starb0ytheo Ā· 11 hours
Remember that the only person you can control is yourself. You can't control the actions, or reactions of others. You can use your interpersonal skills to the best of your ability and sometimes no matter how much you try to keep the peace, things go sideways. And this isn't your fault.
You are still doing amazing at using the skills, and your effort isn't wasted. Your progress is valid.
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starb0ytheo Ā· 11 hours
If youā€™re like me, and try to hold everything together without letting it show on the outsideā€¦ breakdowns are inevitable, donā€™t be so harsh on yourself.
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starb0ytheo Ā· 18 hours
specifically thinking about a person I work with, and have now hung out with nearly everyday after work for the past 4 months- but refuses to schedule calls with me once I quit the job and move. Like??? Why have you allowed me to get attached and make a routine with you in it, if youā€™re just going to basically ghost me
being the back burner friend is so eghhh
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starb0ytheo Ā· 18 hours
being the back burner friend is so eghhh
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starb0ytheo Ā· 2 days
reusing my pad boxes for moving
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starb0ytheo Ā· 3 days
I loveee enbys!! (Thinking about them againā€¦)
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starb0ytheo Ā· 3 days
any other transmascs forget theyā€™re afab and forget they might by read as female and are surprised when people read them as women because in their head they literally look like this
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starb0ytheo Ā· 3 days
In my shorts, being gay and shit
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starb0ytheo Ā· 3 days
reblog for something t4t to happen to you this summer.
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starb0ytheo Ā· 4 days
Iā€™m not even sure if my crush likes men and itā€™s driving me a bit insaneā€¦ šŸ˜­
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starb0ytheo Ā· 4 days
Iā€™m not even sure if my crush likes men and itā€™s driving me a bit insaneā€¦ šŸ˜­
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starb0ytheo Ā· 4 days
i love to put the men in menstruating or what the fuck ever
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starb0ytheo Ā· 4 days
Menstrual products should start having trivia and puns on them bc if I have to see another pad with shit like ā€œkeep going #likeagirlā€ ā€œfemale energyā€ or ā€œthe feminine power of femalenessā€ I think I might just become the joker. like bro okay I get it Iā€™m female and I bleed out of my cooch .
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starb0ytheo Ā· 4 days
huge shoutout to boys who have been referred to with she/her for so long that it doesnā€™t bother them anymore
huge shoutout to boys who have fully embraced femininity for whatever reason, be it they have to in order to survive the misgendering or because they think masc presentation doesnā€™t look right on them
huge shoutout to boys who stop and stare and think for a moment when the document/application asks for their name and gender. huge shoutout to the ones who fill it out with their deadname and assigned gender.
huge shoutout to the boys who grow up to be men who die and are remembered as women.
huge shoutout to boys who never made it in life, who never had the friend group they wanted, the job they wanted, the wardrobe they wanted. who would have succeeded if they just had that injection sitting in a box under their bed.
huge shoutout to the boys who physically canā€™t transition, whose bodies canā€™t handle recovering from a surgery or who canā€™t wear regular clothes.
huge shoutout to boys who associate masculinity with abuse, hate, anger, who would rather die than be what that masculine figure was to them
huge shoutout to boys who donā€™t have the money to transition, who canā€™t afford a trip to a clinic or the shots that come afterward, who have to work every day for twelve hours at multiple gas stations to get by, with help.
huge shoutout to boys who donā€™t live in a safe place, who canā€™t afford to be known around town as Clarissa and morph into Henry. who had long hair all his life and then didnā€™t. who painted his nails until he didnā€™t. who wore lace and skinny jeans until he didnā€™t. who would be assaulted for it, and even be killed for it.
if youre any of these people it should be made clear that you are and always will be men. it doesnā€™t matter what your outside shows, or what youre told, or how youre forced to behave or look. your manhood is stored in the heart, it always has been, thatā€™s how youre aware of it, and its always there, and it will always show, be it in the way you talk or the things you like or the job you have. and if it doesnā€™t, thatā€™s okay too. your manhood is something you just are, and you always will be as much of a man that Max who started transitioning at 13 is. none of the rest matters. if you need a guy to spraypaint your name onto your gravestone, i have a guy. you will make it.
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starb0ytheo Ā· 6 days
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starb0ytheo Ā· 6 days
i will die without routine. also this routine is killing me
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starb0ytheo Ā· 6 days
Help me prove my family wrong!
I don't know if this post will break containment, but will you like/reblog if you are or know a man who is asexual? All of the people in my life seem convinced that being Ace is a 'girl thing' and that Ace men don't exist!
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