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Panel 1: Early morning. Laudna is making her way slowly alongside an empty country road running through a wildflower meadow, running her hand idly through the tall flowers. Rolling hills. An abandoned fort. Mountains in the distance. She is weeping silently.
Panel 2:  She stops and half-turns, hearing Imogen’s voice in her head, but from her position at the top of a hill we can’t see her.
Imogen: Laudna!!
Panel 3: (wide middle panel) Imogen slams into her at full speed, knocking them both off the road into the meadow.
Panel 4: Lying on her back amid the flowers, Laudna smiles up at Imogen sheepishly.
Laudna: Oh . . . hello.
Panel 5: Imogen leans over her, in a reverse position of how they first met.
Imogen: (out of breath) Why . . . why did you . . . why did you leave?
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Panel 1: Imogen eases Laudna down onto the bed.
Imogen: You just rest here a while, sweetheart. I’m gonna go see to the animals and pack up a few things, then I’ll be back, all right?
Laudna: I’m so sorry about your barn. If I . . . if I hadn’t been here, they wouldn’t have . . . I’m so sorry.
Imogen: It can be rebuilt, in time. We saved the animals, that’s the important thing. Gonna have to board ‘em at Faramore’s stable for a while though.
Laudna: I’m glad we could spare them the same fate as poor Wellington.
Imogen: Poor ol’ Wellington.
Panel 2: Finding Flora out in the field, Imogen hugs her for what she expects to be the last time in a long while.
Panel 3: In the pantry she regards the shelves doubtfully, debating what she can fit in the rucksack she’s holding.
Panel 4: She comes back up the stairs, but Laudna is gone.
Imogen: Been a while since I’ve gone campin’, do you think we’ll need . . . Laudna?
Panel 5: She runs outside into the yard. The rain has let up and the sky is lightening, but there’s no sign of Laudna.
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Panel 1 : Imogen steadies Laudna, who is looking woozy.
Imogen: C’mon. You’re not lookin’ too good. Let’s get you inside.
Laudna: I’m all right. I just need . . . whoo. Back in a moment.
Panel 2: She passes out.
Panel 3: In Imogen’s room. Laudna is hunched on the bed, wrapped in her quilt. Imogen returns with a bottled potion and holds it out to her.
Imogen: Here, honey. Drink this, you’ll feel better.
Laudna: Oh! I can’t take that. They’re so scarce nowadays, it must have cost a fortune.
Imogen: We’ve just been savin’ it for a rainy day. And well, look outside. Please. I want you to have it.
Panel 4: Imogen joins her under the blanket, continuing to press the potion on her.
Laudna: You should keep saving it. Such things are better spent on the living.
Imogen: What’s that supposed to mean?
Laudna: Oh. Nothing.
Imogen: Laudna, don’t make me pour this down your gullet by force. Because I will.
Panel 5: Laudna meekly uncorks the potion. They both regard Imogen’s hands, where the lines of lightning are still glowing in the dim light.
Laudna: Your hands . . . 
Imogen: Yeah.
Laudna: That magic you did, the-the lightning, and parting the mob like that? And whatever you did to that horrid self-appointed sheriff. That. was. incredible! I’ve never seen anything like it.
Imogen: Neither had I, before tonight. Didn’t know I had it in me.
Laudna: You’re a wonder, Imogen.
Panel 6: We see what they're looking at.
Imogen: Don’t think the rest of the town’s gonna agree.
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Panel 1: He turns his focus to Laudna, who shrinks back against Imogen.
Relvin: You. You need to leave. You’ve brought nothin’ but trouble to this town since you arrived, and look what it’s come to now.
Imogen: It’s not her fault! Laudna did nothin’ wrong. The only trouble’s been caused by people who can’t just leave her alone and let her be who she is.
Relvin: And who is she, Imogen? What is she, for that matter? ‘Cause what I saw ain’t natural, and it sure as hell ain’t human.
Laudna: I’m sorry. He’s right, I should -- I should go. I’m so sorry, Imogen, I . . .
Her Thoughts: I never should have come here.
Panel 2: Laudna starts to move away from Imogen, who holds tight to her arm.
Laudna’s Thoughts: I should leave I should leave I should leave
Imogen: (telepathically) You’re not goin’ anywhere just yet. You got a damn hole in your belly.
Panel 3: Relvin kneels beside the comatose body of Dolores.
Relvin: I gotta get this one back to town and try to smooth things over. (to Imogen) Imogen, you round up the livestock and see what you can do about the barn. (to Laudna) And you. You had best be gone from here by the time I get back, or I can’t be held accountable for what happens to you.
