serendipitysseesaw · 1 year
Loooook 🫠🫠
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serendipitysseesaw · 1 year
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serendipitysseesaw · 1 year
edvin WHAT and omar WHO
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serendipitysseesaw · 1 year
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serendipitysseesaw · 2 years
new favorite little moment: simon shaking his head and chuckling while the other boys are talking about girls like, “these straights istg”
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serendipitysseesaw · 2 years
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now wait a damn minute…. am i becoming…. a short hair…. truther….
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serendipitysseesaw · 2 years
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serendipitysseesaw · 2 years
What I love about Wille changing the script is that nobody can do anything about it. They need to support Wilhelm publicly. We see Jan-Olof trying to cut the cameras… but all the students have their phones up. Kristina can’t react more than her little open-mouth fish expression because if she does, it will be filmed. Jan-Olof can’t do more than ask people to turn their cameras off, to no avail. Malin can’t drag Wille away because let’s be honest, he would put a fight and everyone would see that and dragging him away for coming out would not pass.
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By doing the speech live, Wille is making sure that not only can he say whatever he wants to say, but as long as they are in public the Royal Family has to be supportive of his decision. There are cameras everywhere, filming him and ready to film the Queen (and Jan-Olof since he is there). But right now, as we can see in the picture below, everyone is concentrated on Wille. They have to take this moment to regain their footing and look like they support him. They don’t have a choice.
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If someone in the royal team was to look like they were against Wille, it will instantly be taken as if they kept Wille in the closet (which they did). However, with the way Wille phrased his coming out, he puts all the blame on himself. He lied because it was something personal to him that he didn’t want to share. With the way Wille phrases the lie, he wanted to protect himself and his moment. The blame isn’t out on the royal family at all (or it is if you listen to all of his talk about traditions, but he doesn’t outright say that they kept him in the closet, he puts himself to blame too for upholding traditions).
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If the royal court is smart, they will publicly support their Crown Prince right then and there, and act as if they were only there to support when he wanted to come out himself. This is brilliant and I can’t wait to see how they will handle that in season 3 (give it to me or else🔪). For once, Wilhelm has the upper hand and they need to work around what he wants.
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serendipitysseesaw · 2 years
notice how Wilhelm’s hand stays in place and it’s Simon who’s taking a step back? Wille doesn’t want to let go of Simon even though they are being seen together. He’s truly ready for them to be open. That “i love you” did wonders
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gif by @birthdaysentiment
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serendipitysseesaw · 2 years
i think season 2 did such a great job at showing an alternative life for all the characters. and i want to talk about what that means for wilhelm and simon.
Simon, of course, is most obvious. The thing with Marcus is, I believe he was written to have manipulative traits so that we would continue to root for Wilhelm. It meant that we didn't care when Simon cheated, because we knew he was better anyway. It also explained why Simon even stayed with him in the first place, since he realised quite early on that he wasn't ready for anything serious and that he was still harbouring feelings for Wille.
But I want to put Marcus' toxicity aside for a moment. He otherwise represents a perfect man for Simon, technically. He's a local, he didn't grow up on money, his dates are chilling eating pizza with the speakers blaring, singing karaoke, and hanging out in his place. He made it clear he was interested in Simon from the start, and didn't have a problem being out, because being out wasn't something that affected his life. Both Simon's friends and his mum support the relationship, and you can tell this is because he fits their ideal of who Simon should be with and who fits better into their lives.
Simon sees this life, he sees the ease of living he could have. But he still knows deep down that his heart lies with Wille, and this is what leads him to pursue Wille back after he begins to lose him. He chose a life with Wilhelm.
Wilhelm actually got a glimpse of multiple alternative lifestyles. Now I don't believe that Wille made a move on Felice because he viewed her as an easier life, however, she has always represented this. Ever since the beginning of the show, Felice existed as a potential love interest, in the eyes of everyone else. But in season one, we relatively ignore this, because we know Wille's feelings lie elsewhere.
But in season 2, the prospect of Wilhelm and Felice being a couple appears more tangible. While we, the viewers, are focused on Wille's relationship with Simon, the other students have all but forgotten about it. While Wilhelm himself is focused on Simon as well, this leads to him spending a lot of alone time with Felice that the other students begin to question.
I'm not sure at what point during that scene in his room that Wilhelm decided to try to replicate his time with Simon, or if it was a conscious decision at the time or if it just happened. But it's interesting that he does do this. Now, this ultimately leads to him realising that he cannot replicate the feelings or connection he has with Simon, and Felice admitting that she partially only liked him because he was a prince. So between the two of them, they know where they stand.
But the Forest Ridge boys' reaction is something else. The way they chanted and celebrated for Wille and Felice was something he never received with Simon. Of course, his relationship was private, but we know that it would not have had the same reaction anyway. Especially since they pushed this whole show about the hookup with Felice, with Simon sitting right there.
Wille is unlabelled, and remains that way. We don't know, if he didn't know Simon, whether he has the potential to have feelings for girls or not. So in a realistic sense, this storyline is irrelevant. But it represents a life that he could choose to lead, if he wanted. And he would have the public support of everyone around him.
