azuredentalclinic · 2 years
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Best Dental Services
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azuredentalclinic · 2 years
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azuredentalclinic · 2 years
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azuredentalclinic · 3 years
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Teeth Straightening
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azuredentalclinic · 3 years
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4 Benefits of Brushing & Flossing
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azuredentalclinic · 3 years
Are Dental Implants Safe in Diabetes?
Diabetes is one of the most worrisome and unpleasant medical conditions that one can suffer from. It causes the body to lose the ability to control the blood sugar level, and it not only disrupts one lifestyle but slows down the healing process. This makes it difficult for people to make decisions regarding any other treatments that they are willing to take in the future.
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 One such medical situation involves getting a dental implant. With diabetes ruining our overall health, a missing tooth can make the situation worse than it already is. A dental implant takes approximately 6 months to heal as titanium posts are inserted into the jaw. People suffering from diabetes can have a problem while getting implants, as a missing tooth can make the cheeks look saggy and can result in early aging on the face.
 Diabetics have a lot of legitimate questions in such situations to ensure the safety of dental implants. Here is an outlook of the entire situation to make it easier for you to decide.
 How does diabetes affect dental implants?
People suffering from diabetes have multiple options to choose from when they want to replace their missing tooth. Dental implants are one of the many options, and they are the most preferred choice as they last longer, replicate the natural tooth, and support the rest of the teeth.
 People undergoing the process rely on the body’s healing powers for the integration of the root into the jawbone. Later, the gums heal around the area of the implant. It is the healing process that makes the implant look like a natural tooth in the future and makes it a stronger and better fix than bridges and dentures.
 Dental implants are a success 95% of the time; however, in cases where the person is suffering from diabetes, the healing process slows down. This can increase the chances of failure of the implants, thereby reducing the rate of success of the process.
 Is it a safe option?
If your diabetes is under control and you are at the peak of your health, dental implants are a safe option. It is a better and safer option than bridges and dentures when you want to follow your diabetes-based diet. The failure of implants is negligible if your health is in a good state.
 It is significant to disclose the entire medical history to the concerned doctor before getting the procedure done. Professional doctors get a comprehensive medical examination done before they even suggest the process. Book your appointment with our professional doctors today and get your dental implants done!
See more at-https://azuredentalclinic.co.uk/
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azuredentalclinic · 3 years
How to Quickly Recover Post Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Wisdom teeth are the set of 4 molars that occur in our mouths around the age of 17. With the change in our lifestyle, these wisdom teeth are no longer of any importance in our modern lives. However, evolution has also ensured that this set of teeth causes more trouble, as they don’t fit in our mouths.  
Because of the troubles that wisdom teeth cause, it is essential to get them removed. A person who has gone through a wisdom teeth extraction knows how it feels and how much time it takes to recover from that. Here are some tips to follow post wisdom tooth extraction that can help fasten the recovery –
 1.     Check for bleeding -
Slight bleeding is normal after tooth extraction so, don’t freak out. There might be a visible blood clot on the top-to remove that, rinse your mouth thoroughly and then bite down on a gauze. Try not to chew too hard as it can make the bleeding even worse. Also, try to sit upright and avoid any strenuous activities.
 2.     Take rest -
To recover completely from the tooth extraction, it is best to take a rest and avoid any stressful activities as it can cause the blood clot to move. Instead of rushing back to your old routine, take a few days off and avoid any strain. While napping, try to keep your head elevated with a pillow.
 Article Source: https://azuredentalclinic.blogspot.com/2021/08/how-to-quickly-recover-post-wisdom.html
 Shared By: https://azuredentalclinic.co.uk/
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azuredentalclinic · 3 years
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2 Minutes, Twice a Day!
Brushing twice a day for at least two minutes per session with fluoride toothpaste will keep dental plaque in check.
Never Skip Flossing
Flossing is just as vital as brushing. You should floss at least once per day, nighttime is preferred. How- ever, it is recommended to floss after every meal for optimal results.
Develop a Routine
Try your best to develop a routine that calls for consistent brushing and flossing. The average person brushes every morning (upon waking up) and every night (just before bed), as well as flossing just before bed.
Limit Sugar Intake
It's tough to ignore temptations, but do your best to keep sugar in moderation. Bacteria that cause decay in the mouth feed on sugars.
Brush Your Tongue
Gently brush your tongue from back to front with toothpaste or mouthwash, which further aids in removing plaque from the mouth. Most people often overlook brushing the tongue.
Shared By-https://azuredentalclinic.co.uk/
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azuredentalclinic · 3 years
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azuredentalclinic · 3 years
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Looking for a dentist in Liverpool?
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azuredentalclinic · 3 years
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Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible and allow you to acquire a beautiful smile without putting your life on hold or feeling the embarrassment of wearing metal braces.
Eat whatever you want! Simply remove the aligners before eating and then place them back in after your meal.
Simply take out the aligners, brush them down, brush your teeth, and then replace the aligners. When done properly, Invisalign is far less likely to cause cavities or damage the teeth in any other way.
There is far less pain with Invisalign compared to metal braces. Because there is nothing that will pop free, cut, or scrape on the gums or inside of the lips, Invisalign provides an overall less pain-full experience.
With Invisalign, you can either remove the aligners during sports or keep them in. This flexibility means fewer limits on activities and life.
Playing a musical instrument with braces can be difficult and painful. There is no pain with Invisalign because there are no brackets!
Having a beautiful smile helps to build confidence and comfort with your appearance, which leads to improved self-esteem and overall happiness.
See more at-https://azuredentalclinic.co.uk/invisalign-liverpool/
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azuredentalclinic · 3 years
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