somelovefor-jin · 1 year
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Time for a new redesign with my fave victim, Miss Beifong.
We rarely see her with anything else than her iconic uniform, sometimes pajamas or coat ( Zaofu doesn't count, it's not her wardrobe) except for Varrick's wedding. And if it wasn't the worst outfit in Legend of Korra, it could be way more original as well.
So let me present you my version:
The main ideas here are:
Pants. These ones are pleated palazzo pants, something which looks like a skirt but isn't.
Metal parts she could easily use for emergencies. I initially though about jewelry and hair pin but... Way too classic and obvious. Better have a whole arm decoration you can bend as you want and redesign as you wish.
Comfortable yet luxurious materials. I don't picture Lin as someone who show her wealth, she's not Su. She likes quality, not quantity. Mulberry silk for the top maybe?
Flowers, something related to spring. We see mostly her as a metal bender but she is in some way more balanced between earth and metal than her sister, and earth isn't limited at rocks.
Something pink. Green is pretty much common for earth benders, but in Toph's noble outfit in ATLA, we can also find some beige, cream, light yellow and pink tones. Pink, mostly peach one, looks good on Lin when it's in little touches.
Here, three versions:
The "basic" one
The basic with the metal arm decoration.
The alternative, closer to what she usually wears in the serie.
Which one is your favourite?
Hello, maybe you could also help me with my Legend of Korra OC? https://www.tumblr.com/salty-medley/712306749909172224/could-you-help-me-with-that-legend-of-korra?source=share
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somelovefor-jin · 1 year
I’m rewatching LOK and its ep2, and I always wondered why Korra was not able to access airbending in any way. Korra’s entire life has been spent under surveillance and being trapped, unable to make any choice for herself. Tenzin kept talking about freedom being the root of airbending, but she never had a moment where she was free throughout the episode with Tenzin being the main person trapping her.
The only time she felt freedom and made her own choice was when she was pro-bending. That’s why she could “be the leaf” during the tournament. That was the moment she tasted real freedom. On top of that obviously the fast pace and aggressiveness of pro-bending is more her style but I think its also because of the freedom she found for herself.
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somelovefor-jin · 1 year
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What Lin should have worn at Zhurrick’s wedding….
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somelovefor-jin · 1 year
This is also so funny because (to my memory) we literally NEVER see any of Lin’s wealth? Like with Suyin it’s obvious—the entirety of Zhaofu is funded by her—but where is Lin’s inheritance????
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tfw you realize Lin is quietly the wealthiest person in LOK
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somelovefor-jin · 1 year
On the heavily debated topic of Lin Beifong's hairstyle
I believe that I am an idiot because I've always felt confused on this. Like, I know it's short, but is it pinned back? Is it wavy or rolled? Well, I think I finally found the obvious answer, confirming that I am not as obsessed with the 1920s-1950s as I thought I was...
Lin Beifong's hair is...literally just a pincurl set.
Like MAYBE she pins back the front bits (we see them fall in the Amon scene), but as for the rest of it? Literally just pin curls.
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On the bright side, it confirms my need for pinup Lin.
This concludes my ted talk.
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somelovefor-jin · 1 year
Zuko is Autistic
Since I made a post a while ago claiming that Zuko was autistic, some people have been asking for the “proof.” It seems fitting for me to provide said proof now, since it’s autism acceptance month. I’m going to try to be as comprehensive as I can, but if anyone has anything to add, feel free to do so! That said, please do not come on here to tell me that Zuko is not autistic. This is my headcanon, and these are all the things about Zuko that I relate to as an autistic person. 
Alright, buckle up, kids, because Zuko is autistic af and I’m coming with all the receipts - and there are a lot of them.
Let’s start from the beginning. A lot of austistic people develop tactics early on that help us to ‘pass’ as allistic. When unsure of how to act in certain social situations, Zuko tends to mirror Azula. When he was younger, he was shown copying her sense of humor. 
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He threw a rock at a baby turtle duck and laughed, saying that this is how Azula feeds turtle ducks. Because Azula thought it was funny, he assumed his mom would think it was funny, too. It wasn’t until Ursa asked, “Why would you do that?” that Zuko even considered it might not be universally funny. 
Zuko is shown laughing at things Azula thinks are funny more than once as a child. If Azula is not laughing directly at Zuko, he usually joins in on the laughter, even if he doesn’t understand the joke. 
