sidebloggler 2 months
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Part 1:
Lysandre Lab created the holo caster and a few other projects that never got completed or released to the public. Malva got the job of helping clean out some of the stuff from Lysandre's Lab equipment to find something that has been running all this time that Lysandre's been gone. This was a big server with a smaller box next to it with a blue glow to it as she went down to look where it was plugged in the camera in the lab moved a bit to look at Malva and a voice came out of the smaller box asking her if she was looking for something. Malva falls back in shock looking around where that voice came from. I'll ask again. "Do you need something, young lady?" Nearby a panel on the wall glows blue and a figure of a tall man now looking down at Malva on the floor. "Can you hear me or well I need to close captions?"
Malva now looking up at the hologram. No way how the hell are you? know you would have called me by my name... You are not Lysandre are you? Well, I'm just here to get rid of whatever is left of this old lab. The man has long hair pulled up into a ponytail and looks at the Malva with his arms crossed. "I don't know who I am my creator never gave me a name and about turning off that server there is no way you can fully turn it off without having admin controls." Malva did not listen to what he had to say and just got behind the server looking for the power source to find nothing. She walks back to the front. Of course, that hard-headed fool didn't make a shut-off that would be easy. "what do I have to do to turn this thing off then?"
"That headset over there you'll need to put it on and join in a find me in the city. I'll see you inside."
Malva now holding a headset that has orange hairs in the band of the headset. It was clear that Lysandre used this to do just what Malva was about to do. "it'll just be for a bit." Malva puts the headset on. In no time at all she is teleported to a different world it seemed at 1st but it was a copy of Lumiose City with a few small details that were missing that was understandable because if lysandre updated this copy when he was alive and he's been got for a few years now. As she walks down the road she can see someone standing outside looking at Prism Tower.
"I didn't really hide from you sorry about that. I guess you would like to know what this place is. This is Project Neo Flare at least that was what my creator called it. He hasn't been here for years now. I really haven't had anything to do all this time. I did have some fun with the weird guy in red he was looking for something and scared him off. He called me that name you said before for Lysandre. I don't know who that is but I can see your trainer ID is Malva welcome to this digital world."
Malva runs her hand along a nearby building it feels like the real thing. "Lysandre was who owned this lab and was who created this world... Wait how do you not know who Lysandre was? What was your creator's trainer ID?" The man looks confused for a bit at Malva. "I had to delete my creator's profile to let you use the headset he once used. I can look in my file backups if you want to know my creator's trainer ID?" A window pops up before Malva that asks a yes or no question. She clicks no. "I'm not here for this... I'm here to close down the server... You look so much like him and no at the same time." The man looks sad for a moment before giving her the prompt to pick if she will destroy or protect.
"I have no say in what you pick but this has been my home for as long as was created. My creator told me he wanted to show more people this place he created. It went from joy of what he created to anger saying that people would never understand his vision of this place. I talked to him but I knew my words would never reach him because I was just a program that he created to keep this place in working order."
Malva gives out a big sigh and presses protect. "I don't know why I'm doing this but don't make me regret this... You said you didn't have a name?" He looks away from Malva for a bit to look back at her with hope. "Yes, he never named me."
"Hmmm... Project Neo Flare... Neo Flare"
He looks happy when she says Neo Flare.
"That's it your name will be Neo Flare"
Part 1 End
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sidebloggler 2 months
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if you brighten the image it shows this.
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Oh, shut up, we all know we ain't hearing anything till at least late-May. 馃槀
(hopefully that will be our gameplay trailer, and they can give us a release date in August.)
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sidebloggler 2 months
*Snatches Shiro's Floating Arm*
I knew this was going to happen. It happens with the General one too many times. He grabs it and I can't do much to stop him because he outranks me.
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sidebloggler 3 months
I was going back and forth with making a blog and I ended up making a blog in the end. I have my ask box open for anyone to ask me anything they would like to. No promises that I will get to everyone's Ask but I'll try to reply to as many as I can.
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sidebloggler 3 months
You can play around with the voice with Text-to-speech on PlayHT. It's edited to sound like him not using his real voice. I used text-to-speech and edited the tone and pitch and was able to get something close to use to make a song cover using it.
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sidebloggler 4 months
Shiro's contract would have not been so bad if he hadn't been partnered with members who didn't play dirty and pushed it with his emotions.
Shiro picks to just text because of what happened and doesn't want Keith to worry about what may be happening in the missions. Vex is a bit more aggressive toward Shiro because of who he is.
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sidebloggler 4 months
I used your Shiro text to test a text-to-speech I made to sound like Shiro. Hope you don't mind.
Shiro: Keith. . .How do I begin to explain Keith?
Pidge: Keith is flawless.
Hunk: I hear his hair's insured for $10,000.
Allura: I hear they do car commercials. . .in Japan ?
Lance: One time he punched me in the face. . .it was awesome.
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sidebloggler 4 months
Shiro picks to just text because of what happened and doesn't want Keith to worry about what may be happening in the missions. Vex is a bit more aggressive toward Shiro because of who he is.
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sidebloggler 4 months
You can play around with the voice with Text-to-speech on PlayHT. It's edited to sound like him not using his real voice. I used text-to-speech and edited the tone and pitch and was able to get something close to use to make a song cover using it.
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sidebloggler 2 years
This makes me thing of PKMLA news with Ingo I've seen.聽
You know Ingo would do anything to keep Emmet safe even if it mint he was lost. I have a feel this was because of RR and there take over.聽
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sidebloggler 3 years
It's come to my attention that a good portion of the younger generation has not been made aware of one of the greatest and most hated PILLARS of millennial society.
So I apologize, but I must take on this task. A new hand must touch the beacon. The knowledge must be passed on. The chain can not be broken.
The Game.
The following are the rules of The Game:
there is no winning The Game
once you know of The Game, you are always playing the game
the point of The Game is to not think about The Game
if you think about The Game, you have lost The Game, and must announce this to those around you - causing them to also lose The Game
A "reset period" of roughly an hour or two before loss announcements is common in colloquial rules to allow yourself and those around you to properly temporarily "forget" about The Game, however that is not an official rule.
Go forth, you next generation, and I am sorry.
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sidebloggler 5 years
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