slavishslap · 2 months
HI if you dont mind me asking, who r your favorite resident evil characters? :o and i suppose dynamics / pairings too if youre feeling up to it!
Hi I don't mind you asking at all! For favourite characters I guess Im pretty basic and love all the main ones, but my faves are Jill, Leon, Rebecca and Claire though. I do pretty much love all the slightly main ones though.
As for pairs, romantically I really like Jill/Carlos, Rebecca/Billy (SO UNDERATED UGH), and Leon/Ada. I do like Leon and Claire too, but I just prefer Ada and him. I can sometimes really get into loving Claire/Ada and Claire/Jill (!!!) as well, even if they're kinda unrealistic compared to the others. Once saw a Helena/Sherry artwork before which was INSANELY CUTE and made me kinda like that pair (Even though Helena is just a btec Claire)
As for platonically literally any pair could work, but I'm in love with Jill and Rebecca as best friends. Thats just some random thoughts spewed out for now. Thanks so much for asking!
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slavishslap · 2 months
Jill Valentine | Tickle HC's
Hi. I'm living. I'm alive. I've actually been drafting loads of stuff as of recently. Really gotten into writing so seems like a good time to do a little attempted return to this account! Thought a good return would be to drop a few HCs for characters I really like. I played a lot of Resident Evil recently, so thought I would start these off with my favourite of the characters. Enjoy!
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Only has two modes, either super gentle and teasy, or pinning down, absolutely wrecking someone's worst spots.
Will never pass up an opportunity to revenge tickle someone.
If she wants to tickle someone, they will be tickled, no matter what. She'll chase someone if she has to.
Very pinchy and scratchy tickles. Fully utilises her nails on her lee.
Very teasy. She will constantly remind you just how ticklish you are. "Is a little someone ticklish? Hmm?"
Also things like "I'm barely even touching you..." "Oooh, you're really ticklish here, huh... I might have to just keep tickling right here, what d'ya think?"
Will lock eyes the entire time, always with a huge smirk on her face.
Repeats the phrases "Tickle tickle tickle!" or "Coochie coochie coo!" Every 5 seconds when tickling.
Finds squeals, squeaks, or any other slightly different variation of laughter very cute, and will let you know. "What was that noise! I have to hear that again!"
Always gradually slows her attacks, until she's barley scratching her lee, before she actually stops.
Will continue to tease after she's finished. "Aw, you poor ticklish thing, huh?" "Can you breathe now? Can you talk normally now?"
Maybe surprisingly, she's unbelievably ticklish.
But will (try and fail to) deny it til the end. Ask her if she's ticklish and you'll recieve the most serious, yet guilty, glare ever. "...No..."
Her worst spots are her ribs and thighs.
Cannot take two different spots being tickled at the same time at all.
Usually not as ticklish against softer, more gentle methods. Although, scratching your nails down her ribs/sides will absolutely kill her every time.
Actually very bad at fighting back. Getting tickled sends her into such a squirming frenzy that she can barely control her own movements.
As such very jumpy. A single poke to the side can send her flying.
Massive squealer. Very high pitched and squeaky. But really tickle her bad and she'll turn to an almost silent laughter.
Always yells "Help!" Even if there's no one else around. "I hate you!" Is another one of her favourite things to giggle out.
Very susceptible to visual teasing. Wiggle your fingers in the air over her and she'll immediately go bright red and start giggling, no matter how hard she tries to hide it.
Gets very sweaty. Her hair always ends up stuck to her face by the end of a wrecking.
Be prepared to run once she's fully regained her composure, because she will be after revenge.
That's all for her, thanks for reading! Wanted to put a lil note here at the end just to say that while I am back on here, I already have loads more headcanons to drop, at least 5 other characters in the writing, but would love to hear any actual fanfic requests. I know a fandom list would probably help (and I will eventually write one) but as long as it's the same series as something I've done before, I'd definitely be happy writing for it again.
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slavishslap · 7 months
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day 26 - counting (made 9/6/23)
jill + claire from re.sident ev.il
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slavishslap · 8 months
The Razor Tickle Box | Saw Fanfic
Here's my first public fic! Let me know any improvements or stuff I could make, it's all appreciated! Not overly too much plot here, just some tickles and an idea I've been obsessed with for some weeks.
