severuna · 9 days
OOC. honestly just gonna call this blog archived. I'm never here and I don't want to be here. Might delete blog but who knows. I'm having way more fun on my OC multi blogs and I'm always over there.
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severuna · 2 months
i said i'd make them! i hope you enjoy these, and as always: DO NOT ADD, EDIT OR CLAIM THIS LIST AS YOUR OWN!
[ WAKEN ]: the sender touches the receiver's shoulder to waken them from a nap or sleep.
[ STILL ]: the sender places their hands on the visibly angry/upset receiver to try and restrain them.
[ STAY ]: the sender, noticing the receiver attempting to escape a meeting or a conversation, quietly rests a hand on their shoulder and pulls them back into their seat.
[ REST ]: the sender places a gentle but firm hand on a weakened/sick/injured receiver's shoulder to push them back into their bed to rest more.
[ PUNCH ]: the sender places a hand on the receiver to draw their attention away from another focus, and once they've turned around, the sender swings a punch at them in the moment of confusion.
[ PRIDE ]: the sender, having heard or seen the receiver successfully achieve a remarkable feat, places a hand on their shoulder to express their wordless pride in them.
[ HUG ]: the sender places their hands on the receiver's shoulders to yank them into a hug.
[ COMFORT ]: the sender, noticing a visibly upset receiver, solemnly moves to their side, and places a hand on their shoulder in an effort to comfort them.
[ SURPRISE ]: the sender, noticing an otherwise occupied receiver, moves forward silently and suddenly grabs their shoulder to startle them.
[ STUN ]: the sender, having been apart from the receiver for some time, makes an unexpected return and greets the unaware receiver with a hand on their shoulder.
[ TIDY ]: the sender reaches forward and lightly sweeps something from the receiver's shoulder.
[ WORRY ]: the sender grabs the receiver by the shoulders to take a good look at them for any sign of harm or injury.
[ ARM ]: the sender rests a hand on the receiver's shoulder, their arm draped around them in order to do so.
[ FOCUS ]: the sender, noticing the receiver has become distracted during a conversation, places a hand on their shoulder to redirect and focus their attention.
[ GOTCHA ]: the sender, noticing the receiver has unknowingly walked into the path of a source of danger, grabs them by the shoulder and hoists them back to safety.
[ PRAISE ]: the sender, having heard that the receiver has achieved great success in a task or accomplishment, gives them a proud pat and squeeze of the shoulder to convey their congratulations.
[ STEADY ]: the sender rests a hand on the shaken and panicked receiver's shoulder to steady and ground them.
[ CAUGHT ]: the sender plants a hand on the receiver's shoulder to stop them from fleeing a potential arrest or accusation.
[ DELIVER ]: the sender, about to deliver some bad news to the receiver, gently places a hand on the receiver's shoulder to stop them from running away from the bad news.
[ SHIELD ]: the sender catches hold of the receiver's shoulder and draws them back and away from a threat, pulling them behind them for their safety.
[ SOOTHE ]: the sender places their hands on the receiver's shoulders and begins to give them a massage.
[ LEVER ]: the sender, wanting to sit next to the receiver, places a hand on their shoulder to ease themselves to the space beside them.
[ HERE ]: the sender taps the receiver's shoulder to alert them to their presence.
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severuna · 8 months
How would she react to having to fight a Caeldori?
UNPROMPTED ┊always accepting.
OOC. As I do not assume she is the mother of any of the children, a fight against Caeldori wouldn't be something she takes personally. After all, it's different when fighting child soldiers of enemies versus a battle against her own family. As much as Caeldori resembles her mother, she wouldn't let that resemblance get in the way of her tactics and attacks.
If anything, she would dismiss the resemblance and mentally talk herself out of thinking she even looked like Cordelia. If she lingers on that resemblance, chances are she wouldn't be able to strike, thinking that she might be cutting down the mother she fought so hard to save (at least in a different timeline). Of course, Selena is a seasoned fighter who also fought in an apocalypse, so I think she would be more than capable of setting aside personal feelings and emotions in the heat of battle.
In short, I believe Selena would be able to treat Caeldori like any other opponent regardless of her resemblance to Cordelia.
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severuna · 8 months
what is severas happiest memory since entering fateslandia? Most painful?
UNPROMPTED ┊always accepting.
OOC. The most painful memory, assuming Birthright path, is easily the moment Laslow dies while fighting during Xander's last stand against Corrin's army. But this also assumes that she wouldn't have lost Odin either (I'm not sure if he actually does let himself die in when you fight Leo in the dark forest on this path—the script is vague).
If she lost either of them, I'd expect her to be quite affected by it to the point where she can't even hide that pain and pretend she wasn't bothered by their missing presences. After all, she upheld her promise to stay alive so they could go home, even with the attachment she had built with Camilla and the rest of the Nohrian troops—to be left behind because she couldn't devote herself as strongly as they could to the new people they bonded with must really hurt.
I'd probably need to actually write out the scenario to get into the details of specifically how she might cope, but I can tell you that losing her best friends would be the most painful thing for her during Fates verse, especially since she'd be all alone in a world that holds no record of her (outside of her applying for the retainer position onwards) with nothing of her past truly accessible. Being the only one who holds memories of a different time and place could severely wear her down immensely due to not having a place to talk about it or space to look fondly back over the memories.
As for her happiest memory, I would like to think it's being recruited alongside Odin and Laslow into retainer positions for their respective royals. I imagine it'd be a stressful time to find a way to somehow monitor the child Anankos tasked them to look out for, and there was no guarantee they'd even make it through the rigorous tests they would be faced with as they spontaneously applied for a royal retainer position. To see each other at the other side having passed their examinations and surpassing all the other applicants was likely the most relieving and comforting moment for her—in that they'd all be able to work together and still be by each other's sides through thick and thin.