Another time Zuko tried to copy Azula was after she demonstrated her skills to their grandfather, Fire Lord Azulon. Zuko immediately attempted to demonstrate his own skills, even though he was not prepared. 
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Another thing that some autistic people struggle with is fine motor skills. When Zuko tried to prove to his grandfather that he was as skilled as Azula, he tripped both times he attempted to fire bend. He has obviously improved since that moment, but it took him a long time to do that. 
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“You have yet to master your basics. Drill it again.”
Zuko was at sea for three years with Iroh, seemingly doing nothing but training to get strong enough to capture the avatar. After three years, he was still working on his basics, as Iroh points out. Other benders have been shown to become masters much quicker than Zuko. Katara became a waterbending master after one episode. Aang mastered all four elements in the span of about a year. By the age of 12, Toph was already an earthbending master, and she taught herself. Zuko has had to work a lot harder than them to properly control his fine motor skills. It isn’t until he’s mastered his basics that he is able to progress as a bender. 
Since Ozai was obviously not the most supportive parent, Zuko may have had to figure out other ways to hide his autism. 
Another tactic he used was to practice social interactions before they happened. In this scene, he is shown giving a practice performance to a frog:
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“The thing is, I have a lot of fire bending experience, and I’m considered to be pretty good at it. Well, you’ve seen me. You know, when I was attacking you?” 
Obviously, this practice session was necessary, because Zuko said plenty of things here that could have easily further escalated the situation. 
Even while using tools like mirroring or practicing social interaction, we all have moments where things might just feel a little off to allistic people. 
A lot of autistic people feel empathy differently than allistic people. Some of us might not feel empathy, some might experience hyper empathy, and some might just have a hard time expressing empathy. I suspect Zuko is leaning towards low empathy, or has trouble expressing empathy. 
Exhibit A: 
“My first girlfriend turned into the moon.”
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“That’s rough, buddy.” 
Notice how Zuko found it easier to talk about himself. He answered Sokka’s questions about Mai, and the conversation was moving along smoothly. It wasn’t until Sokka shared personal information about himself that Zuko seemed to be out of words. 
Exhibit B:
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Toph just told Zuko that her parents gave her everything she ever asked for, but not the one thing she really wanted: their love. 
Zuko spends half of this conversation looking the other way. When he does look at her, notice his expression. He probably has no idea why she is telling him this, so he doesn’t know how to respond. And on top of that, he was under the impression that they were supposed to be looking for Aang. 
A lot of autistic people have what you might call a one track mind (which I’ll get more into later). It’s hard for us to switch focus from one thing to another. 
Toph wanted to partner with Zuko because she wanted a life changing field trip, but Zuko just wanted to find Aang. He was able to have ‘life changing field trips’ with Aang, Katara, and Sokka because he was actively focused on helping them with their specific problems. He had time to mentally prepare to help them. There was careful planning involved in each of those missions. He can’t help Toph in this moment, because her problem is conflicting with the problem they already have: finding Aang.
In both of the examples above, Zuko acknowledges the hardships that Sokka and Toph went through. “That’s rough buddy” and “I know you had a rough childhood.” This may be his way of trying to show compassion, even though it might come across as cold. 
Zuko takes things at face value
Catching things like sarcasm, body language, metaphors, and ‘reading between the lines’ can be difficult for autistic people. This also gives us a reputation for being gullible, because it can be difficult to tell when someone is lying without being able to read the cues. 
The first and most obvious example of this is what Zuko’s entire arc revolves around: 
Capturing the Avatar
Ozai had just fought his own son, a 13 year old, in an Agni Kai. He burned Zuko’s face, intentionally causing permanent damage, and then banished him. All of this because Zuko spoke out of turn. At the time that Zuko was banished, the Avatar hadn’t been spotted for over 100 years. 
Knowing all of that, it seems likely to me that Ozai was being cruel and sarcastic when he said that Zuko could come back after capturing the Avatar. It would be like saying “when pigs fly,” since at that point the Avatar was thought to have been gone forever. 
Iroh, of course, knows this. That’s why in the beginning of the series, he kept reminding Zuko that the Avatar had not been seen in 100 years. He didn’t want Zuko to get his hopes up. Zuko, however, spends every minute for three years training to fight the avatar, and the second he sees something out of the ordinary, he automatically assumes that it is the the avatar’s doing. It’s kind of a miracle that he was right.
