spellboundrp-blog1 · 7 years
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Spellbound is a mature (3-3-3/18+) modern supernatural roleplay with a focus on supernatural and human law enforcement agencies/organizations as they are forced to mingle; unallowed to show their true colors.
Index | Premise | Faces
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spellboundrp-blog1 · 7 years
Official Opening Post
We're officially open to the public. Come check us out! http://yhmsbrp.jcink.net
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spellboundrp-blog1 · 7 years
2 hours, 43 minutes.
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spellboundrp-blog1 · 7 years
18 hours, 57 minutes.
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spellboundrp-blog1 · 7 years
1 day, 2 hours, 10 minutes until we open!
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spellboundrp-blog1 · 7 years
Update 06
We have an official opening date for everyone, and it's soon! On Wednesday, May 24, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. CST, Spellbound will officially open its doors to the public. (We understand that this timing may seem strange to some of you, but with the admin's work schedule it makes the most sense.)
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spellboundrp-blog1 · 7 years
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Preview 15: Shipper Application
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spellboundrp-blog1 · 7 years
Update 05
We're so excited to bring everyone this latest bit of news on Spellbound. All of the site lore has been finished! With only a few bits of coding left to be sorted out, Spellbound should be opening its doors fairly soon! With that in mind the first 5 people to send us an ask can gain early admission to the site. Otherwise we hope to see you when we officially open, and will be releasing further skin/code previews between now and then!
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spellboundrp-blog1 · 7 years
Update 04:
We have image sizes for you! -230x420 (1) -Square gif (1 - will resize) -390x240 (1) If, for any reason, this should change before we open, we will make sure to post an update!
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spellboundrp-blog1 · 7 years
Preview 14: Powers & Abilities
ACTIVE: Animal Control: The ability to summon and command animals to do one's will. (People with this ability can only summon one specific species of animal.) Animal Mimicry: The ability to take on some qualities of an animal after touching it. (Both normal and mystical animals. This power does not work when it comes to shifters.) Biokinesis: The ability to mentally manipulate the biology of another being. A biokinetic can stop a heart from beating as well as knit tissue back together. Particularly strong biokinetics can use this power to physically force someone to move against their will. (This power is limited to being used on one person or animal at a time, and the more intricately the power is being used the more concentration is required.) Intangibility: The ability to pass through solid objects; including people and animals. (Users of this power must be very careful until they learn to control this ability as they can become solid themselves while in the middle of passing through something.) The more often this power is used the more likely even more experienced users are to become stuck inside of a solid object that they are attempting to pass through. Levitation: The ability to rise into the air and float in apparent defiance of gravity. (Even the most practiced users of this power can only levitate themselves.) Molecular Acceleration: The ability to speed up molecules to the point that they burn or melt. (This is a very dangerous power to live with as irritation/anger can cause the possessor of this power to use it even where they do not wish to. The more often this power is used, and the larger the object/person it is used on, the more of a toll it takes on the user. It can only be used on one object/person at a time.) Molecular Combustion: The ability to speed up molecules to the point that they combust. (Dangerous to live with for the same reasons as molecular acceleration. Again, the more often this power is used, and the larger the person/object it is used on, the more of a toll it takes on the user. Can only be used on one object/person at a time.) Molecular Deceleration: The ability to slow down the molecules of an object or person, therefore slowing down movement. (This does not last for very long, and can only be used on one person/object at a time. The more practiced a user is, the longer it will last, but even the most practiced users cannot hold it for longer than an hour.) Molecular Immobilization: The ability to slow down the molecules of an object or person to the point of stopping movement completely. (This does not last for very long, and can only be used on one person/object at a time. The more practiced a user is, the longer it will last, but even the most practiced users cannot hold it for longer than an hour.) Molecular Inhibition: The ability to lower the temperature of molecules until they crystallize, capturing them in ice. (This does not last for very long, and can only be used on one person/object at a time. The more practiced a user is, the longer it will last, but even the most practiced users cannot hold it for longer than an hour.) Tactile Telekinesis: The ability to manipulate objects through touch. This is essentially superhuman strength. Telekinesis: The ability to mentally manipulate (move) objects. (This is something that a user can gain more control over as time goes on, but be realistic with it. The heavier something is, the more concentration it is going to require, and therefore the heavier the mental toll. A telekinetic can burn themselves out quite quickly if they're not careful.) PASSIVE Adjusting: The ability to resist and fight through molecular poewrs. (This power will not work indefinitely, and requires a great deal of concentration from the user.) Animal Empathy: The power to sense the emotions of animals. (People with this ability can only sense the emotions of one specific species of animal.) Animal Morphing: The ability to morph into animal form. (Specific to shifter species.) Astral Projection: The ability to project the consciousness into an astral form outside of the body. (The more practiced