Selena found out she would still be able to fight alongside the two most trusted individuals she'd have in this word, and to top it off, they're her closest friends and allies too. By this point, Odin and Laslow feel like family, and it'd be wrong to have to separate and be covert with communications, especially in a new world they know next to nothing about. Being together and their presence is a constant comfort even if she gets miffed by all the antics the same as before.
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severuna · 8 months
Even if she had words, they would've immediately died on her tongue the moment she tried to speak them. Not to mention, words weren't exactly her strong point—she potentially could make everything worse, and when someone so important to her liege was the victim in the scenario, Selena did not want to take that risk. Then again, she also personally cared about him, as much as she tried to tell herself she didn't.
Her body tensed awkwardly as the younger boy reached to hug her back, his arms trembling and weakly clinging to the folds of her mercenary uniform. Selena wasn't used to touch like this, not even from those close to her. Certainly, she had gotten plenty of doting embraces from Lady Camilla, but this embrace felt much more exposing, vulnerable even. Maybe it was because they were both finally letting their grief show. Maybe it was because they were showing weaknesses they'd never reveal normally.
Even still, the red-haired girl solidified her hold on Prince Leo, her grip tightening a smidge just to help him hold himself together a little better. She paid no mind to the tears soaking her shoulder, and she didn't bother to verbally acknowledge the sobs that left his lips. The one thing she knew she'd hate if she was in his position was for those tears to be acknowledged in words.
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Her gaze slowly fell to catch a glimpse of the blond-haired prince hesitantly clinging to her. His words rung in her ears, and she struggled to find the words to reply to them. Who was he blaming? Corrin? Lord Xander? Regardless of who, to Leo, they were both precious siblings—surely he felt immensely betrayed no matter which of them it was.
All she could really come up with was to try to comfort him. She moved one of her hands to rest atop his head, pausing for a moment before maybe making the biggest mistake she'd ever make in this moment. Not letting herself dwell on it, Selena gently rubbed her gloved hand against his head, fingers subtly threading through his hair and softly pressing against his scalp as if to soothe him the best she could.
Hopefully, this would ease the ache a little bit (and maybe she could forget the way her own heart felt like it was suffocating in her chest).
He expected to be punched, or that maybe she'd yell at him. It wasn't that Selena was volatile necessarily, no, but grief was complicated and it was difficult to talk about that hurt. At best, she might have stormed out. She didn't. In fact, he was surprised she was still there at all. He wanted to be alone. He didn't want to be alone. What did he want from her?
Before he could think about his own questions, he felt something tighten around him. At first he thought his own lungs had given up on him in his grief, but no. They were arms, awkward yet warm. He didn't understand what was happening for a moment, until it finally sunk in.
Her hug wasn't like Camilla's. It didn't feel suffocating. It wasn't the hug of someone clinging to something like it too would leave her. It didn't feel like he should be carrying Selena's burdens with his own. His heart seized in his chest. He didn't know he needed to be held like this until he was.
A part of his pride battled against his grief. He couldn't let himself go: he was still fighting to get himself together again. He realised then that there was no point - Selena already knew. She had already seen him at his lowest. Don't you dare... hide your pain. He made it obvious, he supposed, that he was trying so hard to hold back.
But who for? They were both torn by despair. They both knew what they were feeling. It felt no better to hold back.
He didn't notice he was trembling, not until he reached up. One shaking hand sat on her back, his other arm slinked around her torso. It felt weird to reciprocate a hug, but weirder still to not. He was used to standing there limply as his sisters held onto him. Sisters. Not only Camilla.
Fresh tears choked him. He didn't want to cry any more. He didn't know he had anything left in him. But with his face pressed to her shoulder, finally he let himself go. His sobs were heavy, though thankfully muffled against her shoulder. He couldn't even feel embarrassed anymore, not when his heart felt scooped out and left on the floor to rot. He wanted them back, even if he could never forgive Xander. He wanted them back. He wanted his little sister to knock insistently on the door, not taking no for an answer.
"He killed her," he gasped out between sobs. "It's his fault." Yet it didn't stop him from missing both of his siblings, the longing burning like acid through him.
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severuna · 9 months
After she had made her outburst, Selena wrapped her fingers around her wrist where the bracelet hidden under her left glove was. It was almost funny how the two most important accessories to her now were tokens of precious people who died: the ring belonging to her mother and now this bracelet that was supposed to symbolize a promise she never kept her end of. She had told him that she would tell him her honest feelings one day, and she never did. He spent all this time waiting... waiting for her and now her feelings would never reach his ears.
Once again, the redhead was stuck holding feelings close to her heart that had nowhere to go. Feelings like I love you, I care about you so much, I don't want to lose you, You're precious to me— all of it would fall on deaf ears. Even if she were to say it to a grave, neither of them would hear it. The promises between them and her—why was it always her who broke them? Was this punishment for failing to uphold what she said she would?
I'm sorry. The prince's words sounded so soft in this moment to her; why did she feel like she was about to fall apart now?
Her heart was squeezing and she felt like her breath was being taken from her. An icky feeling swirled in her chest as her throat burned from that need to cry even harder. Tears kept falling from her eyes and Selena shakily brought her fingers to wipe them away. Words wouldn't form in her head at all as Leo spoke to her. Right, she was supposed to be comforting him. But how could she when she was like this?
Though, the mercenary found herself activated and almost enraged when he essentially told her to find solace in pretending—the hurt in her chest burning and shifting into something that would get her to move and respond. She wasn't here to pretend. She had lost grieved before and she was no longer capable of denying the existence of the void in her heart that death gifted her.
