squid-de · 3 months
I just realized we probably would be playing another game set in Elysium if ZA/UM wasn't such a shitshow. It's been long enough since disco elysium has come out, if there wasn't any corporate fuckery we would be playing the sequel right fucking now, and what's worse, disco elysium was an introduction to the setting, we could have had so much more. The best RPG ever made that is made by and about communism got shredded to pieces by capitalism.
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squid-de · 3 months
Quote 1: "Despite everything, its still you." - Narrator/Chara/Frisk???, Undertale
Quote 2: "In the dark times, should the stars also go out?" - Steban, the Student Communist, Disco Elysium
Quote 1:
"I watched a grown man play this game and he stopped to cry for like 10 minutes while reading this quote (not an exaggeration)" "At the start of the game, you interact with a mirror and it says ‘it’s you.’ After the (frankly traumatic) events of the game pass, if you interact with the same mirror, it shows this quote. Absolutely decimates me"
"My partner got this tattooed on their skin. No matter where they go in life, there they will be, and there the reminder will be, too. Even when they die, if their flesh is preserved, that lifeless husk will still be my partner. So shall we all. We'll grow. We'll change. We may fear that we are losing ourselves along the way. But one thing will always be true, and this one throwaway line, easily missed in the race to the game's end, sums it up in just five words. Also, the most significant callback in gaming history since the cow in Earthworm Jim." - Submitters
Quote 2:
"whenever there's an inclination that just because something (the world) has gone to shit, that nothing deserves to be good or hopeful anymore, this pings in the distance like a neon billboard"
"Steban is quoting a great communist thinker in response to the question (roughly paraphrased): if this ideology has always failed, then what's the point of continuing to hope? It's a very poignant moment" - Submitters
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squid-de · 3 months
DRACULA, THE COUNT — "I'm shivering different. This shit ain't nothing to me, man. I'm a black hound. I'm licking my wounds in the grass. We smoking opportunistic microorganisms. Smoking that Roustame Diodore south Advesperascit page-three girl deluxe cryptozoological protoplasmic kush. We smoking Col Do Ma Ma Daqua. I'm on twelve Pyrholidons, smoking on phasmatodean dick. We smoking that Boogie Street boogers? We snorting that good Franconigerian cavalry jibbies. They must have retrograde amnesia, they forgot that I'm *Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau*. That Pox pack hittin' that pussy smell, like a Coupris Kineema. We smoking shit in apricot faïence, blowing Her Innocence's bubbles. I'm sick in the head. I'm on them Coal City tic-tacs. I'm on them Yekokataa apple nibblers. I'm on them Tioumoutiri geronimos. I left my prybar in the lorry, I'll have to can-open them next time. I don't give a fuck if I go hobo. I don't need to see the hostel bill anyway. We s-- ...I'm high on twelve Dick Mullens looking to beat the viscous goo out of a fresh Puta peone. We smoking spirit bombs, you stupid piece of shit! I'll fucking eat your mind! Call that pussy the Coalition Government, 'cause I'm in this bitch, and I *can't get out*. Last guy who ran off on the precinct got choked out by some Fairweather T-500 gauntlets. The last thing he ever saw was the kinetic redistributors on them. Slowly faded into the pale, and I let the Angel of History take him. I need some Boogie Street boogers! Don't be shy girl, *I want to have fuck with you*. I'm shivering like Arno van Eyck. Bwee?! Welcome to the Apricot Suzerainty, bitch, open up! Guillaume le Million, I suck his cocaine out of another man's eyeballs. My hetero-sexual life partner a speedfreak, he look like Guillaume Bevy. You ain't seen ten centims in your life, bino! Reach for my wrist and you'll get turned into a Game Over. Y'all gotta stop playing with me, man. I threw the Filippian crown jewels at Le Petit Rat catacombs under Corpus Mundi. I have built 0.000% of Communism. This shit ain't *nothing* to me, man. Tied the SKULLS to the back of a motor carriage and dragged 'em around Rue de Saint Ghislaine for twenty-four hours. Motherfucker! Looked like a pinball goat after we was done with him. SKULLS wanted some initiative, blew up their entire tenement. I'm shivering like Franconegro. She drop that ass on me from an internally coherent angle, they thought I was Kras Mazov. Top-shelf pilsner, disrupted my infra-materialism. I have seen the March decree, I have seen *le Retour*. I was Jamrock shuffling for the Perikarnassian before you all even became an isola. This shit ain't nothing to me, you stupid piece of shit. Drive the Motorway South and you will *dither*. That pussy feel like Samaran butter. You think I care about this shit? Ask me if I care about this shit, 'cause I don't give a shit. If I had a reál for every time they said I gave a shit, I'd be broke, 'cause I don't give a shit. My ex-something look like Dolores Dei. I grooved so hard they thought I was Ostentatious Orchestrations. This shit ain't *nothing* to me, man, I'll pale-bomb you, you stupid piece of shit!"
