starcluster · 1 year
Worrying about things you can't change is just going to make you suffer. That's what I always tell myself and how I try to live my life with my head up and not drown in all the bad stuff I know is always around. But sometimes it's really hard to think what COULD have happened if I had or hadn't done something. Where would I be right now?
His silence is unsettling. Even though he said he did want to see me again, where did he go? People confuse me. Why not just be honest with what you want or feel? Why joke with people's feeling like this? Even worse, leave them on this limbo of doubts and anxiety until they just painfully move on.
It doesn't suck like it did before, today I just feel sad and sorry. It really seems to have been a waste of time again, after all. First dude, though.
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starcluster · 2 years
He was warm to the touch. That's the first thing I noticed when I entered his car. 
Dirty, dusty, with small broken parts, the car smelled like him, even though he wasn't wearing any perfume. He was very specific about that, he's been waiting for some bottles of perfume he bought online but they hadn't arrived yet.
I noticed his clothes too. A hoodie and jeans. Simple. But I quite like simple.
He was anxious about the date. Said it was hard to find people with similar interests and objectives. That I seemed to be exactly what he'd been looking for and that a guy who ghosted me after meeting me could only be out of his mind.
It was cold for a spring evening. The sky was getting darker and darker with rain clouds but we got to the bar and sat outside. He smoked a cigarrette. Told me about himself, about how he got back to São Paulo, about his childhood and teenage years and how he got in an accident when he was younger. He said he needed to learn English, and I teach it, but said I don't give classes to people I date so it was either dating me or having classes. He said he'd have to find another teacher, then.
The ashtray had about 6 cigarrette butts now. He told me he wanted to grow a longer, lumberjack-like beard. I shivered.
The rain came, we paid and went back to his car. He asked if he were nice enough to roll his fingers around my curls and I said he could. We kissed and made out, after a while hands went to places. The rain was falling, the drops reflected on the street lights looked beautiful to me. Being there with him felt so right. So I decided to come home with him. More making out and then sex. And then cuddles, a pizza and more cuddles and talks and laughter.
It was late and he had to go. Said he had loved meeting everything about me and that he wanted to see me again. He kissed me goodbye and left. We talked a bit more after he got home and I went to sleep. 
Next day: my good morning. Me asking him if he really wanted to see me that day. We said he'd try but he had to work. Texted me mid afternoon saying he was trying to finish it soon. He couldn't. His family came and he spent time with them on Sunday too. No text from him unless I texted him first. I asked if he wanted to come later on Sunday. He said he'd have to see if he had enough petrol. I asked him to tell me what he'd do, he said he would, and he did, but only late at night. He barely had any petrol left so he went home and fell asleep when he was going to text me. Told me about his day.
And that was it. Nothing today, all day. It makes me feel frustrated so I need to know what's going on. I'll ask. Let's see.
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starcluster · 3 years
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Mt. Etna at Night
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starcluster · 3 years
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starcluster · 3 years
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Capilano Suspension Bridge Park
by: Braedin Toth
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starcluster · 3 years
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starcluster · 3 years
I just want to make a butch flustered by praising her... like telling her how handsome she is before we leave the house, telling her how much I want her while we’re out and waiting for her to blush, telling her how wet she makes me when we’re making out and guiding her hand to feel for herself, telling her how good her dick feels inside me and how she fucks me just right, just a nonstop stream of praise for how hot she is and how good she makes me feel until I’m telling her that she’s about to make me cum.
I just want to spoil a butch with praise and attention rn
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starcluster · 3 years
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The end of fall in Telluride, Colorado (OC) [4000x5000] - Author: zanefdaniel on reddit
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starcluster · 3 years
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starcluster · 3 years
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Untitled // Matthew Hahnel
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starcluster · 3 years
thinkin bout lumberjack butches
adorned in flannel shirts & denim, handy, always smells a little like firewood… appreciates a good whiskey  🥰🥰🥰🥰
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starcluster · 3 years
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king of the forest
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starcluster · 3 years
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Autumn in Yosemite Valley
Prints: Society6
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starcluster · 4 years
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Ojos del Salar, Atacama Desert
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starcluster · 4 years
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So back when Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix came out my brother went to the launch event and brought me back this lil scroll recap of KH 1, KH CoM, and KH 358/2 Days. It’s been sitting in my closet for ages since, ya know, no stores sell 5″x 40″ frames. But now I put it in the computer so I’ll share it with all of you.
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starcluster · 5 years
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The amazing art of Vance Kovacs
The Art of God of War
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starcluster · 5 years
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the breakfast club (1985)
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