sidaleejakes-blog · 9 years
Everyone moved at once, and Mina followed, drawn by the surge of party goers heading for the source of the shriek. She didn’t have to go to know what waited beyond the ballroom doors, past the neatly trimmed hedges and flowerbeds. The scream was clear enough indication–she’d made that exact sound a year ago.
Around her, people gasped, whispers of shock and horror rippling through the crowd as they all craned their necks to look up at the swinging bodies, carved up and hung to bleed like slaughtered stock. She supposed she should have reacted as well, should have felt something about the graphic display that had others retching and sobbing, or at least pretended to be affected in some way–but Mina was quiet and still, watching the scene without expression. Yet silence was better than giving into the ugly urge to laugh rising in her chest, to find that councilman again and say, see? This is what pride wins you.
The moment of dazed inaction passed. Someone moved to take down the bodies–collateral damage–others began to scatter in search of help, or those responsible for the heinous crime. Mina wondered if she could find the valet’s booth and steal any damn car from the lot, drive to Aida’s house, and get in and out of town before anyone noticed she was even gone. She could make it, probably, with a significant head start from the ensuing commotion. If the hunters really knew anything, they wouldn’t have had to make a big spectacle just to get her attention. Stupid motherfuckers.
Wrapped up in her own agenda, Mina didn’t think anyone was paying attention to her, until the woman she had just met–Sidalee–turned around and began to speak. She almost seemed concerned about what might happen to Mina, despite being near strangers. Neither option provided appealed, but only one gave her an excuse and an opportunity to vanish.
“I’ll go.” She pulled the mask off her face, thin red outlines pressed into her fair skin, cheeks slightly flushed from the small amount of alcohol in her body. But her mind was acutely present, and the light drinking wouldn’t have any affect on her mobility or coordination. “Where are we headed? Through the town?” The unspoken question in that was, is that a good idea? But Mina didn’t know the streets all that well yet; escaping her last harrowing encounter had been a stroke of luck. If there was another way, she could only rely on Sid’s navigation.
“Should we grab someone else to help? Just in case.” In case of what, she didn’t specify, but there were many ways the rest of the night could play out, and Mina always found it useful to have a backup plan.
“Sort of. Aida’s got first aid supplies in her house, I get the feeling she needs them,” she said glancing off at her friend who had yelled out for them and scurried off with a larger group. The crowd of people looking for protection obscured her vision “Forest is the fastest way to get them, so a shortcut to town.”
The forest was a good short cut and a better way to shake off the attention of any hunters that may be lurking in the area, the last thing Sid wanted to do was have to be in any sort of fight. No way any of them knew the forest like she did - which unfortunately Mina didn’t have any hope of navigating it alone either, Sid would have to pay close attention - so at least there was very little chance at being caught by anything. Most of all, it wasn’t here. It wasn’t with bodies and frantic voices and energy. The only real downside is the very real possibility that her shoes would be ruined, worst case she’d damage her gown.
Someone else. Sid pursed her lips and looked around again. It would be nice to have someone who could do damage if they ran into trouble. Not that she was expecting trouble or expecting someone to out maneuver them in the forest, but she also didn’t want to be the next body in a tree. In a fight she would be useless and she had no idea what Mina could do, but relying on just one person against more than one hunter was stupid. Finding someone who wasn’t already splintering off however was looking difficult. The council was busy, and no way was she going to take anyone young if she could avoid it. No way was she taking any other strangers either, they were another liability she wouldn’t risk. If she could find Willow quickly it would be ideal, who better to take than someone with mastery over plants?
There was no sight of her though, and anyone else Sid might have asked seemed busy with more important things. No sense is wasting more time trying to find someone to tag along. A small group would move faster anyway.
“If we find any stragglers as we move forward, I don’t want to waste time here going around asking everyone.” She nodded to herself in confidence. Better to get the supplies and meet up with Aida and her group as soon as possible. Or find a council member who wasn’t overwhelmed on the other side. Time to move. The sight of the bodies made her antsy to move out of the crowds and to start the search for other survivors. “Let’s make our way towards the edge, more chances of finding others.”
