silencedminstrel2 · 2 days
Of strong will and wrongful thrills here be naught but the skin of one's teeth
Nary escaping barely surmounting but who else might come to save one's damned
Soul? So heed these warnings etched in cold stones played by lost souls lest brief be one's
Reprieve from fires almighty! And rest assured there will be hell to pay so have a nice day...
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silencedminstrel2 · 4 days
Succinctly wrought disquiet here I stand inside the wretched of hearts
For old long since and false morning rinsed here be now coming in a daze!
For hailing sweet tailing let me tell you a little secret--that we're all damned
From the start though none may but come to begin the telling! But I never cared...
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silencedminstrel2 · 5 days
Maybe there are better things in life than looking back to the past, maybe there are
Benefits to it as well! But whatever that you choose at the moment, do know that you're
Not alone in your pain, and you're not the only one who thinks you're alone in it! So
Walk on your own path, either on two legs or on all four! And soon it will all be over, I promise...!
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43 notes · View notes
silencedminstrel2 · 5 days
What is this peace and quiet? Why must it appear now, what does it all means?
I've been away for far too long, looking for means to worry my life away without
Me knowing it, nearly regretted it and wanting to end it all but thankfully
I didn't! So maybe there's still a chance after all, to make things right again I'm sure!
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162 notes · View notes
silencedminstrel2 · 5 days
Maybe there is no too late, maybe there's always a chance if you just say it out loud
For choice and motivations are the real movers and shakers in this world, the same
Pit where there's no one to push you forward but rather, sideways or back to start? Yeah
Life sucks and then you die but maybe there's always an undo button somewhere, right?
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silencedminstrel2 · 11 days
Say that the sky is falling and think of nice thoughts, as here be
The conundrum debunked and the humdrum absolved, with what's
Above is now below and denial is much too late! So say it like you
Meant it, and I will bequeath thee a very slow death! For funerals to come...
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silencedminstrel2 · 14 days
Create me a lucid dream worthy of my lifetime, and I will serve you wine from Jannah itself
I will burn all scriptures to warm your bed and the holy land shall bear witness to our devotion
So soon to boon on this twilight catharsis I'd surrender unconditionally just to savor the
Warmth of your body next to mine, as we imbibe sweet sacraments in earnest tonight!
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abbey ruins
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silencedminstrel2 · 17 days
Here I will see you a-smiling, here I will pick a better day, and here be the eternity of peace that may
Or may not come! So who would wait for the sky like the sky itself is always out there outside our
Window? I don't know when will everything finally makes sense, or maybe I'm the one who still don't quite
Get it? Whatever it is, we're only human, regardless of whether it's still relevant or not in this damned day and age...
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419 notes · View notes
silencedminstrel2 · 21 days
So here be the man who never achieved success in anything yet still he moved on
A soul who pined for friendships like in days long past, but society and culture prevented
Him! Thus here he quietly stands in the wake of twilight looking at the light as it fades away
Longing for his turn to fade away, hoping to return to his home that may or may not exist...
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silencedminstrel2 · 24 days
Come and breathe the air that I breathe, and see if you can breathe in the heaviness as well
Come and feel the darkened despair inherent in all nameless warriors fighting the non-existent
And witness how differently the world is to him though there is only one world, one humanity
Then tell me am I fooling myself one time too many? Or maybe there's more to it than meets the eye?
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Antony Cairns, untitled, from LDN series 
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silencedminstrel2 · 25 days
I am the burst of delight found on terror unmistakable
I feed on denouements enhanced by dreams everbending
I gain dark powers from euphoria enshrined by primordial fires
And I peel the dignity off of the faces, of old gods everfalling...
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789 notes · View notes
silencedminstrel2 · 1 month
Maybe there is no the end, maybe the world never cares whether you live or die! Maybe the only
Reason to live is to exist in the eyes of society, to do something that's big enough to be noticed by them
Or else you never existed! If that so then don't be surprised that a majority of Humanity never existed, while a few
Of them are quite lucky enough to achieve their fifteen minutes of fame, but as for the rest? Welcome to reality, my friend!
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silencedminstrel2 · 1 month
What are we going to be, what are we supposed to do? Is it really here, the onset of
The twilight years? What have we done so far, how far down the road did we go? And
What does the future holds still, what is left in store for us? I remember when we barely
Begun our lives, when we left our homes to the pale blue sky...are we really nearing our goals? Or are we really, looking at...oblivion?
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silencedminstrel2 · 1 month
I'm the magick of the night sky, fond of tragic tales of grey and lovelorn
So here be the bard the storyteller unknown, weaving miracles bound for
Captivated audiences! Lest decisions above pains all the lives below, and
The sign of the times implies the end of all dreams, then I will take my leave...
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silencedminstrel2 · 1 month
To love and to cherish, to live is to die, and some other random stuff in between
So high as a mountain, the highest of highs, but still not enough, or so it would seem!
And here be the lax, the cathartic, platonic at best, chthonic to the world, but still I'd
Move on! For life is but remissions of pain, the hill I would die on, but still I can't leave!
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4K notes · View notes
silencedminstrel2 · 1 month
Warring with the dirt, absurdly unreserved, and weatherworn be the color of the day...
And here be the inevitable, as there lies unfinished businesses, unrealized dreams...
So where would you think you'd be when it's time for you to deal with it all? Do you know
What to do what countless others failed? So be at peace, or be whatever you want to be...!
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silencedminstrel2 · 1 month
To stars in debts far left of field, streaked caressed bedecked and paved for gleaning
And I am the root the radix the telltale signs, for within twice without hear me roar found on
Hindsight! Paid for doom glazed past boon oh how I praise thee, my dear lilting shadowed
Blights! Preyed on papers fetched for later maybe there is a God if you know where to look...!
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