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Leverage (2008–2012) & Leverage: Redemption (2021–) x DOCTOR WHO
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Reading the first part of this post, I thought the wiki was just talking about how they probably were just worn down from having to build all their shelter and gather their own resources without much pre-established community and trade like they were used to.
After reading all of your accounts and how afraid some people are of The Vast (thank you Magnus Archives), I'm starting to think maybe some aren't built for it here.
Born and raised in the Midwest, my ears will pop if I even go up a hill sometimes. I am one with the Flatlands.
So if you're ever scared, just get yourself a native guide, we promise we won't let the sky eat you.
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And this is why you switch to DuckDuckGo. :/
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the way you win at DnD is making your friends laugh
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My Fiance Quit Me When I Became a Radical Feminist
True story, but I want to write about this, because I think this is a painful, heart-breaking reality for many female feminists. It’s something we need to talk about, hard as it is.
My fiance of over one year has stated that I will never be compatible with any man if I continue to be the way I am, because the way I practice feminism isn’t good for a relationship with a male. We’ve called it quits. 
We were engaged. We wanted to have children together. I saw all my future with him until I was old and gray and withered and wrinkly. I imagined knitting sweaters while sitting in a rocking chair with grandchildren running around our feet. 
Then I read Andrea Dworkin.
Wait, back up.
Then I suggested that maybe part of my self-loathing, depressive, agonizing pain could be associated with the experiences I had had in life very specific to my being female. I’d already been some version of “feminist” up until this point: the liberal, sex pozzie and perfectly compatible with even sexist men type of feminist. Misogyny is sneaky in that a liberal, sex positive feminist can get along with a sexist, woman-hating male very easily as long as:
a) No one ever talks about her gender role as female in the relationship beyond a passing nod to “yeah, you’re equal and strong and can have a job and stuff…”
b) She remains open for servicing his male needs aka le boom boom.
It started by accident. I became involved in a group called We Blame the Patriarchy on Facebook and began having interactions with radical feminists (my first ever). Through my conversations with these women, things started to make too much sense. Way too much. Everything started to make sense. 
I started looking at myself through a new lens. I actually started to see a light at the end of the tunnel.
As a woman, I have been subjected to a laundry list of male violence of various kinds, with the climax being my highly abusive relationship with a psychopath in Turkey–a relationship that I barely escaped with my own life. As many women are after experiencing male violence, I was a walking shell. The essence or sense of humanity that I may have once possessed, but couldn’t remember, was bombed out, silenced, stuffed down, choked half to death…actually completely to death. She was dead. What was left was a shadow of a human being that followed cues in her environment with the intent to remain breathing. Survival. That’s what it is. It didn’t matter who I was, how I felt, what I needed, what I wanted, or if I had any wants, feelings, or needs at all. What mattered is that I kept placing one foot in front of the next foot until the cells in my body stopped reproducing themselves. 
Feminism woke something in me. Deep down, she wasn’t dead, no, SHE WAS ALIVE! 
My ex, who has no tolerance whatsoever for what he considers my application of feminism, has likened this to a religious awakening. He means to say that it’s a form of delusion and that the person experiencing it is having a mental lapse. 
But that’s not it.
You see, when a human being is degraded, dehumanized, tortured, violated, and quite essentially destroyed for the better part of her life (or for her whole life), the discovery of a way to live that restores a sense of humanity is not a religious experience at all. It’s healing. Religion is about transcending this mortal world into an abstract plane that is experienced solely in the mind of its believer. It’s an ethereal, metaphysical, somewhat magical concept at its core which focuses on something out there, in the universe or other plane that one cannot directly access or prove the existence of. Feminism, for a woman, is about living in your literal body on this literal planet in a way that doesn’t literally drive you mad. Not because females are inclined to madness and need some story to make them feel better. No. Because the world is inclined to madness that most squarely points itself in the direction of females with monumentally destructive power. There is a very tangible reality that results in a massively disproportionate number of women experiencing depression, complex traumatic stress syndrome, anorexia and bulimia, self-harm practices such as cutting, and a general sense of misery. Millions upon millions of women are being raped, beaten, killed every day by men. And EVERY woman has experienced at some point in her life varying degrees of discrimination, belittling, harassment, hate speech, disrespect, and neglect because she is female. Specifically because she is female. In a way that is unique to her being female. In a way that a male will usually never experience–and if he does, it’s never going to be as concrete, since he doesn’t live in a world with social structures built up around these experiences which bind them into place and exponentially increase their damage by way of context. 
