serenityintheskies · 4 years
yeah nvm this blog is gonna be archived as fuck
moved to @kalosianicon
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serenityintheskies · 4 years
this blog is WIP but will be revamped shortly.
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serenityintheskies · 8 years
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The girl spoke of their similarities and all the possibilities that came with, including clues on her father, whose description was identical to Serena’s-- to the point of being uncanny.
Impossible, Serena pondered. Her own father was the same. A military man stationed in Kanto. On any other day, any other circumstance, she would have waved this off as a coincidence. Doppelgangers weren’t common, but they were surely a thing. But now with the given information, she was starting to lean more towards the possibility that they were twins. Though that would still leave the question as to why neither her mother or father told her about this.
Or why they didn’t keep her. 
Which didn’t make sense. Their family was more than well off, so money wouldn’t have been a problem. Or maybe Serena was just thinking too much into this.
“That’s.. the same description as my father. He.. he sends me letters from Kanto.” She could have said our, but there were too many unanswered inquires in the air to even be sure. And now, all she knew was that her next letter to her father would be more lengthier explaining the details of the meeting with her doppelganger.  
“You said you have a mother, right? Would you care to tell me what she’s like?”  
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“I might be just that. A doppelganger or perhaps a twin sister. Mother wasn’t very clear on a lot of things. Especially when you say father. I don’t even know who my father is to actually confirm.” And that still haunted her to this day. However, perhaps this girl, a twin or doppelganger as she called it could actually have some evidence to assist her in that search. 
“We do look similar though. We could easily be compared as twins and pull of some trickery if we wanted.” That could always be fun to play pranks. However, she knew nothing about the other. They could even possibly have completely polar personalities. Serena liked to joke around and make fun of people, but she also liked to just drown int the lives of others regarding their romances. 
“Although, I can give you the little evidence I can regarding my dad. He was a Unova military officer that settled down in Kanto and slept with my mother to have me. About all I know.”
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serenityintheskies · 8 years
"It's myself as in you look like me except for the clothes and hair."
“Now that you mention it.. are you like, my doppelganger or something? You have a lot of my dad’s features..”
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serenityintheskies · 8 years
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serenityintheskies · 8 years
Lumiose City was one of the biggest and hottest attractions for the foreigners that toured here. Especially the ones that were famous and came here because: A.) They were interested in what Lumiose had to offer. Or B.) They caught wind of Serena’s residency here and wanted a chance to meet her. But Serena never knew the latter was a reason sometimes. In fact, she was completely oblivious too it due to her rather humble nature despite her being in the modelling industry.
A taxi pulled up to the Looker Bureau. Serena waved goodbye to Emma before getting into the cab, adjusting her hair and hat while she was at it. Next to her was a trainer she’d never seen before. A foreigner, maybe? But this city was just too big to be sure, not every face in Lumiose was familiar to her. And he looked like he would fit right in, enough to land himself a modeling career with his bushy brown hair, perfectly molded features, and a nice, fair complexion to go with it. 
“Hi.” Serena beamed, eyeing him, “You’re not a face I see around here everyday.”
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serenityintheskies · 8 years
Serena looked up at the girl who didn't finish her sentence. Cute girl, decent clothes, but that outfit was so last season. And she literally meant last season. Because it's winter now, and this girl in front of her didn't even look like she was dressed for fall.
Smells like a foreigner to her. Not that Serena would even mind. This girl actually kind of looked familiar to her. Was it a fashion show? Was she on TV or something? She certainly didn't look like a nobody, that's for sure.
"Purrlion caught your tongue? Hm. That does tend to happen with me, but I'm kind of waiting for some friends. I could just tell them to let you hang out with us.. but you're going to catch hypothermia out here." Serena pondered for a thought, an idea.
"There's a clothing store in this town. I could get you a coat, it's 50% off for me since I'm.. well, who really cares about stuff like that." She waved her hand off and stood up, "My friends are going to take awhile, let's get you an outfit that's actually in season." She declared without waiting for the foreign brunette to answer, strutting away to the store while Bergmite followed suit.