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Slowly dragging her feet over to Leo's side of the table, Selena didn't say a word. All she did was close the gap between them as she tried to hold back tears for his sake. He wasn't supposed to be comforting her right now. It was supposed to be the opposite. When she finally stood in front of him as he sat in his chair, the girl pulled him into an awkward embrace, ❝ Don't you dare... comfort me right now, ❞ she weakly retorted, letting herself drop her shoulders and bend her knees a little to be at a proper height to be level with him.
❝ Don't you dare... hide your pain. ❞
Of course she was hurting too. Of course, like him, she was trying to hide it. Of course, just like him, she couldn't hide it.
How could they, when it felt like they had both lost everything? Bits and pieces of their families remained, but it wasn't the same. Forcing normality did not make normality; it made a horrible, distorted sort of existence. The world felt much worse seen through tears.
She didn't need to finish Laslow's promised words. Leo didn't know, but he didn't need to. Whatever it was, the promise was long broken, a promise only Selena would remember.
Leo tried to wipe away his tears, but they didn't stop. His own hurt mixed with hers, and it was difficult to untangle that ache. He didn't know what to do or say - he never did, regardless of his own state of mind. Perhaps he should have sent her to Camilla, but doubtless she was suffocating her retainers as she was Leo. It was part of why he was trying to deal with it alone.
But he couldn't deal with it alone, not right now. He didn't feel right leaving Selena to mourn alone, but he wasn't sure what to do. Neither of them were looking at each other, both preoccupied by the mess of the board. It wasn't a whole set now, not with a piece missing. He sniffled, trying to compose himself.
"I'm sorry." He didn't know what exactly he was sorry for. For her loss, for his explosion, for his inability to help her. "I cannot pretend. I can't behave as if nothing happened. It feels like a lie, as if I'm forgetting them already. If you need to pretend, I'm sure Odin will entertain you, but I can't."
His tone was devoid of anger, or annoyance, or much of anything. His energy was spent trying to get it together, though it wasn't going well. He could feel himself cracking like bad foundation.
"I can't offer comforting words, but if you want to talk about it..." Talk, because he couldn't stand to listen to his own grief anymore. Talk, because tangentially he may hear some snippets of Xander. Talk, because neither of them should be alone through this.
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severuna · 9 months
It was precisely because things had changed that she sought this game. Even if the louder part of her didn't like this, playing a game with Prince Leo meant things were normal. It meant that things were carrying on as usual. It meant that the world was okay for now, and that there was no reason to worry or stress about what tomorrow brought to them. She wanted to play because if she could get through it to the end, then everything was fine.
However, she couldn't get through to the end. Rather, Lord Leo couldn't get through a turn. That was when she realized just how much he was hurting too. He never let his wounds show if he could help it; it was the kind of person he was. As a royal with the weight of so much on his shoulders... and at his age dealing with the loss of someone precious...
Selena froze in her seat as she saw tears roll down his cheeks. He pushed away from the table and told her to leave, but she couldn't leave. She was frozen to her spot as her own tears fell. It was as though seeing him cry set off her waterworks too.
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❝ I can't! ❞ she lashed out as she slammed her hands on the table to force herself to stand up from the stool she was sitting on. Her gaze was fixed on her mostly untouched formation of chess pieces. Her action had caused the pawn she had moved to fall over onto its side and roll a little, ❝ I can't do this either! ❞
Her eyes watered more as she watched the little pawn roll and roll and finally land on the floor, discarded and permanently gone from the board. Her vision blurred as tears gathered even more, ❝ It hurts me too! I lost Laslow—he promised me—! ❞ He promised we'd all go home after this!
He didn't know how she mustered the energy. He watched her set up the board, and dread began to creep up inside of him. He didn't want to do this. He had to though, because he had to pretend he was fine. He had to pretend his heart hadn't been hollowed out by grief.
She made her move, and Leo stared at the board. Usually, he could have probably countered her move. He was always three steps ahead of her. His mind moved like sludge. He tented his fingers over his mouth. Come on, Leo: the quicker you win, the quicker she will leave, and you can cry in peace. He blinked away said emotion.
He looked over his pieces. Just move one. But then they could be taken - killed, in other words. He no longer saw faceless pawns and rooks and knights in those pieces. He saw his friends. He saw his family. Camilla the queen, Elise the rook, and Xander. Oh Gods. He was going to kill them all. His failure, his actions and inactions, they would all die.
Because of him.
Leo had to shake himself out of his reverie. He blinked, fresh tears threatening to spill.
"I can't do this." His voice sounded weak and pathetic to his own ears. He pushed away his chair. "You need to go. I can't do this. I can't play any games. I don't know how you can do this - I don't know how you can go about as nothing has changed."
