serpothethief · 10 years
Nukeo looked up to the kremling king before coughing and slowly getting up, rubbing his chest as a large red mark can be seen on it."...Well, if it isn't the fat king of kremlings... how convenient that I should land in your lair.... what, you're going to punch be into the sky too?!" He said with a glare, rubbing his chest and wincing in pain.
* A loud scream can be heard before a orange, sleek kremling comes crashing through the roof of the kremling king's lair, him grunting loudly as wood fell lightly across the ground, the Klinger known as Nukeo groaning as he laid there for a moment.*
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The king sat on his throne, pondering the next step to take. Without further notice, he set foot onto the ground in front of him, and walked over to the Klinger.  
"Well well, what do we have here?"
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serpothethief · 10 years
*He had heard the loud crashing of trees and the pain filled roar from the dragon. Serpo looked behind him with a smirk at first, before realizing that the trees are still falling, meaning he was right in the way. He widened his eyes before running faster, running and running until he reached a cliff, he ran right off the side and landed in the lake below, swallowing a lot of water before coming up out of the water and coughing up a lung, spitting water out continuously before he climbed up to the bank, laying there for a minute before he looked up towards where he came from, coughing still and breathing heavily.*
*Serpo was walking through the forest when he spotted a large blue dragon, he raised a brow and smirked, spotting the collar around his neck. He slowly sneaks up to the dragon and tries to snatch the collar right off his neck.*
*Draconis was asleep at the moment, sleeping ever so peacefully. What’s this? It feels like something’s tugging at my neck. He thought this as he slowly began to growl. Then more tugging happened. This irriritated Draconis to the point of making him snarl. His eyes flashed open, his white pupil a serpentine slit for a moment before he looked down towards the Kobble tugging at his collar. With this he snarled more, standing up as he looked down at him.*
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serpothethief · 10 years
*Serpo ran and ran, taking cover where ever he can. He soon ran in between a tight pair of trees and keep going said path, hoping to lose the angry dragon in the mess.*
*Serpo was walking through the forest when he spotted a large blue dragon, he raised a brow and smirked, spotting the collar around his neck. He slowly sneaks up to the dragon and tries to snatch the collar right off his neck.*
*Draconis was asleep at the moment, sleeping ever so peacefully. What’s this? It feels like something’s tugging at my neck. He thought this as he slowly began to growl. Then more tugging happened. This irriritated Draconis to the point of making him snarl. His eyes flashed open, his white pupil a serpentine slit for a moment before he looked down towards the Kobble tugging at his collar. With this he snarled more, standing up as he looked down at him.*
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serpothethief · 10 years
*His eyes widened as he saw the flames coming towards him. He turned tail and ran as fast as he could, the flames catching his tail, well at least half of it.*
*Serpo was walking through the forest when he spotted a large blue dragon, he raised a brow and smirked, spotting the collar around his neck. He slowly sneaks up to the dragon and tries to snatch the collar right off his neck.*
*Draconis was asleep at the moment, sleeping ever so peacefully. What’s this? It feels like something’s tugging at my neck. He thought this as he slowly began to growl. Then more tugging happened. This irriritated Draconis to the point of making him snarl. His eyes flashed open, his white pupil a serpentine slit for a moment before he looked down towards the Kobble tugging at his collar. With this he snarled more, standing up as he looked down at him.*
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serpothethief · 10 years
*He chuckled lightly as he backed up, letting go of the collar and looking up at him. He was allot bigger than he thought, making him wonder what came over him to try to steal from such a beast.* Heh...hi there... *He said with nervousness filling his voice.*
*Serpo was walking through the forest when he spotted a large blue dragon, he raised a brow and smirked, spotting the collar around his neck. He slowly sneaks up to the dragon and tries to snatch the collar right off his neck.*
*Draconis was asleep at the moment, sleeping ever so peacefully. What’s this? It feels like something’s tugging at my neck. He thought this as he slowly began to growl. Then more tugging happened. This irriritated Draconis to the point of making him snarl. His eyes flashed open, his white pupil a serpentine slit for a moment before he looked down towards the Kobble tugging at his collar. With this he snarled more, standing up as he looked down at him.*
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serpothethief · 10 years
Nukeo: GAAAAHHH!! *He screams as he flies into the sky, a small star shining as he vanishes in the horizon.*
*Nukeo pops in out of nowhere directly infront of Gloat Hog and grins.* Nukeo: Hello fart ass lard can!
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*He looked towards the lizard, his ears raising up from him suddenly appearing out of nowhere and yelling. Then they flatten as he lets out a feral snarl.* Gloat Hog: Good bye pest! *With this he grabbed the lizard, throwing him up in the air before he punched him towards the sky.*
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serpothethief · 10 years
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Meet Nukeo, a small but very clever friend of mine. He just loves to surprise people with his clever little tactics. His quite agile, and kind of a smart mouth, heh.
