Why is social interaction a must?
Here is a short clip about the importance of social interaction.
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Ways to Interact with a Baby
Why do I need to talk to a baby? Why do we need to put an effort in communicating with a baby? From goo goos to mama and papa, these are the first words when babies interact with us adults. When we communicate with babies, their learning and abilities develops. Babies and toddlers learn by observing their surroundings and by interacting with us through their playtime and storytelling. Interaction with a baby is not an easy job because endless efforts and tiring moments are needed to make a baby smile or laugh. 
Reading the headline itself makes us hard to think "How to interact with babies?" "What to do?" "He/she might cry!" and etc. Babies are not only making sounds using baby rattles. You also need to sing a lullaby or any baby song that the baby can sleep with it. To calm the baby if he/she is crying you also need to do the "hum-hum" song/sound. Even putting a diaper to a baby, you need to coo-coo and smiling back at them to follow to wear the diaper from him/her.
5 ways to Interact with your baby in the Early Months:
1. Find colorful objects for baby to look at.
Babies are attracted to colorful toys and it really can help to exercise his/her eyes to follow when you move the object side to side and it is called "tracking". The babies will learn how to explore the wonderful places while contructing their visual skills.
 2. Playing with Baby Rattles.
This will also help the babies by hitting or kicking the rattle to help the babies understand where the sound coming from and when it isn't. It will also found out that making noise with a baby rattle is fun for them.
 3. Create everyday playful routines.
Massaging your baby to their legs after baths or before bedtime will help to strenghten their legs and move to a correct form to be able to walk properly. It will also helps to feel bonded to you and also helps him/her know that his body belongs to him. It is called " body awareness".
 4. Spend quality-time together.
Reading baby books to a baby can also help to recognize the images or the drawings on what was illustrate in the book. Maybe your son or daughter will be an artist someday in the future.
 5. Give a baby an interesting object to touch.
     It will help the babies to learn through his/her sense of touch. Discovering the object itself with his/her eyes, hand, and mouth. This will also helps the babies on how to work with what they have seen, touch, or tasted. This can make a baby a good-thinker and a problem solver.
Here are others ways to interact with a baby:
     After tackling the ways on how we interact with babies, there are some reasons why interacting with them is very important. Even if we know that babies don’t respond verbally, we still need to talk to them despite of being awkward especially when surrounded by people we don’t know. However, talking to babies can help them improve their language skills even though we thought they’re very young. 
     Some babies have good brain development and they can manage to sink in the small informations we’ve been teaching them. Yes, babies don’t respond verbally but they respond by showing different kinds of emotions and body languages so we need to learn how babies act and feel in different scenarios.
     Another important aspect of interacting with babies is having physical contact with them. Even just by holding their hand, it makes them feel comfortable and we can make them feel that they are safe with us. And of course, hugging them brings them warmth that can make them calm, especially when they are crying or having tantrums. We can also make funny facial expressions to make them laugh and giggle that can strengthen our relationship to them. This is also a win-win situation because if we make babies happy, we also become happy. Babies are one of the best stress-reliver, you know.
     When they are playing (with us or with toys), it is important that we praise them everytime because they need to feel that they are worthy and loved. When it comes to playing with toys, babies can improve their skills and way of thinking. We just need to guide them throughout their playtime to make sure they don’t swallow small toys.
     Overall, interacting with babies are indeed fun and even we, who join them, are having fun being with them. Besides them being so cute and adorable, it is our responsibility to make them happy and feel comfortable.
Words by: Christianne Compañero, Hanelie De Castro, Kate Lior Silang
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To talk or not to talk
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   Verbal and Non-verbal communication or communication in general is important in every person’s life. This is the same as having social interactions. Without it, people would be a mess. Imagine being in a room with lots of people and no one is interacting with each other. Some are using their gadgets, some are reading, or some are listening to music. People characterize this as “May kanya-kanyang mundo” which means every peson has their own kind of interests and just do what they want. If that happens, no one will have any kind of relationship and that’s what we don’t want.