And just to note I've written this so that the razor box doesn't actually have razors in it, just some sort of suction to keep the wrists in place.
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A sudden sharp pain in her neck shot Addison awake. Great, still stuck in that room, her wrists cuffed to the glass box above her. She tried craning her head round, turning it to either side, attempting to get a look at what was happening behind her.
"Hey! What the fuck are you doing?! Who's there!?" She knew there was someone there, she could feel their presence, but had no idea who it could be. "Let me out! Please!" She begged, looking up at her arms, which had surprisingly not started to tire out yet.
"There..." A voice behind her spoke gently, and to Addison's left, a person emerged. She recognised the woman immediately, from the short hair and the all blue outfit. Addison thought hard, trying to recall her name.
"You?! I-It's Amanda right? Get me out! Please!" Amanda looked up at her, and smiled, something that both confused and terrified Addison.
"Shut up will you... I just saved you." Amanda held up a needle, one that must have been containing the antidote that Addison had gotten stuck trying to get. "Did you seriously put both hands in that?" Amanda raised an eyebrow, pointing up to the box Addison was stuck in.
Addison watched as Amanda's eyes drifted away from her face, up to the box, and then sideways to her... armpits? Addison was only getting more and more confused, as she watched Amanda, who without speaking another word, dissappeared to behind her back.
"Wait! Where are you going?! Help me you bitch!!" Addison wondered if she would regret saying that.
"Yeah yeah, I will. But first, I just wanna test something out." Amanda was whispering up into the taller girls's ear, and if she hadn't just been in an intense death house, Addison probably would have been sightly turned on, evident by her cheeks now blushing brightly red.
"Just fucking get me out!" Addison watched as Amanda's hands appeared from behind her, and slowly made their way towards her armpits, all ten fingers beginning to gently wiggle inside, her short nails barely grazing the skin. "H-Hehehey!! W-Wahait!" Addison begun to giggle, whipping her head round wildly, her hair occasionally smacking Amanda in the face.
"What's the matter, hmm? Are we ticklish?" Amanda bit her tongue, watching as she was already trying to escape. "You're going nowhere." Amanda brought her head up to Addison's neck to whisper, the girl able to feel her breath on her ear.
"NoHOhohO! A-Ah-Amanda!" Addison was giggling like a little kid, squirming around upright, trying to move to escape the tickles, her clamped wrists prohibiting her from doing so.
"Awe, how about we go a little harder?" Amanda's fingers then begun to rapidly scratch and poke into Addison's armpits with more force, seeing an immediate reaction, as a squeal left her lips.
"AAAAH!! NONONOHOHO!! P-PAHA-PLEASE!!" Addison was now walking back and forth as far as she could, but nothing could get her away from Amanda's fingers. "I CAHAHAN'T!! I CAHAN'T!" Her words were squeaky, a pitch higher then her normal voice.
"Ohoho, you're really ticklish! I'm gonna have fun with you..." Addison's neck fliched everytime Amanda's whispered breath tickled her ear. "Hehe... tickle tickle! God you're pathetic." Amanda in an instant swapped the wiggling of her fingers to her drilling and twisting one finger into each armpit, seeing what would get her the best reaction.
"PLEEEEEEASE!! NOHOHO MOHOHOHORE!! STOHOHOP IT!!!" Addison was almost hopping on the spot, jumping around on one foot to the other. She could hear Amanda giggling behind her, not once letting up her tickling torture.
"Will you please stay still! I'm not even doing anything." Amanda retracted one hand from Addison's armpit and wrapped it around her waist, essentially holding her still. "Now... now you're fucked." She could feel Amanda's lips touch her ear as she softly whispered. A single hand drifted upwards, scratching all five fingers into one of Addison's armpits, making the woman squeal once again.
"EEK!! NONONOHOT THAHAHAT!! PLEHEHEASE!!! STOHOP STOHOHOP STOOOOOOP!!" Amanda internally congratulated herself, managing to reduce her subject to a flustered, squeaky mess with ease. Meanwhile, Addison was as red as a tomato, insanely embarrassed about the way she was jumping on the spot, screaming with laughter.
