shrekslefttesticle · 1 year
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shrekslefttesticle · 1 year
I'm not that big a fan of lying, so I feel like I'd be absolutely terrible at helping.
I feel so terrible… I’ve been hiding this huge caustic ooze disaster from the magical-hazardous-waste-wizard for days… at first I was just too lazy- *cough* I mean busy, to deal with it, but then they got so excited that we hadn’t had an incident…
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shrekslefttesticle · 1 year
I came up with a dumb idea while listening to the radio today. The """""sports""""" channel. It is quite simple put some people, possibly , comedians as radio show hosts to narrate a sports games, but not only are those games not happening, but stuff is being made up on the fly. Take, for instance, baseball. "You have Kefin, ehh, we can't read his last name up to bat, he appears to be about 5,6 and he's standing on the plate ready to swing, he swings and misses because he had his helmet on backwards." And it gets more outlandish from there. "It's going going. One of the outfielders has jumped the fence to try to get it he's going going.. going, we have lost sight of the outfielder, not the ball. Mind you. We still see that, but we just don't know where the outfielder went." And more rules and weird plays get made up on the fly just for the fun of it.
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shrekslefttesticle · 1 year
My computer tech teacher was out for a couple days because his wife had breast reduction surgery. He said her reason for it was because she wanted to be in the first 5 letters of the alphabet. The unexpected funny part was the one guy that didn't understand the joke, it was a little awkward explaining it to him.
controversial opinion but top surgery and other trans healthcare shouldnt be trans exclusive. so what if an autistic woman wants top surgery because boobs are a sensory nightmare?? good on her. she isnt "mutilating" herself any more than anyone else who gets cosmetic surgery for anything.
it doesnt have to be exclusively "trans healthcare." maybe a cis guy just wants boobs or a cis girl wants a dick. who cares. your bodys yours. customize that bitch. the more normalized it is to just do whatever with your body for any reason the easier itll be for the people who need to do it to actually go through with it because they wont be socially pressured as hard or harassed afterwards.
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