sidgenospookyfest · 4 months
Would people be interested in the re-opening of the SidGeno angst fest? Some changes would be made, including the fest opening up to all Pens ships instead of just sidgeno, to encourage rare pairs and participation!
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sidgenospookyfest · 7 months
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Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin • 12.868 words • Teen and Up
When the stranger moved into Old Lew’s cabin, the only thing that Zhenya found odd about it was that anyone would choose to live in that ramshackle building at all. Maybe he should have paid more attention to his mother's stories.
A @sidgenospookyfest fic for @cascara-soda. Thank you to the mods for organizing the event!
Alternate Universe, Not Hockey Players, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Folklore, Getting Together, attempts at creepiness and gothic tones, Mysterious Strangers, Sidney Crosby's infamous banana bread, Implied Sexual Content
Read on AO3
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sidgenospookyfest · 7 months
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Rated E: (Mentions of blood, Human/Vampire Relationship, Female Genitalia, Implied Mpreg, Fertility Issues, 1700s Russia, Xeno/Bat traits)
Sidney and Zhenya longed for a baby.
This is my work for @sidgenospookyfest 2023; just my second time writting for a fandom I love so much. The fic was a complete flop but I had so much fun writting it.
Thanks to my first ever beta Wo Wok, and also to my recipient for the great prompts!
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sidgenospookyfest · 7 months
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forgive me, father a @sidgenospookyfest fic
Sid stares out the window as he rolls steadily towards the town that will be his home until the Church sees fit to send him somewhere else. It’s overcast, a dark and gray day, and the trees of the forest seem to somehow get larger and more imposing as he gets closer. He passes some farms, cows and sheep either gazing curiously at the car or ignoring it completely. A few barns and houses, worn down by wind and time. A cross, once painted white but faded by time, has been knocked sideways near the fence in one of the fields. The image sears itself into his mind.
check the tags, friends! and be sure to check out all of the other incredible spooky fest fics! there are so many good ones
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sidgenospookyfest · 7 months
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nothing to be afraid of (sidgeno | 5k | outside pov | friendship | kris & sid & geno)
Kris waits until Sid's safely out of earshot. Then he puts on an excited, high-pitched voice. "Geno, Geno," he repeats under his breath. It breaks Max and Duper, who cackle like a pair of hyenas. "You're mean," Flower complains, like he's not stifling a snicker of his own. (assorted halloweens with the pittsburgh penguins)
i'm so excited to reveal the spookyfest fic i wrote for @thebluejayawe for the @sidgenospookyfest exchange. a huge thank you to the mods who ran yet another great event and to all the writers featured in this year's fantastic collection. go check the fics out if you haven't yet (and especially check out this really beautiful fic which i was incredibly lucky to receive as a gift!).
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sidgenospookyfest · 7 months
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one before, one after
by goodnightpuckbunny
@sidgenospookyfest 2023
“I suppose you think you’re gonna get laid by showing up here with food,” Sid said. There was a smug glint in Geno’s eye. “There’s little hand-pie, too. Pumpkin one.” Well, Sid reasoned, that was good for a blow job at least. 
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sidgenospookyfest · 7 months
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for @pr-scatterbrain as part of @sidgenospookyfest.
“Why exactly are you helping me?” Sid whispers when they are out of earshot of all the guards around them.
“I need date,” the man says simply. “You need way into party. Win-win.”
“How do you know I’m not trying to sneak in to commit some heinous crime?”
The man smirks and raises an eyebrow at Sid.
“How you know I’m not here to do same thing?” the stranger whispers as they wait in line. Sid narrows his eyes at him.
“It would be risky to do something so reckless during such a public event,” Sid says.
“True… but it would be entertaining, yes?”
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sidgenospookyfest · 7 months
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@icedbatik have some rather terrible art for your fic (idk why it uploaded so badly but it's the best I could do)
Thank god I'm better at writing than shading faces lmao
I'm the bolt, the lightning, the thunder
Teen - No Archive Warnings Apply - 12k
“Honestly Sidney,” Flower tuts, poking his tongue out between his lips as he undoes the ropes. “How do you expect to find a good man when you show up looking like this? You’re not even dressed!” “It is four thirty five in the morning.” Sid snaps. “What kind of decent man am I going to find here?!” Flower grins. “You never know, maybe we’ll find some ship wrecked hot guy when we go out, and do you want to meet him looking like this? I don’t think so.” Sid looks down at his gear. “I’m a fisherman. How else do you expect me to look?” “You could maybe do something to your hair. Looks like a rat nested in it last night.” Shit. It might've. ... Sid and Geno have been skating at the edge of each other's lives for years, each just outside the periphery of the other. Then one day the ocean decides to give them a nudge in the right direction.