the astral projector, the longer they can hold their astral form. Keep in mind, however, that even the most practiced should not be able to hold their form for more than half a day at a time, and if something destroys their astral form, their body will be left in a comatose state indefinitely.) Astral Trapping: The ability to trap a person's astral self in or out of their body. (This cannot be held indefinitely, and much like with those capable of astral projecting even the most practiced should not be able to hold out for more than half of a day at a time.) Audible Inundation: The power to overwhelm someone's mind with voices. (This is temporary and requires no less than visible radius to perform on others. A person with this power can attempt to overwhelm multiple minds at once, but it would be weaker with each mind added, as one person can only concentrate on so many people at one time. This is also not something that can be held indefinitely.) Aura Perception: The ability to see and read the auras of others. Aura perceivers have a built in mood ring decoder for auras. Catoptromancy: The ability to see distant people or places through mirrors. (The more practiced the user, the clearer the image becomes. However, this image is not something that can be held indefinitely, and must be dropped after a few hours or the user risks total exhaustion that they may never recover from.) Clairaudience: The ability to hear sounds coming from the spiritual plane. (This can be a very difficult power to live with, especially if the person is uncertain how to differentiate between the sounds coming from the spiritual plane, and those coming from the human one.) Clairvoyance: The power to visually perceive events that are taking place elsewhere or sense places that are not in view. (The more practiced the clairvoyant the clearer the image becomes, but it is not something that he or she can hold indefinitely. If they do not drop their attempts within a few hours they risk lapsing into a comatose state from which they may never awaken.) Cloaking: The power to hide objects or people from supernatural means of tracking. (Again this is limited by the talent of the user, and time. Someone with this power cannot cloak the object or person indefinitely, and in fact a half of a day is the longest that one can cloak a person or object. The longer that this power is used the more recovery time the user will need.) Compulsion: The ability to compel others to do the user's will; even if it conflicts with the will of the person being compelled. (Specific to vampire species. This is something that requires many years of training to perfect, and does not generally work on other species of supernatural origin. It is possible for some humans to resist this power, but only in cases where they have been around others with this ability for a good portion of their life and have been taught to resist it by those people. Not even the most practiced supernaturals possess the ability to compel more than one person at a time.) Compulsion Shielding: The ability to shield another person from compulsion. (This ability requires great concentration, works with only one person at a time, and will not last for more than a few hours at a time.) Deflection: The ability to deflect the active powers of others. (This only works against one person at a time, and the more often the user has to deflect the active power(s) of another, the larger of a toll it takes on them.) Deviation: The ability to return magical attacks back to where they came from. (This only works against one magical attack at a time, and is something that; more often than not, the possessor is unaware of happening aside from the toll it takes on them.) Echolocation: The ability to use one's voice to locate an unseen object, person, or location. Ecological Empathy: The ability to sense the well being and conditions of an environment. (Psychic sensitivity to nature.) Empathy: The power to fully interpret and replicate the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others. (This is a very difficult power to live with as empaths often feel the emotions of other people around them, and it takes many a long year of practice to be able to block them out. It can be very confusing for anyone who is an empath, as they generally have a hard time discerning which emotions are their own, and which belong to the people around them.) Empathic Healing: The power to heal others' emotional wounds and/or burdens. (This kind of healing tends to leave the healer emotionally exhausted, and depending on the depth of the emotional trauma they healed, it can take several days for the healer to recover.) Energy Medicine: The ability to use energy to heal another person. (Keep in mind, however, that this energy comes directly from the user.) Illusions: The ability of the user to create the illusion of something that isn't actually there. (Illusions will have no effect on those who are of strong mind, or are aware of the illusion taking place. An illusionist can disguise another person for up to three hours if they are extremely practiced with this ability.) Omnilingualism: The ability to understand and speak any language without extensive training. (The omnilingualist must first be exposed to the language that they are trying to understand and speak. Omnilingualism does not extend to reading and writing in that language, and it can be confusing for the less practiced omnilingualists as they tend to slip into other languages without realizing it until someone who doesn't understand what they are saying mentions it.) Patheokinesis: The ability to mentally project emotions onto another person; making them feel how the user wants them to feel, rather than what they would usually feel in the moment. (This power can be extremely difficult to use, as patheokinetics experiencing high levels of emotions tend to accidentally project their own emotions onto the people around them. Over time a patheokinetic can learn to lessen the frequency with which this happens, but it's not an exact science. Patheokinetics can also use their ability to project emotions to make others believe they are experiencing massive quantities of pain, but this can only be done in short bursts, to people within their direct line of sight, and generally only to one person at a time due to the amount of concentration it requires.) Precognition: The ability to predict future