Capturing the Avatar = restoring honor. This is an example of both taking what his father told him as fact, and seeing things as black and white, which is also commonly associated with autism. Ozai told Zuko that capturing the avatar would restore his honor, so Zuko became obsessed with finding and capturing Aang. He truly believed that doing so was the only way to restore his honor and return home. It took Zuko years to realize that he could restore his honor in a different way than what his father told him. 
He automatically believes Azula when she says he can come home
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“Father regrets?”
It had been three years since he’d seen Azula, and he immediately took what she said at face value. He is excited to be going home, and he is frustrated with Iroh for being skeptical. When Iroh points out that he has never known Ozai to regret anything, Zuko says “did you even listen to Azula?” 
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Zuko takes what Azula says as fact, just like he has always done. This is why, as a child, he had to constantly tell himself, “Azula always lies,” because she probably had a habit of fooling Zuko. But now that it has been so long, without the constant reminder that Azula always lies, she takes advantage of the fact that Zuko trusts her so easily, and he falls for her lies once again.
He doesn’t catch on to Jin’s body language
In the episode ‘The Tales of Ba Sing Se,’ Zuko meets a girl named Jin. He immediately is threatened by her, because she keeps looking at him (eye contact is another thing that can be a challenge for autistic people). He assumes she knows they are fire nation. Despite the fact that he has seen her constantly smiling at him, he is completely surprised when he finds out she has a crush on him.
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When Jin asks Zuko on a date, he shows up looking like this:
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I think most people would catch on that this is Not A Good Look. But when Jin messes up his hair, Zuko gets frustrated. He says, “It took my uncle ten minutes to do my hair!” 
So, Iroh told him this was a good hairstyle, and Zuko trusts Iroh, so he took his word as truth, and went along with it. 
Later on in the date, Jin tries to kiss Zuko. Just before their lips touch, he holds a coupon in front of her face, exclaiming that he brought her a gift.
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Zuko likes Jin. He risked a lot to light up the fountain for her. We know he wanted to kiss her, because when she kissed him later, he let her, and he even kissed her back for a moment before he bolted. But in this moment here, he missed the signs that said she was about to kiss him (the hand holding, Jin closing her eyes, leaning forward, etc), so he moved the conversation along in a way that he felt was natural, by giving her a gift. 
He doesn’t realize that Sokka and Suki want time alone
Zuko runs into Suki when he’s about to go into Sokka’s tent. She’s clearly embarrassed, but Zuko doesn’t catch on.
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“Sorry, do you need to talk to Sokka, too?”
Suki says no, so Zuko enters Sokka’s tent, to find Sokka like this:
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There are roses everywhere, candles are lit, Sokka’s hair is down, he’s posing. Sokka was waiting for Suki to arrive, not Zuko. 
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But Zuko doesn’t catch on to that, either, so he sits right down and asks Sokka for advice, totally oblivious to what was supposed to be going down. 
He can’t explain what is ‘off’ about Azula
A lot of autistic people have trouble recognizing patterns. Zuko has known Azula his whole life. He knows what her hair usually looks like. He knows what her makeup usually looks like. She doesn’t usually have dark circles under her eyes. She usually has better posture. I could go on. 
Azula challenged Zuko to an Agni Kai looking like this:
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“I can’t explain it, but there’s something off about her.”
This is something I struggle with, too. If my mom dyes her hair, I can tell something is different, but it may take me a few days to figure out exactly what has changed. I think this is what was going on with Zuko here. He knows something is up, but he can’t immediately recognize that Azula has cut her own hair poorly, or that her makeup is different because she did it herself, or that she has dark circles under her eyes, or weird posture, etc. 
Sensory issues 
Sensory issues are also associated with autism. This can manifest in sensory overload and strong reactions to physical contact, among other things.
One way I’ve learned to avoid or come down from sensory overload is to self-isolate and meditate, which is something Zuko does very often. This can also be a way to recharge spoons or mentally prepare for something that might be exhausting.  
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This explains why Zuko would react so strongly when someone interrupts his alone time. He needs that time to prepare for every other moment in the day. When this time is interrupted, he lashes out, and has trouble containing his emotions.
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Physical contact
Zuko doesn’t always seem to know how to react to physical contact and affection. He reacts negatively if he isn’t prepared, or if he isn’t comfortable with the person. Even if he genuinely likes the person who is touching him (Jin, Iroh, Toph, Katara, etc), he still doesn’t seem to know what to do. 