  Verbal Communication
     First, let’s talk about Verbal communication. Verbal or Oral communication is being described as communicating by using words, whether it is stated personally or written, to express our thoughts and feelings. This is the most common way to interact with people. Verbal communication is essential for avoiding any misunderstandings.
     We can even communicate with other people with different languages that we know. By using English as our universal language, we can communicate with foreigners who know English as well. However, there are countries where some people can’t really understand English or just not good at it because they don’t learn it.
     One example is in Israel. My parents worked there and my father told me that their boss asked him, “Did you cook my mother?” instead of “Did you cook for my mother?” Another funny (and cute) moment was when his dad needs to remind his boss about something and his boss said, “Please remember me,” instead of “Please remind me.” But even it is grammatically incorrect, we can still understand what they wanted to say.
Non-Verbal Communication
     Moving on, the second type of communication is the Non-Verbal communication. This type is as important as Verbal; however, this is more of a gestural kind of communication. It includes body language, eye contact and facial expresions. This is highly effective to people especially when you are close with them because even when using one gesture or facial expression, they already know the meaning behind it. Even how we dress is a type of non-verbal communication.
     A simple example for this is by nodding when agreeing to someone and shaking head when disagreeing to someone. This lies under body language. Eye contact and facial expressions are also important especially when having a serious conversation with someone. Even just by looking at the eyes, you can already know what he/she is feeling.
     Tone is also important for this so talking personally is more effective than just writing or chatting. Hugging someone is also a part of non-verbal (body language) as it expresses affection. On the other hand, when a person is avoiding eye contact, some says that this habit means that a person is always lying but I think it is because that person is just shy around people.
     Non-verbal communication can also be used for people with disabilities like deaf/mute. By simply using hand gestures or sign languages can make them happy because they will think that we are able to communicate with them.  
     Both types of communication, of course, have disadvantages. For Verbal communication, when used improperly, can cause misunderstandings. An example is sending messages to other people and words/meanings eventually being different. In other words, this is what we call “chismis”.  This is also the reason why many people are having conflicts with each other.
     For Non-verbal communication, using gestures can be useful; but be mindful of other people’s culture and belief. Like the OK sign for fingers for instance. For us, it means “okay” but for other country like Japan, it means money. Written communication has disadvantage too. Some words being chatted can be mistaken as a mad tone but the truth is it’s gentle.
     To summarize, Verbal and Non-verbal communications are effective when a person is listening and watching attentively. When we are paying close attention to who we are talking to can improve and deepen our relationship to them because we can relate. We need to learn how to handle speech and gestures so we can’t offend anyone. Lastly, when having problems, just talk to them heart to heart to avoid misunderstandings.
  Words by: Kate Lior Silang
Photo source: https://www.lynda.com/Leadership-Management-tutorials/Communication/141501-2.html
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Let’s Meet Up
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     Chatting here, face timing there, smiling and laughing emojis everywhere. That my friends is what we do nowadays to interact with one another. For some, interacting through social media helps them to communicate easier without thought and consideration because they do not need to see or witness one’s reaction.
     Interacting online may be a good way for people who are working abroad face timing their family that are miles away from them and for those lovers who are in a LDR situation which is also known as long-distance relationship. However, there are also bad habits when communicating online.
     An example of this is becoming lazy that results to gaining fat. Yes… fluffy fat. Why? Because all we do is scroll through social media and chat on groups in messenger. I too, do these rather than meet up personally even when the person I was interacting with, is just in the living room downstairs. Yes… I was that lazy. Why interact online when they are just one jeepney or five blocks away? Why gain more fat when walking is the best exercise?
     To those people out there who are too lazy to get up and meet new friends, here are some Reasons to meet up and Interact Face to face.
 Good long talks.
