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Sunlight sparkled on the crystalline waters of Glee Anselm. Lizard-gulls glided over the gently crashing waves. It was the kind of day that made a sentient happy to just be alive; the kind of day that reminded someone that it wasn’t all bad in the galaxy.  A group of children watched the landing pad, crouched in the band of vegetation bordering the beach. A small squadron of ships had just arrived. When Shudesno had seen the starships coming in, he’d come running, head-tendrils flapping in the breeze behind him. His thin little legs carried him faster than all the other kids. He was one of the older members of the group, but not the eldest.  News of the Rebellion had reached the aquatic planet over the last few years. Shudesno loved listening to the stories of the ace pilots who helped win battles against the Empire, such as the legendary Red Five who had destroyed the Death Star. The young Nautolan watched in awe as the pilots disembarked. They wore bright, colorful flight suits. These ships were rebels, there was no doubt about it.  A boxy, hexagonal gray freighter with orange paint decals sat on the pad. Some of the other children nudged Shudesno, urging him to go in for a closer look. They gave his shoulder a shove and sent him sprawling forward out of the bushes. He skidded to a halt on the duracrete, skinning his knobby knee.  Tears welled up in his big, glassy eyes. His pain was soon overtaken by shock. The boy looked up at the person who approached him.  “I, uh- I’m sorry,” Shudesno choked out in heavily accented Basic. “We didn’t mean to be spying.”  @rcfekjwtaardby
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Hello! If anyone’s interested in plotting with me or want to send me a starter for any of my muses, please hit me up. 
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Char looked down again. She wasn’t sure how much she wanted to say in front of her mother; to share what she now realized was her previous life. “It’s silly,” the young woman said, shaking her head. “I’ve just had these dreams for a long time. Mostly they’re about a red-skinned Jedi with all these headtails and... um, well, it’s like I’m in the body of another girl. I see things through her eyes and watch what happened to her.
“This other dream, though- the one from last night...” Char trailed off, then screwed her eyes shut. She thought hard and dove back through her shadowy memories. It was silent in the cottage for the next few minutes. Lloshakk glanced up at the handsome human. He couldn’t help but smile at Adrian. Setting down his teacup with a nod, he rose to his feet. Jadrek seemed invested in the girl and what was happening with her. This was his role: the teacher, the mentor. Good, he thought. The old Jedi could help her as he had already begun to help Lloshakk. Far better than I could do for her.  Soon after the pair left the kitchen, Char’s eyes opened again. Tears began to roll down her flushed cheeks. “I don’t know exactly what I saw. It’s just- I only see fire and destruction. W-what does it mean?” She reached out for her mother, who welcomed her daughter into her arms. Rema looked to Jadrek with concern lining her face.  ---  The Trandoshan followed Adrian out into the garden. They stood in close proximity, away from the others. A thought flashed through his head in an instant. For a brief moment, as he looked at the sunlight dancing over the man’s face and highlighting his gently tousled curls, he wanted nothing more than to kiss Adrian. Just like they had kissed last night.  No. He quickly banished the notion from his mind. Now was not the time. There were far more important things at hand. Besides, what had happened between them was probably a one time thing. It made sense. Adrian had been hurt and wanted comfort. Lloshakk was more than happy to have provided him with that comfort, but doubted that the kind, sweet human wanted anything more. He’d just happened to be the closest warm sentient being who was turned on by something other than rocks.  So he told himself. Lloshakk didn’t dare to entertain the idea that Adrian was interested in him too. That this attraction could be mutual. Or Force forbid it, that he had found love again. “What wasss it you wanted to talk to me about?” he prompted. 
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A tension hung in the air for several seconds of comm silence. Ryn was doing this by the book and telling the truth, for the most part anyway. Urrik hoped that the Sith would be going by official procedures as well. He leaned forward casually in his seat and made a subtle gesture with his hand.  The Force user began to reach out with his feelings. He stretched probing tendrils out into the direction of the Sith ship, searching for the mind of the officer in command of the Sutsul. His senses strained with the distance, a slick layer of sweat appearing on his face and his jaw clenched. Still, the medic did his best to conceal what he was doing.  Urrik didn’t want to give away his cover if it wasn’t necessary. However, if push came to shove, he would give the ship’s commander a mental nudge. He could plant the inclination that this little merchant vessel wasn’t worth the trouble of looking into any further.  His focus and the quiet was broken when several ships dropped out of hyperspace between them and the Sith transport. He recognized the form of the orange-and-white hammer-headed ship in the middle instantly. It was a Republic vessel. The rest, he inferred, were Sith. Fighters almost instantly swarmed from each starship and bright bolts of turbolaser fire were exchanged.  Urrik’s head snapped to Ryn. For the first time since they had met but a few days before, the three others in the cockpit heard Urrik raise his voice.  “Captain, I suggest you punch it!” shouted the self-exiled Jedi knight, his finger pointed emphatically at the surface of the planet below.  His head whipped around to look at Brakka, then Kalkis. “Strap yourselves in, please.” The young Twi’lek nodded hurriedly and complied. At this point, Brakka had broken out into a full-on flop sweat and he’d begun to draw a little blood from his cracked lip. This was not how he had been expecting to return home. 