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If Zuko is comfortable with the person who hugs him, he allows them to do so, but he still almost always looks flustered. He doesn’t always hug back, and when he does, it sometimes takes him a moment to process that he’s being hugged before he is able to return the gesture.
Difficulty Changing Plans
As I mentioned before, autistic people sometimes have a one-track mind. We may have difficulty changing plans, and may tend to see things as black and white, with no gray areas. All of these things describe Zuko to a T. 
Zuko tends to get frustrated over any change of plans, but there’s one example I’d like to focus on.
Let’s talk about that angst coma. You know, that time Zuko got physically ill after he did something that completely altered the course of his life? 
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That’s the one. The thing is, change is hard. And it can be especially hard for autistic people. Zuko spent the last few years working towards one thing, and one thing only: capturing the avatar. Then, in one day, everything changed. He made a decision to free Appa, which was completely counter to what he has been working towards this entire time. 
I’ve had “angst comas” before, and I know other autistic people who have had similar experiences. Sometimes you really do just need a few days in bed to recuperate and adjust to big changes. 
some side notes that are worth mentioning:
Zuko takes Iroh’s metaphors literally
He repeats Iroh’s metaphors without understanding them, and they come across differently
It took him a minute to realize when Aang insulted him, because the insult was dressed up like a complement. “Hey, that was actually pretty smart of you.” Zuko’s first reaction is to smile proudly at the praise. 
That scene when Aang wants to sit by Katara (bc he likes her) and Zuko is all, “I don’t get it, what’s the big deal? Just sit next to me.”
He saved Iroh’s smelly sandal when he was separated from him
He has a special interest in dao swords
Inaccurate self image (in his imagination he pictured himself without his scar)
He replays memories in his head of times when he thinks he may have said the wrong thing
He has meltdowns when things don’t go as he plans. 
He sometimes messes up jokes when he’s trying to be funny
He paces back and forth a lot, perhaps as a way to stim
In conclusion Zuko is autistic af. I rest my case.
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somelovefor-jin · 2 years
What are your opinions on pema?
Honestly, it's no secret: I don't really like Pema. I feel like she's very entitled, and to make matters worse- she's really cocky about it. Personally, I'd hate that quality in any person. But, in addition, I find that she's quite the opportunist, masking her manipulativeness behind the innocent, devotee wife & acolyte front- which again, doesn't sit right with me. If you are a certain way- own it (Like, Lin: she's unapologetically herself. Or any other character on the show tbh.) Plus, she fully took advantage of Tenzin and Lin's precarious relationship and struck when the iron was hot. Sure, her guts are commendable, but that's not a quality that I feel is admirable or even something that should be promoted in any form of media. Women are so easily depicted as the crazy girlfriend, or the crazy ex and pitted against each other, while men are free of any such titles. I do think it's more Tenzin's fault in hurting Lin through the break-up, (that's a whole other story) than Pema's, but her catalysis can't go unforgiven. If she really was that confident that Tenzin was her soulmate, she should've had faith "in the Universe" or whatever, and waited for him to come to her. It wasn't her place to make or break anything. If Lin and Tenzin ran their course and broke up on their own accord, AND THEN, Pema confessed her feelings, I'd have a lot more respect for her. She had no right to butt into a relationship she wasn't a part of. As a woman, to blindside and perish another woman's relationship for her own selfish gain (love or not), that's the wrong message to put out: and clearly, we all saw how that ended up for Korra, Asami, and Mako at the end of season 1. It's just not the healthy way to handle things. I feel like my qualms have more to do with the writing than Pema herself, but having written Pema a certain way is what makes me despise her as a character. Someone as conniving is not an acceptable maternal role model for kids, the airnation, and the show in general.
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somelovefor-jin · 2 years
i do agree with this! i definitely think that Lin would’ve been over Tenzin romantically — as in, she wouldn’t search for/expect anything romantic with him. But theres still a sort of Tenderness and mutual respect of we’ve been through the years that makes their relationship so nuanced and realistic.
