical plays in the bg  )  honestly i still need to thank you for making me so goddamned comfortable with being okay to write something i had been so nervous to write before because of the context of th show. you are the reason i was able to come out of my bubble and im so fucking thankful for that sitll am going to add #actualjohnmurphy bc nothing u do can change that
@ginatcnic - LAUREN !! gg lauren ur always around to help me when i need it and i really think i dont deserve you as a friend you’re amazing and always there for me and put up with me ranting @ you about the randomest bullshit and being vauge af about it and whatnot. ilysm babe dont forget ever that you are one of the most important parts of this fandom and we’d be lost without you. 
@foxofthe100 / allofthe100 - BRITT !! things i never expected i would do: ship with britt. things i’m super thankful happened: shipping with britt. not that we needed it to be friends bc w were friends beforei. but i deff think that foxtari has brought us closer and i’m so glad that it did !! you’re such a fun and acomplished person, and your view on things are always so well balanced and lovely to hear ! being who i am i love understanding things and you always put things in prespective. just in time to drop an angst ball on me but yknow. 
@si02built / @rainkiing - CHUCK !! yo you. yes you. i love ya man. like i do love you so much i don’t think you understand how much you’re amazing. you’ve been there for me since day 1 and i know that it dosn’t matter if i havent spoken to you in a day or in a month we’ll jump back into things just as they’ve always been meant to be and i think there’s a sort of treasure in that tat can’t be sahken. i love you man. kisses. take care
@damnleader - NIKKI !! i dont know where to start with you man. i started off as ur biggest fan and now look at us. we’re trash and i love it and you legit need to get ur ass back onto this account so i can yell at you about how presh u are and how much i miss talking to you and ranting and bless. 
@youngcst​ - MOO !! moo. legit i never knew whether to call you that or lois but you know what it don’t matter much now does it. waht i will say however is how thankful i am that we were bros for such a long time, and how much it means to me what nova and tari built toether and their relationship like i sob over our babies so often you don’t even know ! please always keep bringing us babe characters. 
bonus shoutout - @ CONSQUAD because yall put up with my ass for 4 days and if anyone can do that i think they deserve like a gold medal or smth like pls yall are honestly some of the best people keep being you !! @banishhim ( black hole ) / @algaenotwar ( milky way ) / @stellarstolen
bonus bonus shoutout - @ icesquad because AZKRU BEST KRU - some of ya’ll are inactive and need to get ur asses back here just sayin’ @icymenace / @azhaihefa / @aznofi / @azkeyva / @azgedaechoes / @azgada / @aznontu / @komashdaun /  @azenblida / @dubiousloyalty / @challengedloyalty / @shudameika / @aiopgona / @zosimekomazgeda / @wintamnontu / @deathwants / @icebuilt / @icebitxh / @leyosgona / @kiingbuilt / @haihefaroun / @firraun / @rcyalscars / @acrownofice / @youngcst 
i also wanted to make a sort of like FOLLOW FOREVER ? like ? idk how you make a solid one of these but just like all the blogs ? i’m in awe of whenever they come on the dash seemed like a good idea ? like these are all so quality all the time eve if some are inactive i refuse to unfollow just because of the chance they’ll come back, they should be a shoutout bc they are my inspiration to write they make me a better writer every day ! and love the hell out of them: @wolfsouled / @rattledbybullets /  @ragnarsscn / @princeubbe / @belomi / @soldiiermade / @imqetuous / @everyturnanycost / @noximperator / @lionoffrance / @praycd / @redempticnarc / @bloodshedbound / @allvanquisher / @murdocksredemption / @damnmechanic / @leaderbuilt / @casuistic / @headstrongblake / @crimiinalchemiist / @noukru / @starxbcrn / @arroworn / @survivorbuiilt
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stellarstolen-a · 7 years
Kindness is a form of intelligence.
Nayyirah Waheed (via quotemadness)
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stellarstolen-a · 7 years
my weakness is two broken characters who are broken in two completely different ways finding each other against all odds and healing each others wounds 
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stellarstolen-a · 7 years
if ur my friend / writing partner you will notice
i’m shit at holding a conversation I’m like the hot potato convo dropper
some weeks I’m practically a ghost like ~oooo woop~ where am I 
responding to threads in a timely manner ??? don’t know her
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stellarstolen-a · 7 years
bellamy released a shaky breath she didn’t know she was holding. “good,” she responded, nodding. “that’s good.” the fire continued to crackle, illuminating the two girls’ faces. even from afar, it was easy to see that stress was taking a toll on the soldier– dark circles under her eyes prominent, lips slightly parted in an eternal sigh. at maia’s words, she found herself laughing. “i’m not sure how to take that.” bellamy has made herself indispensable, that much was clear, but she can’t be around all the time. “i’ll be fine. and it’s way too late so i’d feel much better if i could keep you company,” she remarked with a shrug. “you did a great job today, maia.”
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Maia tsked disapprovingly but she couldn’t judge, it wasn’t like she was going to get any more sleep tonight either. The sleepless nights would catch up with her eventually, but until then she’d just keep pushing though. She shrugged off the compliment, “Just trying to help where I can.” Outside of camp the trees swayed in the wind. The shadows they cast might have looked eerie to some, but to her they just looked inviting. It was as if the whole world was just begging to be explored. She had to remind herself that it wasn’t safe and, even if it were, she couldn’t just abandon the other kids. “It’s kinda peaceful at night,” she said wistfully, propping her head up with her hand. “I wish things were different. Imagine all the things that are out there, all the things we’re missing out on.”
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stellarstolen-a · 7 years
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stellarstolen-a · 7 years
lowkey wanna rewrite some of lawrence the librarian’s scenes from that fic & turn them into “in memoriam” drabble thing
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stellarstolen-a · 7 years
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          “ Mm. ” he gives a small nod, eyeing the book a few moments, PUZZLING over the words on front. He could probably sound them out, and completely BUTCHER it. Gonasleng writing is something he is almost completely unfamiliar with. A pity the only Trigedasleng volumes brought are records preserved by the Flamekeeprs. Head tilts slightly. Do Skaikru really not know much else of fighting except hiding behind their TECH? He shouldn’t be surprised, he has experienced how INEPT their people can be when it comes to combat. Octavia only survived the Conclave because she had been taught by Trikru, and she had help. He has the scars to prove that. “ Yeah. ” he snorts “ I have. ” He eyes her a few moments in quiet CONSIDERATION, sizing her up, analyzing. Lips turn up in a small, amused smile, but it doesn’t linger. “ If you truly wish to learn, my seconds train in the mornings. I am not always there, but I will send were Skaikru would like to join. ” 
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          She watched as he eyed the cover and it dawned on her that just because they spoke English didn’t mean they knew how to read it. Her grandparents had taught her to speak Mandarin when she was little, but she’d never been able to read it, and by now most of that had faded anyway. They should start a class, or a book club, at least for the grounder kids. Time passed so much quicker when you had something to read. She’d suggest that to the librarian. Her eyes flicked down to the book again. She kept forgetting. There wasn’t a librarian anymore. He was gone. Maia shook her head slightly, as if she could sweep aside the thought. “I could probably round up a few others who’d be interested in training.” They might be less excited about training next to grounders, but she’d convince them. Surely she wasn’t the only one who needed a distraction. “Luckily it doesn’t seem like we’re going to need to fight anyone any time soon. But it can’t hurt to learn.”
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