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squid-de · 4 months
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YOU - "Ma'am, I am a renowned private investigator, a paragon of law and a specialist in all things criminal." KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant shoots you a sideways glance. "And I am his private partner, John... Shao. Together we run the pre-eminent spousal surveillance firm in Revachol." YOU - "We are truly private in our partnership."
Picked up a book from ‘Crime, Romance, and Biographies of Famous People’ up in Martinaise. Thought nine reál  was a little expensive for a used book, but the owner wouldn’t budge on the price. Oh well, hope this one doesn’t fall apart like the last one!
Brushes: True Grit Texture Supply
Textures: Jeff Finley, Texturelabs ,blkmarket
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(cover art without the effects added)
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squid-de · 4 months
did you know that the Insulandian Phasmid quotes from the bible? I got curious if looking at the context of the bible quote would add anything to the interpretation of this scene, and maybe there are some parallels. Meeting the phasmid is like a revelation, just like how in that part of the bible god talks to Isaiah. (I can't belive im reading the bible out of all things for a video game lmao. god damn it.) yeah yeah maybe it's not supposed to mean anything other than the phasmid loves this world but it can be fun to look into it. maybe it is that deep
think of this as more of a web weaving post
You - I exist too. Insulindian Phasmid - Tell me what it's like for you. You - It's *wunderbar*. Insulindian Phasmid - Yes, holy is the lord of hosts. And all the Earth is filled with his glory.
Isaiah 6 BSB
In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted; and the train of His robea filled the temple.
Encyclopedia - (..)An Innocence is a continuous, compressed event, a sacred human being. It is an honour and a glory to live when one is in office. You - Is one in office now? Encyclopedia - No. We are alone.
Insulindian Phasmid - You are a violent and irrepressible miracle. The vacuum of cosmos and the stars burning in it are afraid of you. Given enough time you would wipe us all out and replace us with nothing -- just by accident. (...) You - Have I always thought this way? Insulindian Phasmid - No -- you're only thinking it *now*. This is a revelation.
Above Him stood seraphim, each having six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And they were calling out to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of Hosts; all the earth is full of His glory.” At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook, and the temple was filled with smoke.
In Hebrew, the word saraph means "burning"
Insulindian Phasmid - Tell me what it's like for you. You - Fire, burning.
Insulindian Phasmid - You were right. Little bubbles form on the mouthparts of the creature -- on its segmented lower lip. It looks to be foaming, slowly. The foam is white, then yellowish... Perception (Smell) - The faintest smell, like you've never felt before. Like burnt roses.
Insulindian Phasmid - The foam slowly turns a darker shade, like burnt caramel -- as the insect moves its mouthparts, masticating. The little bubbles begin to burst, one by one... Perception (Smell) - Letting out that same smell, like summer burning.
Then I said: “Woe is me, for I am ruined, because I am a man of unclean lips dwelling among a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of Hosts.” (..)
The Deserter - "I've seen the *real world*. In '06. The flags unfolding. Young people marching, being kind to each other. They dreamt of a million years in the stars. This here..." He looks down at the ashes. "Is pale in waiting."
The Deserter - "Straight to Yekokataa for this old revisionist." He gives you a little nod. "At last -- atonement for my sins: revisionism, reactionary ideation, desertion..."
The Deserter - "The material base for an uprising has eroded." He nods and blinks his black eyes. "The working class has betrayed mankind and themselves..."
(? maybe? idk.)
Then one of the seraphim flew to me, and in his hand was a glowing coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar. And with it he touched my mouth and said: “Now that this has touched your lips, your iniquity is removed and your sin is atoned for.”
maybe this one is a stretch (like the others too lol)
You - Lick your finger. Interfacing - It tastes like... sugar. Very faint. The arthropod towers above you, tufts of reeds pointing from limb and head alike. Perception (Taste) - Odourless, mostly comprised of water.
