speakingofhope · 6 years
all drafts will be KEPT
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speakingofhope · 6 years
@inthequiver cont. from (x)
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Being immortal made the soulmate thing a little more complicated. A short time after Magnus’ hundredth birthday he’d decided waiting around really was of any interest to him. He’d meet them eventually, unless he was one of the tragic few that never did, knowing his luck he wouldn’t be surprised. So, Magnus had been in love many times, always with people who either left him for their soulmate, or those who simply didn’t want him. It had made him wary of love. Even when he thought of his soulmate he was worried he may hurt.
Then it had happened. A flash. Color like nothing he could have ever imagined flooded his senses. Of course, this had happened just as he stepped inside a portal to the other side of the world. He’d come rushing right back to the random street in Brooklyn, but it hadn’t mattered. Wherever his soulmate had been, they were gone.
That instant had made sure Magnus would stay in Brooklyn, though. Yes, he was the High Warlock and took his job seriously, but he got restless sometimes and just wanted to take off to Rome or Italy for a couple hundred years. However, knowing his soulmate had been in New York, even if he couldn’t be sure they lived there, meant he wasn’t going anywhere. 
As Magnus enjoyed another of his famous parties, one of the few ways he tried to stave that restless soul of his, he was talking to Clary (the girl he’d watched grow up) and suddenly color! Everywhere. He did take a small moment to appreciate that his party seemed to be perfectly put together color-wise despite his lack of knowing so. Then his eyes immediately trained on the shadowhunter!
Don’t get Magnus wrong, the boy was beautiful. He even reminded Magnus of an old and once very broken friend. There was a small jolt in his chest at the memories of that lot friend, before he remembered that he was currently in the process of meeting his soulmate. Who was a shadowhunter, which okay, he hadn’t been expecting. At least it wasn’t a mermaid.
“I believe your little friend here and I, need to have words.” he halted Clary’s tale that he knew all too well by now.
He could help her and this ragtag team of shadowhunters in a moment. This was far more important to him. However, then Alec was moving past him, and away. Great. He knew this was unusual, and he knew how shadowhunters looked at same-sex soulmates, as if there could have been some kind of mistake. He’ll admit he’d only ever heard of one downworlder and shadowhunter union once before, and it had not gone well, but he had no plans of letting that affect this very moment. 
“ I’ll be right back, ” he insisted to Clary with a grin. “ Enjoy the party, avoid the fairies, ” he winked at her before going after Alec.
He found the younger near one of the walls with an empty cocktail glass and raised his eyebrows. 
“ I don’t know about you, but this is not the night I was expecting to have, ” he offered, at hopes of making the younger man smile. “ Refill? ” he asked and before he could answer he twirled his fingers and Alec’s glass was full again. “ That was a rather rushed introduction, wasn’t it? I’m Magnus Bane, ” he offered his hand with a grin.
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speakingofhope · 6 years
let me wear ur hoodie while i ride ur dick 
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speakingofhope · 6 years
Magnus Bane - the Genie - Happily Ever After
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Magnus grew up in Indonesia, moved to London at 18, and then to New York at 21. After moving to New York he spent years working in fashion, arts, and even bought a club. He didn’t do much work besides odd jobs, instead choosing to live off a large sum of money left to him by his father. However, he grew bored. After getting together with a certain girl who worked at Disney World, he got a job there so he could spend more time with her.
He chose to stay after their breakup since he actually loved it. He’s allowed to be extremely flamboyant and ridiculous, and gets paid for it. He plays the Genie and occasionally some background roles for small performances that are put on. He still has a lot of the money his father left him, which allows him to live an extravagant life despite being a cast member at Disney.
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speakingofhope · 6 years
I love the idea that warlocks are just constantly taking jabs at each other’s ages like “well I’m sure you all must remember that year, 1604 was a big one for all of u- ooh sorry Jacob, I suppose you weren’t there were you?” or like "I so admire you young folks. What you may lack in wisdom you make up for in enthusiasm.“ “Magnus you know I’m 567.“  “Shh Thomas dear, the grown-up’s are talking.” “Ragnor fuck off I’m older than half the people here.” "Yes well the other half of us are talking.“  
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speakingofhope · 6 years
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“ they say time heals all wounds, but that presumes the source of grief is finite ”
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speakingofhope · 6 years
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The Worrisome Warlock Prince.
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speakingofhope · 6 years
@servinglies plotted starter
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Magnus had left London to see the new world, but had found that even it couldn’t shake all that had happened to him recently. First, Camille and her lies, then came the strange warlock with abilities he could only dream of, and with her came the broken angel boy with his dying half, and with all the bloodshed that was ever-present in the downworld, Magnus needed a break. He needed some relaxation.
So, after spending a few years reestablishing a modest fortune he went back, not to London this time, but to Whales. Perhaps he still had a soft spot for the young man. He planned on visiting, in a few years, though. He bought a manor and furnished it to his liking. Just as he was feeling himself get settled he heard whispers, finally establishing some decent friends in his temporary home. Merlin.
He’d met the man a little over 100 years prior. He’d liked him. They’d gotten to know each other decently, Magnus always having loved the legend. Magnus had gotten bored where he’d been though, and taken off. Both being immortal he’d always figured their paths would cross once more. So, he made quick work of tracking the older down.
“ Well, well, well, ” was his form of greeting. “ If it isn’t my favourite mythical man. ”
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speakingofhope · 6 years
@magiclimits cont. from (x)
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“ has it really been so long? ” magnus chuckled, “ perhaps dinner to make up for it? ” magnus offered. he adored victoria and wished to spend some time with her, really see how she was. “ well, I’m dating one so… ” he shrugged playfully.  