"Jeez you're fucking ticklish. You're like a little baby!" Amanda brought her lips back up to her ticklee's ear. "You a baby? Little baby Addison? Little ticklish baby Addison can't handle a few pokes?" Addison was hating how flustered Amanda's teasing was making her. The few whispered words made the torment so much worse.
Surprisingly, but thankfully, Amanda ceased her tickling in an instant, also unwrapping the arm round Addison's waist. A face appeared out the corner of her eye, and she turned to see a smirking Amanda looking at her, raising a finger to point to her face.
"You blushing? Is my teasing getting you?" Amanda was right, not that Addison would let her know.
"P-Please... Amanda... I cannot do any-anymore." Addison was breathing deeply in and out, trying to regain her composure.
"Why do you think I'm giving you a break silly." Amanda's face was plastered with an absolute shit-eating grin.
A break. Addison realised that meant there would be more to come, and judging by Amanda's head disappearing once more, they were coming now. And this time there was no teasing, no warm up, no gentle start. Amanda's hands whipped round to immediately dig all fingers into the exposed armpits, wanting to give Addison one last torture.
"FUHUHUCK YOU!!! HAHAHAHA!! I-I CAHAHAN'T!! AHAHAMANDA!! NONONONOHOHOHO!!" Addison was almost screaming now, twisting rapidly at the waist, her legs dancing around, trying turn her body away from Amanda's tickling hands any direction she could.
"Oh come on, you can take just a little longer, right? Not that you have a choice..." Addison's hair was slapping Amanda straight in the face, the taller girl resorting back to swinging her head around, seemingly with no idea of how to better cope with her torture.
"YOU NEED TO STOOOHOHOHOP!!!!" Addison let one final bellow out, barely managing to fit it between her laughter. The intense tickling had really tired her out, not even having the energy to wriggle around now, standing completely still.
Noticing how breathless that scream for mercy was, Amanda figured enough was enough, and gradually reduced her tickling to a light scritch on the armpits, before removing her hands completely, resting them on her own hips.
"Alright alright..." Amanda spoke softly, leaning her head back around one of Addison's sides to look the poor girl in the face. "I'll let you go now. Well, I'm gonna have to... uhhh... chloroform you first." Amanda had a smug smile on her face, looking like she was about to leave, before giving Addison one more comment. "I... uhm... I'll keep an eye on you, I'd like to do this again." With that, she headed out of the room.
Addison really hated herself for this, but she did kinda hope she would see Amanda again, just preferably with less laughing.
Thanks for reading! Let me know any potential improvements you may have for me. I am a huge shipper of Amanda x Addison (x Laura too) so couldn't help but include some more "romancy" things. (Lynn x Amanda supremacy though)
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slavishslap · 8 months
Someone please suggest me some Saw tickle fic prompts or ideas I'm in a rare mood to write loads of stuff but can't come up with any good ideas
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slavishslap · 8 months
Firstly how have I never ever seen this??? Why did they remove this its so cute???
Secondly is anyone else kinda getting ler Adam and lee Amanda vibes from this?? Idk I wouldn't really pair them together and I can't even explain why but something about this just makes sense to me???
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slavishslap · 8 months
I've finally worked up the confidence to post an actual writing post so here are some random silly little Saw apprentice tickling headcanons that I wrote at like 3 AM (forgive the unorganisation)
John might not be strong anymore, but he doesn't need to be. If he feels like one of them needs tickling he'll just force them to keep their arms up until he's done. Like he'll just walk up to one of them and say "Arms up." or some shit.
He doesn't really tickle Lawrence all that much. With Hoffman he is ALWAYS intentionally mean and teasy, often using it to make a point to him, or teach him a lesson. Whereas with Amanda he's far softer, it's primarily cheer up tickles he uses, just gently doing it to make her smile and happier.
While John is still ticklish himself, none of the apprentices are brave enough to mess with him directly. The only time he's ever on the receiving end is if Jill's tickling him.
Amanda and Hoffman love to use it to agitate and mess with each other. Like just giving each other occasional pokes and jabs into the sides just to annoy each other.
Amanda being weaker then Hoffman regularly leads to him absolutely wrecking her if she's being too bratty or cocky. And although he thoroughly enjoys tormenting her, he never takes it too far and stops when she really needs him to. He had plenty of experience with his sister.