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Urrik munched happily on the fruit. It had been a while since he’d had anything so fresh. He savored the taste. Things were looking bleak for the future, but he held onto hope. They would do as much good as they could today.  The four of them joined together for breakfast at the small table. Urrik and Brakka also raised their glasses in the toast. After seeing the blond human clinking glasses with the other two, the Twi’lek followed suit.  “May we save some lives,” Urrik Forn echoed.  --- The medic sat behind Ryn in the cockpit of the Tabula as they dropped out of hyperspace. Two large Sith troop carriers were already hovering in orbit around the blue-green planet. They didn’t appear as heavily armed as a Sith dreadnaught, but still had turbolasers mounted on their hulls.  Almost immediately, they were hailed. An electronic voice crackled through the ship’s comms.  “Vessel, this is Sith Imperial transport Sutsul. This planet is under Sith occupation. Please state your business and intended destination.”  Brakka bit his bottom lip, beads of perspiration forming on his forehead. Urrik comfortingly placed a hand on the young man’s shoulder. His breath remained steady and his eyes were fixed on the Sith ships. This was their first make-or-break moment. 
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Lloshakk slowly sipped his tea, stealing glances over at Adrian. Even if he wasn’t looking at the man, he could still feel him there in the Force. Adrain was like a warmth, a light that energized Lloshakk whenever he was around him. He hadn’t formed a bond like this since... well, since Hsskal.  A mix of excitement and fear gripped Lloshakk’s chest as Adrian mentioned new information he’d uncovered on his latest mission. What had he found out? And what did that mean for them? If he and Jadrek were leaving, would that mean the young Trandoshan was on his own again?  He had no idea what was in store for the two of them or how his relationship with Adrian would evolve. All he knew was that he wanted to remain close to the other man. Though having attachments could be dangerous. Supposedly it could lead down the path to the Dark Side. One clawed finger twitched, remembering how it felt those few times he shot lightning from his hands. The emotions he had channeled to manifest that power had come from an angry place, from when he’d been at his lowest. It wasn’t a place Lloshakk ever wanted to return to.  Fear welled up in Rema’s eyes, though she did her best to hide it. She focused on Adrian’s every word. Her grip on the ceramic tea cup tightened until the hot liquid inside began to burn her hand. The bright, hot pain snapped her out of her stupor.  The Empire and rumors of rebellion were so distant out here on this little moon. They were so far away from any politics or war. She couldn’t have ever imagined that her and her daughter’s quiet lives would be tied into anything grand or galaxy-changing.  By contrast, a thrill went up Char’s spine as she listened. Puzzle pieces began to fall into place for her. No wonder the two men were out here in such a remote place. It made sense now why Adrian was always coming and going. He was part of the Rebellion she had heard whispers about. Training to be a Jedi. Joining the Rebellion. It all sounded so fantastic and perfect.  She felt a heat lick her cheeks and startled as the front door closed. Char realized it was the steam pouring up off the tea. That and Jadrek had returned home. The teenager waved, somewhat embarrassed that his entrance had made her jump.  Lloshakk fetched another cup and poured some more tea for Jadrek as he sat down. He could feel the tension building in Rema, pent up like a shock coil about to spring. With an ache in the pit of his gut, Jadrek’s padawan realized just how much the mother cared for her child. To this hardworking woman, Char wasn’t just an heir to be groomed into whatever her mother wanted her to be. Here she was, ready to support her daughter’s dream. It was something he’d never experienced during his own childhood.  “Not- not well,” Char replied somewhat reticently. Her eyes darted over towards her mother. “I woke up from a nightmare. I just... wish I could remember what it was about. I can only remember flashes. Bits and pieces. Kind of like... um, kind of like my other dream.”  