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speakingofhope · 6 years
magnus moved across the room, falling gracefully onto the couch, leaning back to find he was in the perfect placement to be slotted against his lover in comfort. “ i wasn’t sure, ” he mumbled, almost embarrassed. “ i love him so much, alexander. i was worried he might not ever see us as family, ” he shrugged. “ except max, ” he added. the two boys having bonded almost instantly, despite their age difference.
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@bowstrung cont. from (x)
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speakingofhope · 6 years
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Alec tried his best not to react, not to recoil into himself even though that’s all he wanted to do when Magnus shouted at him. He shouldn’t have come here. He didn’t know what he thought he would achieve in coming here and now it was too late to turn back. “Would you have? You were so quick to change sides the moment you found out. Who’s to say you would have discussed it at all?” He definitely hadn’t expected Magnus to turn on him so quickly and that seemed to make the situation even worse. “Sometimes you do have to do things you don’t want to do in order to protect those that you care about,” Alec said. He knew what he had done was wrong, but he also didn’t know if he would have changed it given the chance. The archer turned his head away as Magnus tossed the glass. This side of the warlock had been caused by himself and he felt terribly guilty about hurting him so badly. “I can’t go back and change what’s been done,” Alec said.  “And I don’t know what you want me to do to fix it.” He’d already apologized and would again if Magnus wanted him to, yet he didn’t want to sound like a broken record. “Goodbye, Magnus,” he finally told him. With that he turned and left the loft.
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magnus knew he’d been rash. he’d based his decision purely on his feelings, how hurt he’d felt. he’d become petty and spiteful at the worst possible time. “ alec, of course i would have! must i remind you i’m the one constantly begging for you to be open in this relationship? ” he knew he’d said it as if the relationship still remained, but correcting himself would only pull focus to the slip. “ i don’t know if you can, ” he admitted sadly. as alec left magnus felt his heart clench. god. was this how it was all going to end? too many of magnus’ relationship had ended like this, but he couldn’t let up. alec had crossed a line. he groaned, his magic flaring out to make a glass fruit bowl, that held decorate balls, explode.
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speakingofhope · 6 years
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Nico shrugged, feigning indifference. 
“Jasper is busy on a mission, Adia is with him.” She glanced around the room, trying to distract herself fro the pit in her stomach. “I decided not to go.” Another lie, one of many. She wasn’t cleared for missions, not by the Clave, not that she thought that mattered. Nico thought they would be glad to have her tag along for epic magical assistance, especially since she was now being trained by the High Warlock of Brooklyn. But Jasper had said no, and she refused to speak to him until he apologized for leaving her out. He could do things the hard way, the boring way, without her. I mean, Alec was cool with bringing Magnus along without the Clave’s permission for a long time. I don’t see what the big issue is. 
She wondered what Magnus had ordered, and if he really knew as many people as he made it appear. He had been on the phone for a little while, talking to the chef, she supposed. Nico was always trying to remember how much older her brother was than her, and that it wouldn’t be unreasonable for him to know everyone in the city, their grandmother and their dog. 
While she was looking around, she noticed a picture on a shelf. It was Magnus and Alec, and she could tell that Alec wasn’t aware of the picture before it had happened. His eyes were half shut, smile blurry as Magnus beamed next to him, holding his Nephilim close. The background was filled with people and multicoloured lights. 
Nico recognized it almost immediately as Pandemonium, the Downworlder club where everyone who was anyone in the community hung out. She also knew it was often where Magnus held his many parties, and if invited, you attended, because you were in for a show. Nico had always wanted to go but the bouncer’s wouldn’t let her in, even when she tried to pretend she was older than she was. It was unfair. Just because she had accidentally set one of them on fire that one time during a magic trick for the line, really, some people just hold stupid grudges.
“My day is free.” She grinned at her brother. “So, you and Pandemonium. What’s the deal there?”
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Magnus raised a brow at her words. Magnus knew full well she wasn’t cleared for missions, mostly because it had been a topic that was becoming more consistent with Alexander. Neither thought she was ready, but they also knew some of the best skills came from experience. Clary was a prime example of that. Even though it wasn’t Magnus’ decision at all Alec and himself both knew the decision of when to clear her would be a mutual one. “ Perfect, they were becoming too constant, ” he teased. “ It’ll be nice to finally have you to myself. ”
Magnus wanted so desperately to get along with Nico. He knew there was a lot about her he still didn’t know. Too much for his comfort, if he was being completely honest. Though, he’d still let her into his home, and was working hard to make her happy. To actually have family by blood, after hundreds of years of thinking it would never be possible? Even if it was Asmodeus’ magic that ran through her, she was his sister, and that meant something to him. He planned on making sure he didn’t miss out on this chance.
At her question he chuckled.
“ Pandemonium, ” he recalled happily. “ I own it, ” he shrugged. “ Won it in a game of cards, ” he admitted. “ Gale always did have a horrible poker face, poor man. ” he said, calling on old memories for only a moment. “ I was very much into the party scene, and I still am upon occasion. It was nice to have a place that was mine, and where other downworlder’s felt comfortable. ” Magnus’ intentions had always been to make sure those of his kind felt free and safe, though he allowed everyone to think he simply wanted free drinks.
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speakingofhope · 6 years
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magnus + getting ready to exhaust his magic by rolling up his sleeves 
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speakingofhope · 6 years
wineandmxgic -> speakingofhope
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speakingofhope · 6 years
Magnus Bane serving looks since forever.
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speakingofhope · 6 years
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“ brother? ”                     
                                                                                 “ sister? ”
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speakingofhope · 6 years
forgive me father for I have sinned in all the coolest and most glamorous ways possible
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