     Either making friends or going on a date, long talks does not just help us get to know the others, but it also helps improve our communication skills. In the virtual world, there are people who find it easier for them to communicate with others confidently. Sadly, it is the opposite in the real world. Which is why we should engage in long talks face to face that will also serve as a practice in the future.
 Creates a stronger relationship.
     Communicating in person helps us to create a deeper connection towards others. It creates a stronger relationship where trust and faith is built. 
 Emojis turns into reality.
     Unlike in the virtual world, interacting with one another in person shows our true emotions. An example of this is when one is making the others smile and laugh about something in which emotions are truly felt rather than clicking on emojis to show others your reaction.
 You exercise.
     Yes… you exercise. Let us admit that we are lazy. Also, we should admit that exercising is a must and that simply by walking, is already exercising. Walking down the street to meet up or hangout with friends, is already keeping yourself healthy. Therefore, it is better to walk than just sit all day and punch your thumbs on the screen of your phone to reply with different emojis.
 Now here are some Tips on making friends or meeting up with new friends.
Be Yourself.
     When meeting up with friends, or meeting new people, it is important to just be yourself so that they will feel like you are a good company and will later on be comfortable. It is better to be genuine than to try be someone else which would make you uncomfortable and would make the gathering awkward especially when going on a date.
 Be open-hearted.
     To have a deeper connection with the others, open your heart to them. If you won’t be open, they may lose trust in you for not letting them in and may just try to shut you down. Learn to be more open because face it you are in the real world.
Get to know others.
 Get to know others by asking them about themselves including their likes and dislikes. On social media, you will only know the basic information of a person by going through their profile. You may know what they like or what are their hobbies. But with you being lazy, you prefer not to chat or ask online. With chatting face to face, you will get to know what that person is like that could create a bond between the two of you. 
Be a good friend.
     When a friend starts pouring their hearts out about their hardships in life, be a good listener and a good friend. With you being a good friend, it will make them easier to interact and communicate with you genuinely. 
Most importantly, Be There.
     Do not back out from meet ups with friends or especially with your new friends from social media. Backing out may result from you having lack of confidence in future interactions.
Improvement of your communication skills, gain of friends, gain of confidence when interacting with someone are just some of the good things when interacting with people in person than in the virtual world. So just be there. 
 Here are more tips on meeting new people and making good friends: 
Words by: Christianne Compañero
Photo source: https://www.savonix.com/social-interaction-prevents-dementia/
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How Social Media Platforms Influence The Way We Communicate
Urgency and Sharing
     Nowadays, pieces of information or thoughts by the people can simply share or broadcast to the other people. When “Facebook” has been made, some people don’t send handwritten or typewritten letters anymore because Facebook has already messenger chat box to send your messages instantly to people when you are connected to the Internet. While having those letters or sending those letters are very time-consumable and a bit money-wasting.
    People want or need urgency to send their messages to the people who are very far away from them. Mobile Phones with a prepaid load doesn’t go out of style because if you have a prepaid load here in the Philippines and you don’t have internet/wi-fi connection you can simply text or call them instead of sending letters.
     Also, every people also wants to share their thoughts and to know the news in their country or in the world instantly by having those they called “Trending Hashtags” that’s when “Twitter” has also been a famous platform to all. Twitter is like a diary or journal wherein you can share and voice-out your self-thoughts, ideas, stories, and imaginations.
     In another blog that I read about “Instagram Stories” and “Snapchat”, Audrey Willis said that “those another platforms have changed the game by making messages and content through out taking photos or videos to view for only 24 hours. In order to remember what was said, or seen and reply appropriately, the user must reply as soon as they’ve opened it.” One photo can tell, judge, or critique thousand words by people. These platforms has made a way for people to instantly update and share messages with their friends, families, and relatives with small effort.