Panel 4: Imogen, looking weary but resolute.
Imogen: If she goes, I’m goin’ with her. Just want you to know that, Daddy.
Panel 5: He turns away.
Relvin: All right, then.
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Panel 1: Dolores Garrod is transfixed on either side by beams of crackling energy reaching out from the two witches.
Panel 2: Imogen stands over the charred body with her hands outstretched as the spell ends. The glow fades from her eyes but not her hands. She looks a little in awe of what she’s just done, but unrepentant.
Panel 3: Then she looks to Laudna, who is standing a short distance away, still looking haunted (and haunting).
Laudna: Imogenn
Imogen: . . . Laudna?
Laudna: no don’t don’t look at me
Panel 4: She runs to Laudna and catches her as her knees give out beneath her, the nightmare image fading. Laudna gives her a wobbly smile, made ghastly by the blood running from it and the streaks of black tears still on her face.
Imogen: Laudna! Are you all right?
Laudna: Did she hurt you?
Imogen: Me? No, I’m fine. But . . . 
Laudna: Don’t worry about me. I’ll be all right.
Panel 5: Supporting Laudna, Imogen inspects the conspicuous hole going through her in disbelief.
Laudna: You . . . you saved me.
Imogen: You sure about that?
Laudna: They were -- they were going to -- they --
Imogen: Shh. It’s all right now. They’re gone.
Panel 6: Relvin approaches and looks down at the body.
Relvin: Oh, Genny.
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Panel 1: Turning, Dolores raises her arms in triumph. Behind her, Laudna hangs limp like a puppet with cut strings, transfixed by the knife. A stream of blood so dark it appears black spills from her mouth.
Panel 2: Imogen casts Witch Bolt at Dolores, tethering her with a crackling line of lightning.
Imogen: What have you done?
Panel 3: She advances towards Imogen despite the lightning tether, raising her saber.
Dolores: It was a long time coming. You witches may think you’re above the laws of nature, but you’re not above the laws of man.
Panel 4: Meanwhile, Laudna’s spidery hand finds the blade of the knife.
Panel 5: She raises her head with a creaking of bone. Her eyes are now pools of inky darkness, spilling black ichor down her face.
Panel 6: Straightening up, she wrenches the hay knife free. She is swathed in veils of black lace, and her limbs and fingers don’t seem quite right -- too long, too spindly, ill-fitting joints, black veins creeping up her wrists. Her features beneath the film of the veil are distorted in a monstrous mask of grief, her jaw distended and tears of black ichor running from her eye sockets. Behind her, in the glow of Imogen’s lightning, her shadow is the shadow of a woman in a high-collared evening gown with her hands upraised like she is holding puppet strings.
Panel 7: Leaning back and reaching out with a disjointed arm, she fires a blast of shadowy purple-black energy.
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southern-gothic-comic · 2 months
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Panel 1: It’s beginning to rain, punctuated intermittently with flashes of lightning. Imogen strikes the tree with a bolt of purple lightning, causing the bough with the two nooses to fall onto the mob.
Panel 2: She strikes out at someone else with Shocking Grasp, stunning them.
Panel 3: Laudna, backed up against the tree and terrified, meanwhile is facing off against a determined Dolores. In an attempt to fend off her saber, she coats the blade and handle with shadowy goo, causing her to drop it.
Panel 4: Dolores instead snatches up a fallen hay knife from the ground.
Panel 5: (Silhouetted, lit by lightning) And thrusts it straight through Laudna, pinning her slight body against the tree.
Panel 6: Imogen cries out in horror.
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southern-gothic-comic · 2 months
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Panel 1: Imogen and her father emerges from the barn, leading the spooked horses as the goats scatter into the yard.
Imogen: Laudna? Where’s -- {cough} where’s Laudna?
Panel 2: Laudna is surrounded by the mob, struggling to break free and reaching out for Imogen as she is dragged towards the tree.
Laudna: Imogen!
Panel 3: Relvin tries to hold Imogen back but she struggles out of his grasp, reaching for Laudna. Their posture mirrors Laudna and the mob’s in the previous panel. 
Imogen: Laudna!
Relvin: Let her go, Imogen. They got what they came for. I don’t want to lose you, too. I’m sorry. I know she means somethin’ to you, but if we let ‘em take her, they’ll leave you alone.
Imogen: Like hell they will! If they’re takin’ her, they’re takin’ me, too.
Panel 4: (view from behind of her arm so we get a good look at the markings, with the mob in the distance ahead) As she advances towards the mob, the skin on the back of her hand splits and purple-white light pours from the cracks, etching out the shape of a lightning strike. They halt and begin backing away.