Nils played such an important role this season in showing a life Wille could also lead. He shows Wille that there are many queer people in their societal class, who are simply keeping it quiet. He shows that Wille can choose to date guys, that there are other queer guys out there who would be willing to stay publicly closeted with him. Guys that would understand why he denied the video, because they themselves would do the exact same thing. Nils even makes this life attainable, by inviting Wille to come on holiday with him and meet people there. And I think, if Simon had not accepted Wille back, this is probably the way he would have gone. But it's not what he wanted.
Wille never wanted to deny the video. He wanted to not say anything, but then when he did have to speak publicly about it, he wanted to say it was him, because he wanted to be with Simon. But he was manipulated, and also not quite ready to come out.
The Queen also presented a different option for Wilhelm. He could come out, he could even be with Simon, if he wanted. But he had to wait til he was eighteen to be public. This is fairly realistic, and probably could have even been a viable option in Wilhelm's and even Simon's eyes, if the video never happened. If he had gotten to control his story all the way through, instead of being outed and having to deny his sexuality in the process. But he shouldn't have to wait to control his own narrative, when someone else already took that away from him.
The speech at the end of season one is Wille's opportunity for a redo. He can reclaim his own power, and tell the world it was him. He is in love with a boy. And in doing that, he chose a life with Simon.
Wilhelm and Simon both had the opportunity to lead an easier life. They could still be in queer relationships, but with people that fit into their supposed societal class, people that their friends and family approved of. Throughout this time apart, they were both shown that they could both attain this life.
But they chose not to.
They chose each other. Because they realised that no matter what hurdles they have to go through, that they are worth it for each other. They are a couple worth fighting for.
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serendipitysseesaw · 2 years
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simon: i'm about to end this man's whole regency (affectionate)
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serendipitysseesaw · 2 years
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Wilmon kiss palette
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serendipitysseesaw · 2 years
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serendipitysseesaw · 2 years
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Kisses.. memories.. 💕💕
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serendipitysseesaw · 2 years
Simon always looks like he's pouring all his love into every kiss
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he does, anon.
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it's like he's trying to convey to wille with every movement, with every touch, that there's no one else he'd rather be with. no one else he'd rather be doing this with.
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simon feels safe and he wants wille to feel safe too; safe to want him, safe to kiss him, safe to be there with him in that moment. they're insulated from the world, in their own little bubble, and nothing else matters.
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serendipitysseesaw · 2 years
I can't stop wondering about how did Wille know that Simon was gay? Do you think they had such a chemistry from the beginning that he just knew? Even if so, it would be still very brave of him to make a move on Simon without knowing he could be interested in him in a romantic way.
He didn’t know about Simon’s sexuality, but he took a chance based on his gut feeling. Him and Simon had been flirting quite a lot from the very beginning, but he could of course had misunderstood every signal Simon sent him. People misread signals all the time, and Wilhelm was definitely brave for risking it all, and go after Simon!
Let's take a short journey of flirtning. We all know Wilhelm crushed on Simon from the very first time he saw and heard him, and he fell when Simon insulted the rich kids. From there on, there was no way back!
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First step: Introducing yourself - even though you know, Simon knows who you are. But you also know he doesn't give a fuck. Compliment him, and let him know you aren't like the other privileged pricks at this school.
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Second step: Get your boy alone. Don't give up, even if he doesn't show any interest. They both felt the tension when their eyes locked. You only react like this to a physical touch, if you feel something.
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Third step: Make sure you sit close to him in class and take every chance to start a conversation. Make sure he knows you are on his team, and also make sure to color coordinate!
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Fourth step: Boys who gym together, stays together! What a perfect way to bond, even though August makes it hard and Wilhelm panicked with the bro pad - minor set back.
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Fifth step: Study together! Now their conversation feels natural, so just being physically close is essential. Even though Wilhelm can't concentrate at all!
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Sixth step: Texting! Flirting via text can be so much easier. And Simon is definitely flirtning. And Wilhelm knows that. Look at that smile on his face!! Unfortunately we never saw them exchange numbers. I would have loved that scene. Did they start with insta DMs or did one of them straight up ask for the number irl?
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Seventh step: Spending time together outside school - or as the youth says: be gay, do crime! Simon challenged Wilhelm, and Wilhelm showed Simon how much he enjoys his company by ditching August and breaking the rules! That night together was a major step forward, and that hand touching made both their hearts beat faster.
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Eighth step: The point of no return. The make it or break it moment for Wilhelm. He starts by testing the waters in such an Innocent way, but I remember the exact feeling. Their shoulders and legs are touching, and it means absolutely nothing for someone who isn't crushing heavily on the person they touch. I will guarantee you, that Wilhelm's main focus is on weather or not Simon makes any movement with his body, so he isn't as close to Wilhelm - but he doesn't.
When the jump-scare happens, Wilhelm reaches for Simon's thigh, or possibly his hand, and Simon does the same so their hands kinda awkwardly bump into each other. But Wilhelm now knows Simon also kinda maybe could be physically reaching for Wilhelm. At least he's willing to risk it all now 💕
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serendipitysseesaw · 2 years
I’d rather see the potential love triangle be discussed every day for the rest of my life than see one more comment saying August must be into Simon because he watched the video so many times.
I’m so tired; please stop subjecting my eyes to this nonsense.
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