Limited characters
      According to Christine Erickson, “texting or SMS (short message service) is a method of communication that sends text between cellphones — or from a PC or handheld to a cell phone. The "short" part comes from the maximum size of the text messages: 160 characters (letters, numbers or symbols in the Latin alphabet).The SMS concept was developed in the Franco-German GSM cooperation in 1984 by Friedhelm Hillebrand and Bernard Ghillebaert.”
    By having 160 characters in a text message is inadequate, that’s when people are doing or creating such shortcut forms to fit in the message that they will send it. People who use “BTW” (By the way), “IDK” (I don’t know), “LOL” (Laughing out loud), “IDC” (I don’t care), “FTW” (for the win) and such that are include to urban dictionaries demonstrates how social media speeds things up by decreasing the need to write longer phrases and reduces space. 
     In the Philippines, before, people who are using shortcut words or putting extra letters, spelled words with numbers, and capitalizing the letters like “iK4w lh4rn s4ph4t nhuaH w4lharn TiTiba6″  are being called “jejemons”. I forgot when and how it started and everyone knows it is very an eyesore to read it. Filipinos used “Uxta q n??” instead of “Kumusta ka na?” means “How are you?” in english. Messages in some mobile phones nowadays are now unlimited.
    Chatting to online messaging and texting are very similarly that it may also use those shortcut words because some people are lazy to type the complete word to tell what they want to say. They are effectively speaking a new language entirely and influencing other individuals to do or say it.
Emoji or Emoticons 
Some people often used these stickers that has facial expressions what they'd called "emoji". They use these things if they are lazy enough to form a text or a message by simply expressing through an emoji. It is quite good that emojis are invented, through this we can truly express how are we feeling today, tomorrow, or the next day. Also, it was indeed that it is lazy form of writing but social media platforms is not a process of creative writing. However, it is a fast and convenient way of interacting with people.
Related source: 
words by: Hanelie De Castro
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Why English?
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                                               Why English?
“Nose bleed!” was the statement we Filipinos usually say most specially when we talk to foreigners. As far as I thought, this statement came from a Filipino comedy film that shows a comedian talking to a foreigner and their nose literally bleed.
It was funny for us of course but as I have talked to my friend Korean, she told me that she was so eager to learn Filipino because she felt offended every time she talks in english to her fellow Filipino classmates.
English has been a universal language for almost around the world. To conquer language barrier, people use English language to interact to people with different nationalities.
We are all aware that most of us will be given the opportunity to work abroad, and learning English language is a great help for us to overcome social anxiety. Being able to interact to different nationality is a big achievement we can achieve as we exist. And that was also the reason why the Philippines choose to focus in English speaking.
Thousands of schools not only in your country have been implementing the English Campaign policy to practice every students English Speaking Ability. And my former school was one of that.
We have this English speaking policy that rules us not to speak in vernacular as long us we are inside the school premises. If ever we are caught speaking in vernacular even just one word, we are to we this so called “Badge.” That badge seem to be a chain that takes us to jail. If ever we are to be the last badge holder of the day, we are required to report to our english teachers and take the punishment. The worst punishment was to recite a very long poem. It sucks. Really.
It is a great way to train kids in this skill, so when they grow up, it will not be difficult for them to adjust with the language barriers. However may we not forget the of our own languages. There are cases that most kids nowadays do not know how to speak their national language. It is pretty cool but it saddens me not being able to talk to them in a way we are going to be recognized as our nationality. Sometimes we are also discriminated by the language we speak. Their is saying “Sala sa init, sala sa lamig” in Filipino. Well whatever happens just learn and use both of the language properly.
If ever you are not confident enough to speak in English due to your grammar, keep in mind that people who have English as their national language, such us US and UK, they do not care about the grammar. All they care is to clearly say the thoughts they have.
English Speaking can be improved by reading english books, watching english movies, and communicating in english.
Leaning different languages aside from English is a great way to easily interact. However our language is still the best thing that can serve us the identification we ask for. Our language determines who we really are, and our language gives us the pride and signature.
