silver-cats · 3 years
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Still taking time off to focus on finding a job but hi despite my relative silence I am still alive! 😄
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silver-cats · 3 years
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Celebratory selfies because I finally finished my exams!
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silver-cats · 3 years
You can help give land back RIGHT NOW!
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These are stunning designs by Wenatchi Wear which is an Indigenous owned business for stickers mugs, tanks, hoodies, t shirts and just generally sicc clothes.
What's more sicc than that is the go fund me run by the owner of Wenatchi Wear!
This is an opportunity for the Wenatchi tribe to buy back some of their ancestral lands.
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Why is this so FUCKING important?
The current reservation is the Colville Confederated Tribe reservation which is a conglomerate of TWELVE tribes. (This alone is a disgusting violation of so many treaties and some day I'll have words about what it did to my family) More importantly right now is that the Wenatchi is a non-federally recognized tribe!!! This has many implications for the preservation of their culture but also limits their access to the resources both monetarily AND on the the lands they had treaty rights to that are part of their ancestral lands. This land purchase would put many Wenatchi people back on their ancestral lands and also funds a community center so their tribe has space to practice heal and grow their community and culture.
Their venmo is Wenatchi_LandBack
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silver-cats · 3 years
Hello daily reminder that Jewish racialization is not the same as Jewish indigeneity to Palestine— additionally Palestinian Jews are indigenous to Palestine by virtue of being Palestinian NOT by virtue of being Jewish.
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silver-cats · 3 years
Do you guys ever think about how in Der Judenstaat herzl’s talks about how he wants Israel to be ‘a rampart of Europe against Asia’ and how, today, israel has key allies like America and is very much what Herzl always envisioned. Lol at the ppl saying Zionism isn’t white supremacy + colonialism.
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silver-cats · 3 years
Thinking about how the west is never going to support Palestine until we westerners deal with our philosemitic perception of Jews as cononical victims— this perception of the *very real* historic oppression of Jews is absolutely rooted in philosemitism. Philosemitism is why it is so hard to get westerners to understand just how violent the occupation of Palestine is.
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silver-cats · 3 years
Think about it: You ethnically cleanse an entire country of its people, bulldoze their villages and steal their homes, hebraize the name of every single one THEIR towns, cities AND streets even, bar them from returning and you think that’s not...genocide? You are literally erasing them from existence
Praying for the day Zionists finally understand that genocide isn’t just putting people on trains and sending them to their deaths— the destruction of a people can be achieved through means other than just mass murder & colonialism is absolutely a form of genocide
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silver-cats · 3 years
Praying for the day Zionists finally understand that genocide isn’t just putting people on trains and sending them to their deaths— the destruction of a people can be achieved through means other than just mass murder & colonialism is absolutely a form of genocide
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silver-cats · 3 years
Just found out that Hamas rockets are made out of salvaged metal from Israeli missiles and bombs that have been dropped on Palestine... contrast that to Israeli rockets that are not made from salvage metal but are instead imported from US/UK factories. Everyday it’s clearer and clearer why bothsideism is ridiculous, shit like this really sets things in perspective.
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silver-cats · 3 years
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Armenians in Jerusalem, occupied Palestine, marching for remembrance of the Armenian Genocide, in solidarity with the Armenian Secret Army (ASALA), and in support of the Armenian national liberation struggle. Pictures are from 24 April 1986.
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silver-cats · 3 years
the fact that rich western countries send their plastic waste to poor countries in the global south so that they can pat themselves on the back for being world leaders on sustainability or woo environment or whatever the fuck makes me INSANE
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silver-cats · 3 years
I will probably expand on this more but essentially the issue is the exceptionalisation of the Holocaust which contributes to this, the idea that the Holocaust was the worst atrocity in the world is a philosemitic narrative. Why was the Holocaust worse than slavery? Or the genocide of native Americans and aboriginals? Only a philosemite would use this kind of framing to talk about the Holocaust.
Noura erakat (a Palestinian woman) gave an interview on CNN and said that the reason the Palestinian struggle for liberation has been obscured is essentially because the people oppressing Palestinians are “Western civilization’s canonical victims” and this is honestly a v good way to talk about the way philosemitism & support for Israel from the west intersects!
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silver-cats · 3 years
Noura erakat (a Palestinian woman) gave an interview on CNN and said that the reason the Palestinian struggle for liberation has been obscured is essentially because the people oppressing Palestinians are “Western civilization’s canonical victims” and this is honestly a v good way to talk about the way philosemitism & support for Israel from the west intersects!
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silver-cats · 3 years
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A Karachay man from the Northern Caucasus region of Eastern Europe
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silver-cats · 3 years
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CYPRUS. Nicosia. 1997. Holding portraits of their sons, missing since the war in 1974, mothers protest against the continued occupation of Northern Cyprus.
Photographs: Nikos Economopoulos/Magnum Photos
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silver-cats · 3 years
israel has been bombing residential towers, refugee camps, media offices and now there are reports that it plans to bomb two UN run schools in palestine. reminder that many ppl who have been rendered homeless by these bombings have found shelter in these schools. palestine's hospitals are overflowing, their top doctors are being killed in these bombings, and the pandemic is still raging while israel is blocking humanitarian aid as well. these are war crimes. this is a genocide.
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silver-cats · 3 years
As I get older I’m finding that a lot of the “intellectuals” I used to admire are actually just condescending and pretentious. And also realizing how much more important it is to be present, considerate, and empathetic because nobody really knows what they’re talking about and anyone who claims to know everything about anything is feeding you bs.
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