An Ending || Team D
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sidaleejakes-blog · 9 years
An Ending || Team D
The celebrations ended in an instant. A distant yet impossibly loud scream silenced the laughter and nearby conversations, the vibrant strings stuttering to a sharp stop, the sound of heels against the floor gone. For a moment time stood still as everyone turned their heads to the outside, everyone waiting for some punchline or dramatic performance to start - this seemed like a thing Alexander might do in his desire to put on a show, it certainly would cause a splash - but the confusion held steady as bodies started to move outside into the garden. It was impossible not to feel the nerves from everyone around her, impossible to quiet her own racing heart. She couldn’t help but remember the history of the event and her desire to stay home.
Dread overtook the fear as she moved with the crowds, unaware of if the woman she had been conversing with was still behind her. It had just been normal doubt, normal fears, nothing more. It was one of the first big events since her husband left, there were rumors of the strangers being dangerous, there was open and proud displays of magick all around her. Of course she had been nervous. Anyone would have had some anxiety if they had been in her shoes. This doubt had been different. There hadn’t been any dreams, no ‘visions’, no sudden need to scream out about something she was sure of. It was different.
The sharp summer air stole away the last of the warmth from the champagne. Her stomach soured and protested, twisting into tight knots as she scoured the faces of everyone around her for any scrap of information. It didn’t take long for her to see what had stunned those infront of her into silence. Three bodies. Three young bodies swaying gently in the mountain breeze that rolled down and sent chills that pierced the bone. She couldn’t decide if the air was heavier than it had been a moment or if she was imagining it. Same for the intolerable wood smoke sweet and metallic tinge to the air. She swallowed and wiggled her fingers and toes to reassure herself that this was happening. There were bodies hanging from one of her favorite trees. What a way to kill the positivity that had been surging through the town.
Hunters. Her brain threw around the word until she scrambled for her phone and opened her mind up to those around her, the fear screaming through her every breath as she desperately searched for her friends. Everything was sort of hazy, the alcohol and sudden rush of everything clouded her already stressed mind. There were so many energies she couldn’t recognize, so many faces that seemed familiar but weren’t - it had been a mistake. Steadying her breath and hissing a flurry of curses, she rattled off a text to all of them demanding they reach out as soon as they got the message, dizzy with the overwhelming emotions around her. Hunters were bad news. How had they found Birchwood? They had all been so careful in their openness, it wasn’t exactly public knowledge that was screamed from the mountain top - but was this their fault? Was this her fault?
The thought scared her more than the faces on the mutilated bodies hanging in front of her. She may have been able to see this and prevent this, her selfishness and inability to grasp reality might have gotten more innocent lives harmed. It took the forward progress of someone moving to lower the bodies for Sid’s mind and legs to move again. She could figure out if she had intentionally ignored something later, there were still lives that needed protecting. There may be more kids needing attention, there were at the very least townies who were going to be impossible to console for the foreseeable future. Pulling off her mask she turned to find Mina, someone new in town who was vulnerable to dangers aside from the hunters. Those who were new in town were going to be eyed with more scrutiny than they had upon arrival. Folks would probably help them but it felt rude to leave her stranded in a sea of strangers.
“I’m going into town, we’re going to have some traumatized people that need help and possibly injured folks who need medicine. You’re welcome to come with me if you stay close, otherwise there are members of the council,” she paused to point out the two groups of people with faces she recognized as safe. “Stay with them if you stay, don’t go wandering off into the forest. We don’t need to lose anyone else.”
She nodded curtly and felt her legs stabilize in the heels of her youth. The night was different - amazing how bodies could change a mood so quickly - but far from over. “You coming with me or staying?”
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sidaleejakes-blog · 9 years
If it wasn’t more suspicious to stay at home alone, when attendance seemed to almost be compulsory for the town’s denizens–and if not for Aida’s insistence that they get drunk and make fun of people–Mina wouldn’t have come.
She wasn’t sure what made her more nervous: the fact that she was standing amidst a throng of strangers, or that they–including the literal handful of people she did know–were almost entirely anonymous to her. Some were obvious, easy to pick out from the crowd by the way they carried themselves, if not their general build (and in one terraformer’s case, her costume was entirely literal). But there were still too many unknown factors, and the ominous history behind the masquerade made it seem all the more foreboding.
Despite the overwhelming desire to leave early, go home and play with the dogs while binging on trash TV, Mina wasn’t going to risk going alone; if there really was a threat lurking out there, she’d be painting an easy target on her back. Instead, she headed for the snack table, piled high with all sorts of delicate finger foods to soak up the copious supply of sparkling wine.