If anything, the tickling made Hoffman, Amanda, and Lawrence all closer together and has probably even strengthened their relationship, not that they'd ever admit it, and not that they have much of a relationship.
Lawrence likes to try stay out of the tickling wars, but if he is dragged into it finds himself taking Amanda's side far more often, occasionally helping her get Hoffman down.
Amanda is the ONLY one who ever tries promote ideas for tickling traps. John does not think they'd work and they no where near brutal enough for Hoffman to enjoy them.
Finally, if the arguing between the 3 apprentices ever gets really bad, John will force all of them to let him tickle them. Plus he'll probably do it until they all apologise or something silly.
These are very random and unorganised but I was like half asleep when I wrote half of them. And I know this isn't a fic or anything but if you have any criticisms or improvements to suggest about my writing then please let me know :).
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slavishslap · 8 months
Literally yessss, like Gordon spends the WHOLE GAME trying to get all 3 of them to work as a team but Hoffman and Amanda keep arguing with each other and making everything worse
Okay but John putting Amanda, Lawrence, and Hoffman in a tickly version of the house from the second film to make his apprentices learn to WORK TOGETHER, DAMN IT.
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slavishslap · 8 months
Lmao yeah true, I'd give them like 30 seconds before they turn on each other
If Hoffman, Lawrence, and Amanda all had a tickle fight, who would win? 👀
we do however, have various factors to consider here: Speed, strength, and just general ticklishness.
Overall, I would say Lawrence would 100% win here. This is my reasoning:
Hoffman, I reckon is the strongest, he could overpower both Lawrence and Amanda easily. Lawrence is second strongest, closely rivalling Hoffman. However, Amanda is really agile, far quicker than the other two, which can make her difficult to tie down, and means she can escape quicker
Hoffman and Amanda though, are far more ticklish than Lawrence is, and, even though he’s lacking in speed he is strong enough to be able to take them both down, and he remembers where all of their worst spots are. Also, he’s a dad. He’s arguably the best tickler out of all of them
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slavishslap · 8 months
This is 100% canon and factual. Hoffman and Amanda could team up together and they would still lose to Gordon
If Hoffman, Lawrence, and Amanda all had a tickle fight, who would win? 👀
we do however, have various factors to consider here: Speed, strength, and just general ticklishness.
Overall, I would say Lawrence would 100% win here. This is my reasoning:
Hoffman, I reckon is the strongest, he could overpower both Lawrence and Amanda easily. Lawrence is second strongest, closely rivalling Hoffman. However, Amanda is really agile, far quicker than the other two, which can make her difficult to tie down, and means she can escape quicker
Hoffman and Amanda though, are far more ticklish than Lawrence is, and, even though he’s lacking in speed he is strong enough to be able to take them both down, and he remembers where all of their worst spots are. Also, he’s a dad. He’s arguably the best tickler out of all of them
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slavishslap · 8 months
H E L L O ! ! !
Welcome on to my lil blog(?). Just a note, this blog will be almost entirely dedicated to SFW tickling. I'm into a lot of fandoms, but most of them are very small so I won't be listing them.
The main fandoms I WILL be posting under:
- Saw movies (my faves!)
- The X Files
- Resident Evil Games (0-6)
- And maybe some real life music stuff, but I dunno about that yet.
I've been writing private tickle stories for a little while now, so will hopefully post some fics and headcanons on here. I feel I write x reader fics better, but will do both that and normal ones. Finally, I will probably be veeeery inconsistent with posting so please forgive me about that. Thank you so much for reading!!!!!
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slavishslap · 8 months
just found this pic, potential trigger warning for razors, but no blood :)
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Been thinking waaaaay too much about this, tell me this isnt the PERFECT position for tickling. She's even nice enough to have left her armpits completely bare and exposed for someone (Amanda?)
Here's another tickle trap, the Saw 2 razor box. Maybe remove the blades for a different way to get stuck, and have Addison get found later and wrecked by Amanda.
Even like the slots just closing around her arm so she can’t pull it out right away or something so she’s just kinda stuck like that for a bit.
Then she can’t do anything but just be tickled 💞💞💞 (also ler Amanda just makes me want to squeal)
Why is the thought of being in that situation so so flustering AH DAMMIT LEE MOOD LEE MOOD
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