“WOW!” I thought after learning more about feminism. “It’s a utopia, a perfect world. A world where females, males, and everything in-between can live a life of love, respect, harmony, and a sense of well-being. Wow!” I thought, “wait till I explain some of this to my mate! He will be thrilled to know that he can toss all that masculine crap aside and join me in the quest to embrace the full potential of our humanness. Wait till he sees how much better our relationship can be! How much happier we both can be! How much more complete we can both feel!”
Some of you know what is about to happen…
My mate had seen me, over the past year, in the throes of my pain. He’d seen the panic attacks, the dissociative states, the fits of tears and rage over the memories and scars of my past abuses, and he even noticed that I seemed to miss having a strong, centered sense of myself in almost every aspect of who I was. I was generally fearful, defeated, tired, listless, and down-trodden. My dreams remained in my head, where they couldn’t fail, for they were never attempted. Though I always had a big, warm heart, he would say, the rest of me was, as I mentioned before, a bombed out shell that followed cues to survive. 
Boy did I have another thing coming. Masculine crap….don’t use that phrase with a male–ever. Like ever. Unless they are seasoned and very accepting of feminist thought, and even then, be careful. 
Everything was war. Right away. The theories were “nonsense”, the views were hateful. Heck, he called ME sexist and a man-hater. All intimacy evaporated in an instant–though there hadn’t been much of it to begin with across this massive male/female divide we’d spent our relationship inhabiting, like two planets always on completely different orbit paths, destined to pass each other but never actually make contact.
I watched my relationship disappear overnight. 
Becoming a radical feminist means:
1. Learning to love yourself as you are and embracing your body, not hating or hurting it
2. Challenging your assigned role (femininity) and how it effects your well-being
3. Challenging the assigned role of males (masculinity) and how it effects theirs and your well-being
4. Seeking to identify root problems within male/female dynamics in order to create a better relationship between the sexes, especially in a way that liberates the female from sex-based abuse
5. Allowing yourself to be angry, really angry, at being oppressed. In general, learning to feel emotions again after numbing them to the appropriate level for our assigned gender
6. Changing how you participate in sex, how you define sex, and how you allow yourself to be treated in sex
7. Working to analyze and change institutions and the cultural practices that hurt women 
8. Learning to view yourself from your own perspective, rather than through the eyes of men. In other words, to decolonize your mind from sexist perceptions of self imposed by misogynist and patriarchal norms
9. Empowering oneself
10. Joining and embracing other women and forming a community with women. This is important because women are usually disenfranchised and pitted against each other in patriarchy
Basically, radical feminism is not just an idea. It’s a way of living. If you grow in your feminist journey, you will change your lifestyles. Its unavoidable.
Off with the bra.
Out with the razors.
To the trash with the make-up.
To Hell with high heels.
Good Riddance to tolerance of sexism and misogyny and…
BOOM with the power, self-confidence, love, trust in oneself, and retraining of our passive, submissive habits. Outspoken nature erupts! Opinions, views, and thoughts are actually SAID! 
Hello Sisterhood!
These are all quite tangible changes that a woman goes through when she becomes feminist. 
What this means for her mate is: Brand new woman in his life. 
She’s hairy and bold. She’s reading all the time and isn’t paying as much attention to him. She’s not too into having her vagina rammed anymore. And she’s spending a lot of time with women, ignoring males. 
What man could hold on to this?
To the women reading this, I don’t have a perfect answer to that.
But if a man stumbles on this bit of words, then I would say this to him: She’s not a brand new woman. She’s the woman you always had, but never could see. That was her, all along. But she was stuffing herself into a role. Do you see what we mean by oppression now? Look at the woman you called your love and realize that she’s removed the stains and dirt from the glass you looked at her through. Now you see who was always there, afraid to show her face, afraid to BE. Told not to exist. Told to change. Told she wasn’t good enough, or pretty enough, or smart enough, or worth enough. Told she shouldn’t exist as she is. There she is now, standing in front of you. All the pain, the emotion, and the raw, genuine beauty staring back into your eyes hoping that you will not be like them. That you will love her for herself. 