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying: “Whom shall I send? Who will go for Us?” And I said: “Here am I. Send me!” And He replied: “Go and tell this people, ‘Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.’ Make the hearts of this people calloused; deafen their ears and close their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed.” Then I asked: “How long, O Lord?” And He replied: “Until the cities lie ruined and without inhabitant, until the houses are left unoccupied and the land is desolate and ravaged, until the LORD has driven men far away and the land is utterly forsaken. And though a tenth remains in the land, it will be burned again. As the terebinth and oak leave stumps when felled, so the holy seed will be a stump in the land.”
Insulindian Phasmid - Everything your eyes touch goes back there -- behind the nerve mirror. What if you blink? Are we still here? (Please don't blink). What if you misplace us all one day -- or just forget? You - Have I always thought this way? Insulindian Phasmid - No -- you're only thinking it *now*. This is a revelation. You - This is the Gloaming I've been waiting for. Ever since I woke up in the hotel room.
Man with Sunglasses - "About *what?* You don't look like a cop..." He inspects you. "You know what you look like?" You - "Like a prophet?" Man with Sunglasses - "Not the prophet shit again..." He looks away.
Evrart Claire - "It says..." He looks in the folder. "Oh yes... very interesting. It says you're more like a mad prophet than a cop. Always rambling about the end of the world... I'm sure these stories are exaggerated."
Cop of the apocalypse (early version from the game files):
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or perhaps
Rhetoric - You -- against the atom, the charm and the spin. Where the whole world failed -- matter failed to bend to human will; human will failed to get out of bed and tie its laces -- you alone, single-handedly, will rebuild the dreams of the working class. You are The Last Communist.
well regardless, the quote is another instance of christian symbolism in elysium
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squid-de · 4 months
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this. made me laugh so loudt
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squid-de · 4 months
Collection Of My Disco Elysium Screenshots That I Like A Lot
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squid-de · 4 months
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"Border crossing guard...? Don't be stupid, you're a cop Harry. Where the hell would you get an idea like that?"
I've been obsessed with Papers, Please for a long time and I had to sit down and draw them in the style... If i wasn't so worried about an even amount of photos, Trant would be here. Believe me. (Also, please don't use/repost these! Thanks!)
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squid-de · 5 months
had a vivid dream where there was a "play as Kim" mod and I was super excited
after like 2 mins gameplay Harry just turned around looking scandalised and was like "Ohgod... It's me, Kim. *I'm* Grandpa Piss!"
he refused to elaborate even after I savescummed and exhausted all dialogue options
then a notification flashed like "THOUGHT GAINED: GRANDPA PISS" and I went to the thought cabinet screen. all it said was "What the fuck does he mean by that."
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squid-de · 5 months
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Half Light doing its doomsaying by quoting Heraclitus? I need to do some wild speculation with no real conclusions here.
παλίν­τροπος means turning back - another reference to The Return?
And τὰ ὅλα means the all, the whole - and according to Half Light, THE SHOW, apparently - except when you ask what τὰ ὅλα is, Half Life gives you this quote from Heraclitus fragment B2: 
τοῦ λόγου δὲ ἐόντος ξυνοῦ ζώουσιν οἱ πολλοὶ ὡς ἰδίαν ἔχοντες φρόνησιν.
But although the logos (word/wisdom/logic/account/generative principle of the universe/however else you want to translate logos) is common, most people live as if they had their own private understanding.
Keep reading
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squid-de · 5 months
Disco Elysium Gay Moments
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squid-de · 5 months
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squid-de · 5 months
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anime girl crying but its harry du bois
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squid-de · 6 months
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ive just watched a youtube video about disco elysium and now i feel like this
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squid-de · 6 months
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esprit de corps
[ there's still space left in your shadow. most of us will die in it.]
prints (all proceeds go towards purchasing e-sims and donating to Care For Gaza)
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squid-de · 6 months
in Disco Elysium I was expecting there to be some kind of “addiction mechanic” that would add a long-term downside to taking drugs, and was surprised not only by the absence of any such mechanic but also that the benefits of drugs greatly outweighed the cost. anyways fast forward to the late game and I was downing three bottles of pyrholidon and smoking an entire pack of cigarettes before attempting any check, and it was only then I realized there was in fact an addiction mechanic
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squid-de · 7 months
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greetings tumblr idk 💥
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