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“Excuse me,” she said to the back of the person who’d just cut off her path. But it seemed like she’d been too soft to combat the music, repeating herself a little louder, “Excuse me. Sorry.”
Events like this were well within her comfort zone. All of the laughter and movement drew her in and the alcohol and chatter held her spirits high, it hadn’t taken very long for her pick up a glass of something alcoholic and get lost in it all. She had geared herself up to hide any remnants of her shattered confidence; a pretty dress, vibrant makeup, heels from college that had been only recently found. Every piece picked to make her come across more collected than she was going into the party. With the news of hunters and her aversion to her own magick she debated on not going. Expectations were already in place and it would look strange to not be at arguably one of the biggest events of the year.
So she decided to make the best of it.
It was hard to deny that it was a great party - Alexander certainly knew how to impress and while she was avoiding the council in general she would mention it if they bumped into each other - and the open displays of magick were always impressive. Dangerous, given the current situation, but it was still nice to see everyone getting a chance to openly embrace who they were.  Distracted by the extravagant displays, she wandered towards the area with food completely unaware of those around her until she heard someone behind her.
“Oh, sorry,” she said while jumping back out of the way. She didn’t recognize the woman behind her by voice or presence, not that she had been paying any attention to either. Motioning for the stranger to move ahead of her put on an apologetic smile and continued her thought, “My bad, it seems I’ve managed to get distracted with everything going on. Guess it gets old veterans just as much as the newcomers. I hope aside from my rudeness you are enjoying yourself.”
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sidaleejakes-blog · 9 years
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Graham Swift, Tomorrow
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sidaleejakes-blog · 9 years
Phone Calls // Chacuer x Sidalee
“Sid, Sid, Sid, pick up the pho–Sid! Sorry to call, but do you know someone named Aida Samuel? Cause she took a thing off the shelf and said to put it on her tab - do we even do tabs at Rose’s? Is that an actual thing? And, even if she doesn’t pay for that you should totally make her pay for your misplaced car keys.”
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“Hey Chaucer, no need to apologize. Yeah, I know her. Aida’s a bit of a - mm, how do I put this - she’s the resident wild child, makes a great cup of coffee. No, we don’t have a tab system but it’s Aida, did she trade something for it - wait, my keys? How did she get my - who loses the keys that they steal? Is she still there with you? Ask her how someone loses stolen keys.”
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sidaleejakes-blog · 9 years
How do you feel about the rumors that the Council wants to nominate you to fill their empty seat?
I don’t suppose I feel any one way or the other about the rumors, It’s not something I’ve bothered to think about, if I’m honest. I suppose at the very least I am flattered that people believe I could fill such big shoes. 
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0 notes
sidaleejakes-blog · 9 years
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sidaleejakes-blog · 9 years
Do you have a favorite childhood memory?
I have so many wonderful memories, I was blessed with a very happy childhood. My favorite is probably one of the simpler ones, my parents had taken me up hiking and we stopped for lunch at this little hidden area that overlooks Birchwood. I remember the incredible awe of looking down at what seemed so big to me at the time, I was instantly addicted to the view. I don’t think my parents ever truly got me down from there. But the little picnic we had there while enjoying nature and my dad singing to us, it was a great day.
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sidaleejakes-blog · 9 years
What do you regret most?
I’m very thankful that I don’t have many regrets. I regret letting the gap between my hus– I mean, ex-husband grow, I think if I had been paying better attention earlier we would still be together. We definitely could have fixed things much earlier, both of us could have fought harder to stay together, I regret all of it.
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sidaleejakes-blog · 9 years
Neale was kind of getting a similar theme wherever he went in Birchwood: the slow pace, the colonial aesthetic to the buildings, and the sparse sightings of human life. It’s not that this change of scenery was troublesome for him, it was more something new to adjust to. Besdies, if he was so easily thwarted by a sluggish environment, he had no business even considering being a Hunter.
He still had learned next to nothing about the town from the little interaction he had had with it so far. He hardly saw people, and when he did, they were usually in pairs or groups of friends and acquaintances. Not really surprising that everyone would know everyone in this town. Even more reason to try and find a way in to some social circles before too long. He really didn’t need the persona of the creepy new guy. And that was why he came into town that morning.
