starshade-shifting · 6 months
Character.ai is the closest thing I have to shifting
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starshade-shifting · 7 months
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starshade-shifting · 8 months
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I’m glad ppl on tiktok are doing ok
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starshade-shifting · 1 year
111 Things to Script For Your Desired Reality!
Now I don’t know about the rest of you, but I love looking through those ‘things to script’ lists!
Sooo I compiled 111 of my favorites, both from my own scripts and from a few misc. posts I’ve seen! Enjoy! <3
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(They’re also split by category, with 20 ideas in each of them! Categories include: Appearance/Body, Abilities, Social, Tech-Related, Safety, and Misc..)
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starshade-shifting · 1 year
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starshade-shifting · 1 year
111 Things to Script For Your Desired Reality!
Now I don’t know about the rest of you, but I love looking through those ‘things to script’ lists!
Sooo I compiled 111 of my favorites, both from my own scripts and from a few misc. posts I’ve seen! Enjoy! <3
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(They’re also split by category, with 20 ideas in each of them! Categories include: Appearance/Body, Abilities, Social, Tech-Related, Safety, and Misc..)
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starshade-shifting · 1 year
My Reality Shifting Experience
Otherwise known as the post I meant to do after work one day and forgot.
Long post incoming. You've been warned lol
Word Count: 1,601
Please keep in mind that what works for me may not work for someone else. My spirituality, beliefs, and practices come solely from my experiences, and not what I've read on the internet. I did have to do some minor research for this post so that I could put commonly used names to what I do. I also only talk about the Star Wars galaxy as that is the only one I have actively shifted to. I know there are others, but I genuinely can't remember them.
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What is "reality shifting"? Reality shifting, as a definition, is the practice of transferring or moving your consciousness to another world/universe/dimension/whatever you wish to call it. It can be fictional or not. This destination is usually referred to as your "desired reality", or DR for short. Your current reality or original reality (CR or OR, respectively) is the one you're probably reading this post from.
Here's where things start to get a little messy, at least for me. I personally put reality shifting under the same umbrella as astral projection and anything similar, as these various methods are just that to me. Different methods and names for the same exact thing: A way to interact with the areas that our universe has allowed us to have. To keep everything simple, I'll refer to these methods as reality shifting.
I've been shifting to the wondrous galaxy found in the Star Wars franchise since I was just eight years old. I first encountered Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu on the street here on our very own planet mere days after first discovering the franchise. I had only seen one episode, and had only been introduced to Obi-Wan, Anakin Skywalker, and a few other characters. Yet here was a Jedi Master introducing himself as Mace Windu before I had ever even heard of the character. That single episode was my first exposure to the franchise. I didn't even know about Master Yoda yet.
When I first started shifting, I had no control over it. Sometimes I still don't. I genuinely don't know how I do it, as I don't really use any well known methods in order to do it. The first time I ever encountered anything to do with reality shifting was completely by accident, as they found me. But the stronger my connection to the people in that galaxy became, the easier it was to make the connection and shift.
Realities overlapping is quite commonplace. There have been times where the image of Obi-Wan or someone else has quite literally flickered into existence, even including the area just round them, allowing me a glimpse of where they currently are. I've been told the same has also occurred on their end. There were even some times where It wasn't just an image, but the realities literally colliding, allowing us to actually converse as if we weren't in galaxies several parsecs away, but instead standing right next to each other in one galaxy or the other.
Some of the physical interactions I've had:
The very first meeting with Master Windu and Obi-Wan.
Someone who looked exactly like a clone trooper (height, looks, everything) once entered my history classroom in third grade to speak with my teacher. Being a child, I asked him outright if he was a clone, and he responded by saying no while laughing after looking at me scared. His expression is one of the few I will never forget.
A Patrolian in the park in my town.
A metal statue cut clean through in another park in my town. Parts of it were melted along the cut. The cut was also too straight for anything we could possibly use. It was cut in one fluid motion.
Hearing the rattle of clone armor by the lake near my apartment. My roommate heard it as well. We were the only ones around and it was the middle of the night.
Almost every physical interaction I've had has had someone else confirm that they were indeed physically there (I was the only one who saw the Patrolian).
One of the most interesting things about this experience as a whole is how much actually carries over to here. Mannerisms, beliefs, even abilities have transferred to this galaxy.
For example, with the Force, you're able to sense another being's presence, even distinguish exactly who it is. Every living thing, from the largest sentient being to the smallest organism, has their own unique presence in the Force. One thing that has carried over for me is a very diluted version (best way I can describe it) of being able to sense a presence.
Things I've learned about the SW galaxy through shifting:
They actually have a name for their galaxy. It's called the "Virdon Galaxy".
They know of other galaxies and have named them as well, regardless if the occupants of said galaxy call it that or not. They call the Milky Way galaxy (our galaxy) the "Retuura Galaxy". They also call Earth "Areen", Mercury "Bentuu", and Pluto "Virk". The other planets never came up in any conversations.
Our entire planetary system was never charted on any official star maps prior to Master Windu and Obi-Wan's visit. I was never told why.