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severuna · 10 months
PROMPTS FOR PEOPLE WHO AREN'T USED TO KINDNESS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
what are you doing?
i can handle that myself, you know.
you didn't have to go out of your way to take care of me.
i'm not used to this. this caring thing.
thank you. don't ever do that again.
i thought you hated me, to be honest.
i didn't ask you to love me!
no one's ever actually just... sat down and listened to me.
i didn't think people like you existed.
is this normal for you? going out of your way like this?
i told you i had it handled. you didn't have to bother.
i... should probably thank you for that.
i don't know what to say. this has never happened before.
wait, that's mine. you fixed it?
you did all of this... for me?
that was the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me.
i'm kinda at a loss for words.
i wasn't expecting this from you.
you did all this for me?
i had it under control.
when did this happen?
how long were you planning this?
i'm not sure what to say. i'm not used to this.
i owe you one.
that was... very kind of you. thank you.
i'm just not used to people going out of their way to help me.
usually people just look the other way, but you actually care.
this is weird. is this what caring about someone feels like?
i could have handled it.
this must have taken you forever to arrange. and you did it all for me?
it would be easier in the long run if we went our separate ways.
i hate being in other peoples' debts.
i didn't want this to happen.
people around me don't last very long.
i feel like i'm screaming and screaming and no one hears me.
i'm in your debt.
how did you find that? i lost that ages ago.
you actually... listened to me?
no one's ever paid attention.
no one's ever put that much time in effort into something for me.
when did i say that?
i didn't ask you to care about me!
i'm easily missed. people don't pay attention to me.
i'm invisible most of the time.
it's easier for people to look the other way.
do you do this often? help people?
i'm surprised you're still here.
if you're expecting something in return, forget about it.
you came back?
why do you care about me so much?
i'm a lost cause. you should just forget about me.
what's the use? there's no point.
i don't even celebrate my birthday. no one cares.
you can't just make someone care about you.
i thought you left.
what is it about me that has you so worked up?
you're making a big deal out of nothing.
thanks for patching me up.
you... brought this here for me?
but i didn't ask for this! i didn't ask for any of this!
stop smiling at me like that.
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severuna · 11 months
❝ easy for you to say. i’m the one getting beat all the time. ❞ ft. Selena losing yet another game to Leo lol (or any scenario that comes to mind)
[ too lazy to meme hunt ngl ; always accepting ]
Their forces were being decimated by Hoshido. Risks were necessary, yes. But not like this.
Leo could lie. He could say that he only cared because Camilla would kill him if she found out he had gotten Selena killed. That was part of it, but not the full story. He felt personally responsible if something happened to her, of course. But, at the core of it all, he did care about her. She wasn't just his sister's retainer, she was a friend.
Not that he'd tell her that. He couldn't find the words to say it, not without sounding odd.
"You're 'getting beat all the time' because you're reckless." He pressed his lips into a thin line. They were fighting a losing battle, and they all knew it. Stubborn Nohrians that they all were, they weren't going to back down. Not now.
"You are always like this. You never think before you act. Yes, I recognise that I do stand behind as a strategist, but someone in this army must have a thought in their head for those among us who don't."
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severuna · 11 months
Maybe she shouldn't have put so much force behind the act of slamming the game box down. She felt a bit bad about nearly toppling over the ink, but she didn't have the moment to acknowledge that properly—the royals of this kingdom were somehow capable of throwing the most intimidating looks out there that even made her freeze for a moment. Honestly, she didn't even want to bother Leo with this game much at all, but her duty was her duty.
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❝ Great! Today, I'll definitely beat you! ❞ she forced out with a smile. As much as she tried to keep the fire in her voice, she could only notice how badly she was at faking emotions like this. Even if she did successfully fake it, the farce never lasted long. The clamminess of her hands, thankfully, were hidden by the cover of her gloves, but she couldn't even bring herself to counter Leo's retort at all with how her voice caught in her throat.
Grabbing a nearby stool to use as a chair, Selena brought to the table and took a seat. Reaching for the game box, she opened the lid and began setting up the board, removing the bags containing pieces and laying the board out on the open spot atop the table. As she set up the board, the smile on her face fell, as she no longer could keep it going without the edges of her lips twitching from the strain of keeping up the charade. It was only a wonder how Leo didn't catch her poor excuse of today's performance.
By the time the board was set up and it was her turn to cast her move, Selena's brain had somehow gone blank—as if she had somehow returned to her own form of coping when it came to grief and loss. Why was she doing this? Why was she sitting here playing a game when all she wanted to do was cry?
She could feel the familiar stinging sensation at the corners of her eyes. Gods damn it—not here and not now! Snatching a random pawn on her side, she moved it forward two spaces, practically slamming the thing on its new square and hoping that she could force the tears back if she focused on something else.
❝ There, your move! ❞
What did Leo think would happen? That Selena would say 'oh, okay' and walk away? No. She was a stubborn person. She was one of Camilla's retainers too - how did Leo expect it to end any other way? He quickly wiped his face, and braced himself for the worst as the door opened. There was no use in resisting further.
She stomped over, and Leo inhaled sharply. He needed to brace himself. She slammed the box on his desk, disturbing the ink well and quill. He quickly grabbed hold of it before it went everywhere. He shot Selena a reproachful look, before letting go of the items.
There was something just a little off about her. Perhaps he was imagining it: the castle felt like it was draining all the colour out of life. She was still just as forceful as ever. Yes, Leo must have been imagining it.
"Now? In my room?" He rubbed his temples. "Fine, yes. Let's get this over with."
As he cleared away his desk, he thought about strategy. No, not with the game - he couldn't care less about that. If he threw the game, he could get rid of Selena quicker. She would win, and she would go away. He'd have to make it seem like he was trying, though. He clenched his jaw. His pride would never allow him to throw away a game, even if it meant getting rid of Selena quickly.
"You'll leave immediately after losing, though." He could get this over with quickly. She was getting better, no doubt, but he still had tricks he hadn't used on her yet. He began to set the board. Gods knew he was in no mood for this, but fine. Five minutes.
"Right, then. I'll let you have the first move this time." He gestured at the board. He stopped just short of telling her to hurry up.
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severuna · 1 year
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─── please reblog if interested in interacting
─── please read rules & dossier before interacting!