People are gonna hate me so much when I say that personally I believe that Lin was already over Tenzin at the start of LoK. I do agree on the fact that she held a grudge against him and pema but IMO she’s over him, I know about hopeless romantics and such but Jinora was 11 at the beginning at Lok and he already had like 2 kids, plus I think that the grudge she held against them may have overruled her feelings for him, wether you want to believe it or not it’s your opinion and I’ll respect it
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She just wants her friend back ;-;
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somelovefor-jin · 2 years
every friend group should incluide:
a himbo: bumi
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a mean bisexual: lin
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an astrology lesbian: kya
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the straight: tenzin
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the mom of the group: pema
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a bitch: suyin
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the perfect one: izumi
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somelovefor-jin · 3 years
I love Lin Beifong so much I realise it‘s pretty crazy. I think it’s also partly because I recognise that her character growth (along with almost everyone in the show) was jeopardised by the way the series was plotted. seeing so much potential just wasted…it just creates so much wistful energy in me. But one thing I’ve been considering is if we can see Lin as a representation of something else. For a while I wondered if msgs could be a symbol of the law - literally law personified, but I didn’t think that quite fit. she’s too eager to go against the law. She becomes a vigilante in book 1 to save her officers, and in book 3 im pretty sure she defies some kind of international law/code by freeing the airbenders that the earth queen recruited. So for now I think Justice is a better fit. Lin Beifong as the personification of Justice, which is why she’s angry that Suyin is harbouring Varrick, which is why she’s angry that Suyin gets away with things when they’re young. could it be why she fights so hard, why she protects Korra so fiercely in book 3? I’m not sure. But I think it’s a very interesting way of analysis to see what Lin Beifong could represent.
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somelovefor-jin · 3 years
ok, there are many questions left unanswered in the legend of Korra but I have SO many about the police force of republic city alone. here are 4 of them.
1. Do you have to be a metalbender to be in the police force? presumably no, because Lou and Gang (the very incompetent officers mako had to answer to in book 2) were not. but what about the dudes that are dressed in metal armour that use the cables? Are those like a special force???? why is it exclusive to metalbenders?? Is it just for the aesthetics???
2. Does the chief of police need to be a metalbender? I would assume Yes, simply because all the chiefs of police that we know (toph, Lin, Saikhan) are all metalbenders. But this creates a ton of questions. Why only metalbenders? Is there some elite rank you can rise to only if you’re a metal bender? also if Lin had still been chief of police when she lost her bending, would she have lost her position too? But I would prefer to think No, you don’t need to be a metalbender to be chief (also bec I secretly hope Mako becomes chief some day).
3. Who does the police force answer to. Lmao. In the first season, Lin appears to have quite a lot of political leverage (she literally interrupts a meeting to sway the choice in favour of keeping the bending arena open. That’s pretty influential.) but in the later seasons (season 2) we see Raiko blasting Lin for not being able to show results for the terrorist attacks in RC, presumed to be done by the northern water tribe. I mean,,,, it’s implied that Lin answered to the council, but she had a lot of influence over what happened, but then later on it appears that Raiko has a LOT of control. Not just over the police but also the United Forces (he pre-emptively gives Iroh II a hard time when he hears about what Korra was planning to do from Mako). I have a ton of questions over the politics of this, esp because Raiko is newly elected between book 1 and 2.
4. Does Lin just. Own The Giant Police Airship??? It seems that way because in season 3 she casually drives it *alone* to Ba Sing Se to get Korra. I mean. that’s some queen behaviour tho, like driving the airship alone halfway across the earth kingdom. Love to see it, but so many questions.
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somelovefor-jin · 3 years
Lin Beifong as Snow White.
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somelovefor-jin · 3 years
main takeaways/responses:
- asami/father
I agree that Asami really should hve had a moment where she talked/reflected on the fact that her father (who she was so close to for most of the season) really just tried to kill her.
I think that it was super damaging to her character for her to go through that and it not being addressed. It kind of painted her as more of a secondary character rather than a main character, which is problematic as the series goes on.
- tarlok/Amon issue
actually, when I first watched Book 1 I always thought of Tarlok as being the main villain. Amon simply didn’t have enough character development to be the main villain, and felt like more of a secondary unexplained monster-type of bad guy. Even later, when we’re rushed through his history, we aren’t given a clear picture on exactly why he came to think of bending as the worst evil in society. I think even Tarlok doesn’t know if Amon is genuine in believing that.
But we get consistent glimpses into Tarlok’s mind. We see him manipulate the people around him, and later on, we see how desperate he can get that he kidnaps Korra. It’s not too well explained, but it’s definitely more than what we get from Amon.
