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How to store lemon more than a month
#한국어 While I placed some lemons in a mesh bag (check the last post), I have kept one with the stem in water like flowers or grapes in Thomery, France (check the post about it). After a month, I found it still had freshly firm peel. As you can see in the photo, both the one in a mesh bag or the other one with the stem in water had inner pulp still juicy. When I taste them, I found them a bit different though. The one with the stem in water was more sour than the other one. By drying, that is, aging faster, the one in a bag lost its acidity in the taste. So if you’re planning to store lemons as long as one month or more, it would be wise to get the ones with the stem and keep them with water support. #lemon #storage
이번에는 프랑스 토메리 마을에서 포도를 보관하던 것처럼 달린 나뭇가지를 물에 담가둔 레몬입니다. 지난 번에 소개한 레몬과 함께 한 달을 보관했는데요. 그것과는 다르게 아직 레몬 껍질이 전혀 마르지 않고 탱탱해요. 잘라보니 과육도 싱싱하네요. 겉이 마른 레몬도 속은 과즙이 여전했죠. 그냥 보기에는 큰 차이가 없는데 맛을 보니까 다르더라고요. 물에 담가둔 레몬의 신맛이 훨씬 더 강했어요. 겉이 마른 레몬은 그만큼 빨리 노화가 되면서 신맛을 잃은 거죠. 이제 한달 이상 오래 보관할 할 레몬이 있다면 가지가 달린 걸로 사서 물에 담기두는 게 좋겠어요. #레몬 #보관
#zerowastekitchen #learningkitchen #learningfrom #traditionalknowledge #howtostorefood #sustainablekitchen #zerowasteliving #savefoodfromthefridge #howtostore #domesticrevolution #knowyourfood #foodmatters
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Hooray! The season of lemon arrived in Italy. We started experiments for storing lemons. Like other citrus, lemons can suffer in cold surroundings like in the refrigerator. They can be simply placed on the cupboard or in a fruit bowl. But if you keep them for several weeks, it gets dry and hard. Don’t worry. It has quite a long shelf life. Even though it looks very dry outside, it is often juicy inside. We made a short video clip to show it with one-month-old lemon in a mesh bag at a corner of the kitchen. Other experiments to be continued :-)
#howtostore #lemon #chilling #injury #savefoodfromthefridge #nowaste #zerowastekitchen #no #foodwaste #sustainablekitchen #takecareofyourfood #foodforchange #foodmatters #foodknowledge #knowyourfood #레몬 #겨울과일 #상큼
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I've learned how to make culurgiones, an Italian pasta from Sardegna, stuffed with potato, pecorino, and mint leaves. It took some time for me to make properly shaped ones. While I was struggling with shaping it, this Sardinian lady made almost 100 of them!
At the same time, she recalled her childhood without a refrigerator, too.🤗 In old times, the kitchen used to be a place where knowledge of food was shared and developed spontaneously. I will follow up with the story of storage with mosquito nets soon. #traditionalknowledge#tradition #italiancuisine #culurgiones #sardegna #foodknowledge #gardemanger #potato #beautifulkitchen #beautifulfood #research #cooking
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I've got last aubergines of the season from a farmer's market two weeks ago. Since they're refrigerator free from the field to the market, I made an experiment to show the different changes of aubergines depending on preservation methods. 
I kept the white one in the vegetable drawer of the fridge, the purple one on the kitchen shelf out of the fridge. For the lined one, I waxed its stem and kept it on the kitchen shelf out of the fridge. 
For about a week, there was not much change in any of them. Now it's two weeks passed, I see that the aubergines outside the fridge got dry a bit and the one in the fridge got mushy with a spot rotten. You see the different reactions of aubergine in different surroundings? Don't forget they are alive! 
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So then which one is the winner? I vote for the one with waxed stem out of the fridge. When I cut them, I could see the refrigerated one got rotten inside and became powdery while the other ones got just a bit dry. The waxed stem one got less dry. Yes, waxing the stem keeps the aubergine from dehydrating as I showed on the post how to preserve melons 
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Follow us on Instagram : Save Food From the Fridge
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We're now running an Instagram account. Follow us! Save Food From the Fridge
You will find know-hows of storing food and researches together with design development of Save Food From the Fridge. 🤗
I found Instagram doesn't provide automatic updates on secondary tumblr blogs. So I kindly invite you to follow us on Instagram. 🙇🏻‍♀️
You don't use Instagram? Don't worry. I will do my best to update on tumblr.
Happy Save Food From the Fridge, Happy zero waste 🤗
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Let’s wax melons!
Do you know that waxing the stalk of melon helps to keep it longer? It prevents water loss from the fruit. Happy to find more waxed fruits in the market these days ;-)
If you’re interested in another vegetable to keep by waxing, please check it here: Click!