events; usually in the form of visions. (This is not something that is generally a very clear vision. Most with the ability of precognition see as though looking through a grime covered window, and these visions do not come complete with sound. Precognition can be a very inconvenient power to live with, as those with this power have no control over when they will have one of these visions. (In other words the visions cannot be forced.) So if you know someone with this power, we suggest making sure they have someone present who knows when they're experiencing a vision at all times. Unless you're okay with them potentially killing themselves while having a vision.) Presentience: A more abstract form of precognition; presentients will have a feeling of impending danger rather than actually seeing it in a vision. (Ever have that gut feeling that something was just wrong, but you couldn't put your finger on what? That's basically what presentience is like. Someone with this ability will feel that something major is about to happen, and even be able to tell if it's something good or bad, but they won't ever be able to tell you what to expect quite the way someone with precognition can.) Psychometry: The ability to perceive the past or future condition of an object; usually by being in close proximity to it. (This is, perhaps, one of the most difficult powers to live with because it's almost impossible to block out, and everything has a history or future to it. Someone with this ability walking through a castle (for example) will be bombarded by images of the events that took place in its halls, and occasionally see events that have yet to happen. Fortunately this power is something that requires physical contact through exposed skin to be the most invasive. Therefore people with this ability usually cover their hands and feet at all times, and generally have their personal belongings (such as clothes or weapons) forged by someone who they know won't put bad juju into them.) Retrocognition: The ability to perceive or see the past in the form of a vision. (Like precognition this isn't something that can be forced, however unlike precognition, retrocognition visions are usually a bit more clear, since they pertain to things that have already happened. (With precognition there's always the possibility that something will change, but since it already happened with retrocognition there's no chance for that to happen.) People with this ability are highly sought after in the supernatural community as others attempt to pay them to have a vision about someone that they're suspicious of, or to see if some story they were told is true. Of course most of the time someone with this ability will not be able to see what's been asked of them, but occasionally they will have a vision.) Superhuman Speed: The ability to move faster than what is naturally possible. Superhuman Tracking: The ability to track a person or object through supernatural means. Transmogrification: The ability to shape shift into inanimate objects. (Users of this ability must be careful not to shift too often, or for too long a period of time as they can find themselves stuck as the object that they shift into.) Voice Manipulation: The ability to manipulate one's voice to different pitches/frequencies. (Users of this power must be extremely careful as they can cause damage to their own ears/hearing.)
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spellboundrp-blog1 · 7 years
Preview 13: The High Grove
The high grove is the ultimate authority over druids in the United States. Established shortly after the thirteen original colonies were founded, the high grove has a long history of power within the nation. It consists of an arch-druid, an arch-druidess, and three other druids hand selected by the leaders. Failure to comply with the laws set forth by the high grove will result in punishment of the offending druid/ess.
1) Harming others (except in cases of self defense or defense of those unable to defend themselves) is not tolerated.
2) Bringing harm to nature in any way is not tolerated.
3) Murder will result in the death penalty.
4) Exposure to uninitiated humans will result in strict punishment. Remember that it is not just magic use that can get a druid in trouble. We are stronger, faster, more agile, and possess greater stamina and keener senses than humans.
5) Druids are required to comply with all supernatural law enforcement.
6) Relationships with humans will be at the discretion of the high grove.
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spellboundrp-blog1 · 7 years
Preview 12: Therienthropes
Therienthropes are a type of shape-shifter that are capable of shifting into any non-human (or humanoid) animal. They do not require the aid of the full moon to do this, nor are they in any way bound to the full moon. However, they are bound by only being able to shift into an animal whose D.N.A. they have consumed. This can be done in a variety of ways, but in modern times it is typically frowned upon for a therienthrope to kill the animal, unless it is for food.
Much like their shape-shifting cousins, therienthrope children develop at an alarming rate. Their physical aging process is similar, but on average therienthropes live only four hundred years, making them rather short-lived compared to weres and soul-shifters. Also unlike other shape-shifters of the world, therienthropes do not have any sort of mate bond; though it is not uncommon for one to be a mate to a were or soul-shifter, and they may be somewhat ostracized by their shape-shifting relatives because of this.
While therienthropes have physical capabilities that certainly superceede those of the average human (speed, strength, endurance, reflexes, senses, and healing rates) these abilities are more on par with what the druid species is capable of, rather than what the other species' of shape-shifter possess.
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spellboundrp-blog1 · 7 years
Preview 11: Soul-Shifters
Soul-shifter is a term applied to a very specific type of shape-shifter. They are beings who are born with the ability to shape-shift into a specific animal, but this animal is not determined by their parentage. Instead it is based on the animal which best represents their inner self. Soul-shifters are not bound to the full moon the way that weres are, but there remains many similarities between the two species.
