somewalkbynight · 2 months
Am I reading this right? Motherpussbuckets are only releasing The Falcon and The Winter Soldier on Blu-ray and 4kblahblahh, not regular old DVD? Assholes.
There seem to be DVDs, not blu-rays, for sale on weird places online but those do not look in any way legitimate. What the what?
Guess Disney doesn't want me to see those bonus features. Hopefully someone will make them available. I sure would like to see all those deleted nude scenes.
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somewalkbynight · 3 months
Are there fan works, very AU fics or artworks, where Gus has Walt, Jessie, Mike, Tyrus, maybe even Nacho to his house for dinner, maybe cooks them paella? Like they all get along, for at least one evening? Imagine that as a comic. Imagine it's a potluck...what would each of them bring?
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somewalkbynight · 3 months
Breaking bad re-re-revisiting. On the Roku live channels.
So, Jesse and Hank were originally only supposed to last 1 season. Mike was created because Odenkirk wasn't available for that episode. Gus was created to replace Tuco. You can't imagine that show without these characters.
I guess I always thought the TV people had all major characters/plots planned ahead of time. Not so.
Todd. Whenever "Dead Freight" is on, I always think, after this, Todd would be, when trying to suck up to Walt and Jesse and Mike, he would be like "Hey if it makes any difference, I'll shave my head too." Can't you see him asking that?
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somewalkbynight · 4 months
Sad: going on Youtube, entering "stackie" in the search, and seeing the most recent video being from a year ago. And they are all compilations. When was the last time they were in the same room together? Don't they realize what we need?
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somewalkbynight · 4 months
Are there fics like this:
Bucky: So, I was on a dating app.
Sam: Oh yeah? Well, um, good. Good for you, man. So, why are you telling me?
Bucky: Everyone wants to see a, uh, dick pic.
Sam: What? Which app are you--nevermind. So, what's the problem? You have a phone.
Bucky: Well...the problem is that I can't, um...well...get it all in. My arms aren't...uh...long enough...from the best angle. It won't all fit in the frame.
Sam: (Gulp) Is...is that right?
Bucky: So, Sam...will you take my dick pic for me?
And then jealousy, nudity, and of course theyendupontopofeachother.
If this fic exists already, please point the way!
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somewalkbynight · 4 months
Per Variety, Our flag means death has been cancelled.
Right after Starz axed Minx. Guess the TV people don't want me to watch, well, tv anymore.
Still not over the cancellation of South Side. Do I have to worry about Interview with the Vampire?
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somewalkbynight · 4 months
What was Mr. Coulson about to say to Josie Geller? Nearly every interaction he had with her was inappropriate. Assuming he got his job back post-finale, would you feel comfortable letting him teach your precocious teen daughter? Dag.
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somewalkbynight · 5 months
Pluto.tv has been marathoning Sherlock. Have since been revisiting all the slashy goodness that was "johnlock."
What were the slashiest moments pour vous?
1. The Date, "A study in pink." Enough said.
2. Drunken stag night legs, "The sign of three." How many fics were based on that?
3. All of it. C'mon.
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somewalkbynight · 5 months
Need Stackie fics with:
AM: I can't believe you're doing this.
SS: It'll be such a great acting challenge!
AM: I just don't think I could kiss you if you do this.
SS: ....Uh....say what now?
Then will come 45 boasting about how sexy he must be if this is who they cast to play him.
Oh, the huwomanity.
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somewalkbynight · 6 months
The Marvels. Haven't seen it yet, wasn't even sure if it was out, because have not seen one commercial for it, ever. Disney has been advertising Wish all over (streaming, can't speak on what live tv is doing) but I have not seen 1 commercial for The Marvels. Self fulfilling prophecy much? How are folks supposed to see it if the don't know about it?
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somewalkbynight · 6 months
Looks like we have to wait an additional year for the SamCap and Thundercats movies. Sheeee-it.
Marvel, make this up to us. Here are some ideas how:
An Arbor or Earth Day animated special where Sam and Bucky plant a tree after investigating ecoterrorists...and then tongue kiss each other. If they can't book Stackie to do the voices use sound-alikes. It'd be worth it.
A What If episode taking place in Multiverse #169, where Sam and Bucky are super villains instead of heroes, and they still bicker, and still fall in love, and Sam still won't move the seat up.
Force Stackie to do an interview together, in the same room, to promote anything. Make it happen.
I'm not kidding. Need this.
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somewalkbynight · 7 months
Re-rewatching Interview with the Vampire (currently on HBOMAX; noticing a lot of boobage. Was there so much full-nipple breast when it aired on on AMC?)
Now I don't remember what I was going to say about it, other than Yippee-ki-yay. The remake that, for once, we didn't know we needed but absolutely needed.
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somewalkbynight · 8 months
Re: Hot Ones, the old school Juc lover in me was all, "Yeah, they're sitting that far apart so they don't accidentally play footsies with each other on camera."
Old habits die hard. What sticky Puppies fic shall I revisit?
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somewalkbynight · 8 months
Um, how is it that *NSYNC does a reunion on television and didn't have the courtesy to let me know beforehand? I had no idea. I found out here. The last time I had to watch the VMAs was 10 years ago, the last time they reunited on TV together. Back in the day, howamithisold years ago, we knew about appearances days ahead of time. Where are all those peeps from livejournal and TOFTC when you need them? All this nostalgia is making me want to bust out some old JUC fanfics. How can I integrate the old OTP with the current OTP? Can we get *Nsync to do a single for an upcoming MCU movie, preferably one involving some hot sticky Sambucky lovin'? If I could get Stackie to make out with each other in an R-rated film, in a bathtub, to some romantic NSYNC ballad where JC and Justin harmonize with each other, how hot would that be?
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somewalkbynight · 9 months
Happy Birthday, JC!
It is his birthday, right?
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somewalkbynight · 11 months
CA:BNW Scene 4: Sam talks on the phone with Torres while rummaging through his bedroom closet to pack for a new mission.
The camera pans across the closet just enough to show several dark colored shirts with one sleeve cut off.
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somewalkbynight · 11 months
First thought after hearing that Thundercats filming is being delayed was:
How will Stackie manage some on the set, in the trailer hookups now?
Damn. Yes, I said Thundercats. I'm old school.
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