sixeightsuited · 10 days
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So, I asked an AI to make some pictures in different styles, of Aloy in the goofiest thing I could think of at the time, a bouncy castle, and it did. You're welcome.
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sixeightsuited · 23 days
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I asked an AI to make a picture of Mad Magazine's Alfred E Neuman as Aloy cuz, for some reason I saw a slight resemblance. No idea why it put a weird little robot with a scarf on his shoulder but I like the idea.
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sixeightsuited · 25 days
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Just another day in the life of a Post-Apocalypse Robot Boid!
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sixeightsuited · 1 month
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It would seem my Aloy has (understandably) developed some minor anger management issues. That or she's decided this is the Zack Snyder, Directors Cut of HFW.
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sixeightsuited · 1 month
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The look when you risk your life to gather all the materials to make "the best armor for the forbidden west" and they give you this!
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sixeightsuited · 1 month
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A variety of Horizon Forbidden West photomode moments
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sixeightsuited · 1 month
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Waterwing: "No, I will not say meep! meep! Also, what the hell's a "Roadrunner?"
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sixeightsuited · 1 month
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My new favorite "weapon" of HFW!
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sixeightsuited · 2 months
The Evolution of Aloy
This time around, I want to talk about Aloy herself and how she's changed over the course of the two games.
It's funny how some characters in gaming franchises never change even after decades. World views, personal growth, temperment etc. They stay the same for better or for worse. Often, even after cataclysmic, world changing events, they remain the same.
In Horizon Forbidden West (PC) this does not seem to be the case. Yes, other characters have changed but I want to focus on our protagonist.
It seems to me that in HFW, Aloy has exponentially changed and not in completely positive ways. In what I believe to be a conscience choice by the writers to show this evolution, there are some things she has said where I found myself cringing and saying things like "Hey, easy now" or "Whoa! Come on. Don't be like that!" when she's addressing various characters during interactions that involve spirituality and belief.
I've found myself, without giving spoilers, thinking "Shit. That was a bit harsh!" as she intentionally or not, crushes someone's feelings either by indifference or action/inaction. As someone with Autism, I can very much relate to being perceived as indifferent or uncaring/unfeeling when that is not the case at all.
I also feel like she has become a bit of a chest puffer (gotten a tad full of herself) like when she threatens death to a highly respected Chief. Saying she could just kill hiim and take, instead of waiting to be given; what she wants. These aren't particularly likeable aspects of her growth but they are realistic and understandable given the unimaginable stress of being everybody's "Savior" when all she wants is to be Aloy.
As her knowledge of AI and technology, science, history etc. has grown, she has, as typically has been the case in humanity's evolution, begun to show a sometimes not so thinly veiled contempt for cultures that still practice spirituality and make a lot of decisions based on their beliefs and/or societal hierarchy.
There exists now, at least as I have perceived it, a new aspect to her very complex personality not just in her verbal communication but also in terms of subtle looks of exasperation, eye rolling, and an outright dismissive attitude towards spiritual practices by new cultures she's encountered.
When she meets a character that has far more knowledge and understanding of science, technology and history than her, they in a very Aloy way of doing things, make sure she's aware of that fact.
This is, to me at least, when she (to use a bit of a cliche) suddenly realizes she is no longer the smartest person in the room and she does not like it.
Now, since AI is a huge part of the story, I decided to ask one about this change/growth/evolution that has happened with her and here is what it said:
"Aloy’s character development in “Horizon Forbidden West” reflects her growing knowledge and understanding of the world’s history and technology. As she uncovers more about the ancient past and the true nature of the machines and AI, her perspective shifts 1. This shift may lead her to view the spiritual practices and beliefs of other tribes through a more critical lens, especially when they conflict with her scientific discoveries.
In “Horizon Zero Dawn,” Aloy is an outcast seeking the truth about her origins and the world. Her journey leads her to challenge the dogmatic views of her tribe and question the world around her. By the time of “Horizon Forbidden West,” Aloy has become a figure of significant importance, and her experiences have made her more confident in her knowledge 1. This confidence might come across as dismissiveness or intolerance, but it’s rooted in her deep understanding of the world’s workings, which often contradicts the tribal myths and beliefs.
Her character’s evolution is a complex interplay between her personal growth, the revelations she uncovers, and the responsibilities she shoulders. It’s a narrative choice that adds depth to her character and reflects the tension between tradition and progress"
Again, the section in quotation marks is the response from an AI and NOT something I wrote. Just making this extra clear.
This is pretty much the point I wanted to make. As an Anishinabe (Ojibway/Chippewa) living on the Rez, because of my people's complex, elemental, natural and spiritual belief systems, I have a good understanding of a lot of cultural practices portrayed in the game.
As a reasonably intelligent, compassionate and empathetic human being, I've also learned that I have to balance my cultural beliefs and practices with the realities of living in "modern" times and that means being respectful of not just my own culture, but to others whose belief systems may be perceived to be less enlightened than others.
This does not make me dislike her or playing as Aloy. It actually makes me enjoy it even more because it makes me feel and accept a lot of things few games do. Like, how we're not infallible. We are flawed. We can get our asses kicked. We have an ego that can get the better of us. it also makes me respect the writers even more for not letting her be a one dimensional, "White Savior"
I like the discomfort I feel playing as Aloy when she's constantly being put on a pedestal as if she had saved the world all by herself when she keeps telling people she was just one of many.
I like the annoyance I feel when someone makes a snide comment as I'm walking by them and I literally stop and turn around thinking "Say that to my face. Yeah, that's what I thought"
I like the frustration of wanting to scream "I HAVE A NAME FFS!" every time someone calls me "Outlander" and wanting to just get on my Charger and fuck off into the wilds and leave the world to it's own devices.
Yes, as she grows she develops some not so great character flaws but that's what is so great about it. It makes her even more real and relatable. After all, she's only human.
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sixeightsuited · 2 years
New Horizon Forbidden West and my 5 year old response to cultural appropriation accusations.  Ugh.
Okay.  (Quick refresher: I am Anishinabe or Ojibway/Chippewa and live on a reservation.  I have fought racism, violence and appropriation most of my 50+ years.) So I thought I covered this pretty extensively (5 YEARS AGO omg!) in my previous response to the cultural appropriation accusation against HZD.
Unfortunately, it’s reared its head again in a Kotaku review of Forbidden West.  I am not going to rewrite what I said as it’s the same answer I would and do have about this now.  Read it if you will, but again...I’m not seeing what Lacina sees.
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sixeightsuited · 7 years
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Just HAD to put “photo mode” in #Hellblade:SenuasSacrifice didnt’cha!
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sixeightsuited · 7 years
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sixeightsuited · 7 years
I’ve heard of “Flying Fish” before but....
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sixeightsuited · 7 years
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Well, to be fair; he was warned repeatedly about calling her “Savage”
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sixeightsuited · 7 years
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Well.....THAT explains why the bus never showed up!
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sixeightsuited · 7 years
What the.....  Zero Dawn Facility Glitching hard!
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sixeightsuited · 7 years
Your daily dose of awesomeness from Cocorosie
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