Also, if you frame Tarlok as the main villain, his final decision to kill Amon and himself is an act of selflessness bordering repentance (even though admittedly, he hasn’t committed as many crimes as his brother). He acknowledges that he has made mistakes in the past and now rises above them in carrying out such a heroic act.
- katara
I was SO confused, angry and irritated that Katara couldn’t reverse Amon’s blood bending! Even if they had to wait for a full moon, that resolution would have worked far better than Korra going into the avatar state. Why?
1. It’s suggested that Amon didn’t use any spiritual power to take away bending
This should mean that it wouldn’t require a spiritual ability (like the Avatar state/energybending [which I understand is largely spiritual]) to reverse the process.
2. Using the Avatar spirit/Aang destroys the arc/doesn’t make thematic sense
INSTEAD it would make amazing arc AND thematic sense for Katara to restore bending! We begin Book 1 with Katara established in the role of the mentor and healer, and we should end it as such! And, her name is mentioned in relation to blood bending in the flashbacks. She should totally be the one to undo the damage Yakone’s son placed. That would cement her as one of Korea’s mentors, in turn framing KORRA as having proper guidance and wisdom instead of being a low-key problem case pushed around by the white lotus. Let’s face it, Tenzin isn’t a very convincing mentor in book 1 at all. I get that the writers were trying to have Korra develop spiritually but...to do it this way feels rushed. I mean, the past avatars can always reconnect with her later. (see point 3)
3. It doesn’t take away from the messages that the writers wanted
Korra can still go out onto the icy cliff and reflect and be worried. What could she think about instead? Let’s see...
The inequality between benders and non-benders. Experiencing her bending being taken away (even temporarily) should give her enough food for thought about Amon’s cause and if she, as the avatar, should do something about this.
Amon and his hypocrisy, and how his villainy had originated from the Water Tribe, which she’s from and proud of. There can be some really insightful thinking here!
Bloodbending. She just saw & heard it being used for torture. Wouldn’t she have some thoughts about this?? Might she not reflect on how much bending is really capable for good?
And I mean, we can see her having conversations playing out these themes. Maybe with Katara (another blood bender, that wld be good), or with Asami (a non bender, perhaps asking about how she felt about bending, AND that would help Asami’s development as well, which could be a lot better in book 1). Heck, she can even have this conversation with Mako. he lost his parents to a bender. he must have some thoughts on the harms of bending.
Then, after that, she might wander around and look at the terrain — the same place where Yakone taught his sons to bloodbend. She might rest on the cliff and decide to take Tenzin’s advice to meditate. And THEN we could have all the avatars appear and give her advice + fulfilling her “spiritual” abilities.
This ending is so much MORE impactful. It allows Korra to reflect and dwell on things, which would give her character the depth that I felt she lacked at times. If you compare Korra to Aang, Aang definitely had his moments of fun and childishness, but he also had a lot of depth in terms of his principles and his struggles to “do the right thing”. All of that builds character. And that’s why it’s so important that Korra gets the chance to do that! Because otherwise what it appears like to the audience is that Korra never really digests and works through her emotional/physical journey. It’s just, BAM, avatar state and everything ends happily ever after! It doesn’t do her character justice.
A critical examination of “Endgame” (1x12)
or “Why I find the Book 1 finale very disappointing”
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There are many people who love the finale of Book 1. I’ve read a lot more praise for it than I’ve read criticism. I understand why people love it. There are a number of awesome scenes in this episode. I, however, don’t like it very much. In fact, it’s one of my least favorite episodes.
I want to be clear that I’m not trying to convince others to hate on it. I am simply laying it out here why I find “Endgame” so disappointing.
I thought it would be easy to write this post. After all, it’s just one episode, and I already knew which elements really irked me. However, I wanted to try to understand what was going on, and through making that effort, it only made me more frustrated with the episode.
I am not going to lament on the lost potential of the Equalist plot, express disappointment that Amon is a waterbender, or make suggestions on how certain issues could have been better served if they carried over into Book 2. My criticisms focus mostly on “Endgame” itself and how it works as the finale of Book 1.
This is a very long post – a much longer post than I ever expected to compose. I walk you through the entire episode. It’s not that I hate every minute of “Endgame” that I do this. I do it to help keep things in context.