─── independent + plotting-reliant + oc-friendly
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severuna · 1 year
Her pain and grief were tossed aside in the moments she waited, her focus now fixed on making sure Prince Leo was actually alright as per Lady Camilla's request. It was better she do this anyhow—focus on something than her own troubles. If she helped him, then she didn't have to keep thinking about that awful scene, the one that reminded her of all those broken promises and seeped into her nightmares. Shaking her head, she pushed the creeping memory aside, desperate to avoid the pain it'd bring upon her.
By this point, Selena was almost certain that the prince wouldn't reply. Could she blame him though? He was most likely the most distraught and in pain compared to everyone else being so much close to Princess Elise and Prince Xander. Should she share that she was also worried about him? Ha, no! Even if they were allies, they weren't friends, and just because they played games on and off didn't mean she had the right to consider him more than just an ally fighting on the same side (she had to stay distant, remember). Yet, Selena couldn't deny she did care; the act of keeping distant was lost long ago, long before this war even got to this point.
After what felt like too long, the blond prince's voice made its way through the door. I'm hardly in the state for company.
Eyebrows furrowing, the redhead found herself frowning as she normally did when dealing with unwanted things. He was being stupid (the only way she could rationalize the feelings activated by his response). Too bad for Leo that she wasn't exactly the delicate kind of ally or friend to have. Whether he liked it or not, she wasn't going to leave. Reaching for the door knob, she twisted it in hopes of opening it.
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❝ Tough luck then because I'm not leaving, ❞ she huffed, bringing back some of her earlier snark and tactless approach. If gentleness wouldn't help, then she'd do this by force like she typically did.
To her luck, the door wasn't locked, so the mercenary invited herself inside as the door swung wide open behind her. Hands on her hips, she looked him over from where she stood a couple feet away from the doorway. He was sitting at his desk, book in hand, and turned away from the door (likely to make sure she didn't catch any expression).
The atmosphere felt so different from usual that she lost the words she was intending to say. Just from being in this room, the sadness was heavy, nearly suffocating to the point where she nearly dropped her bravado again. Still, Selena made her way over to Leo's desk, locating a free spot to essentially slam the game's box onto the table.
Piecing together a new string of words and forcing them out, the redhead attempted to keep her composure—although anyone observant would catch the lack of true bite behind her tone, ❝ I'm not done with you until I beat you, you hear me? ❞
The castle was empty.
There was no shortage of staff milling about, but it wasn't the same. No crowd could replace Elise's bright smile and warmth. No crowd could replace Xander's pride. Nothing could fill this castle again. Nothing would ever made Nohr feel like home again.
The country had been decimated by Hoshido. By Corrin. He was no fool: he knew Garon was an awful man. He also knew that this was all he knew. This was their family, and now who was left? It was just him and Camilla. Camilla, who had lost her shine and was talking about abdicating the throne. That would make Leo king.
He hadn't spoken to Camilla since she mentioned this. He hadn't spoken to anyone at all. If she couldn't handle it, what made her think that he could? Neither of them were prepared for this. Xander should have been king. He should still be here, if not for Corrin. He didn't know whether he could forgive that or not.
Since his isolation began, there had been a couple of people who tried to visit. Odin and Niles were immediately told where to go, and didn't bother since. He gave Camilla no response, even though he knew he was hurting her. Leo was hurting, too. He wanted her to fuss over him, but he also wanted nothing to do with her. He wanted to be alone. He wanted to be with his family. His heart ached anew.
He tried to swallow it all down, but the emotions choked him. He felt like he couldn't breathe. He tried to read, but the words were fuzzy and jumbled. It was only when he rubbed his eyes that he realised why. He never cried. Not ever. Though if there was anyone to make an exception for, it was for his siblings. They were always his exception.
There was a knock at his door. At first, he thought it was Elise trying to cheer him up. The grip on his book tightened as he forced himself to remember. Camilla, then. He'd ignore her as he has done. It was neither. It was Selena. She couldn't be serious. Now? He was tempted to swing the door open and shout her down, to make her feel as small as he felt in that moment. But he stopped himself. He closed the book. If he ignored her, she too would leave. He'd finally be alone.
Her voice turned soft. Had she ever been soft? But of course, this was for Camilla. Of course he'd been worrying her. He didn't have the energy to deal with that. He wasn't being fair, but he couldn't deal with their situation. Not with her. Not alone, either. He wasn't coping at all. He wiped his eyes again.
"I'm hardly in the state for company," he said, fighting to keep his voice even and clear. He'd sooner die than let one of Camilla's friends know he'd been crying.
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severuna · 1 year
@armatization ° ☆ 「 plotted starter 』
The castle was always a dark and gloomy place but now it felt utterly empty and void on top of that. Normally, there would be one or two people walking around the halls and guards stationed at the entrances to certain rooms, but today, it was all empty; she was walking through the long, endless hallway alone. Doors on either side of her were firmly shut, though the sounds of muffled crying sometimes made their way into the hall. Of course, everyone was grieving the loss of two precious figures of the royal family. It made sense they'd all want to shut themselves away from discerning eyes.
And yet, here she was, forced to check up on a certain someone for their well-being. If only Lady Camilla had given her some grace period for her own grief (then again, would she have caught onto her relationship anyhow?). Her gaze was plastered to the floor as she sluggishly made her way towards the second prince's personal quarters, feet nearly dragging each step. The ache in her chest seemed to grow the more her heart beat.
Her gaze drifted to the bracelet around her wrist. The more Selena stared at it, the more the memories of old days surface—of his stupid flirting, his invites for tea, traveling the world side by side, ending up here, chatting underneath the starry sky, promising each other to live and return home together— the more she felt the need to crumple to the floor and cry. The memory was too fresh—the sight of red pooling underneath his body—
It almost made her hate her hair again. Her throat burned and so did the edges of her eyes at the flash of the fresh sight burned into her retinas, but crying wouldn't help. She had her duties to fulfill first anyhow. Then, she could also lock herself away to not be seen. Except, she clearly hadn't planned to do that so soon with the presence of a game board tucked underneath her arm (what was she even thinking? As if a game would actually do anything worthwhile).
