siralexei · 10 months
When I'm in charge of the planet, it will be illegal to make a job posting unless you are actively searching for a candidate.
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siralexei · 10 months
As a person who works closing shifts, THIS 100%
Whoever needs to hear this. Please know.
"Closed at 6pm" does not mean "The entry door locks up at 6, but if you're already inside you can keep on shopping."
It means, "you should be finished and out of the store at 6pm."
This is not up for debate
This is just how things work
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siralexei · 11 months
I'm back! Couldn't remember my login lol
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siralexei · 1 year
I hate when people act like trans men aren't also killed and are "just" misgendered. It downplays that misgendering is an act of violence, and it erases all the trans men who have been murdered or driven to suicide. Plus many trans men are misgendered in death, so we don't even have accurate statistics. I feel pity for people who are so self hating they target other trans men/mascs and claim they have a victim complex and that they "need to center (trans) women." Like, no, you're allowed to center yourself. People are allowed to center themselves and their struggles. It's good to discuss other issues and nuance within certain groups, but individuals are allowed to care about themselves more as long as they aren't harming others.
The minimization trans men/mascs are expected to do towards their own experience is a great example of transandrophobia and the intersection of sexism and transness. "Shut up and stop whining" is something plenty of AFAB folks have heard before. It's not suddenly radical when it's been done to trans men/mascs, it's still basic tack misogyny.
I'm tired and brain foggy/chronic pain-y so I'm starting to ramble a bit so I'll end my ask here. It's just so frustrating, seeing people cannibalize their own and themselves while pretending it's to "further the cause" or whatever
tbh I think @thorne1435 said it the best. If "just misgendered" isn't so bad, then why don't [general] you detransition and live your life being forced out of transition and live as your assigned sex? Is it because "just misgendered" would drive most transgender people to suicide if that was their only option? Is it because "just misgendered" is one of the leading causes of suicide within the wider transgender community?
Leelah Alcorn was "just misgendered". She also stepped in front of a truck, and she's dead now. By this logic no one murdered her. She killed herself. Because she couldn't imagine living a life of being misgendered, because she was afraid that even if she transitioned it was "too late" and she'd be read as a man for the rest of her life. And her family that refused to accept who she was "just misgendered" her to the point where she saw no other way out except death.
Leelah's death was a tragedy. I'm not saying it wasn't. No trans teen should feel forced to choose between killing themselves and never transitioning.
I just wish it was recognized as a tragedy when other transgender people do this, too.
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siralexei · 1 year
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#current mood
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siralexei · 1 year
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Overly Honest Methods in science.
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siralexei · 2 years
This is hilarious and I'm here for it 200%
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siralexei · 2 years
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Modern Star Wars by @thisuserisangry
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siralexei · 2 years
Since my current kick is Jack Savoretti, I'm going to challenge myself and do only his music.
S- Symmetry
I- I Remember Us
R- Russian Roulette
A- Apologies
L- Lullaby Loving
E- Each and Every Moment
X- uhhhhhhh, got nothing for this one, so here, have a song that has been stuck in my head. Only You by Jack Savoretti
E- uhhh.....could have sworn he had more E songs. Fiiiiine. Everybody's Fool by Evanescence. Also why do so few songs that I like start with E?
I- I'm Yours by Jack Savoretti
Alternatively, I Call My Friends on Zoom by Chris Mann- Trust me, you're going to want to watch the video of this "song". It's *hilarious*. Pandemic era, yes. Chris Mann is not only a brilliant singer, he is a funny Youtuber as well.
Well, 7/9 is pretty good! I'd tag people but I forget who I follow tbh. @lorelei448 should do this if they want
i was tagged by @ghostevie & @nostalgicbones to spell out my url using song titles!! I already did this but since I was tagged again I wanna do it again w/ different songs! Thanks so much for tagging me! 💖
V- Valentine // 5sos
I- I Can’t Control Myself // Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
G- Goodbye Again // John Denver
I- It’s Nice To Have A Friend // Taylor Swift
L- Load & Clear // Heart Attack Man
A- All My Friends // Dermot Kennedy
N- Nothing Else Matters // Metallica
T- Taxi // The Maine
E- epiphany // Taylor Swift
S- Someday // Nickelback
H- Hold Me While You Wait // Lewis Capaldi
I- Iron Man // Black Sabbath
T- Treat Me Right // Pat Benatar
I legit tag anybody that sees this an wants to do it!!
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siralexei · 2 years
Reblog and put in the tags how often you “clean” your tumblr account, deleting old posts.
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siralexei · 2 years
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this is the funniest thing to ever happen
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siralexei · 2 years
The Sith would be way funnier if they were Opposite Jedi but like… REALLY and LITERALLY the exact opposite of the Jedi. Not only is sex allowed, celibacy is BANNED. Jedi can’t use the force for personal reasons? Sith use the force to make PB&J sandwiches every lunch break. Jedi can only have one Padawan at a time? Bad news, I’m a fucking Sith and I have a gaggle of ten radical, problematic orphans who are my personal apprentices and they all rock. 
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siralexei · 2 years
Cave Johnson here. Even though it’s September, as some of you may know, one of our many labs has recently been affected by a temporal anomaly after some top secret testing, and we just got word that they’re currently experiencing the month of June, which is apparently “pride month” in the future. Now I don’t know about all these Ell-Gee-Bee-Tees people down there keep talkin’ about but in my book, pride is an all-american virtue, not a sin. So I told them, hell with it, build me the most bisexual man you boys can whip up, and plant him into mainstream politics. We’ll see if we can’t make him president within the next few decades. For America.
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siralexei · 3 years
Writing Prompt-Visions
A young child growing up in 1930’s England sees horrors of the future-the bombing of England, the war, the sacrifices that must be made- but no one wants to or can believe them or take them seriously. As things get unsettled in Europe, the visions grow more frequent, and darker in subject.
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siralexei · 3 years
Harry Potter Writing Prompt
What I want to know is why no one has written a story about what the Hogwarts students who attended during WWII experienced during the Blitz and how it affected them. A serious, thoughtful fic. I know for a fact that Tom Riddle attended Hogwarts during this time period, and maybe McGonagall. Maybe consider one of those two or just an OC. I want to know if these kids were forever changed by this experience, and if any of them came out completely whole, as a person. Or if they were damaged somehow, and they can’t get back to who they used to be. Basically. An angst fic, I guess.
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siralexei · 3 years
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i think about this a lot
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siralexei · 3 years
An artist : Aw man! I saw my arts were reposted on Instagram. I’ve asked them to take my arts down but they ignored me.
Me : Say no more! Click this link, then click ‘fill out this form’. Fill the form and wait for about 1-2 days, the staffs will remove the image you were reporting from the reposter’s account :^)
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