slwn · 14 days
Say it louder for the boys up the back! 🗣
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needed to be said!
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slwn · 15 days
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slwn · 15 days
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emily battaglini
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slwn · 15 days
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slwn · 16 days
I saw a post a few days ago which of course I’ll never find again.  It was a politics-related tweet that was basically saying that as more women under 40 go into politics, it is inevitable that people will weaponize nude photos/sexts/things they did online when they were 20 against them (not to say this hasn’t already happened, just that it will happen more and more).  And we collectively need to get a lot firmer and better at saying “This is irrelevant, a huge number of women have done this, and it shouldn’t matter to her reputation or career” or else the general effect will be to deter women who have ever done anything sexual on the internet (sending a racy photo to a partner, or writing spicy fanfic) from entering politics at all.  
And it’s not just about politics.  More and more published authors, for instance, have also written fanfic, but a combination of factors (including AO3’s existence) means it’s easier to track those things down now and weaponize them.  If we want to have aspiring politicians and authors not just say “ugh well I guess I’ll never publish anything/never hold public office because I don’t want to deal with the harassment”, we need to get louder and clearer about saying that having done or written about sexual things is normal and common and doesn’t impact a person’s worth or reputation or skill in a totally different field.    
Think really hard about the general climate that’s being created when women, LGBT+ people, and POC, are made to feel ashamed and afraid if they decide to speak up that someone is going to dredge up something they said online, or a photo they took, and use it to try and discredit them.  Who exactly benefits from that?  Does the world feel safer if a person who wrote a darkfic a decade or two ago doesn’t get their next novel published? Or if a woman who sent nude pics to her boyfriend is forced to resign from office because he leaked them to the public? Do you think that this type of extremely broad net is only going to catch the “bad” people and leave the “good” ones unscathed? Are publishers going to start saying “hm the last time we published a book by someone who was a fanfic author, it turned into a giant publicity disaster, but we’ll definitely take a chance on the next one who comes along!” Which voices are at risk of being drowned out by this environment of fear?
Because if the only answer that comes out of this is “women, LGBT+ people, and POC will inevitably get trashed for anything even remotely sexual they do in public (and some things they did in private),” the world is a poorer place for it.  
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slwn · 19 days
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slwn · 20 days
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by Kyle Bonallo (ig: @kylebonallo)
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slwn · 21 days
biologist here! why are plants green? well they suck up air from the sky (blue) and mix it with the sunlight (yellow) i fucking love science.
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slwn · 21 days
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the thought of You
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slwn · 21 days
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Glimmerati, Claudia Keep
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slwn · 21 days
if you check my blog everyday then maybe we should kiss
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slwn · 29 days
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slwn · 29 days
Mammals both produce milk and have hair. Ergo, a coconut is a mammal.
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slwn · 1 month
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The Musica Universalis (Harmony of the Spheres) - Ratios of Orbital Distance and Orbital Periods. Musica Universalis (Music of the Spheres) is an Ancient Philosophical concept that regards Proportions in the movements of Celestial bodies of the Sun and Planets as a Form of Musica (the Medieval Latin name for Music). This “Music” is not literally Audible, but a Harmonic and Mathematical relationship between our Star and it’s Satellites. This design is inspired by theory and writings taken from Johannes Kepler’s “Mysterium Cosmographicum” (The Secret of the Universe) where he explored the relationships of Harmonies in our Solar System and sought to uncover the “Music” therein. In this graphic, the Circles represent Orbital Resonance, which occurs when two Planets have an Orbit that are a simple Integer Ratio of each other. For example, consider the Orbits of Earth and Venus (8 : 13), which means the two Planets arrive at almost the same position after 8 Earth Orbits and 13 Venus Orbits. The underlying Circles represent relationships of Orbital Distance as calculated from each Planets semi-minor Axis - which is the shortest length in a Planets elliptical Orbit around the Sun. What is most striking, is that the mirrored structure that arises in the semi-minor Axis between: - the first and last for Planets (both 4:1) - the last and first Planets (both 25 : 1) - and the fourth Planets as counted in from the 1st and last (25 : 4) - Mars from Mercury, and Saturn from Pluto In this view of the semi-minor and Orbital Resonaces overlaid, the whole Solar System takes on the appearance of a carefully Mathematically Balanced ballet of Harmonic Relationships and shared Proportions. In some instances the Ratios and Relationships depicted here are reputed to be very accurate (in terms of Cosmological distances which are vast) coming close to 99.8%.
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slwn · 1 month
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St. Johns Bridge // Portland, Oregon
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slwn · 1 month
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slwn · 1 month
Reblog to hug prev poster (they need a hug)
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