To all the feminists out there who took this risk and received the hardest heart-break they will likely ever experience, one that is too sober not to hear through and through–No, you are not good enough just as you are; I liked you better when you were faking everything–these quotes are for you:
For women, getting angry is socially unacceptable, even when the anger is over violence, discrimination, misogyny, and other forms of oppression. Anger is unacceptable because angry women are women in touch with their passion and power, especially in relation to men, which threatens the entire patriarchal order. It’s unacceptable because it forces men to confront the reality of male privilege and women’s oppression and their involvement in it, even if only as passive beneficiaries. Women’s anger challenges men to acknowledge attempts to trivialize oppression with “I was only kidding.” And women’s anger is unacceptable to men who look to women to take care of them, to prop up their need to feel in control, and to support them in their competition with other men. When women are less than gracious and good-humored about their own oppression, men often feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, at a loss, and therefore vulnerable.“ - Allan G. Johnson
“Woman is not born: she is made. In the making, her humanity is destroyed. She becomes symbol of this, symbol of that: mother of the earth, slut of the universe; but she never becomes herself because it is forbidden for her to do so.”  
“She will try to find the nice way to exercise intelligence. But intelligence is not ladylike. Intelligence is full of excesses. Rigorous intelligence abhors sentimentality, and women must be sentimental to value the dreadful silliness of the men around them. Morbid intelligence abhors the cheery sunlight of positive thinking and eternal sweetness; and women must be sunlight and cheery and sweet, or the woman could not bribe her way with smiles through a day. Wild intelligence abhors any narrow world; and the world of women must stay narrow, or the woman is an outlaw. No woman could be Nietzsche or Rimbaud without ending up in a whorehouse or lobotomized. Any vital intelligence has passionate questions, aggressive answers; but women cannot be explorers; there can be no Lewis or Clark of the female mind.”  - Andrea Dworkin
Be. Powerful.
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Never. Stop.
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Who invited him?
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shadows-and-starlight · 10 hours
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shadows-and-starlight · 10 hours
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…so movies are just a bunch of people LARPing on film
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shadows-and-starlight · 11 hours
Necromancy magic, but it's just enchanted Flex Tape holding them together 🤣
Flex Tape™️
Playing a one-shot, and the Barbarian rolls a Nat20, and kills an enemy in one hit
Drow: that’s a lot of damage
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shadows-and-starlight · 11 hours
The Blobcat. It's like a bobcat, but boneless and gelatinous
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shadows-and-starlight · 12 hours
you ever think about how men who enter female dominated spaces (male beauty youtubers) are adored and celebrated and welcomed and women who enter male dominated spaces (gaming, sports) are often verbally abused to the point of quitting the activity all together
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shadows-and-starlight · 12 hours
It’s weird how people on this website are so obsessed with discussing the intricacies of their sexuality and kinks while simultaneously being so virginal. Like there’s no shame in being a virgin, but why don’t you just try having normal sex before identifying yourself as a polysexual bdsm kinkster? I feel like porn has caused a bunch of young people to form weird fantasies that are very unlikely to be fulfilled in real life
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shadows-and-starlight · 13 hours
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Just in case you're thinking about why do women choose bears.
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shadows-and-starlight · 13 hours
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Shrek 2 + favorite pop culture references
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shadows-and-starlight · 14 hours
a thing that really shook me was the study where women performed worse in a math test when they were wearing a swimsuit vs a sweater whereas for men there was no difference. objectification literally diminishes your brain capacity. i can't help but wonder what we could be in a truly liberated society because there's no way that how we are raised to be objectified and to even self objectify hasn't thoroughly poisoned our brains to always underperform even in normal clothes.
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You know what
1. That story is so cute, and
2. I am laughing so hard thinking about this dark horse of a ship
Like while the Buddie and Bucktommy shippers are fighting (I hate that, such a bad look for the fandom), it was actually Josh that snuck in, swept Buck off his feet, and ran off with him.