Words by: Rachel Yutuc
Photo: https://imadopted.org/the-language-barrier/
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Online Dating
Based on the blog entitled, "Social interAPPtion" there is countless application nowadays that is used for communicating worldwide. DATING ONLINE is like too mainstream nowadays, especially to the millennials.
Most of the teenagers today used social media to gain attention and social life within these platforms. They speak loudly and showing themselves through different ways. Some gain attention here instead of going out of the box, talking to their family, friends and exploring their environment. Technology is hard for most of the parents and old ones to deal with and used. They didn't know how to use devices and this application to monitor their children’s.
There are such things to be considered when you are interacting with a person who is totally stranger, because this may have two sides: negative or positive. It can also be dangerous because in dealing with social media some of those needs your information and the public can see what you are doing by updating and posting on your account. Safety is a must, isn’t it?
Most of the users try to improve themselves to entertain the other person but how can you be so sure that someone behind that monitor or screen is real and a good person.
I’ve been watching news while doing projects for schools and there are numerous reports about killing and rape. I’ve heard a girl who is a freelance model and is going to meet a guy who introduced himself to her a photographer who shoots and then one day the family heard that their daughter was killed and raped by the guy whom she just met online.
Using social media, you should be really careful. You should be wise and had information enough to protect yourself to someone.
Dating online, applications and websites changed the way of courting and ways of how couples met. Tend to meet a total stranger, either you are homosexual or heterosexual. There is also an application for online gay dating which is for gays and lesbians.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tinder, swipe right and left to look for another person whom you see as an interesting person. These applications where you can meet someone whom you can be friends with or more than that. Also, there are several stories online where gives inspiration to other people about having a relationship with someone whom you just met with these applications.
I’d like to share my personal experience through using social media and having an interaction with someone who is completely stranger.
Meeting other people is quite fun and adventurous. The year 2016, when I was so curious about this social application where you are going to talk to someone who is a stranger and I’ve met this guy who is from Manila while here I am at Batangas. He is 2 years older than me and while talking to him for almost 3 months, I’ve told him that I’m already 19 that time but I’m only 17 to hide my identity and after that, when I felt comfortable with him we planned to meet each other and after that we became together and yes, in a relationship. I felt quite safe because our parents both know although it is really a struggle because it’s kinda like a long distance relationship. We’ve been together for almost 2 years this year.
You should be wise and think first before settling anything down, don’t just give your personal information, make sure to build a trust first before anything else.
Dating online is interesting and in today but as a person, I really do like the old style of courting, handwritten letters and harana. Who wouldn’t like that kind? Who wouldn’t miss it? A Filipino old style way of courting.
 words by: Kiara Joyce C. Liquido
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                                         Social InterAPPtion
It saddens me that this generation can interact better in software applications. There are tons of application used to interact such as Facebook, Messenger, Snapchat, Instagram, Tinder etc. And most people even used this applications to find a person to fall in love with or just be in a relationship to go with the “trend.” However there are some pros and cons with the interaction through applications. 
Let’s tackle about the Pros.
Interactions on software application makes the communication easier. A scenario of a friend in a country across yours does not worry you to not talk to him/her. It gave you the assurance that there will be a connection no matter what the distant is.  Also this can give a huge help to people who have a difficulty on the natural way of social interacting. Talking to people over a technology may gives them much confident to talk and spill there minds out because it felt comfortable talking without showing faces. 
It can also help you gain friends outside your box by meeting people out of this said applications. Gaining friends is a great thing to grow and applications has a huge contribution. However, let’s go discuss the cons. 
Let me share you my experience with interacting out of applications. 
As a teen, I love talking to people, I love telling them my stories, and talking to them by day isn’t enough. So by night, I got my social media on and start telling them much more stories. 
Also bad times can’t be avoided, so before the day ends, I talk to this person online and tell him everything I feel, and afterwards i felt better. 