These shifters possess superhuman speed, strength, endurance, reflexes, senses, and healing rates akin to those of a were. They also seem to age and develop at the same rate as weres, making soul-shifters just as picky about allowing their children into public without adult supervision.
Unlike their were cousins, soul-shifters are not categorized by their ability to control their shifts, one cannot be turned into a soul-shifter, and they do not possess the ability of teleportation. That said, more experienced soul-shifters are capable of partial shifts, and because their animal form is a representation of their inner self, soul-shifters do come in magical animal varieties, and may retain some of their magical abilities while in human form. (E.g.: A soul-shifter whose animal form is that of a dragon, and who has enough experience for a partial shift, may be able to breathe fire in human form.)
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spellboundrp-blog1 · 7 years
Update 03
As you may have deduced from the mass of preview releases the last few days, we're coming closer to Spellbound's opening date. We don't have anything set in stone just yet, and there are a few coding things to tweak still, but all of the site information has been finished. If there is any interest we may run a challenge for early site admittance. We didn't have any participants in our flash challenge, but we're officially opening Face Claim reserves. You may reserve up to two faces. Just drop us an ask with your reserves (we recommend having a back-up or two in mind) and the alias you will use on the site! Current Reserves: Perdita Weeks Thomas Gibson
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spellboundrp-blog1 · 7 years
Preview 10: Weres
Put simply a were is a human with the ability to shape shift into a single animal form. This animal form is dependent on the were's parentage, and when a were has parents who shift into different animals, they have a 50/50 chance as to which will be their animal form.
To go further into detail on the species reveals there is significantly more to their kind than simply shapeshifting. They possess superhuman speed (not as fast as a vampire, strength (in a match of brute force a were will over-power a vampyre every time), endurance, reflexes, senses, and healing rates. As well all born weres possess the ability of teleportation. (This must be honed over time, and their ability to wield it directly corresponds with their ability to control their shifts.) Weres also age and develop at a rate that is significantly different from that of humans. (It is not uncommon for a were infant to begin talking at a mere six months of age.)
While their children develop more quickly, they physically age at a fairly normal rate until they hit puberty. At this stage their physical aging process slows to approximately one year for every seven that pass. The average were does not die of old age until they have reached their seven hundredth year of life. Because of the alarming rate at which were children develop mentally, were law has both written and unwritten laws concerning exposure of their children to humans. While they are permitted to have some human interaction, it must always be with adult supervision until they reach physical maturity.
There are four main 'types' of weres, and while the names of these types may sound like they indicate ranking, please keep in mind that they pertain more so to the were's ability to control his or her shifts than any actual rank within a pack.
The rarest of weres, all royals are born. They possess the most control over their ability to shift, and could do so every day (multiple times a day) if they so chose. They are the only weres who can resist a full moon shift. (Royals must have admin approval before being made.)
All alphas are born weres. They are capable of shifting multiple times a day, every day, should they so choose, but cannot resist a full moon shift. (Alphas must have admin approval before being made.)
Betas can be born or turned weres. They possess the ability to shift no more than ten times in one week, with the exception being the week of the full moon, when they can shift multiple times a day for the whole week. Betas cannot resist a full moon shift.
Typically referred to as the whelps of the were world, as these weres tend to be very young born weres and/or very new turns. Omegas can only shift during the week of the full moon, and then no more than three times per day. They cannot resist a full moon shift.
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spellboundrp-blog1 · 7 years
Preview 09: The Shifter Council
The shifter council is still in its infancy, having been established a mere five years ago. Prior to the council's establishment shifters were under the rule of their various pack leaders, but with the large numbers of unaffiliated shifters, it became necessary for them to establish a council of their own. There are still plenty of shifters who do not recognize the authority of the council, but they are quickly learning how serious it is.
1) Shifting in front of uninitiated humans is forbidden. (Leeway may be granted for young shifters or those who are newly turned.)
2) Pack leaders are still the ultimate authority over their pack, but those who are corrupt; ignoring the authority of the council, or encouraging others to break the laws of the council will be forcefully removed from leadership positions.
3) Any orphaned shifter children who cannot be taken in by the closest adult or pack should be presented to the council who will then place them in appropriate homes. This is due to the maturation of shifters, and the pressing need to limit exposure as much as possible.
4) Shifter children who have not reached physical maturity must not be allowed around humans without proper, adult shifter supervision.
5) All shifters are required to cooperate with all supernatural law enforcement.
6) Any shifter found harassing another's mate will face brutal punishment.
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spellboundrp-blog1 · 7 years
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