songbirdgrandmother · 5 years
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Turn your Lead Welcome to the Shift of seasons, a turn of energies, as one season blows away, a new one emerges. Some are shifting from Winter to Spring, others are shifting from Summer to Fall reminding us of the “Yin/Yang” nature of our world. In everything, there is a polar opposite. Some are cold, others are hot, but together we are complete. The Equinox is Grand Mother Earth’s way of shifting us from one stage of our lives to the next. It is her way of keeping balance. As some are harvesting the crops, others are planting new seeds. In this intricate and beautiful balance she is always reminding us of the balance she holds, and how time is never in our hands but is in her hands beyond time and space. In this intricate balance, we must trust that as life ends; life also begins. So at this doorway, we are ending and beginning. We are starting a new, starting fresh, and ending with grace. The Equinox is our time to go into these shifts and shift what needs to be completed and start what needs to be started. The invitation is to prepare, go within, and honestly and objectively look at what is ending and what is beginning? What needs harvesting? What needs planting? * * * * * * read full post at: SongBirdGrandMother.com * * * * * * #songbirdgrandmother #equinoxmessage #equinox2019 #2020 #theshift #fall2019 #spring2019 #alchemy #sedona #healing #gowithin #yinyang #timeforaction https://www.instagram.com/p/B2mUijlAQ-V/?igshid=8chcino86kde
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songbirdgrandmother · 5 years
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Soul Inspirations
Water holds ancient memories of past, present, and future.
Without water there is no life.
With her all life flourishes.
Water is not only our life-line, but she is our connection to where we have been and where we are going.
Song Bird Grand Mother
April 17
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songbirdgrandmother · 5 years
When you know who you are; when your mission is clear and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will; no cold can touch your heart; no deluge can dampen your purpose. You know that you are alive.
Chief Seattle, Duwamish
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songbirdgrandmother · 5 years
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“We should know that all things are the works of the Great Spirit. We should know that He is within all things: the trees, the grasses, the rivers, the mountains, and all the four-legged animals, and the winged peoples; and even more important, we should understand that He is also above these things and peoples. [The holy white buffalo woman explains the use of the sacred pipe:] "With this sacred pipe you will walk upon the Earth, for the Earth is your Grandmother and Mother, and She is sacred. Every step that is taken upon her should be as a prayer … All these peoples, and all the things of the universe, are joined to you who smoke the pipe - all send their voices to the Great Spirit. When you pray with this pipe, you pray for and with everything … Every dawn as it comes is a holy event, and every day is holy, for the light comes from your Father Wakan-Tanka; and also you must remember that the two-leggeds and all the other peoples who stand upon the earth are sacred and should be treated as such. All the fruits of the wingeds, the two-leggeds and the four-leggeds are sacred and should be treated as such.” Black Elk, The Sacred Pipe, ed Joseph Brown, Penguin Books, Baltimore, 1972. • • • • • • #songbirdgrandmother #honorthesacred #blackelk #blackelkspeaks #whitebuffalocalfwoman #walkinbeauty #honorthemother #trees #animals #sacred #nativeelder #nativeamerican #nativeamericanteachings #takecareoftheearth #earthday #balance #harmony #respecttheearth #treesaresacred #climatechange #prayer (at Sedona, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwWBBE_hzWC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1actygxx3r9qu
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songbirdgrandmother · 5 years
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The same electricity in the thunder flows through your body.
It flows to all your touch.
It activates everything in your field.
How you use this electricity is your choice.
The flames of power are within you.
Choose wisely.
Song Bird Grand Mother
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songbirdgrandmother · 5 years
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Soul Inspirations
Desire is set in motion by inspiration.
Inspiration leads the way to devotion,
Paves the way to passion,
Comes like a wave of electricity.
Inspiration is like thunder.
When it strikes, the light gets turned on.
Song Bird Grand Mother
April 14
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songbirdgrandmother · 5 years
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Soul Inspirations
The heart is the way in and through all human experience.
When our hearts are open,
Life moves through Uninterrupted.
When our hearts are closed down,
Life becomes cluttered,
Confusing, & Chaotic.
Living from the heart takes courage.
Song Bird Grand Mother
April 13
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songbirdgrandmother · 5 years
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Soul Inspirations
Surrender to the Great Mystery.
Not knowing,
Knowing is not knowing.
When we know that we don’t know,
Wisdom is birthed.
Song Bird Grand Mother
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songbirdgrandmother · 5 years
New Moon Fire Ceremony-The Heart of Cacao
Saturday, May 4, 2019
6:00 PM �� 9:00 PM
Join us for a special cacao New Moon. This moon we will focus on clearing, healing, and aligning the heart space to more joy, freedom, love, expression, and awakening.
Cacao is an ancient brew used throughout South America to heal physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental ailments. It is a “gift from the Gods” and in this time of transition and awakening is being called to more and more people. We will begin with a sacred talking circle, as we sip on a special brew made for this night, as we release, transform, and lighten the mind, body, and spirit.
If you are ready to open new doorways, heal and forgive the past, and move forward into your passions. This is the ceremony for you! Come and be in a safe space, under the stars, in sacred community.
The fire is open to men and women. No children under 16.