When the redhead had finally made it to Prince Leo's personal quarters, she let out a sharp breath and stood tall. Tucking away her precious memento into her satchel, she straightened out her back and lifted her gaze to not give away her own troubles. Practically banging her fist on the door, she called out to the boy within.
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❝ Prince Leo, I demand a rematch! ❞
Thankfully, her voice didn't break or waver; she had somehow managed to make it sound like the usual demand of him. However, she knew it wouldn't be enough considering that Leo had lost two precious siblings so suddenly and quickly.
Pausing for a moment, she lowered her voice and her hand, softly conveying the message that brought her here in the first place, ❝ Lady Camilla... is worried about you. ❞
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severuna · 1 year
do u have any ship biases???
OOC. I have a couple mini essays I saved on a doc for this precise question so thank you for asking, anon! I will first put the short list above the cut and underneath will be the long explanations.
The essays for the latter two pairings are quick write-ups with less time spent (I literally just wrote them) to really delve into the depths of the pairing but I hope it still makes some sense.
Selena x Leo (my true bias and otp for this entire franchise)
Inigo/Laslow x Severa/Selena (the runner up)
Kaze x Selena
Niles x Selena
Leo x Selena
Leo and Selena are quite similar in that they feel inferior to a family member and go opposite paths from them to reduce comparisons and have a chance at making names for themselves. They both work really hard to keep themselves on top and are striving for acknowledgement and affection/love they lack or are not given (Leo about Xander and Selena about her mother, Cordelia, in terms of the person they compare themselves to/feel in the shadow of).
Their supports have them playing a game of risk (taking over countries on the map), and it begins with Selena having just gotten into it and fresh off a win. Leo inquires about it and then asks her to play, which she loses badly. Afterwards, Selena continues to challenge him unendingly and continues to lose. When she finally beats him, she revels in her victory and refuses to play him again, except this time, Leo is not having that and runs after her.
Throughout the support, Selena shows respect to him despite her frustration at constantly losing and their competition is wholesome in a way—they see each other as capable rivals and are always working to best each other in a supportive way, even though Leo is most likely younger than her. That respect between them is moving to me, especially since Severa would normally feel incredibly insecure over losing someone who possesses such skill at a younger age; I think this shows both maturity on her part and acceptance of Leo’s skill in that she knows that he really worked for what he has and doesn’t feel her own efforts are invalidated. 
The way Leo smiles when she finally gets her victory against him is so soft and happy like—he definitely was happy for her and that was the first thing he thought of rather than the shame or disappointment of losing.
For people like them, losing is like a slap in the face at times, maybe worse in that losing could set off a negative spiral of thinking and loss of self-esteem and confidence. To see Leo genuinely proud of Selena for her victory instead of reflecting on his loss immediately is good content. Furthermore, when Selena starts doubting the validity of her win at the game, Leo is super quick to reassure her that she won with her own skills and merit—he knows she is good at what she does and he doesn't waste a second to make sure she knows it. That response was almost automatic—and it likely contained words he would want someone to tell him if he were in her shoes, for someone to say that ‘yes, it was your skill and effort that got you this far’.
Then there's also the little mention of Leo having noticed all the games Selena made others play with her to practice different strategies in preparation for beating him too. He wouldn't likely notice that effort if he wasn't looking out for her to a degree. 
Their S-support is what gets me. Leo confesses his admiration and love for her, and when she doesn't fully understand him and gets insecure about the phrasing, he goes out of his way to rephrase his feelings in a way she would understand and feel comforted by without question. They both are quick to shoot down compliments because they do not feel like they are accurate descriptions of themselves or that what they did isn’t enough to deserve the compliment. But here, they can accept the compliments because they both know how genuine they are coming from the other person—if they’re saying these words so directly, then it must be true and/or genuine.
Bonus points: 
Leo looks to be the right height to give Selena forehead kisses, and Selena would be a blushing mess if he did that. I find that to be very adorable.
Selena would be a very supportive mother to Forrest and his love of fashion.
I like their little family a lot!! Selena could help Leo better understand where Forrest is coming from and help bridge the gap between them much nicer than other parents.
Little competitions around birthdays to see who can give the other the ‘best/better’ present. 
Other thoughts that can play into their dynamic:
For how mature Leo feels/presents himself as, I typically forget he is supposed to be younger than Corrin and boy does it make me sad because honestly, all of those siblings were forced to grow up/discard innocence beyond their years just to survive. 
Linking this back to Awakening kids and them facing the literal end of the world, forced to mature and grow for survival's sake... more shared, similar traumas to connect over and build a deeper relationship over anyone?
The literal fell dragon destroying the world and the Nohrian siblings having some semblance of a "dark" dragon's blood running through their veins? Fear of that dragon being anything like Grima--what might happen if the royals can take forms like Corrin and lose their minds?
Birthright chapter 26, if Laslow dies— more shared trauma and grief over losing someone they deeply loved
Camilla catching onto their little relationship and secretly being supportive about it (why would she not be happy seeing her little brother and her lovely retainer truly getting along?), maybe setting them up on a few occasions
In short, Leo and Selena have the dynamic of being friends and lovers, which promotes a more healthy relationship overall in my book.