Imogen: Leave.
Panel 5: Imogen’s hair begins to drift up from her shoulders and her eyes blaze with white light. Lightning splits the sky in warning.
Imogen: Her.
Panel 6: Overhead shot. As she screams, a shockwave erupts around her, knocking everyone else to the ground.
Imogen: ALONE!!
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southern-gothic-comic · 2 months
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Panel 1: View from inside the house. We can see now that Dolores, in her old sheriff uniform, is at the head of the mob, holding a lit torch in the direction of the barn. Imogen and Laudna are crouched under a windowsill overlooking the porch, watching the confrontation.
Dolores: Last chance, Temult!
Panel 2: The torch flies through the air.
Panel 3: And lands on the roof of the barn.
Panel 4: Imogen bursts through the door of the house.
Imogen: No!!
Relvin: Imogen!
Panel 5: Imogen runs to the burning barn. Her father is right behind her.
Panel 6: Inside, they rush to herd the panicked horses to safety.
Panel 7: (Shot of Laudna through the noose.) Laudna has started to follow her, but she is momentarily paralyzed by the sight of the noose and simply stands in the doorway with her hands over her mouth, staring at it in mute horror. 
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southern-gothic-comic · 2 months
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Panel 1: Back at the farmhouse Imogen hurriedly gets dressed. Laudna sits on the floor, looking nervous and guilty.
Imogen: I’ve always wanted to get out of Gelvaan. Now’s as good a time as any, I guess. Maybe now’s my chance to see what I can find at one of those libraries! We could go to Jrusar, or Ank’harel, or . . .
Laudna: You don’t -- you don’t have to come with me. I couldn’t ask you to leave your home and your life behind for me.
Panel 2: Imogen comes back to her and pets her bowed head.
Imogen: Laudna, there is no home or life for me here without you. If you’re goin’, I’m comin’ with you. Now, what do you say to Jrusar?
Laudna: (smiling weakly) All -- all right.
Panel 3: They startle at the sound of a shout from outside.
A Voice Outside: Come on out, Temult! We just want to have a word with you.
Panel 4: Relvin appears on the attic steps to check on Imogen, and is tellingly surprised and angry to find Laudna there.
Relvin: Imogen -- shit. 
Imogen: Daddy, what is it? What’s goin’ on?
Relvin: Nothin’ that concerns you. You two stay out of sight, y’hear me?
Relvin: That’s a lie, ain’t it. It’s always somethin’ concerning her. Dammit all why can’t they just leave us alone.
Panel 5: He goes out on the porch. Imogen is just barely visible peeking around the window curtains. The silhouettes of several townsfolk are gathered on the lawn, the same mob seen earlier at Laudna’s cabin, holding torches, farm tools, and some simple weapons.
Relvin: Now, what’s all this about?
Mob: Give up the witch, Temult! Or we’ll burn this whole place to the ground, startin’ with those pretty little horses of yours.
Relvin: Listen, folks. I know all y’all are upset, and some of y’all have reason to be. But I ain’t harborin’ no witch. We’ve been hit here by the fever just the same as you.
Mob: Then how come yore girl made it out alive when my three didn’t? Tell me that! She made a deal with that witch! Bring out the witch!
Panel 6: View of the tree out front, shadowed by the torchlight. The swing has been cut down, and the ropes refashioned into a pair of nooses.
Mob: We know there’s at least one in there!
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southern-gothic-comic · 3 months
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Panel 1: Imogen crouches behind a tree to hide, clutching her head in barely-contained panic.
Imogen: Laudna? Laudna, where are you?! Tell me you’re all right.
Laudna: (faintly) . . . Imogen?
Panel 2: Following the sound of her mind, she finds her in the woods a short distance away, hiding under an overhang near the river, muddy and terrified and a little sooty.
Imogen: Laudna!
Panel 3: Kneeling beside her, Imogen cups Laudna’s face in her hands. Trembling, Laudna clutches Pâté to her chest, momentarily unable to communicate.
Imogen: Are you all right? Did they hurt you?
Pâté: L-laudna’s fine, but I think they got poor ol’ Wellington. Poor bloke. He deserved a better end.
Imogen: Those bastards.
Panel 4: In the distance, the cabin roof collapses in a shower of ascending sparks. Imogen looks in momentary bemusement at her fingers, which have been stained black by Laudna’s tears.
Laudna: Do you . . . do you think we could go back and look for him?
Imogen: I think he’s gone, Laudna.
Laudna: I’m so sorry, Imogen! I never meant to hurt anyone.