Meanwhile talking over a technology may also put you to danger. There are a lot of cases where a lot of teens (mostly) have been reported to be involved on a different crime due to interactions with strangers on applications. Posters or hackers have invaded this kind of applications. Also there are applications where you talk to a person you totally don’t know. There are no names or any info about the you are talking to. And mostly they ended up asking to meet up. 
I’ve been in a situation where my friends introduce me into an app where I can talk to a total stranger. It was fun because it has this cold security. I felt secured without being known and just tell this certain person about my flaws. But when it took me long using this app, I’ve been talking to rude people. People who can actually sexually harass without being touch but just by being told so and it totally sucks. 
It also felt bad ‘coz it is my top secret to my parents. Lying sucks. So I am using this media to warn every one most specially the teens about the positive and negative of an interaction through applications. 
There is nothing bad interacting on software applications, however we are very much reminded to be extra careful on whom we are talking to. As much as possible talk to a person you already know. Avoid talking to strangers and giving informations about yourself and the people who are involved in your life. We cannot say what are in some people’s mind. Sometime even a person whom we knew may bring us to danger. 
Photo: https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/tell-the-world-about-it-taking-your-mobile-designs-social
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“No man is an island,” as what John Donne says. Everyone is dependent with each other, whether be an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert. Imagine the world without communication. People would have been chaotic and there are instances that there would be misunderstandings with using only their actions.
Social interaction is a way of interacting with other people whether it is done personally or by means of technology. It is being known as how people react when they are communicating with each other. Does the person you are talking to has a habit of eye contact? Is he busy playing with his phone while you are talking to him? Knowing social interaction is important as it will result for a healthy relationship with other people. In addition, what really matters nowadays is on how we will start interacting with people and what acts or words should we use to easily interact.
Most people, especially in this generation, communicate by using their technologies like cellphone and laptop. And as they use these, they end up in misunderstanding. Why? Due to the influence of technology, this may effect the behavior or a person. Also some loses the traditional way of interacting as waving, smiling and greeting each other with Hi/Hello or Good day/night.
As I observ people, specifically the millenials, most of them use their phones as an excuse to avoid greeting people, and it is quite funny for me, because neither I am guilty. Meanwhile it is great to see that half or more of the population still know how to scream names and greet them with enthusiastic Hi/Hello. 
Social interaction is something we can’t avoid, it is a must since you were born. Social interaction does not only covers you meeting new people, but being born in this world has begun your journey with interacting with people. Babies even interact to people, just see when he/she cries and laugh. Sweet isn’t it? 
In my own opinion, interacting with animals is also considered as a social interaction, but I am guilty that I have no further research about it. I’m going to work on that soon. But just observe how we, humans, interact with these animals. It is so sweet that we are not just foreign with each other yet we got to understand what as humans and animals wants.
The photo above is from the play Once In This Parking, performed by Teatro Lasalyano, directed by Rhon Kenneth Mercado and written by Luisito Nario. 
OITP is all about this group of friends who met unexpectedly in a parking lot of a bar. If you were to watch this awesome theatre play, you are going to see how powerful and weird social interaction is. Of course it would be very awkward to see people meeting just like that, but in the end, a relationship has been built. 
There is nothing to fear with social interaction. You may be unsure with people you may meet, but keep in mind that you don’t trust people quickly by meeting them frequently. You may like or unlike a person you just interact. It is not a must to like everyone you meet, it is not a must to play a fake character to be like by people you interact with, all it matters it to be who you are and don’t fear interacting with “hoomans”. 
To make sure that everything that this blog has said, just keep in touch and wait for more blogs about social interaction. You are to read blogs on how to interact with people, how to keep up with people, and etc. Do not be frightened. We are in a world that needs interaction. No one live without any interaction, neither no one leave being interacted. 
Words by: Rachel “Abby” Yutuc and Kate Lior Silang
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