Thank you so much to the mods @sidgenospookyfest for organizing this lovely exchange, and batik love, I'm so happy you enjoyed! I saw your prompts of things to do with the sea + cutesy fall things and combined them (hopefully did them justice!!)
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sidgenospookyfest · 7 months
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Hello! I'm so excited to share my @sidgenospookyfest fic for 2023, written for some inspiring prompts from @malk1ns!
I was so glad to write a few of my most favorite things: werewolves, omegaverse, old men in love, and national historic sites and monuments. thank you to the mods for their hard work keeping this event running, and thank you to steeb for beta reading and encouraging me along the way.
white teeth, brown eyes
Sid slid onto the bench. He sat close to Zhenya, their elbows touching. “I’m Sid, by the way.” Oh, so it was one of those nights.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known; Penguins in Halifax; Roleplay; sid & geno are both werewolves; pussy from that old man; in which that old man is evgeni malkin; Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics; Breeding Kink; Sidney Crosby loves Citadel Hill; because his number one pastime is cruising for gay sex at a national historic site.
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sidgenospookyfest · 7 months
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art by phil hale
My fic for this year's @sidgenospookyfest! I had a lot of fun with this although it hurt my heart...
The Anatomy of a Car Crash
22.5 k • Rated: E • Tagged: comes back wrong, car accidents, angst and hurt / comfort, blood and violence, haunting • NHL Season 2022 - 2023
Sid had always lived with the feeling that something bad was going to happen. It followed him like a physical presence, just a few steps behind and layered in shadow. He’d believed that if he only worked harder, moved faster, did everything just the right way in the right order, then he could stay just in front of it until he’d achieved everything he’d wanted to with his life.
Maybe he’d been wrong.
Read on Ao3
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sidgenospookyfest · 7 months
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6k ✖ Rated: E ✖ Tagged for: Werewolves, Light Angst, Possessive Behavior
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you when he finally kills you, then,” Nealer said. His voice was tight. “He’s gone, Geno. Whatever that thing is, he’s not there.” It's been a year since a werewolf attacked Sid in Arizona. The team was shaken. Zhenya's loyalty was not.
Happy [belated] Halloween, and happy @sidgenospookyfest! This is probably my favorite sidgeno fic event all year (and it's not even the event I run!!) so I was thrilled to have another wonderful set of ooky spooky scary fics to dive into. Huge thank you as always to the mods!
Read Carnivore Kiss here.
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sidgenospookyfest · 7 months
fic: home hours ago
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it's fall, y'all!
happy @sidgenospookyfest to all who celebrate. i had a blast perusing my recipient's prompts and writing this one—i hope you all like it too!
thanks as always to the fabulous fest mods who make this possible for us every year, and to my friends who put up with my procrastinating.
read it here on ao3!
and make sure to check out the rest of the fest!
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sidgenospookyfest · 7 months
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this year I got to pinch hit for the @sidgenospookyfest! I was very fortunate to get some absolutely lovely prompts from @eusuntgratie, and I had a blast jumping in and filling in.
Between the blurry bar selfies and pictures of the first team poker night of the season last month, Zhenya finds it: an innocuous little black square in his camera roll, a little number in the bottom right hand corner informing him that the video is over seven minutes long.
read camera obscura on ao3 (please mind the tags and archive warning!)
and read the rest of the absolutely lovely works this year here!
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sidgenospookyfest · 7 months
Creators Revealed!
That's a wrap on the 2023 Spooky Fest! Thanks to all of our creators, readers, betas & friends.
Until next time!
💖 Spooky Mods
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sidgenospookyfest · 7 months
For participants, if you have yet to comment on your gift, please make sure to leave your creator some love for all their hard work before the creators are revealed on Tuesday the 7th!
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sidgenospookyfest · 7 months
Collection is OPEN!
Happy Halloween & happy reading, friends. Make sure to leave comments & kudos for everyone’s awesome work this year!
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sidgenospookyfest · 7 months
Works are due TODAY at 9PM EST 🎃
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Works are due SOON on Tuesday October 24th at 9PM EST! Looking forward to seeing everyone’s work roll in this year ahead of the reveal. 
submitted work must be taken off of “draft” mode so that the mods can see it and accept it to the collection.
you can still edit your work (or have it beta read) after submitting up until the reveal on October 31st. submissions on Oct 24th MUST be a complete work even if unedited. 
in need of an extension because of extenuating circumstance? email the mods ASAP to discuss and we’ll try to work something out.
need to default and hand your assignment to a pinch hitter? email the mods ASAP so we can give the pinch hitter ample time to create. 
Works Due - October 24th (9PM EST)  Works Revealed - October 31st (morning EST) Creators Revealed - November 7th
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