Inigo x Severa
I’m in love with IniSev because in both games, their paired endings detail that they both supported each other and they achieved their dreams together. No other paired ending for Sev has this blatant note of her achieving what she intends to do either in references to their ending in Fates. Also, I adore how openly supportive Severa is towards Inigo. No other endings really indicate that level of adoration and drive to make her partner happy. 
JP: It’s said that Inigo decided to make everyone smile, and so traveled around to the people of every region, resolving their troubles. While Selena expressed her dissatisfaction of working for free, she also went with him, helping making his dream a reality.
ENG: Inigo traveled the world, ever ready with a smile or a solution when trouble started to brew. Severa was a vocal opponent of working for free, but she stayed with Inigo and helped him realize his dream.
JP: Husband Laslow disappeared from records. It’s said that his dances were left as a foundation for the dancers that came after him, and had the power to fill the spirits of those who saw them. Wife Selena also disappeared from records. She worked hard to make everything she did a reality, and was called a “true genius” by those who came after her.
ENG: Laslow vanished after the war, but he inspired generations of dancers and rallied the spirits of many. Selena also disappeared from public record, although she was often referenced in folktales.
A quote from their Fates support (I forgot if this was the JP script or localized)
“………… I-I… love you… too… I have since we first met… And until the end… no matter where we go… I’ll love you.”
since we first met
The only person she ever says this to is Laslow, you know. Even better because that bracelet was basically a representative of Inigo holding onto his feelings until Sev was ready to accept them. Like, even if he flirted with/complimented other girls, he still had that bracelet on his person at probably every second and was essentially waiting for her to be ready to be with him. I mean, how sweet is that?!
Also, in the JP supports with her and Laslow, she only stares at him for a long period of time within that B rank one. Going off the fact she does and has liked him from the beginning, if she even tried to flirt with him, Selena would probably die on the spot. She probably can’t flirt.
BIG NOTE but in the JP supports, there is zero (0) mention of Inigo/Laslow flirting with other girls in his S-ranks with Severa/Luna! That’s telling because that is still present in his other supports (ex. Lucina and F!Robin). Devotion to his one and only–! I have no idea why they added that part for Sev when it wasn’t there in the original.
This pair is more of a destiny/fate and soulmate sort of vibe if you ask me. Like they're the other halves to each other and despite everything thrown at them that prevents them from pursuing each other, they love each other and cannot feel whole without the other one there.
Kaze x Selena
This pairing is wholesomeness to the max. 
Kaze sees Selena as a charming woman from the start despite her initial intentions to snuff out his temperament and intentions. He can easily decipher motives from others and it’s obvious when Selena first approaches him as he quickly calls her out for her judgmental stares. It took him barely any time to catch on to her battle expertise and put together her battle-heavy childhood and mysterious homeland, which unnerves her immensely. Yet, he doesn’t pry for details and rather shifts the mood with reassurance of her character and offers allyship. Although he does try to ask about it later on, it’s out of a place wanting to know if she would stay. His calmer demeanor breaks when he pleads with her to not leave because he loves her—the moon reference in the S-support is so romantically implicit I can’t help but think it’s cute. The way he calls the moon beautiful and how Selena is someone associated with the moon (even more so with her JP alias Luna)—gosh my heart!
Selena is a fiery person and typically driven by emotions to which Kaze easily can help anchor her. His calm demeanor can be a source of comfort, support, and a rational center, as Selena wouldn’t feel the need to be nearly as tense around Kaze. I feel she would end up relaxing unconsciously. She knows a genuinely kind and decent person when she meets one, and that can easily result in Selena being less harsh with him overall. In short, I believe Selena would be much softer to him compared to most others in the Fates world, as much as she’d want to keep her distance due to knowing she had plans to leave after the war.
While they both are insecure with themselves (Kaze with appearances and a poor view of himself and Selena with her deep inferiority complex she is working to get over), I can see Selena making up the difference with overly confident words to pick both of them up. Her always boasting about how good she is could be a tactic to chase away inferiority and reaffirm her own value, something she would apply with Kaze when he starts expressing how he isn’t that great of a person because of what he sees as failure—a stern talk from Selena would likely help him re-center and pick himself up. She knows how self-beratement can affect someone mentally, and Kaze would likely be one of the last people she’d want to have to deal with that because, to her and many others, he is much better than he thinks he is. 
They might not be entirely friends or in the middle of being allies and friends, but I can definitely see them warming up to each other in a romantic way over time. 
It’s essentially a journey of slowly falling in love with someone because of how good they are and realizing how much it hurts you when they're sad and in pain—you want to see them happy and see their smiles. That’s the dynamic I envision for these two.
Niles x Selena
In their supports, Niles is tracking Selena as she does her routines and he would sometimes pop up out of nowhere to share his judgments with her, with Selena eventually earning his mark of approval and temporary trust and allyship. It’s only after more observation that he ends up loving her and wanting to stay by her side, going so far as to immediately say he’ll go with her when Selena says she has to leave. I think the important part of these supports is how Niles basically becomes familiar with Selena’s daily habits and mannerisms and how she carries herself becomes appealing over time.
The biggest thing for me with these two is how they would value and treasure the presence of the other person. Home, for this pairing, is each other. They feel that home is only truly home if the other is with them. I can see them valuing the smaller displays of affection, really making each moment mean something and hold it close to their hearts because they don’t know what tomorrow will bring. They both struggle to handle important people leaving, and this plays considerably in how they make it clear to each other that they will not leave. 
They might get under each other’s skin at times, especially during the early days and also because of Selena not being used to Niles’ approach to flattery, but there’s still a layer of care and concern for each other. They’re both lonely people who can’t openly share their pain and resort to using language to hide it, and they both understand that based on the conduct they witness from each other. Even though Niles is absolutely the type to lay on the suggestive language and excessively fluster and rile people up, part of me thinks that he would still be quite delicate and genuine with his partner because they would earn the right to see past his defense. Eventually, Selena would be able to see past his suggestiveness too and decipher the intended meaning (AKA why he is getting defensive, as this language of his is used to drive people away).