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Youtube channel _Save Food From the Fridge
We start to share the research on youtube. Please subscribe and share ;-)
The first video is from Nubia, Sicily in Italy. Let’s learn how to braid garlic from Flavia who was very generous to welcome us in her busy working time.
Nubia is a very small village near Trapani in Italy. Garlic from Nubia has pinkish outer skin so it is called red garlic of Nubia in Italy (Aglio Rosso di Nubia). It is also protected by Slow Food movement.
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Before braiding, don’t forget wet the garlic stem to make it soft. Otherwise, it won’t be an easy job. Flavia had piles of wet garlic under the blanket in front of her while she was working on it.
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After braided, garlic stays under the full sun of Sicily about two days. Then it is ready to store on the wall of the kitchen. The smaller cloves keep better and longer. No need to stay in the fridge otherwise it will get humidity problem. And of course, your fridge will smell the garlic.
Please stay tuned for more stories including how to make garlic preserves in Nubia style.
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Give a try to look at the world, imagining you're a maple tree, a salmon, or a carrot. You could understand how we, human, invade the territory of their existence while they don't. Remember, they are another living beings as we are. #WorldEnvironmentalDay2018 #sustainablelife #environmentalday
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It has been 10 days that this cauliflower stays well without a fridge but with the support of Leafy Base since the exhibition in Milan. I’m proud of both cauliflower and Leafy Base! ;-)
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Checking the freshness of quail eggs
What a surprise moment! 
Before cooking quail eggs, I’ve checked their freshness in the water. They are from the same package that I’ve bought two days ago but look what happened. An egg is apparently from an old batch. 
Do you remember the way to check the freshness of eggs? If not, check it out here!
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Lowest Safe Temperature to Avoid Chilling Injury
Summer is getting hot and the fridge is getting colder! However, be very careful not to kill your vegetables in the fridge!!
Vegetables get injured under certain degree. Be aware of information and take care of your vegetables to keep the taste and nutrients!
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Celery for your summer table decoration ;-) 
Summer is around the corner! Celery is one of summer plants that keep us away from the thirst because 95% of celery is actually water. And here comes the secret of the way to keep celery fresh. 
Since the body is mainly water, it’s important to provide the water in order to keep them alive. Place them in the vase with water like flowers! Just make sure that the bottom of celery just touches the water, not much covered. Otherwise celery could get mushy. 
Yes! it is a same principle with how to keep cabbage family fresh longer. Check it out a previous Leafy Base post! 
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Snail Crime Scene 
A little plant of zucchini lost all the leaves for A night!!! I am physically moving away snails from the garden but would like to have more effective solutions. 
One method is to put ashes around the plants as I showed above. I am trying it for 2 days and it seems working. Today is the critical day because it is raining all the day. I need to put the ash again after rain but I will be away from the garden for a few days :-( 
Another method I learned is to place a container with beer inside near the plants. Snails are very enthusiastic about beer so they will end up jumping to the beer instead of plants ;-) Last year I tried this method but it seems to lose power after rain as well. 
The other method I am considering is to provide them enough food, such as planting a lot of lettuce at the corner of garden.
Do you have any other tips? or any experience? Share your knowledge! ;-) 
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How to eat cabbages for keeping them longer
Have you tried to keep cabbages in the water as introduced on a previous post? It works surprisingly, doesn’t it? ;-)  
Another tip to keep your cabbage longer: If you don’t need to eat a whole cabbage, take leaves one by one like you open petals of flower! 
The outer leaves work like a shield for inner ones. Even if the outer ones get dry, inner ones stay much more fresh! 
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Leafy Base by Jihyun David
A new design of Save Food From the Fridge family! It is a hexagon shaped modular base to keep certain vegetables longer with water. Leafy vegetables like lettuce or cabbage stay well as flowers in the water. However only the stem or root should touch the water, not much the leaves. Please check the post about how to keep cauliflower longer. 
Leafy Base offers the place for the vegetables to stay in the water but not to wet the leaves much. Also the temperature of marble helps keep vegetables cooler and the water inside. 
By having their beauty under our eyes, we will surely not forget to eat them again! 
*Check out more photos here. 
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Cauliflower keeps longer in the water 
Cauliflower is quite cold resistant like other Brassica Oleracea* species. However I found it is too beautiful to hide them in the fridge, specially the one in the picture, Romanesco (cavolo romano/romanesco). If it needs to be kept for some days before cooking, why not keeping it in front of our eyes? Are there any ways to help its condition? 
While researching, I learned that Cauliflower is approximately 90 % water. And it turned out that Cauliflower stays longer if you keep its stem (or the down part) in the water as flowers do. It is a very delicate vegetable to handle but worthy to try for enjoying its beauty, needless to say, and the taste! I am a fan of pasta with cauliflower ;-) 
However be careful not to put it deep in the water. Water should get in contact only the stem, not the leaves, nor the floret cluster (head). It can speed up the decay of vegetables. 
*Brassica Oleracea is a species that includes cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and kale, etc. 
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