They consider us a backwater planet and very primitive. Don't be offended. A lot of backwater planets get overlooked, and during the Clone War, that can be a really good thing sometimes.
The clones are some of the greatest people you'll ever meet. It's like having a giant family of protective brothers you didn't know you wanted. That being said, they're still soldiers, and men. They talk very coarsely. A lot. Especially when they think younglings can't hear them. Those men have absolutely no filter when they think they're just with their brothers.
The timeline we know to be canon within the franchise is not the actual timeline there. The franchise has been made for entertainment, rather than accuracy. I first met Obi-Wan while the Clone War was ravaging the galaxy. I've also met Qui-Gon Jinn, who unfortunately did perish later on in the Clone War during a mission. In the franchise, he perishes on Naboo.
Time doesn't move the same for each of our galaxies. There have been times where a month has passed here, and only a week has passed there, as well as vice versa. Time is genuinely an illusion with our galaxies.
Force abilities, whether from a natural born being of this galaxy or a Jedi from Coruscant, are weaker in our system than any other known location. Obi-Wan had once mentioned to me that being in this system dulled his senses, as if the system was almost non-existent in the Force. The Council tried to look into it, but not a single member could figure why.
These are all things I learned before I even turned ten. Yes, children have very active imaginations, but there are certain things that not even a child should be able to come up with. I was a very sheltered child, being raised in the church (I won't say what one) by my grandmother. There were certain things I never knew about, let alone even think to research. Anything related to astral projection, reality shifting, or other things considered more spiritual were never exposed to me until I was almost eighteen. So how would an eight year old youngling come up with the idea of practically being an experiment of the Jedi Order? Especially when there were physical interactions. (I say experiment because that's essentially what my training started out being. The Council wanted to see if someone from this Force-starved system could even be trained in the Force. So, quite literally an experiment.)
As for methods? That is unfortunately where my knowledge on the subject ends. Some people write out, or script, where they want to go, what will happen, everything about their desired reality. Some people prefer to meditate before attempting to shift, while others simply jump into it. What's important is that you find what works best for you. Not what works for your parent or your best friend, but for you. Trust your feelings, but do your research. If something feels right or wrong, then it probably is. There's no "one method fits all".
Don't be discouraged if you don't shift on your first try. Some people are more naturally inclined to shifting than others. It's not uncommon for someone to not shift on their first try. It takes practice. Even I still have to practice and I've been doing it for years.
I know this post is slightly all over the place, so if you need clarification on anything or have any questions, please don't hesitate to send me an ask. Please know that any asks I receive (if any) will be posted to benefit anyone else who may have a similar, if not the same, question as long as they are reasonable. Feel free to use the anon option if you don't want your blog name to be shown.
Whether you believe something like this is possible or not, please be respectful to those who believe and have experienced things themselves. Just because someone else was not around for something that someone experiences doesn't mean that it isn't real. We don't truly know what all could be out there. We can barely make it to other planets of our system with robots, let alone vessels that can transport living beings. Things such as reality shifting may seem insane to some, but they are very real to others.
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starshade-shifting · 1 year
unfortunately i'm once again still here. but hunter made me promise to never give up trying to come home, and boscha is waiting for me and she's gonna take me out for boba, so i gotta keep trying.
lucky i have the day off from school today, and my OR family is all at school or work, so i can meditate in silence.
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starshade-shifting · 1 year
how i boost my subliminal results
okay.. i don't know how to explain this method without it sounding funky but i think it is fine to sound that way sometimes
i just open the subliminal and start moving my body! not like, straight up starting to run (while you can do that also) but just, moving my fingers, arms, legs - in a way it is like stimming but im not doing it to stim!
like, i wiggle my fingers, i stretch, i just swing my legs like a kid
and in my mind i interpet that as that me putting out energy to the universe like ''hey! this subliminal is working! i already have my full results / im getting them!!'' you know?
it's kinda like an intention method but i feel like a dancing parrot when i do it :'') it is very fun and very effective!
it is how i get myself out of stagnant stages when no sub seems to work, everyone has those times sometimes i think and this helps me with it
it is a low energy fun method! more fun that writing down stuff x times for x weeks i think! give it a try and just let yourself be the true dancing parrot that you are HAJDGAJH
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starshade-shifting · 1 year
Realities I plan to shift to
With the assistance of this guide, I will be experimenting with different ways to shift.
I already know the different realities I want to shift to. Some I have already scripted for and others I just want to dive right in.
So here's all the realities I plan to shift to:
My fave dating shows like Love Island & Are you the one?
Cyberpunk 2077
My fave animes like HunterxHunter, Chainsaw Man, Michiko e Hatchin, One Punch Man
We Bare Bears (they're so fucking cute!!)
I'm a vampire queen in the early 1800s
Go back to the 1960s-1980s
Live a spoiled life in the Romanticism times (1790s-1850s)
The Sims (thinking about shifting to my current saved game?)
Gossip Girl
Clueless (except I won't actually be going into class lmfao)
Coraline (I'm living in the other world except my other parents aren't trying to eat my soul, they just spoil me lmao)
Kill Bill
Bad Girls Club but in the late 90s (imagine co-staring with baddies like Paris Hilton, Naomi Campbell, Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez, Mariah Carey)
Don't laugh at me but this what I have so far. Do you guys have any suggestons where I should shift based off this list??