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thank you for letting me take basically all of april off, i took that as an opportunity to force my best friend bailey to live react to star wars: episode 1 with me, here’s the sizzle (full thing up in my google drive with [CC] because it kept getting blocked on youtube lmao)
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Urrik clenched his jaw, feeling an uncharacteristic frustration welling up inside of him. Almost without thinking, he fell back upon his Jedi training and began to regulate his breathing. The surge of emotion passed as quickly as it came. There was no point in being angry with Ryn about it now. At least he was safe and sound. Not to mention, he’d completed the task he set out to do.  “Thank you,” Brakka muttered groggily. With some trepidation, the Twi’lek poured both himself and Urrik some water. Setting the pitcher back down on the tabletop, he started taking alternating sips of the dark and clear liquids. After some minutes, the refugee was feeling more himself again.  The mention of spanking made Urrik nearly choke on his caf. He sputtered and pounded his chest with the flat of his palm. “Regardless of any other oaths I’ve taken, I’ve taken an oath to not get involved in lovers’ quarrels,” the healer said with a grin, once he’d stopped coughing.    “No, I like cheese,” Urrik replied. Brakka just gave a nod and took another sip of water. He neglected to mention that he’d never had cheese before. “I slept quite well. I cannot speak for our young friend here.” “I was in and out,” the Twi’lek piped up. “I had a pretty restless night. Guess I’m still not used to sleeping on ships.” 
Urrik chuckled as he went over to the refrigerator unit, listening to Kalkis and Ryn banter. The former Jedi pulled out the assorted fruits. His teeth sunk into a round, pale yellow fruit with a rough skin. It made a satisfying crisp crunching noise. Leaning back against the counter, he just took in all the pleasant aromas and tones flooding the mess.  Brakka gently rubbed one of his headtails. “I think I’ll feel better once I’ve got my feet on solid ground again.” His thoughts drifted to Taris and to his sister. “Soon enough, my friend. Soon enough.” 
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Urrik nodded in response and took the blue EVA suit. “I trust your judgement.” Standing up, he carried the empty suit as it were a limp body. “Good night to you both,” the medic said to Ryn and Kalkis.  He walked back to the bunks. Ryn was right that he should try to get some rest before the space walk. Although the pilot would be doing most of the heavy lifting, he still wanted to be there as back up. Urrik set down the vac suit and looked over at Brakka sleeping peacefully. The young Twi’lek deserved some rest too. He pulled a blanket over the sleeping man before retreating to his own cot. Sleep soon took him as well.  - It wasn’t until the ship’s onboard lights brightened to imitate the morning section of a day-night cycle that Urrik realized how long he’d been out. He had also realized just how tired he had been. Events had been in constant motion since Brakka had burst into the cantina and said the word “help.”  Glancing over to the youth, he could imagine just how much more exhausted Brakka had been. While he was reluctant to stir the sleeping Twi’lek, he decided it was for the best. They had slept long enough.  -  Both passengers walked into the mess together. Brakka was still dragging a bit, his headtails drooping and languid. “Yes, please,” replied Urrik. Brakka just nodded and mumbled something. His lekku moved sluggishly in unison with the rest of his body.  Urrik stood at the counter, preparing his caf. He added a spoonful of sweetener and a generous splash of blue milk to both cups. “I slept fairly well. I cannot speak for my young friend here.” He handed the Twi’lek one of the cups of caf, who eagerly started sipping on it. The sugar and milk helped mask the flavor a bit, but it still tasted terrible. However, Brakka didn’t really care: he needed the caffeine.  The doctor took a drink of his own beverage. Seeing Kalkis sitting with her harp, a smile spread across his face. His usually composed demeanor changed, falling away as a thought crossed his mind. “How close are we to Taris? Did I miss the space walk?” 
