soulchar1zard · 7 months
“I’ll cherish it. Always.”
Well boy howdy did this take a long time to mix. I mean, it wasn’t helped by my laptop’s hinges deciding to give up the ghost, or my new internet deciding that being the slowest internet in Australia would be a fun thing to aspire to be, but… well, it’s done now.
It’s long, but please listen. I put a lot of effort into it! Let me know what you think!
If you don’t know, this is based on @dreemurr-reborn‘s latest animation. It’s pretty dang excellent. It might be worth watching first since it might be hard to fully understand in pure audio form, but do as you wish! The reason why it’s not a video dub is because the mod of the blog doesn’t want any to grab views from the original video, which is totally valid. Just made my job mixing a little harder, but oh well! This audio doesn’t sync to the video, as a head’s up. Otherwise it’d be full of dead space.
“Where’s Chara’s accent?” the few of you who like it inquire. Truthfully, because I did initially intend for it to be a video and thus reach a wider audience, I didn’t want a bunch of people to make jabs about it. The occasional bantery snark is fine but too many questions would be a hassle to deal with.
Feat. @anjaroid as Asgore and @bonegirlii as Toriel. Cover image by @skribblie. The thing itself by Dreemurr-Reborn. Music by Toby Fox, SFX mostly by Toby Fox (plus some slightly bitcrushed other things). Mixing mainly by me but I stole a couple of snippets from the video proper to make my job a bit easier.
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soulchar1zard · 1 year
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A long term project of mine that I have had a struggle to finish. I have already done the sketch and line art of the X-Wing aeromorph/mech already, it was just the X-Wings arround it that was the struggle of getting it done as I was having a hard time trying to make it a quick one or detail it as possible.
Anyways, here's my take on an aeromorph/mecha version of an X-Wing around the New Republic (Legends) engaging on Imperial Remnants. Armed with four blaster cannons, proton torpedo launcher on the left arm and possibly a mecha sized lightsaber on the right. It is unknown if this contains an AI of an astromech/droid or a person's mind. Shooting Star Squadron is an experimental and daredevil unit comprised other daredevil units in a light strike fleet, the Wild Star Fleet famous for dangerous hit and run operations. This variant of an X-Wing like droid is supposed to be [REDACTED] that has taken part of [REDACTED].
To those that doesn't know what the X-Wing is, here:
Legends: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/X-wing_starfighter/Legends
Canon: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/X-wing_starfighter
Artwork belongs to me
X-Wings belong to Lucas Film
Timelapse: https://youtu.be/_90GMwUt7oI
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soulchar1zard · 1 year
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K-Wing Assault Starfighter/Bomber - Built by Koensayr Manufacturing (the same company that made the Y-Wings) for the New Republic. The K-Wings were the next line of bombers after the older Y-Wings. The K-Wings’ main missions were precision bombing of planetary targets, slow-moving enemy capital ships, and spaceborne installations. Their secondary missions were being escorts or reconnaissance ships.
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K-Wings were very lethal fighters, as they were armed to the teeth with flechétte and concussion missiles, proton and other sublight torpedoes, thermal and other inertial bombs, small space mines, and last but not least; T-33 plasma torpedoes.
However, the only downside was that K-Wings had no hyperdrive, therefore, these bombers required to be carried by a capital ship.
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soulchar1zard · 1 year
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soulchar1zard · 1 year
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Isn’t she just stunning. While I do enjoy the sequels I would have loved to have seen more Jedi Leia.
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soulchar1zard · 1 year
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Preliminary Sketches and Line Art by Colin Wilson. “Star Wars: Invasion: Refugees” Issue #4. October, 2009.
“Twenty-five years after the events in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, the relentless assault by the alien invaders known as the Yuuzhan Vong has plunged the galaxy into war.”
The fourth issue in the “Star Wars: Invasion” comic series featured the only comic book appearance of Mara Jade set during the New Jedi Order era. The underrated series was written by Tom Taylor, penciled and inked by Colin Wilson, colored by Wes Dzioba, and lettered by Michael Heisler. Wilson had these memories to share of Mara’s appearance on page 5 of Issue #4:
As is usual for a lot of my pages from that period, the original art differs somewhat from the final published page. There are no panel borders, and as the lettering was added later in the USA, there is no text on the artwork. I obviously did a lot of work on the final panel on this page, and the final inked elements were later added via Photoshop. This is something that was often done at that time, and still happens occasionally on my pages if I need to change something that is already inked on the page.
Obviously I (or maybe Tom) wasn’t entirely convinced by my initial drawing of Mara Jade in Panel 5, so I penciled in a variation on the side of the page, and then redrew the panel entirely.
Because I use a lightbox for my artwork, I draw a lot of preliminary sketches so that I can make changes and position any image on the final pages before I ink them. Not all of them, only the drawings that are ’successful’ or otherwise of some interest. I couldn’t find any penciled version of the Millennium Falcon in the first panel on this page, so it probably means that I drew it directly on the page and then simply inked over it. Back when I was working on Star Wars my thumbnails were very sketchy and rough and I never bothered to keep them.
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soulchar1zard · 1 year
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Unreal Cinema’s (x) Knights of the Old Republic
my favourite clips turned gifs. a wonderful human being is doing what the Big Mouse won’t do and making a KOTOR mini-series.
i linked the channel at the top. please go check it out and look at the quality of the work and detail about the project. tumblr doesn’t do my gifs justice. it. is. incredible. 
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soulchar1zard · 1 year
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Rogue Squadron by John Nadeau
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soulchar1zard · 1 year
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soulchar1zard · 1 year
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soulchar1zard · 1 year
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soulchar1zard · 1 year
Jaina Solo
“Hey, the universe is the one with the problem. It’s just the Solos’ job to fix it.”
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soulchar1zard · 1 year
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soulchar1zard · 1 year
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JACEN & JAINA SOLO — Yuuzhan Vong War
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soulchar1zard · 1 year
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This is a commission for usaf2222 or Domehead on FA as a gift for AveOS (on FA as well).
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soulchar1zard · 1 year
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take flight 🌤️ (commission for @naunowolfseneon)
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soulchar1zard · 1 year
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take flight 🌤️ (commission for @naunowolfseneon)
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