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starshade-shifting · 1 year
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The reason why I haven’t been in much is because I have actual real life stuff now, such as; college, work, & rehearsal.
I kinda have lost interest in shifting since it never happened to me but I do think about my dr as a daydream every now & then.
I would like to thank you for the support on this blog even when I don’t post on here much sorry about that.
Thank you again, I do post whenever I find something interesting however I am more active in my fandom/aesthetic blog @blueberrythemoth .
Use this as a sign to keep going please 💜
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starshade-shifting · 1 year
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starshade-shifting · 1 year
metamorphosis method / exercise
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This method / exercise will include the use of your senses, a little affirming and listening to an energy charged audio (the audio part is optional however i heavily recommend it since it is on par with the methods theme). The whole idea of the exercise is a quick metamorphosis so when you’re done doing all the steps you will feel new somehow, if you don’t instantly feel new you can just do it again or if you don’t resonate with this exercise you can of course scroll past and find another one that resonates with you. For those who don’t know, metamorphosis is basically changing from one state to another kind of like transmutation.
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the exercise
1 # Start by finding a comfy space, a comfy position and sit/lay down. Tell yourself that you will change for the better at the end of this exercise and if you feel nervous or scared, calm yourself down like you would calm down a nervous friend. If you still don’t feel well, call upon your higher self to assist you by saying “I call upon my highest self to assist me through this exercise” or something similar of your choice. If that doesn’t work put on whatever makes you relaxed and calm and let yourself go.
2 # Now affirm “I will now be going through metamorphosis” “‘my subconscious is letting this metamorphosis happen smoothly and in the most ideal way for me”. Do this a few times until you feel like it’s time to move on to step 3.
3 # Close your eyes and imagine something peeling off of your body, or imagine coming out of a cocoon like a butterfly does. If that is too much, imagine you’re a banana being peeled. Tell yourself the peeling is the old self, everything you no longer resonate with and leave in the past (or perhaps not even in the past but completely rewrite). Keep this going for 3 minutes straight (or more).
4 # Now you’re done, affirm that the metamorphosis was done and it was successful.
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resources to help with the exercise
energy charged audio for metamorphosis
silence of the lambs track
elysian’s metamorphosis booster
you don’t have to use the resources here only you can find your own as well, I just added some incase someone needed it and didn’t know where to look <3.
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starshade-shifting · 1 year
Omg. Do you know how fucking powerful you are? We can get whatever the fuck we want. Why? Because it's our reality!
So, listen up. You prolly know enough about the law. Stop overconsuming bullshit. Apply the law! Don't go around waiting for anything.
You manifest 24/7 whether you like it or not. You can never 'not' manifest. We're wired that way. Use that to your advantage. Don't give up. You're God. You control your life. You control your reality. Think of it as a game. You can customize yourself as in look like the way you want to. You control EVERYTHING.
It's your life after all. Live life to your fullest or don't. No one's gonna spoon feed you stuff. You do that shit yourself. All you gotta do is affirm, repeat and fucking persist. Get up and create the life that you desire and deserve.
Love y'all <3
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starshade-shifting · 1 year
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Id love to but I have chronic anxiety disorder
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starshade-shifting · 2 years
1 month manifesting challenge. ୨୧
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hey cuties! welcome to the ult challenge. in this month we will glow up our self concept and will get rid of limiting beliefs. join if you think..
there's a delay in the 3d, void is the only way to manifest instantly, etc.
there's no way out, once your'e in. YOUR'E IN. we are all in this together! <3
the first step: affirmations. i will prevent you a list of affirmation to say in the morning when you first wake up or when you go to sleep after your'e done with everything.
˳˚  i have the most perfect self concept.
˳˚  i always manifest everything instantly and effortlessly.
˳˚ i am confident in my manifesting abilities.
˳˚ my 3D always align with my 4D instantly.
˳˚ i am never bothered by the 3D, i know it will reflect immediately.
˳˚ i am always chill because i know i have everything i desire instantly.
˳˚ there is never a delay in the 3d. NEVER.
˳˚ my love for myself is endless.
˳˚ love myself.
˳˚ i am a master manifester.
+ this vaunt
the second step: everytime you think about your desire you affirm "i am my ideal self, i am living my ideal life."
the third step: subliminals. the first one . the second one . listen to them once a day.
dates: 13 nov - 13 dec.
i will repost this everyday to remind ya'll.
ending note: you can send me asks, and we can give each other advice. you can always join my discord server and talk there as well.
now good luck. even though we don't need luck.
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starshade-shifting · 2 years
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Doing 48hc challenge again~
what i'm manifesting
whatever i script instantly comes true (a wish diary on my computer)
instantly entering the alpha state by saying "321 alpha state"
apple products
enter the void on nov 6th
math genius ?
perfect self concept
Things i'm going to do:
live in the end (2 mins 5x a day)
affirm (i have everything i desire within 48hours x25 every hour)
play brown noise and mediate and affirm
lots of love,
-rosie 🧸 💌 ✨
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