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Lloshakk lit up as he turned and saw Adrian’s face. His gaze, his very presence, brought him a sense of joy and comfort. Char smiled, giving her neighbor a small wave. “Oh, no problem, Adrian,” she said. “Yeah, my mom and I came to talk with Master Jadrek. Don’t worry, we can wait.” Rema stood behind her daughter, lovingly resting her hands on the lanky girl’s shoulders. Rema looked up to the sky. It was fairly clear out and her farming instincts told her differently. Still, she shrugged and didn’t argue. She felt a chill run down her daughter’s spine. Char was flooded by flashes of her nightmare from last night.  The Trandoshan shook himself out of his stupor. He’d been distracted by Adrian. He gave the human man’s shoulder a pat. “Come, let’sss go inside. I’m done in the garden anyway.” Lloshakk washed any remaining soil off his claws and then began to fill the heating kettle with water.  This felt almost... normal. He’d never experienced something like this before. His childhood had been harrowing and stifling. He had only experienced true happiness during the years he and Hsskal were traveling the galaxy together. Had he finally found something like that again?  His thoughts were interrupted by the wailing of the stream coming from the kettle. Preparing some tea, he set the small ceramic cups down in front of each of people seated around the kitchen table. “Tea?” he offered. Char nodded and her mother replied with a “Yes, please. Thank you.” The grey-scaled reptilian poured the hot water for all of them before taking a seat himself.  “Sssso, it sounds as if you’re thinking about taking Jadrek up on hisss offer,” Lloshakk prompted, blowing carefully on his tea. Char nodded again, glancing somewhat apprehensively over at Rema. She noticed how the Jedi-in-training downplayed the fact that it had been his suggestion in the first place.  “I admit, I don’t fully understand it, but I always knew my girl was special,” said Rema cheerily.  More than you know, Lloshakk said internally.  “Jadrek sssaw a talent in her,” he added aloud. “She hasss a connection to the Force... like I do.”
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Hello! We have a brand new masterlist 2.0 post seeing as the old one was getting quite crowded and notifications weren’t coming through. Same rules apply, though if you’ve already reblogged the old one and you’re already on the masterlist, you do not need to reblog this one.
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Urrik saw the dread spread across his new comrades’ faces. Their fear was well-founded. A Sith lord, even just one, was something to be reckoned with. He had no idea how many Sith may be present on Taris by this point. If they were going to stand any chance against a Sith lord, he would have to use his abilities. He would have to reveal himself.  They thought he couldn’t fight for himself. Why would they? Kalkis and Ryn just thought he was a simple healer. Still, he couldn’t disagree that he needed to be down in the Under City, treating as many people as he could.  The cylinder clipped to the back of his belt felt heavy. One of the last times he had held it in both hands was back on Dxun, when he had gained these scars. Blaster fire and booby traps. Basilisk droids screaming through the trees. Dirt and foliage flying. So much death, so close to where he’d been born on Onderon. Not that he really remembered his home. His childhood had been spent on Coruscant with the other younglings gathered from across the galaxy. Now that was no longer his home either.  He listened to the two bantering back and forth, trying to interject. The medic couldn’t get a word in edgewise. Eventually he just gave up trying and let the conversation take its course. It flowed forward and when Ryn turned to him, he knew it was the right time to pipe up.  “We needn’t worry about him. Not the Sith from the legend. Karness Muur hasn’t been around in millennia. Granted, that doesn’t mean that some other Sith lord hasn’t gotten their hands on the device. Or continued Muur’s work and brought back this plague in another form. “All the same, it wouldn’t hurt to find out more about which Sith is occupying Taris, if there are any present. Whoever has more experience with infiltration would be most well suited for the task,” he suggested with a shrug. “Not really my cup of caff. I served on the front lines as a medic. Can’t really dispute that’s where I’ll be best served. I took an oath a long time ago to do as much good as I could in the galaxy.”
It had been quite some time since he’d been a leader, a commander of soldiers. He was rusty at it and happy to follow Ryn’s lead. However, he hoped that the dark-haired man realized that he didn’t have to shoulder the tremendous pressure that was being put on them alone. Urrik leaned forward and patted Ryn’s arm, subtly channeling the Force to relieve some pain, taking it on himself. A lightning crackle of pain shot up through his knee and thigh, causing him to clench his jaw. Then he looked over at Kalkis with a smile. “I’m sure your music is lovely. I’d love to hear it sometime. And if we make it through this, I promise I’ll tell you both more about my time in the war.” 
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Urrik rubbed his face, his tiredness showing. His long fingers brushed against the scar underneath his eye. He let out a sigh and shook his head. “No, no,” he said quietly. “It’s not that. I’ve seen darkness and war.” A part of him so badly wanted to just tell them everything. It would certainly be a weight off his chest if they knew about his past and who he was; what he used to be. Even after leaving the Order, was he still so afraid of attachments?  “There was something- something about how Brakka described what the victims transform into... It- it reminded me of a story I heard once before: a legend.” The veteran shifted his weight, settling down on the cold metal floor.  “If I’m right, and by the Force I hope I’m not, you may not have been too far off with that bioweapon comment earlier, Ryn. But given the Sith’s involvement... it seems likely. This legend I heard told of a Sith lord- a scientist and a sorcerer of the highest degree. He crafted a weapon that would change sentient lifeforms into monsters. If the Sith could use this weapon against their enemies, they could transform entire planets into armies of mindless soldiers.  “In the story I heard, this device- this weapon- could only affect humans and only if they weren’t Force sensitive. The original artifact was lost, but it’s possible that the disease itself still exists. Based on what Brakka was telling us, it sounds as if it can spread between different species now. It’s possible that as devastating as it was, the Sith lord wanted more. That he wanted better. I’ve never heard of a Sith being satisfied with whatever amount of power they already have.” There was a touch of venom in his voice the last time he said the word ‘Sith.’  This much they deserved to know, in case his suspicion turned out to be correct. Ryn and Kalkis needed to know what they were getting themselves into. That courtesy was the least he could give after the consideration they had extended him. 
