Oooh do it this'll be fun
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I’m curious, how many houses have you lived in? answer in the tags
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Brothers and Sisters
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Doukyuusei ❤ This is the cutest movie I’ve seen. I love it! 😍😍😍😍
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One of my favorite thing about fandom is the fan fiction rabbit hole I always fall in. Like at first, upon finishing the canon material, I’m all “ok I want cannon verse fic, tell me what happens after the story, or before, but I’m super critical of characterization and relation to canon events” and now, my ass out here like “Alright how about a *spins wheel* Victorian Era *spin* bakery AU with *throws dart* a slow burn love triangle”
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You’ve been married to a man for twelve years. He’s been gone for twelve years. One day, he comes back to the village. When your daughter points out that the reason you look so happy and excited has got to be related to his return, you turn as red as a tomato and starts stuttering, denying that is the case, saying your happiness has nothing to do with him at all, like preteens will do when their crushes on other preteens are pointed out by playful friends.
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How is this a sign of a normal marriage to you? How is this a sign of an adult relationship to you? How is this a sign of maturity between a couple to you? How is this a sign that this so-called marriage’s one capable of developping both parties involved? I’m really curious about it. I really am.
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So, Sarada happens to be good at throwing shurikens in the chapter her father arrives. She spends some panels doing it a few times. However, it was clearly stated that he just came back from a trip that lasted twelve years. She is a 12-year-old. How is this proof of anything between them as daughter and father to you, again? I’m really curious. So, she appears with her hands crossed and her elbows rested on a table, just like her father used to appear sometimes when he was a kid. She’d never met him before when she was shown like this. How is this proof of anything between them as daughter and father to you, again? How does this help the pairing sasusaku’s case? How does this prove that Sarada knows anything about her dad at all, when it is clearly stated SHE DOES NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HIM by the author of the series himself in Gaiden? I’m curious.
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How can there be people who still believe Sarada knew anything about Sasuke besides his name and his physicall appearence before he came back to the village? How can there be people that think the anti are just hating on the pairing just for the sake of hating on the pairing?
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Will be on a short hiatus until Monday
My grandfather was diagnosed yesterday afternoon with liver cancer. Operating will spread it so the doctors will be determining how much longer he has soon. My family and I will be in California for a few days to see him, but I'll be back soon❤️❤️take care of yourselves
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Favourite Yatori moments: requested by anon ♡
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Yato defeating phantoms
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I'm officially no longer invested in whatever erotic masochistic torture Dazai is going through. And to think I genuinely worried for this fuckboi and here he is doing his best standup. In the meantime I am very much worried for Atsushi
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Moral of the story: Everyone wants to fuck Dazai for some reason and this show likes queer baiting between their pretty male leads
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I hated this episode for two reasons. First off, I don't care about Kyouka and her archetype has been done better in multiple anime, and secondly, Kunikida was willing to abandon Atsushi and I am not okay with that. This boy is an orphan himself, and a wanted criminal with no formal training or control over his ability and is clearly not ready to make such a crucial decision on behalf of someone else. Rescuing Kyouka was an empathetic impulse to save someone else from his situation. He doesn't know what he's doing and he could use some guidance from more experienced adults. Kunikida making him feel alone in his predicament is just callous. Especially considering that the rest of the organization had to have HELPED him bring that girl there since he was passed out. Therefore they have just as much involvement for the girl as him.
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Well this was definitely better than the other episodes. I really like Doctor girl.
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In which the agency continues to piss me off and poor Atsushi is kid napped during Dazai's poorly timed comedy sketch
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still highkey salty about the last few episodes of aragoto
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Man fron my experience BSD has cool characters with great potential but the story is shit and said potential really isn’t put to good use.
Absolutely agree. I’ll sum up my main issues as
PACING- The series almost rushes as if to regain the viewers attention to introduce new elements and characters at the sacrifice of the story’s momentum. 
COMEDIC DISSONANCE- This one is the worst for us. The show sluggishly ambles through the comedy immediately after establishing it’s stakes CONSTANTLY, breaking the immersion. Its very typical anime comedy as well and not clever. 
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EPISODIC/COMEDIC MISUSE OF LEVITY- For a thirteen episode series, this show has entire episodes that do not further the plot significantly. I understand that the point is to introduce a character and their powers but there is a good way to do that…and they actually did it with Tanizaki and the Doctor girl. With Tanizaki, his episode advanced the plot and showed us his ability in the process. But the episode was not about him. As for the comedic abuse of levity, that comes in with the villains (If you can call them that). Several times we are introduced to villains in the exact same same episode they appear/are defeated in. A villain should be a persistent threat throughout and not necessarily overtly, have their own motivations separate from the “heroes”, and be able to carry their own stories. EX:Orochimaru (Naruto), Bondrewd (Made in Abyss), Father (Noragami), Johan (Monster), Hisoka (HunterXHunter), Ragyo (Kill La Kill), Al Thamen (Magi), Marley (Attack on Titan). My Hero has this same issue. 
SHOW DON’T TELL- This is the least bothersome for me and is more of a pet peeve. We are constantly TOLD things about characters by other characters, rather than shown. We are TOLD by Atsushi that his life at the orphanage was hell. Great. We get it. We understand the effect that had on him by his actions. He is a scavenger with food, tries to leave at the first sign of trouble and feels that he is useless. He even decides to take a bomb to the gut to protect everyone because he feels he is not worth much. If this were the extent of these scenes, this would be well done. The problem is that we are shown this same flashback literally about four or five times every time Atsushi makes a decision. We don’t need to be told what his catalyst is, just make it clear in the characters actions.
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Okay! Things got interesting again! I'm guessing this Manga is probably far more tolerable but I will say this, this kyouka girl is my absolute LEAST interesting character. We've only seen this girl for a very brief time but the dissonance is supposed to be in her lack of control of her ability and life in general. We are supposed to feel empathy for this girl and her situation when we see her fight atsushi...but I literally couldn't care less. Her reappearance in this scene held no weight, we found out nothing about her, and most damning- she does one of the fastest rehabs ever after jumping from m the train. If the character is going to be brainwashed and abused they need to hold themselves to that decision. She should be shooketh after disobeying her orders- terrified of her repercussions and feeling lost and dazed after her impulse to kill herself is thwarted by Atsushi (who I do like very much), instead she's just fine and is not (visibly) shaken at all. I hope this isn't glossed over, but you never know. Next episode might explore that.
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