Plus, how Niles doesn’t hesitate to go with Selena when she says she has to return home absolutely got me. Selena has become the place he considers home, and considering that Selena doesn’t  have a home she could feasibly return to (original timeline is destroyed and the one she saved isn’t exactly the same—and the Awakening trio used the special orb to transport themselves to Nohr), she could very well find more comfort in considering home the person she chose to share her life with. With Niles, I can see her turning to look towards her future and savoring the present instead of longing for the past and things she left behind. I kind of think that Niles wouldn’t allow her to brood on those things for too long anyhow (maybe due to a selfish desire of wanting her to only think about him). 
Although there is a major aspect of Niles’ character that may put a wrench into relationship development and that would be his sadism. There’s moral connotations to be considerate of here, and it wouldn’t be easy to accept for the average person. Relationship development would take a lot of time, and it might not really turn out well if the wrong buttons are pressed for either of them—making this pair more of a circumstance dependent consideration that very much relies on how they handle each other in the early conversations.
I think this dynamic can be summarized as being aware of each others' wounds and pain and doing what they can to patch those voids with the presence and understanding the other person brings. It's a journey of healing together that may end up in romance if it goes well.
Other thoughts
Selena gently caressing the area around his eyepatch if he tells her about what’s behind it for an intimate and vulnerable moment
I swear Selena would be visibly more affectionate (in the physical sense) with Niles compared to other partners; I feel like touch would be a major part of their love language (compared to others where words take more precedence)
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severuna · 1 year
OOC. leo/selena... ugh, I love them (they are slept on so much) I NEED A LEO TO WRITE WITH
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severuna · 1 year
Fixing her gaze at the recovered ring she held in her hand, Severa brought her knees to her chest as she processed the latest events that had transpired. To think she had taken so long to retrieve something so important to her—to think she'd need the assistance of her mother to do just that. Well, this Cordelia wasn't her mother, but still—the ugliness budding in her chest didn't feel any less horrible. How could she let that idiot Nelson manipulate her for that long? How pathetic was she to not have taken her ring back before the Shepherds had arrived?
Well, at least she no longer had to fight for that bastard. Letting out a sigh, she turned the ring over to inspect it for any damage. It... looked alright, but she couldn't exactly recall its earlier state due to not having it for so long. As glad as she was that it was still intact and wearable, Severa couldn't bring herself to wear it like she used to, not when she was here.
Her train of thought was broken when her ears picked up the sound of someone approaching. Quickly stashing the ring away into her small satchel, Severa whipped her head around to face who had interrupted her alone time.
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Her eyebrows furrowing and lips curling into a frown, she snapped at them, ❝ What do you want? ❞ Was she needed for something or was this person here to waste her time? Last she checked, she wasn't meant to be doing anything other than kitchen duty for dinner, so she was free to spend her afternoon as she wished—and wrestling with her thoughts while avoiding a certain someone was her plan for the day.
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severuna · 1 year
from the grump ❛  how can you be this cheery already? we haven't even had breakfast.  ❜ ❛  just don't make a big deal out of this.  ❜ ❛  you know i love you, right?  ❜ ❛  i know, alright, i know i'm an asshole. but i'm trying here.  ❜ ❛  i'm sorry. i didn't mean what i said earlier.  ❜ ❛  do you always have to be so damn optimistic?  ❜ ❛  nobody has ever made me feel the way you do.  ❜ ❛  there's no way in hell i'm doing that.  ❜ ❛  i'm not good with this whole stupid feelings thing.  ❜ ❛  you make me want to be better. you make me want to be good.  ❜ ❛  can't you just move on and forget about it already?  ❜ ❛  i'm only doing this because you asked me to.  ❜ ❛  you're the only one who has ever believed in me.  ❜ ❛  you won't stop this until i say 'yes', will you?  ❜ ❛  how are you so happy all the time?  ❜ ❛  until i met you, i never thought i would've been capable of that.  ❜ ❛  you're the polar opposite of me.  ❜ ❛  whatever. i didn't think you'd care anyway.  ❜ ❛  your optimism might be starting to rub off on me.  ❜ ❛  why don't you give up on me like everyone else?  ❜
from the sunshine ❛  come on, it's gonna be fun!  ❜ ❛  see? i told you there's some good in you.  ❜ ❛  you should smile more. you have such a beautiful smile.  ❜ ❛  i'm so excited! there's so much i have planned for us.  ❜ ❛  i was just trying to do something nice for you.  ❜ ❛  do you always have to be so pessimistic?  ❜ ❛  stop being so stubborn. i'm trying to help you.  ❜ ❛  i knew there was a big softie under all that tough exterior.   ❜ ❛  i always feel better with you by my side.  ❜ ❛  sometimes you should let others in.  ❜ ❛  light up, [name]. we're gonna be here for a while.  ❜ ❛  why is it so difficult for you to accept a compliment?  ❜ ❛  stay? i just ... don't want to be alone right now.  ❜ ❛  just because i'm generally a happy person doesn't mean i can't have an off day.  ❜ ❛  i'm not some helpless little girl/boy!  ❜ ❛  you're not gonna get rid of me that easily.   ❜ ❛  stop that. i don't want you to talk about yourself like this.  ❜ ❛  of course, i remember! i remember everything you told me.  ❜ ❛  let's go outside and dance in the rain.  ❜ ❛  you don't mean that, do you?  ❜
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