sinkdestroyer3000 · 1 month
just read your first fic, it's good, I enjoyed it. I love soft yanderes a lot, thank you for writing it (∩´∀`∩)💕
omg thank you it's my first time writing anything so it's really nice to know you like it!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
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sinkdestroyer3000 · 1 month
Your car broke down in a long stretch of woods while you and your friends, were on a road trip. As everyone was busy freaking out not knowing what to do. You saw a dirt trail. You pointed it out, everyone in the end decided it would be the safest bet. Since you could find a ranger station or maybe a camp site that would be near civilization.
A not so long trek later, and you all find a cabin in the woods you taking the lead, you knock and someone opens the door. They looked as if they had lived in the woods for some time. not bad, just scruffier than normal city folk.
They invite you all in for dinner with a promise of food and directions to a ranger station
Thanking the kind stranger, you all come in being led to the dinner table and being served meat and an assortment of vegetables that looked home-grown the
stranger only put meat on their plate, which was odd but nothing to think too hard about
As you all talked to the stranger, you realized there were many things off about them. their eyes being slightly too big, their teeth more pointy than normal teeth and the oddest thing being how they spoke not the mannerisms though odd could be brushed off as not speaking to many people being in the middle of the woods and all but their voice had an almost painful tone almost like it was unnatural for them to speak that way
As you glance around the house, you to fail to realize how the stranger has been staring at specifically you
You realize how shady this person is the photos on the walls have no photos of them and the photos there are look like driver's licenses and IDs
And the shoe rack near the door is filled with many shoes sizes and styles non seem to match to the person in front of you feeling a bubbling anxiety that felt like it would spill out if you ignored it, you ask you use the restroom
They happily lead you there, pausing you before you go in to ask if you feel alright. You nod, saying you're just anxious from the car braking down. They nod and tell you that they'll see what they could do before you head in
You put your headphones on and put a five-minute timer on so you can calm down, trying to shake the anxious feelings. As the five minutes come to an end, you walk out
You're friends greet you before thanking the stranger again for how kind they were for giving them a hot meal and directions even you already at the front door don't fail to notice how silent the stranger has been until they lash out ripping one of you're friends to shreds as the rest of you scramble out terrified screams coming from different directions you hear it chasing another friend who was close by on all four sounding unnatural when you get a glance its limbs are twisted in ways you've never seen before as you climb a tree to avoid being spotted you notice as you see the last slivers of light dip into the mountains away you see a watch tower in the exact direction the thing said a ranger station would be dread fills you realizing it knew you'd all run. It sent you in the wrong direction for that exact reason
The night was cold. You could hear the thing crunch on your friends and cry out in their voices, but you knew it wasn't them and by some miracle you survived. While in the tree you could vaguely see a trail to a camp so that's where you went when the sun was well and up little did you know you had something following close behind
You got to the station and tried to tell the rangers about what happened, but they said there's someone who owns the land, but they were polite. They said they would ask them questions, but that's all they could do without evidence
They help you get your car fixed, and you drive home, a new feeling of paranoia and grief for your friends and a hatred for the thing that made such both a terrible yet amazing trip so terrible.
Little did you know that you had a new admirer
Something about you felt nice the thing they were eager to know more . It was curiosity at first, but as they continued to watch you they became more enamored with you mannerisms that most would find weird the things that made you happy the things that annoyed you
You were perfect, and they wanted to know more. They wanted you to tell them secrets only they would get to know. They would learn to love like a person if it made you love them back
They took the identity of a new neighbor you never met before introducing themselves and finding opportunities to bump into you. After a year and a half, you finally were able to call them a friend. They were content with whatever you wanted them to be as long as you would stay and keep talking to them with that angelic voice of yours.
As long as you stayed.
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