Okay okay okay…it’s currently 8:30 am and is it too early for this? Maybe, but do I care? No, so buckle up cause here is another Buck/Josh headcanon:
Before Abby left, sometimes Buck would stop by dispatch to see her. And look, Josh likes Abby. She’s a good dispatcher and loves her mother. And they’re friends, if only at work. And when Abby mentions she’s starting to see a fireman and she’s having fun and it’s nothing serious, Josh just assumes it’s a gruff looking man in his forties with a mustache and smells permanently of smoke who is maybe twice divorced and doesn’t have time for commitment. What he isn’t expecting though is the young man that walks through the doors. He’s all legs and a bright smile; the literal embodiment of sunshine and he’s looking at Abby like she hung the moon. And Josh, well he is floored, because surely Abby can see that this young man is invested in them. And after observing them together, and having heard how Abby has talked about Buck and witnessed how love struck Buck is, well, Abby is cast in a new light that Josh doesn’t’t care for too much. And then Abby’s mother passes, and Buck is there for Abby through is all, but even then, Josh can see Abby pulling away from Buck, who just clings to her harder. Then Abby leaves with a hollow promise to come back and it’s weeks until Josh sees Buck again, the young man starting down the aisle Josh is on in the grocery store, and before he thinks anything of it he’s calling out to the other man, “oh, hey Buck.” And poor thing was so stuck in his head he startles, confusion passing over his face, and then hesitant realization, “Josh right? You work at dispatch right?” Josh nods, his smile tentative but there “Yeah, how’s it going?” And Buck deflates, but now there is a small smile on his face, “I’m okay. Hanging in there you know.” And they stand there, small talk in the juice aisle and Josh is offering before he can think twice, “Look, you can say no, but if you ever want to hang out, maybe talk about how you’re feeling, I’m a good listener. I also make a really good chicken bake.” And Buck’s eyes light up, and there is no hesitation when he agrees, handing over his phone for Josh to put his number in, and silently curses when he sees he only has about 20 left until the start of his shift, and he’s offering apologies and hurrying away. Josh is surprised though, when two days later Buck sends a message that he has the next two days off if Josh is free. Which is why, a two months after their run in, Buck is sitting on the floor, head leaning back against the couch, brushing against Josh’s thigh where he is reclined back against the arm and his legs are down the length, the fireman, in the near quiet of the room, whispers, “she’s not coming back.” And Josh’s heart breaks because he’s known this fact since Abby left, despite her promise to return, so all he can do, is run his hand through Buck’s hair, lightly scratching his scalp. “Thanks for being here for me.” And Josh, well, he’s half in love with this man after then short time they’ve been friends. “You don’t have to thank me Buck.”
Life goes on, and two weeks later, Buck mentions to Josh that he needs to find a new place to live because he can’t keep staying in Abby’s place and Josh is offering the second bedroom in his apartment to the other man permanently because there isn’t any reason not to. Buck is there most days when Josh is there anyway. And Buck is thankful, promising “I won’t be here long and I’ll help with rent. And it will be just until I can find my own place.” And Josh assures him there is no rush, that he is welcome to stay as long as he wants. And three weeks later, they’d been watching a movie in the living room and sometime they’d fallen asleep and Josh ended up draped over Buck’s body during the night. When he wakes, he’s warm and we’s wedged between the back of the couch and a solid wall of muscle and heat and there is a thigh between his legs and he has never slept better in his life, but then there is a shift and he blinks awake, and there is Buck, sleep mussed and small smile playing on his lips a soft “hi” escaping on an exhale and then he’s pulling Josh closer, brushing their lips together in a soft kiss, and then Buck takes it deeper, his hand moving up to hold the back of Josh’s head. And then, Buck’s pulled away and he’s breathing hard, and Josh feels like he’s drunk and and slightly like he’s about to panic but then Buck’s palm is on his cheek and Josh meets his eyes and all he sees is wonder and mirth as he whispers, “we should do that again” and there is no hesitation as they both move, their lips brushing again. And if later, Josh thinks that Abby has made the biggest mistake by letting this man go, well he’ll keep that to himself.
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I love you.
Also, I don't know what it is with sleepy kisses/confessions that makes the happy drug in my brain go BRRRR but HOLY SHIT I FEEL LIKE I'M FLOATING!!!!!
This is another thing I love about Buck/Josh, you could put their relationship anywhere in the timeline and it would make sense!!!! This is freaking awesome for after Abby. Ali broke up with Buck because she couldn't handle worrying about him getting hurt, insert Josh who would still worry about him but not as much because he knows Buck can handle himself but is also there to reel him in when he tries to do too much, relationship grows from there.
Taylor Kelly was a nightmare, insert Josh who starts to talking to Buck more after Taylor's story on Jonah and he learns how messed up it was for Jonah to do that but also how messed up it was that Taylor didn't keep her word about waiting to run the story because Josh knows HR and lawyers are a nightmare, relationship grows from there.
Natalia was obsessed with death, insert Josh who helps Buck find new ways to appreciate life (with him maybe? 👀), relationship grows from there.
FUCK THE WRITERS FOR NOT MAKING BUCK AND JOSH A THING 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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