starcgazette · 3 years
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starcgazette · 3 years
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starcgazette · 3 years
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starcgazette · 3 years
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starcgazette · 4 years
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starcgazette · 4 years
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WHAT: A press conference is held on the steps of City Hall. WHO: Mayor Harvey Dent with his wife June Dent, by his side. WHEN: 2:22PM, the day after the explosions at NOVA headquarters
“Citizens of Star City, let me begin by expressing gratitude on behalf of myself, my wife, and my entire team. Thank you to our first responders, our firefighters, SCPD officers, and medical personnel for their quick actions during these trying times. Our best is embodied in these brave men and women, and even in the worst of times they put their own lives on the line to save ours. Let us not forget all the people who answered the call in our time of need. Please, please...a round of applause for them, before we continue.”
Mayor Dent hung his head and clapped his hands together until he heard others begin to do the same. His public appearances were less and less frequent since being elected, and months passed since his last speech. A slight tic, just a small jerk of his head to one side, was visible as he lifted his gaze to the audience again.
“With that said, I want to talk about the real reason I’ve called this conference today. In light of the recent events and the damage sustained not only at NOVA headquarters, but within Star City itself, my team and I have been engaged in an intense discussion with the federal government. I always have the best interest of Star City citizens at heart. And I’ve heard you. So, after exhaustive negotiations, we’ve reached a compromise that I believe will benefit your best interests. Effective immediately, the National Oversight and Validation Association will no longer be headquartered in Star City.”
After a pregnant pause, Mayor Dent accepted a single question from a Gazette reporter, clarifying, “My office will release a full list of changes to local media outlets, as well as the SCPD. Because NOVA is a federal organization, I have no authority to dissolve NOVA completely. However, it’s clear that their continued presence in the city is a danger to us all.
Let me take these final moments to say that I fully condemn the violence that resulted in the loss of lives and destruction of property that occurred during the bombing of NOVA headquarters, as well as the looting that tore through our city’s local businesses. Those responsible will be held accountable.”
Sudden and unexpected ear-splitting interference from the mic made the crowd gasp. It also agitated Mayor Dent and his expression stiffened. Thankfully, the noise was fleeting, and seconds later the tension in his body relaxed. He stepped away from the podium. “I’m taking no more questions at this time.”
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starcgazette · 4 years
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starcgazette · 4 years
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Times of social and political stress present opportunities for corrupt actors to exercise their power—and the National Oversight and Validation Association (NOVA) has torture on its agenda.
As Star City ramps up its local government ordinances, there has been more backlash than ever before against NOVA and NOVA agents--and the unlawful imprisonment of mutants, metahumans, aliens, and other powered people have lead to deadly consequences. Citizens question the severity of the response and its effectiveness, but this does not demonstrate the worst case scenario in an agency rife with political corruption and questionable agendas. We have seen videos posted of NOVA agents accepting bribes or demanding other favors so terrorized citizens can avoid searches and subsequent detainment. Street patrols and ordinances are in place for the safety and good of its citizens, yet it has been demonstrated time and again that NOVA has other priorities.
Information-sharing is an essential component in battling corruption. An anonymous source has come forward detailing their personal account of what goes on inside NOVA’s Headquarters. It might only invite speculation in those determined to maintain some hope in our local leaders, but it begs the question of transparency. If NOVA’s essential function is to maintain peace, it should regularly invite active participation in all its citizens rather than engage in suppression and silence. 
The employee, who describes themselves as having middle-to-upper level clearance, alleges that NOVA is heavily involved in genetics research. “There are several levels of laboratories, as I mentioned. Some of them are dedicated to genetic work that’s apparently proprietary.” As for the inside of these labs, the source reports to have witnessed “mutants in tanks, unable to consent under sedation” as well as unnamed acts of torture against mutants “more difficult to subdue.” The information presented regarding NOVA’s labs not only support the numerous interviews provided to the Star City Gazette by those claiming to have been held within these labs, their unreleased accounts corroborate every last detail, including the structure and shape of the cells.
This festering sore that masquerades as a protector needs to be eradicated. Star City as a whole possesses the ability to dismantle NOVA’s power and take back the city. An agency willing to engage in primitive methods for the sake of scientific research has no moral quandaries or respect for life. It will not end with metahumans, aliens, mutants, or powered people. It will end at your front door.
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starcgazette · 4 years
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starcgazette · 4 years
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starcgazette · 4 years
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starcgazette · 4 years
Dinah and Barbara act a little too close to be just friends, if you ask me.
You know what? I think Dinah and Barbara deserve to be out here living their best lives free of the clueless men they’ve wasted so much time on. Have some FUN, ladies. Dick and Ollie who? 
@killervcice @the-orxcle
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starcgazette · 4 years
What was Dick doing with Slade Wilson in front of the police station?
Whatever it was, I’d trade places with either one of them. 
@amazingflyingdick @terminator-deathstroke
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starcgazette · 4 years
Fuck/Marry/Kill: The dark silver foxes, Bruce, Erik, Slade.
Let’s be real here…none of these dudes are marriage material. Two of them are married to the cause, one will do anything for money, and they’re all three so paranoid and stubborn I think I’d take myself out before any of their many, MANY enemies could do it for me. On the other hand, they’re all three equally fun to look at. 
Fuck them all, marry and kill none. Why would I deprive myself of any of that? I cheated but you know that answer is legit. 
@masterofmagnetismx @justicealwaysprevails @terminator-deathstroke
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starcgazette · 4 years
Who do you think Bobby will hook up with next?
It looks like he’s got something with Felix in the works. I’m willing to put money on it. Neither of them are what you’d call picky.
@elsawiththegoodhair @xgoddess-of-love
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starcgazette · 4 years
Zatanna is the hottest person on the planet. Change my mind.
Everyone knows I’m partial to Superman, but Zatanna runs a close runner-up. I don’t know, though. Wonder Woman could give her a good run for her money!
@kryptoniansteel @hatfullofrabbits @wndwmn
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starcgazette · 4 years
C'mon Clint, Natasha deserves better.
For real. The man should be ashamed. 
@russian-latrodectus @xokay-this-looks-bad
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