Panel 5: Imogen pulls her head down to her shoulder and muffles her against herself, stroking her hair as she lets out a sob.
Laudna: I’m sorry.
Imogen: Shhh. It’s all right. None of this is your fault, you hear me? You did nothin’ wrong. Come on.
Panel 6: They sneak through the woods hand in hand, trying to avoid the mob still gathered around the cabin. They are now singing a hymn.
Imogen: Same damn hymn they were singin’ when they tried to drown me.
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southern-gothic-comic · 3 months
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Panel 1:  Laudna returns to her lonely hovel, which looks more cheerless than ever after the weeks she’s spent in a real house where she was loved and needed. The produce on her shelves has withered and blackened and half a loaf of bread is covered in mold. She looks out the window nervously.
Panel 2: Instead of going to bed she huddles underneath it with Pâté held close, terrified.
Panel 3: That night Imogen is sulking in bed when she hears Laudna’s voice calling to her through the message spell.
Laudna: Imogen!
Panel 4: She goes to the window and sees smoke rising from the woods.
Imogen: Laudna!
Panel 5: With a coat and boots hastily thrown on over her pajamas, she rushes through the woods.
Panel 6: There she finds Laudna’s cabin set alight by a mob of angry villagers.
Mob: Whole place was full of poppets! That just proves it! Burn it all down! Kill the witch!
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southern-gothic-comic · 3 months
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Panel 1: In the yard, Laudna and Imogen are sitting together on the swing. Relvin approaches, hands in his pockets, looking regretful.
Relvin: Well, girls. Now that Imogen’s on the mend and the quarantine’s been lifted, I think it’s time for our guest to return whence she came. I’ll see you home, miss.
Imogen: What? No! You’re just gonna turn her out, after everything she’s done for us? I could be dead if it wasn’t for Laudna!
Relvin: And I do appreciate her help.
His Thoughts: But it ain’t safe with her here.
Relvin: But it’s time she went on home.
Imogen: Safe from what? Laudna’s never harmed anyone.
Relvin: Dammit, Imogen. Don’t do that.
Laudna: No, he’s right. I--I apologize for overstaying my welcome. Thank you for your offer, Mr. Temult. I can -- I can find my own way.
Panel 2: On her way home, she passes the graveyard where she and Imogen like to spend time. Turned earth and new graves give evidence to the sorrows of the past few weeks. Most of the freshly-dug burial plots are small. A funeral service is being held in the distance.
Panel 3: Laudna approaches one of the gravestones, reaching out to trace the sharp, newly-carved edge with her fingers.
Panel 4: From the carved date on the stone we can see it’s the grave of a six-year-old. Crouching down, Laudna lays one of her little twig dolls as a memento.
Panel 5: A voice startles her.
Voice: What’re you doin’ here, ghoul?
Panel 6: The group of mourners approaches, led by Dolores Garrod, who addresses her with cold ferocity. The woman’s eyes are reddened with recent tears and her child is nowhere to be seen. Laudna shrinks back, horrified and sickened by her accusation.
Dolores: This here is holy ground. Your black magic will find no purchase here.
Laudna: I’m -- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude, I was just -- I’m so sorry for your loss.
Dolores: Come back to reap the harvest you sowed? Couldn’t even wait until these sweet li’l innocents were cold in the ground from your vile plague before you came back for your feast?
Laudna: What? No!
Panel 7: She flees the graveyard, leaving a scrap of her skirt behind on the fence in her haste.
Dolores: You can hide from the eyes of the gods, but not the eyes of the law!
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southern-gothic-comic · 3 months
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Panel 1: Later. Laudna is giving Imogen an oatmeal bath. The scarlet fever rash has almost entirely faded from her skin.
Panel 2: Afterwards, they sit together in the windowseat, Imogen wrapped in a blanket with her legs draped over Laudna’s knees. She smiles at her with rueful fondness as Laudna has fallen asleep over the open book in her lap.
Panel 3: Downstairs, they join Relvin for cornmeal pancakes. With surprise and regret he watches Laudna eagerly lifting a laden forkful to her mouth. Overhearing his thoughts, Imogen glares at him.
Relvin: Oh, shit. I forgot. I have seen her eat. What in the world’s she been livin’ on this whole time? So to speak.
Laudna: ♪Pancakes pancakes♪
Panel 4: Outside, Imogen rides Flora slowly around the pasture, with Laudna leading the horse at a walk. She seems surprised that the horse is tolerating her presence.
Panel 5: Back in her room, they sit on the edge of the bed, Imogen leaning contentedly against Laudna’s shoulder, while the doctor performs her examination.