Birchwood had a rustic and country charm to it, he supposed as he wandered the streets of the town. Clusters of pedestrians would flutter in and out of various shops that boasted the local fare. So far he had seen a deli, a few stores, a tavern, and even a cinema, which was a little surprising.
But it was still so boring.
He had been walking for a good amount of time and nothing stood out in this town. Nothing was special, nothing was out of the ordinary, and nothing was detectable outside of what he could plainly see. Frustrated and puzzled, Neale continued his self-guided tour, until he saw it: an apothecary.
He couldn’t help but give a small smile—he had no real grasp on the kinds of plants Alberta was home to, so having an apothecary in town would make understanding the local flora and fauna that much easier to memorize. He was worried that his own craft would have to be put on hold, but with this, he might be able to get to work sooner than anticipated. He walked into the shop.
The subtle, spicy smell of spices mixed with the rich freshness of plant life was first to greet Neale, and apparently would be the only thing to greet him as the store seemed empty. At this point it was hardly a surprise that humanity seemed so scarce no matter where he went. Neale ventured further inside, taking in the calming aura that the dark wood, neatly lined shelves, and natural light provided. His gaze scanned the wares, surprised that the store was an actual apothecary; it wasn’t as if they didn’t exist, but it was surprising to see an independent apothecary that sold alchemy ingredients rather than strictly shampoo and other hair products.
As he moved toward the shelves, life in the form of a middle aged woman graced his presence.
“Ah, yes, hello!” he shot his best smile to the woman, unsure if he should approach her or not. “Quite a collection of materials you have here.” He picked up a random vial that was near him, using it as a distraction. “It’s nice to see an actual apothecary in business. Quite into this kind of thing myself.” He turned to her. “I’m Jason by the way, nice to meet you. New to town, just got all moved in not a few days ago. You all like to keep things rather quiet here huh?” He laughed.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you,” she softened her smile into something warmer as she picked up the matches and studied him for a moment. Her read on him was thrown completely off by her own restlessness. His charming smile almost jarring against his piercing eyes, a strong face that was more handsome than unnerving. The first of the new blood had finally found their way through her doors, the first time she could try and get a read on them in person. Gossip was not nearly as useful as her own instincts, and she tried to put her mind at ease as it wandered through all the rumors she had heard. She couldn’t decide if it was comforting or worrying that they had wandered into her store as a first meeting, and the declaration that he was interested in the ingredients made it even more muddled.
“We are very proud of the large selection we have here. It’s startling how much we’ve grown in the last decade or so, the locals have been incredibly supportive of our ventures, we’re incredibly proud.” She nodded once and quietly motioned at the photos of the store through the years that warmed the front counter.  “You should make yourself at home here then, all of us here are very passionate about what we do. We grow everything we can here, there is a large garden outside taken care of by a very talented gardener. Anything we can’t grow is from like-minded farms, and we handmake just about everything you see in here.”
“Ah, sorry, didn’t mean to give you the whole spiel,” she stopped herself and shrugged apologetically, hard to stop habits that had developed over a decade. It was rare when someone passed through who knew more than just the basics - or who knew more about natural options than the stickers on Lush products told them. Her quiet hope that this new face was like Chaucer, someone who was knowledgable and helpful who would fit into the the town without issue. “We’ve had a lot of tourists pass through who have no idea what an apothecary is. I’m Sid, it’s nice to meet you and welcome to Birchwood. I hope you’re settling in well.”
She maintained her smile while thinking of the most polite wording to explain that quiet was not to be disturbed. Birchwood was a private town - well it was as private as any small community could ever be - out of habit as much as necessity. Disrupting that for any purpose was generally frowned upon, it was a quick way to find yourself exiled into the fringes. This, of course, was less true of the kids who grew up in the town - the ones who were already trusted - as most of the repercussions came from their families. Sid argued that it wasn’t so much being insular as much as understanding their roots, staying traditional to stay safe. In truth it was probably both, and either way new and different caused an uneasy energy to run through the town. She tapped the box open and set off towards the incense waiting to be lit, wishing her mind wasn’t so caught up on stray feelings. She was slipping into old habits again without any clarity, she couldn’t get her mind to settle down long enough for her to suppress everything again.