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Cold. Serena whispered as her legs trembled. No amount of coats or scarfs could completely drown out the soft but gelid winds of Snowbelle City unless you were an ice-type Pokemon, like the Bergmite walking along side her. The last time Serena had been here was when she challenged Wulfric, in…
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serenityintheskies · 9 years
"A Mewtwo..?" Serena's feet still stood it's ground. She shook her head, "I don't wish to challenge you." her tone equally sharp and firm as the creatures. Though she was still ready to, in case it was necessary. Mewtwo was the kind of Pokemon that even Diantha wouldn't have stood a chance against, and Serena was only just a bit stronger than her.
Serena looked up at him, "I don't mean any harm to you in any way." she tried to look for the right words to get her point across. Somehow, she had a feeling he was angry. "Do you mean harm to this village, Mewtwo?"
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Cold. Serena whispered as her legs trembled. No amount of coats or scarfs could completely drown out the soft but gelid winds of Snowbelle City unless you were an ice-type Pokemon, like the Bergmite walking along side her. The last time Serena had been here was when she challenged Wulfric, in…
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serenityintheskies · 9 years
"Bergmite.." Serena stood up, panic rushing through her legs, "C'mon." whatever she was thinking about just now had slipped away from her mind. Everyone around her seemed ignorant to the voices of the forest. So much for Christmas. But there was no time to be bitter about it.
When she arrived at the Village, she was struck my a wave of smoke. Serena began to cough as Bergmite held onto her ankle, "H-Hey," she coughed, "I don't want to lose you through all of this smoke," she tells Bergmite, "so let me put you back in here for now."
Taking out her poke-ball, she returns Bergmite and puts it back in her bag, "Hey!" Serena yelled out when she see's Officer Jenny. Her eyes darted everywhere in sight of anyone else, "What's going on?"
As the Kalos Champion, (something Serena didn't like to call herself.) she technically had the right to know what was going on. The Village was normally peaceful. The smoke could either mean that some jack-ass did something stupid or Team Flare was back. Both seemed realistic enough.
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Cold. Serena whispered as her legs trembled. No amount of coats or scarfs could completely drown out the soft but gelid winds of Snowbelle City unless you were an ice-type Pokemon, like the Bergmite walking along side her. The last time Serena had been here was when she challenged Wulfric, in…
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serenityintheskies · 9 years
Snow Bells. {{Open RP, testing out the waters.}}
Cold. Serena whispered as her legs trembled. No amount of coats or scarfs could completely drown out the soft but gelid winds of Snowbelle City unless you were an ice-type Pokemon, like the Bergmite walking along side her. The last time Serena had been here was when she challenged Wulfric, in which she was victorious. Not much time has passed since then.
The truth was, this would be the first year Serena would celebrate this apparent December tradition called Christmas. Bergmite suggested that she'd go where the weather did this holiday justice. A place with snow. Go figure, right? So here she was. Her friends Shuana, Calem, and the others promised her they'd hang out with her here for the break. She really couldn't believe that she'd spent eighteen years of her life unexposed to trees decorated with colorful lights and snow men.
When Serena was ten years old, her mother Grace didn't really care too much for Christmas. This was mainly because the two lived in Kanto at the time, and one of the things Kanto was famous for was how snow-less it was. To Grace, the perquisite to Christmas was winter. Even though it only snowed in certain areas in Kalos, there was at least one city in the region that had it.
"Brrr.." she shivered yet again, wrapping her arms around herself. The sight of an actual Winter Wonderland was worth the surprisingly unbearable chill. 
And a Jirachi, on a pear tree!
One of the common tunes played during this particular holiday throughout the cities. 
"Geez, they sure love taking their time." Serena rolled her eyes, still not exactly minding the wait.
She looks around and examines her surroundings, in slight hope they were coming for her. Not yet, is what Serena thinks when all she see's is snow and couples warming each other up on the benches. Which was pointless. If they wanted to be warm, couldn't they do that at home? But that was just another thing Serena had been unexposed to, and she was okay with that since it wasn't relevant to her journey.
She huffs out a sigh, a small misty cloud of her own breath floated in the air, "C'mon, Bergmite." Serena looks down at Bergmite with a smile, "Let's go have a seat somewhere, okay?"
The two took a seat on a bench, and Serena began petting Bergmite lovingly on its head. 
In the matter of minutes, she heard the sound of feet crunching on the snow. And though she didn't think much of it, she felt the presence coming closer.
Bergmite was the first one to lift it's head up, and Serena followed suit.
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