Keep reading
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somelovefor-jin · 3 years
But also...like I feel there’s a subtextual message as well?
the idea is that Katara, by virtue of being compassionate, of coming out of her own hurt (losing her mother, her whole tribe being threatened by the fire nation and living in fear of them) not bitter or seeking to hurt others, but instead willing to move past that hurt (eg by forgiving Zuko) are things that make her intrinsically stronger than Azula.
I think that Azula is honestly an amazing fire bender — she’s a prodigy, she really is. Her being able to lightning bend even as she was literally spiralling into insanity (yes ik it was sozin’s comet but still, also the fact that she can lightning bend at all w so much repressed trauma) is proof that she is an exceptionally talented fire bender, to say the least. She’s been trained her whole life, probably by the best teachers in the fire nation.
however, i think that Katara being stronger than Azula is a literal reflection of how being emotionally stronger and mentally rooted means greater strength as a whole.
the fact that Azula was a fire ending prodigy who had trained her whole life, plus had the azulon x avatar roku bloodline doesn’t matter, because it would be her lack of emotional rootedness and strength, something that Katara had, that caused her downfall. 
I really love this idea because I think that the message atla is sending here is that it’s not your raw genius/talent that matters, but your emotional and mental health and stability. that’s a hugely important message. 
I'm so tired of having to say this over and over but if Katara and Azula were to face off one to one Katara would win. No bloodbending. The fight would be evenly matched until Katara outsmarts Azula. It literally happened twice in the show people.
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somelovefor-jin · 3 years
@chiefbeifongcanrailme it’s out! Linumi fanfic has been delivered!
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Avatar: Legend of Korra, Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lin Beifong/Bumi II, Pema/Tenzin (Avatar) Characters: Lin Beifong, Bumi II (Avatar), Tenzin (Avatar), Suyin Beifong, Kya II (Avatar), Team Avatar (Legend of Korra), Toph Beifong, Aang (Avatar), The Gaang (Avatar), Izumi (Avatar) Additional Tags: Slow Burn(ish), Mostly Fluff, Romance, teeth-rotting fluff eventually, No Smut, body acceptance, Badass Lin Beifong, Lin Beifong Supremacy, Emotional complexities in Bumi, Commander Bumi akjdhak, Eldest kids of the gaang things, they are so cute together, just read it you won’t regret it, Inspired by Friends (TV) Summary:
In order to train his unruly brother, Tenzin turns to the esteemed Chief of Police herself, Chief Beifong. Of course, it’s just training sessions between Bumi and Lin…nothing will come of it, right? It’s not as if they have anything in common…why do they seem to be spending so much time outside of the practice room as well as inside? In the meantime, Chief Beifong has to grudgingly admit that there is definitely more to Commander Bumi than meets the eye…
Original idea from the Friends episode where Monica helps Chandler lose weight.
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somelovefor-jin · 3 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Avatar: Legend of Korra, Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lin Beifong/Bumi II, Pema/Tenzin (Avatar) Characters: Lin Beifong, Bumi II (Avatar), Tenzin (Avatar), Suyin Beifong, Kya II (Avatar), Team Avatar (Legend of Korra), Toph Beifong, Aang (Avatar), The Gaang (Avatar), Izumi (Avatar) Additional Tags: Slow Burn(ish), Mostly Fluff, Romance, teeth-rotting fluff eventually, No Smut, body acceptance, Badass Lin Beifong, Lin Beifong Supremacy, Emotional complexities in Bumi, Commander Bumi akjdhak, Eldest kids of the gaang things, they are so cute together, just read it you won't regret it, Inspired by Friends (TV) Summary:
In order to train his unruly brother, Tenzin turns to the esteemed Chief of Police herself, Chief Beifong. Of course, it's just training sessions between Bumi and Lin...nothing will come of it, right? It's not as if they have anything in common...why do they seem to be spending so much time outside of the practice room as well as inside? In the meantime, Chief Beifong has to grudgingly admit that there is definitely more to Commander Bumi than meets the eye...
Original idea from the Friends episode where Monica helps Chandler lose weight.
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somelovefor-jin · 3 years
just thinking about how perfect Lin Beifong’s character is. I love it so so much. yes I know everyones always like “Lin is such a badass kickass lady” but ALSO her emotional depth, how just the mere *glimpses* into her history are so complex and multilayered. Just. this is not even anti-whatever character in lok it’s just that this ratio of screen time to emotional depth that Lin Beifong has is second to absolutely no one else in the lok series
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