Please email or call for questions. [email protected] call/text 928-821-6380
#songbirdgrandmother #sedona #ceremony #sedonaevents #healing #spiritualhealing #cacaoceremony #heartopening #beauty #spiritualawakening #love #forgiveness #newrelationships #harmonious #relationships #hearthealing #honor #cacao #ancestralhealing #phoenix #tucson
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songbirdgrandmother · 6 years
When Sedona calls we are offered an invitation to go within. She is a portal to all that is, was, and ever will be. The desert is where we go for initiation, ceremony, and transformation. The real transformation is the shift from fear to love.
#songbirdgrandmother #sedona #meditation #love #joy #lifepurpose #transformation #beauty #spiritualshift #awakening #leyline
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songbirdgrandmother · 6 years
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As the lunar energies bless us with a cleansing and purging of the old. We now receive the new coming into fullness. We complete a cycle of transformation, resurrection, and uprooting. Tomorrow we head into a new chapter, new opportunities, and a new week.
What did you discover during this time?
How does the moon effect you?
It’s time to expand, blossom, and shine.
Are you ready for a new day?
#songbirdgrandmother #walkinbeauty #lunarenergies #themoon #women #relax #transformation #empaths #anxiety #depressionsupport #meditation #love #newbeginnings #release #surrender #vegan #yoga #sedonalife #astrology #intuitivehealing #moonlight
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songbirdgrandmother · 6 years
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Today on this full moon, take sometime out. Relax. Meditate. And reconnect to your inner "Om." Om is the primordial sound of the Universe. Some say the first sound ever sounded that spawned creation. The space between void and creation where all life dissipates and becomes ONE. We are all but one soul looking at one another. Today the invitation is to reconnect, balance, release the emotions, and go back to the beginning of all life. The silence within. The wholeness where all is complete, and all is perfection. Happy Full Moon! May the light of the moon illuminate your beauty for all to see.
#songbirdgrandmother #meditation #women #men #beauty #walkinbeauty #fullmoon #buddha #stupa #sedonalife #intuitivehealing #medicinewoman #relax #breathe #yoga #yogawoman #yogi #vegan #support #depression #anxiety #om #mantra #nature #deepbreathing #oldsouls
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songbirdgrandmother · 6 years
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Fox Medicine: This is the time to use your unique gift to serve your highest good. Where are you called to stand in your truth completely? Where are you dimming your light? Fox knows when to stand out and when to stand back. They are “clever” after all. Use this Medicine to serve the world. The power of speaking and listening in equal balance. Know when to turn it up, and when to turn it down. Balance is the message and key to building moving forward. Time to be foxy. 🦊 •
#songbirdgrandmother #clever #fox #cleverfox #animalmedicine #animaltotem #service #relax #shapeshifter #camoflague #bewise #animalspirit #naturemedicine #receivelove #growyourbusiness #vegan #naturespeaks #message #love #animalspeak
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songbirdgrandmother · 6 years
Live in the simplicity. Breathing is simple .We can all take time out to enjoy, and appreciate the simplicity of life. The birds that wake up every morning singing their song.The opportunity we have every day to reinvent ourselves.The wind that blows.The water that sings.The air in our lungs.The fire that keeps us warm.  
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songbirdgrandmother · 6 years
The most beautiful gift you give to this world is your smile, your laughter, your grace, and love. Sing your song! A bird sings not for money, not for profit, a bird sings because it has a song. Life is precious. Shine your light and sing your song. 🎶 🎤
#songbirdgrandmother #love #inspiration #light #awakening #motherearth #motivation #joy #laughter #yoga #vegan #light #sing #singer #poet #community #artist #writer #truth #soul #spirituality #lightworker #followyourheart #poetry #fun #songwriter #befree #truth #freedom #harmony #balance #lifecoach
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songbirdgrandmother · 6 years
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"Today’s message is dedicated to the ancestors.
The blessings, gifts, and healings they have bestowed upon us are abundant and insurmountable at times.
They had unbelievable struggles, survived everything from “genocide,” to “the great depression,” to “wars,” and trials we will never know. They were lovers, inventors, pioneers, some of them were murderers, crooks, thieves. They were all because we are all.
We came to re-connect their stories, heal their pains, and free ourselves from the burdens of the past.
In ancient teachings, “we are the ancestors.” They say it takes 9 ancestors to approve your incarnation into planet Earth. You have been here before. You are the ancestors. That is ancient wisdom.
For this post, we will go deeper into the differences between a “lifetime pattern,” and a “generational pattern.”
Read full post at:http://songbirdgrandmother.com/ancestral-healing/
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songbirdgrandmother · 6 years
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"The deeper you travel into the well of who you are, you come to an intersection. When looking at all the directions of life, there is one direction, most are avoiding. What is that direction? Within. The place deep within yourself that knows all, sees all, and is ALL. Why do most people avoid this direction? It requires silence, sitting still, going past the darkness, and light, and into no-thing. That space where there is nothing. Sometimes it takes years of meditation, stillness, and self-discovery to reach this space. It requires cutting all the noise, distractions, and "busyness" of the mind to reach this point. It is a direction when fully embodied leads to balance and wholeness. " Read full message at: http://songbirdgrandmother.com/balance-is-wholeness/
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