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serpothethief · 10 years
Scourage looked to the big Kremling, blinking once before smiling a bit. "...You're King K. Rool aren't you? Oh thank goodness.. I heard the footsteps and thought you were that stupid red pig again... I HATE the way that guy looks at me... it's like I'm a caged snack to him! ...I know my bud stole from you and I apologize in his absence... sometimes he gets carried away. Trust me when I say this, his reckless stealing has defiantly come back to bite him, literally. He got beaten something fierce. I'm beginning to think it was these hogs who did it too... I can't say for sure though. All I know is that these hogs have taken the golden banana I found. Even if it was in the woods I found it first.." Scourage looked down, growling softly to himself before looking up to the king.
A cry for help
*Scourage pulled on the bars, roaring and growling.* Scourage: LET ME OUT! Please! I promise I won’t ever chase another pig as long as I live! Please Just LET. ME. OOOUT!! *He yelled these words as he began to bang his head on the bars to empathize the three last words he said.* Scourage: … I hope that letter reached someone who can help… I can’t stand being held prisoner by PIGS!….
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serpothethief · 10 years
Serpo raised a brow when he saw her shrink into what he assumed was almost nothingness. He looked around, confused before looking to his nose, he can't quite tell if he's really seeing something or not. "... Errr...hmm?"
*Jumps from the top of a palm tree and lands on the kremlings head and starts jumping on it*
*Serpo looks up and widened his eyes, having the kong land on his head. He tried to shake her off, but when she began to jump up and down on his head he fell over holding his head.* Ow! OW! OOWIE! Stop it! You stupid monkey! OW!
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serpothethief · 10 years
A cry for help
*Scourage pulled on the bars, roaring and growling.* Scourage: LET ME OUT! Please! I promise I won't ever chase another pig as long as I live! Please Just LET. ME. OOOUT!! *He yelled these words as he began to bang his head on the bars to empathize the three last words he said.* Scourage: ... I hope that letter reached someone who can help... I can't stand being held prisoner by PIGS!....
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serpothethief · 10 years
PIGS! ...That's what the Squawk said...what's up with that?
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serpothethief · 10 years
You were jumping on my head! It hurt you stupid monkey! How'd you like it if I did the same to you!? huh? Huh? HUH!? *He jumped up and raised his tail, baring his fangs.* I swear if Scourage was here, you'd be squished by now!
*Jumps from the top of a palm tree and lands on the kremlings head and starts jumping on it*
*Serpo looks up and widened his eyes, having the kong land on his head. He tried to shake her off, but when she began to jump up and down on his head he fell over holding his head.* Ow! OW! OOWIE! Stop it! You stupid monkey! OW!
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serpothethief · 10 years
*He looked up when she jumped even higher and then blinked.* Oh no... *She lands on him and he falls backwards.* ...Ouch! *He then rolled on his side so she'd miss.*
*Jumps from the top of a palm tree and lands on the kremlings head and starts jumping on it*
*Serpo looks up and widened his eyes, having the kong land on his head. He tried to shake her off, but when she began to jump up and down on his head he fell over holding his head.* Ow! OW! OOWIE! Stop it! You stupid monkey! OW!
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serpothethief · 10 years
*Jumps from the top of a palm tree and lands on the kremlings head and starts jumping on it*
*Serpo looks up and widened his eyes, having the kong land on his head. He tried to shake her off, but when she began to jump up and down on his head he fell over holding his head.* Ow! OW! OOWIE! Stop it! You stupid monkey! OW!
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serpothethief · 10 years
*Scourage growled and slammed his hands on the bars, attempting to pull them from their place.* Grah! LET ME OUT YOU STUPID PIGS! LET ME OOOUUT! *He slunk down on the steel floor, growling loudly as he breathed heavily, shaking his head.* Scourage: ...I should have listened to Serpo... but did I? Nooo, so now I'm a prisoner to a bunch of PIGS! ...That's just wonderful...
The Captured lizard
*Scourage is thrown into a steel cage, hanging from a iron chains. Bloat Hog laughed and slammed the door shut as he pressed his snout against the bars.* Bloat Hog: Welcome to your new home “Guest” Grehaha! *He says this as he then begins to walk away, his laughter echoing the cave.*
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serpothethief · 10 years
*Scourage squirmed and snarled loudly as he was carried away.* AH! NO! PLEASE! LET ME GO!! LET ME GO!!
*Scourage snarls and looks around the jungle, he sees a large golden banana and tilts his head.*
*Rogue hog emerges from the jungle depths, snatching the golden banana and running off.*
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serpothethief · 10 years
*Scourage chuckled nervously, backing up a bit before he raised his hands in the air* Now, now. I'm not here to cause any trouble... now... I have to go, it was great meeting all of you. Truly, it was. *He bumped into Gloat Hog, then he attempted to go to the side.*
*Scourage snarls and looks around the jungle, he sees a large golden banana and tilts his head.*
*Rogue hog emerges from the jungle depths, snatching the golden banana and running off.*
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