Doctor: Well, young lady, it seems you’ve pulled through all right. You’re recovering well. Good care you’ve been given here.
Panel 6: At the attic steps, she confides in Imogen’s father in a low tone.
Doctor: Your little girl is fortunate, Mr. Temult. Lot of others in this town have had to bury children these past weeks. I feel bound to warn you that, right or wrong, they’re puttin’ the blame on your visitor. Be careful, now.
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southern-gothic-comic · 3 months
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Panel 1: Imogen is in the throes of in a familiar nightmare, trying to outrun the approaching storm to reach a dark, windswept figure standing under the clouds. She tries to call out, but her voice is lost to the violence of the storm.
Panel 2: Closer on the figure as it turns. It’s Laudna, looking back with an uncharacteristically serene, sad expression. Her wind-whipped hair is full of red poppy flowers, petals scattering into the storm.
Panel 3: Imogen wakes, her face soaked with tears and sweat, and stretches her hand limply over the side of the bed,
Imogen: . . . Laudna?
Panel 4: and Laudna takes it,
Laudna: I’m here, darling.
Panel 5: coming to her bedside.
Imogen: You stayed. I . . . I thought I couldn’t find you, for a while there. But you’re here.
Laudna: I’m here.
Panel 6: Bringing a basin of water and a washcloth to the nightstand, Laudna chills the with ice magic. Imogen kicks the covers away irritably.
Imogen: Ugh, I’m all hot n’ sweaty.
Laudna: Good. That’s the fever breaking. Are you feeling any better?
Panel 7: Lying back on the pillow, Imogen smiles in contentment for the first time in days as Laudna begins bathing her heated face with the damp cloth.
Imogen: . . . It’s quiet.
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southern-gothic-comic · 4 months
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Panel 1: Laudna is in the kitchen grinding up oats with a mortar and pestle. Relvin enters, carrying a basket.
Relvin: Brought some more of that willow bark you asked for.
Panel 2: She startles a little, turning to face him.
Laudna: Oh! Good. Thank you. That will make an infusion to help with the pain and the fever.
Relvin: She in a lot of pain?
Laudna: Getting better, I think. It’s been . . . well. That wall she has to put up to protect her mind from everyone else’s, it’s been turned into wet papier-mâché because she hasn’t had the strength to hold it together so all the noise and confusion of everyone else’s thoughts comes oozing in and . . . it’s hard for her.
Relvin: Mm.
Panel 3: Laudna pours the ground oatmeal into a cheesecloth. He grimaces at her answer to his question.
Relvin: What’s that you’ve got there?
Laudna: Oh, this is just oatmeal for a bath. The rash is beginning to slough off and it’s making her itchy.
Panel 4: She ties up the bundle with a piece of red string.
Relvin: You know a lot about nursin’ the sick? I never was any good at that kinda thing.
Laudna: A little. I . . . I know someone, who’s had some experience.
Panel 5: Awkwardly, he prepares to say something to her, but they are interrupted by Imogen’s voice in both of their heads.
Relvin: You . . . want anythin’ for breakfast? I don’t rightly know if you need to eat, or anythin’, but . . .
Laudna: Oh . . . Thank you, I’m all right.
Relvin: Listen . . . I should thank you, for --
Imogen: Laudna!!
Laudna: I -- I ought to --
Relvin: Yeah, you oughta go to her. It’s you she wants.
Panel 6: She hurries out, carrying her bundle of oats. Sighing, he puts the teakettle on over the fire.
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southern-gothic-comic · 4 months
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Meanwhile Relvin moves around the homestead doing aimless things, but he cannot get away from the constant bombardment of Imogen’s uncontained voice in his head, crying out in pain and fear, crying for her mother, crying for Laudna. She can’t stop it from escaping, and he can’t block it out.
Panel 1: He stares out the window.
Imogen: so cold too loud it hurts -- Mama where’s Mama -- I can’t see -- run run Imogen I can’t can’t run I’m so tired -- the storm the storm’s comin’ can’t run can’t breathe it’s comin’ it’s comin’ for me it’s too loud I can’t I can’t get away help me
Panel 2: He tends the animals.
Imogen: stop sayin’ she’s dead she’s not dead she's not a monster she’s a person she’s alive leave her alone don’t hurt her don’t hurt her
Panel 3: He stands in the kitchen making soup.
Imogen: too loud too hot can’t breathe -- water please water -- Laudna I don’t feel good Laudna it hurts it hurts
Panel 4: He slumps in an armchair in a dim living room with a bourbon glass in one hand and the other pressed to his head.
Imogen: please don’t leave me please please you’re all I have Laudna I’m so scared
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