smallwebseriesweek · 8 years
small webseries secret santa: official form!
ok so I have created a form to fill out to match people with their secret santas. It’s pretty self-explanatory, but a few quick things:
I’ve left the option to do a physical gift or a digital gift. If you opt out of sending a physical gift, you will probably not receive a physical gift. Digital gifts should be something like a fic, video, playlist, gifset, etc. Something nice that you would want to receive. I’m not going to put a price range on physical gifts because I imagine many of them will be small or handmade, but just keep it reasonable. Again, something nice that you would enjoy receiving, but don’t go too overboard. ;)
Without further ado! Here is the link to the form:
I’m going to leave this form open for a week. Saturday, November 26th will be the last day to fill it out, so that will give me time to match people and for people to make gifts. So you’ve got a week to decide whether you want to participate or not. Please only fill it out once.
I thiiiiink that’s about it, sorry this is super unofficial, but feel free to message me with any questions. And let me know if there are issues with the form.
reblog to spread the word, etc. 
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smallwebseriesweek · 8 years
there has been word going around about doing a small webseries gift exchange so I’m ~data mining~ for people who are interested lol
babby secret santa webseries list
ok so! here is what I am going to do. I’ll make a form to fill out which includes questions about whether people would be willing to make a physical gift, ship internationally, etc. But first, I am making a list of small webseries to be included in the checklist of shows you have seen/could receive a gift for. In the interest of not leaving anyone out, I am going to do it by nominations. 
here is the link to the doc where you can add shows
please reblog this if you’re interested in participating so everyone can see it
and yes, if you are a creator, add your own show to the list!!! 
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smallwebseriesweek · 8 years
good, I’m too lazy to do this consistently myself ;)
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babby (n): a low budget and/or low view-count web series that YOU feel deserves some love
We’re a new blog dedicated to showcasing the Davids of the web series world; the small but mighty.
What we’d like to do:
create gifsets and edits for shows that don’t have many
promote new shows that are struggling to get off the ground
offer suggestions for any type of web series you could think of
Right now “we” is only one person, but if you’d like to be a moderator of this blog, send an ask!
As Jane Bennet once said, “Everyone deserves tea”.
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smallwebseriesweek · 8 years
I know you guys are all about small webseries and there's a new one called A Document of Madness which people should check out
Hello, thanks for sending this! I'll look into it :)
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smallwebseriesweek · 8 years
small webseries week wrap-up!
Hey everyone, I just wanted to come on and say thank you for making the first SWW such a success! I think a lot of people found out about some new shows they hadn’t heard about before, and there was a lot of great discussion between creators. I would definitely consider doing this again, maybe an every-other-month type of thing? who knows. but anyway, if you didn’t get to participate during the week, don’t forget that small webseries can use your love all the time so keep that energy up! Thanks to everyone who participated, you’re all stars :)
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smallwebseriesweek · 8 years
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Small webseries week: High’rd Help
“Do you ever have one of those days? You know, the one where everything is just…going wrong?” 
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smallwebseriesweek · 8 years
Cassie and Nell decide to play Truth or Dare!
Click here to watch The Late Nell Avery from the beginning or catch up on any missed episodes.
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smallwebseriesweek · 8 years
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small webseries week: 4/7 - Like, As It Is by Quip Modest Productions
“Well, I guess that wraps up that storyline!”
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smallwebseriesweek · 8 years
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The W.H. Academy cast (for part 1).  W.H. Academy is a modern interpretation of Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights. Catch up here! 
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smallwebseriesweek · 8 years
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“You have some queer friends, Dorothy,” “The queerness doesn’t matter, so long as they’re friends.”
- The Road to Oz
The Grey Tarmac Road airs january!
and i am fully expecting it to be very gay
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smallwebseriesweek · 8 years
Episode 36: Blair regrets everything.
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smallwebseriesweek · 8 years
Small Webseries Week: Charlotte’s Web Series
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We just found out about this AMAZING week to celebrate webseries and thought we might as well tag along!
In Charlotte’s Web Series we’ve modernized E.B. White’s classic children’s novel Charlotte’s Web. This may seem weird, I mean how do you modernize a webseries where the main characters are all animals? Well, we think we figured out a way.
In CWS we tell the story of Willa Arable, a young girl from Killaloe, Ontario who has just moved to the city of Hamilton for university. Struggling with the abrupt changes in her life, Willa begins sending videos to her Aunt Fern so they can remain connected. But despite the videos Fern remains distant causing Willa to feel like a pig up for slaughter (did you see what we did there?). Juggling a new home, a new school, and a student house full of strange roommates, Willa’s in for a tough year.
We film in a similar style to both Carmilla and The Lizzie Bennet Diaries with some episodes filmed in one take to some using jump cuts. While most episodes are filmed in Willa’s room we did change locations in some scenes so that the viewer can travel with Willa to the different rooms of her student house.
Stuck in a Story Productions is a small independent production company and this was our first time (after years of discussing) making a web series. We have an amazing, talented, and hardworking group of actors, our make-up artist, and our camera woman and editor. We would be completely lost with their help.
Watch all the episodes on our playlist here!
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smallwebseriesweek · 8 years
Here’s Tabitha with the news! She’ll be back in January.
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smallwebseriesweek · 8 years
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And now, Like, As It Is is over.  This has been so much fun.  Thank you for watching.
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smallwebseriesweek · 8 years
One way to celebrate Small Webseries Week - fill out the wiki page for your favourite small webseries on the webseries wiki!
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smallwebseriesweek · 8 years
(Literary) Web Series Tropes
I made up way more of these than I expected so most of them are under a read more. Most of these only apply to vlog-style series.
Exposition Episode: Usually the first episode of the series. The Main Character(s) (MC) decide to make a vlog but don’t know what to talk about so they list out all of their friends and family, along with details about where they live and (usually) their school. Notable examples: literally every show.
Whose Vlog Is This Anyway: The MC is supposed to be vlogging solo but their best friend and/or significant other is in almost every episode, occasionally even without the MC. Notable examples: Mac and Beth, TAJWASH.
Let’s All Vlog: Several characters who don’t know each other all decide to start vlogging at the same time. Notable examples: Like, As It Is, In Earnest. Subtrope: Let’s All Tweet: When all the characters get Twitter accounts at the same time.
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smallwebseriesweek · 8 years
fictionalizing authors
starting in 2013, a long-form webseries modernizing famous (and not-so-famous) authors’ lives has come out at least once a year. in late 2013, it was blankverse, continued into may 2014 with ben jonson’s vlog. boxing day 2014, it was the writing majors, which continued into may 2015. words from wilde started in october 2015, and it’s already confirmed to have an approximately 24 episode run, taking it at least into early 2015. the other notable similarity is their amount of episodes. although blankverse/bjv has the most videos at 43 (33 main videos, 11 side videos), the writing majors aired 29, and with words from wilde’s 24 episode count, no show has exceeded 50 videos. the pattern is likely coincidence more than anything else, but there are some significant differences in the stories they tell external to the authors’ lives they choose to adapt.
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