“It’s a small town, quiet is all we know. You come to love it if you stay long enough,” she paused to strike the match and light the stick. “We’re a pretty close knit group too, which I suppose doesn’t make adjusting easy for outsiders. Don’t be afraid to ask if you need help or anything, we’re a nice enough bunch.”
Roots || Neale & Sid
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sidaleejakes-blog · 9 years
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Ted Michael, Crash Test Love
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sidaleejakes-blog · 9 years
Sid chuckled and winked back at Aida in response to the distant kiss. As she smiled a twinge of guilt ran through her, it wasn’t healthy to put so much of her own hopes and desires on someone elses shoulders. She had made that mistake with her husband who had willingly agreed to it, but to put it on a stranger was a horrendous thing. Sid couldn’t honestly say if Aida was happy or not, if two years had been enough time to recover and grow into something new - she could know, or get hints at the very least but her stomach turned at the idea of such a selfish invasion. Cursing the thoughts away she refocused on the chatter around her. Aida’s return had been unexpected, and Sid was almost thankful that she had been busy at the time. The pity and forced concern was the worst. Back then she wouldn’t have understood, she would have pushed and pulled, and now she was just comforted that she wasn’t alone in her failure. Still such a bitter word to toss around.
Divorced, not dead she reminded herself as Aida pulled up a chair beside her. Life was different, not over. Feeling lost would pass, things would resolve. Clearing her thoughts she focused in on Aida.
“What's up, buttercup?" She grinned and took another sip of her drink. New townies. It was almost a miracle that she hadn’t heard about them or run into them, it was strange to be that disconnected from the town. She hadn’t thought she had closed herself off that much, at least not intentionally. “Mm, no haven’t heard anything yet. None of them have stopped by to see me yet, just a few tourists who forgot sunscreen and bug spray before they went hiking. Poor souls.”
Shifting in her chair she forced away the air of discomfort. Birchwood being alive and well was a great thing, but new residents always presented a unique challenge. Any change that rocked the balance of the town could lead to disaster, and while Birchwood was hidden away it wasn’t invisible to prying eyes. There were a lot of youngsters in town who hadn’t faced any threat of the outside beyond silly plays and idle warnings from their parents. Assuming the new faces weren’t a threat - which Sid wouldn’t do until she interacted with them - there was a general concern about personalities meshing. It was a small town where everyone knew everything. There was never any real way to hide when neighbors waltzed through open doors and gossip was more important than the regional newspapers. New faces could throw off everything. They could be a good thing, her mind returning to a more positive place, another layer of richness and expeirence that would make Birchwood more interesting. Either way, it was best if she figured out which side of the fence these new faces were on.
“Anything I should know about ‘em?”
Cirrus || Aida & Sid
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sidaleejakes-blog · 9 years
Roots || Neale & Sid
The morning had been far more productive than Sid had planned, and maybe it was the set of extra hands that made everything easier or she was starting to get back into the rhythm of work. Either way, it felt good to feel comfortable in the lull. Her mind didn’t drift and latch onto stray thoughts and doubts. It made it much easier to focus on the inventory, something she had already messed up several times and at the cost of not having something someone needed. It had worked out in the end, but it was irritating to fail someone. She swore it would never happen again and she had gone out of her way to double and triple check the inventory, and had even checked in with the other two to make sure they had everything. There would be one more check before she placed the order that afternoon, just in case.
In the mean time, she kept herself busy by writing up schedules for the next month and making sure they were posted and doing little odd jobs around the store. There were things that needed to be weighed and labeled, candles and other things that needed to be wrapped, and she still had to figure out how much longer they would have wildflowers for smudge sticks. They had enough to last through the next month, assuming no one came through and bought a million of them, but it was about that time of year that they had to start thinking of more fall friendly items - especially since the outdoor grown sage was at its peak. She counted how many they had out and grabbed a few from the back, arraigning them all carefully in their assigned areas.
Tucking a strand of hair back behind her ear, she nodded in approval and stepped back to the front counter - her hands still smelling of sage and cedar. Humming softly, she looked around and figured out what to do to keep herself busy until the next wave of people came in for classes. She could sit and read, her reading list had grown beyond what she was ever capable of reading in her life time, but it seemed too passive. There were only so many times she could check the inventory, only so many times she could straighten the shelves before someone noticed and asked if she was okay. Taking a deep breath she settled herself, this wasn’t the place to bring all of that anxious energy. What she could do while waiting was light an incense - one of the lavender ones, it would be nice and bright to match the clear day while serving to keep herself at bay - and settle down to read the book she had been carrying around for a month.
Getting up again, she cleaned up the burner and set up a new stick and began the search for the matches. It seemed whenever she needed them they were always fucking gone. She needed to tie it to string tape out an area in a drawer where they would always be, it was ridiculous having to hunt for them all the time. Digging around in the back room desk, she paused and listened, hearing the footsteps of someone new, their distinct feelings a distant strangeness at the back of her mind. Breathe. She pushed it out of her mind and put on a smile, returning to the front desk and spotting the box of matches sitting right there in front of her.
“Hello, welcome to Rose’s! Is there anything I can help you with?”
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sidaleejakes-blog · 9 years
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Zoe Saldana - Women’s Health (September 2011)
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sidaleejakes-blog · 9 years
“Just make sure to dilute it first if you go with that, a few drops in water is all you need. Willow’s Damage Manage is always quite popular too, I’m sure she’d be tickled if you used it. If you can’t find any I’m sure we could come up with something here, might be a fun science project for the team.”
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“Huh, that may do the trick. Never really used grapefruit see extract before, I’ll say. Might be worth a try, I suppose. And I’ll have to look into those, I suppose. May do me a little bit of good.”
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sidaleejakes-blog · 9 years
The shelves had all been freshly arranged and stocked, each bottle and vial perfectly aligned with the sharp edging of the shelves. The polished dark wood made all of the little dabs of color stand out, coaxing everyone to step in and look at all the delicately labeled jars and all the different herbs. Sid took a step back to admire the shop in the lazy morning sun, a sight she never quite got sick of. With a contented sigh, she brushed the loose hair that had escaped behind her ear and ran through the inventory once more. There were several items that needed to be reordered and she needed to check in with Willow to see if there were any immediate needs, plus all of the new things Chaucer would need. Humming softly she ran through the list of immediate orders and sipped on her now cold coffee, the sole victim of a busy morning.
“Good morning, Piper,” she said with a musical tone, her lips curling into genuine bright smile. The community had blossomed as of late and while new customers were appreciated, there was something special about the locals who came in more regularly. It was important to assure they weren’t ever alienated with growth, not that Sid had ever worried too much about that. They were all so vital to the wellbeing of Birchwood itself, and that’s what she enjoyed more than anything. The vibrance they brought.  “As always, thankfully. You just missed the morning tourists and yoga class, this is a nice quiet part of the morning. Is there anything I can help you find?”
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Charms || Piper and Sidalee
Piper’s eyes flicked upwards, barely skimming over the familiar Rose & Co. sign, now tinted light brown by her sunglasses. As she stepped into the threshold, Piper pushed her sunglasses onto the top of her hair, her bags from the Old World Deli rustling at her leg. Her now clear eyes took in the shop quickly, hardly skimming over the stands that would have once caught and held her attention firmly. The shop had a root of nostalgia in her mind, so tightly associated with her adolescence. Piper’s less ritualistic magic had always been easy to supplement with crystals, sachets and yoga; anything that related deeply to the spirit resonated with Piper, and gave her a connection to the store. When she was younger, she’d participated regularly in the weekly yoga. The older that Piper got, the more that she practiced her own private meditation; a channeling of her magick. 
The girl slipped inside, languidly putting the ingredients she’d come for in a basket, while also wielding an inner debate over the bathbomb on the last shelf. “G’morning,” Piper said, raising a hand in greeting to Sidalee behind the counter, as she crossed to the next stand. “Has it been busy this morning?” The apothecary had boomed in the last year or so, witches and humans alike in Birchwood recognizing what the store had to offer. Piper was happy with its growth, and the firm knowledge that it would be there whenever she needed a pick me up. 
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sidaleejakes-blog · 9 years
“Well, we have grapefruit seed extract, which does a good job. We have that creme too, with the olive oil and sage and some other great stuff. It smells wonderful. Yeah they’re these little things that slip onto your fingertips to make it easier to turn the page and protect your skin, I had a friend who had a set in college and she swore by them. I’m sure we could dig up a pair for you.”
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“Eh, no worries if we don’t have any at the moment. I’m not like, dying or anything. I can use something else to help them along. … Finger protectors? That’s a thing?” 
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