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Urrik realized his mistake too late when Kalkis set the recorder on the table. He looked up and mouthed an embarrassed ‘thank you’ to her. At least he had rehearsed what he was going to say.  Once Brakka released the other man from his embrace, the Twi’lek began to wipe away tears. “S-sorry. I don’t know why I did that. I know I only just met you.” He exhaled a long breath and grinned awkwardly. His long lekku curled up close to his body.  “It’s quite all right,” Urrik replied softly. “You’ve been through a lot.” One hand rested on Brakka’s shoulder for a moment before dropping back to his side. He hadn’t minded the hug at all. It had brought him as much comfort as it had Brakka.  The Twi’lek sat back, lightheaded. “I could use a lie down,” he said aloud. Getting back up on trembling legs, he made his way towards the bunks. Urrik made an effort to help him before being waved off politely.  As soon as Brakka’s head hit the surface of the cot, his limbs started to feel heavy. He was soon dragged down into sleep.  -  After the self-exiled Jedi concluded his recording, he sat in thought, listening to the hum of the Tabula’s systems. His hands rested on his knees as he slipped into a meditative state. Finally he had some time alone to reflect on what Brakka had told them of the virus affecting the Taris Undercity. There was something that sounded so familiar about the creatures that had been described.  His breathing became regular, coming and going at a slow, steady pace. Urrik’s whole body relaxed as he allowed the Force to flow through him. Perhaps there was some long forgotten secret locked away in the recesses of his mind. He was more than just his physical form. The Force touched him, touched all living things, and through it he could touch them too. Across the stars, he reached out towards Taris. Breath rushed out of him like a wind. In a rush, he fell backwards. Past the tall skyscrapers and whizzing speeders of the Upper City he dove. Down, down, further down. Past the rumbling swoop bike engines and sparking hydrospanners. There were millions of lives in the Under City, each one a little light. A night sky lay beneath the surface of the planet’s capital city. Deep down, but not dormant. No, it was teeming with activity; life.  As Urrik went, he touched numerous minds. There was the Rodian mother who went hungry so that her children could eat. In a hovel, a pair of Aqualish got drunk on toilet moonshine. A Devaronian child cried herself to sleep.  Then, his mind touched another creature, more viscous and alien than the rest. It lusted only for carnage and to spread the infection contained within its blood. There were already so many of them, writhing and gnashing their teeth. Gritting himself, Urrik pushed further.  Blurry images flashed before his eyes. Rust red rocks surrounded him. Shadowy figures flitted across them. Wind howled in his ears, drowning out all sound except with a cackling laughter. A swarm of glittering gold centipede-like insects crawled over him. Their several legs were curved like tiny hooks and their eyes were pinpricks of glistening blood. His own screams were soundless even as the insects made their way inside his throat.  - Urrik was roused from his meditation by Kalkis’s voice. A pit had formed in his stomach. The echoes of a tale told to him by an archivist at the Jedi Temple replayed in his mind. He hoped that he was wrong about what those monstrous beings were.  “I’m still in here,” he called back to her. He stood to his feet and wiped beads of sweat from his brow. Urrik managed a smile. “Sure, I’ll come take a look.” The Force user picked up his gloves from where he’d set them on the table and tucked them in his belt before handing the recorder to Kalkis.  “Here,” he said with a chuckle. “I’ve done it right this time.”  He followed her back to where the pair had been testing the EVA suits. Urrik ran his fingers over the material. It seemed pretty sturdy. The breathing equipment looked used, likely salvaged or acquired secondhand. Still, he believed it should hold up.  “Good idea using these as hazmat suits. Ought to help once we’re in the Under City.” Especially if these creatures are what I fear, he thought. 
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Urrik Forn tried to stay busy after the war. It made him feel like he was being useful. Made him feel like he was making some small difference in the galaxy. He bounced around the Hyperspace lanes for a few years, doing odd jobs wherever he could. The skills he’d picked up during the war years came in handy: fixing broken machines and computers; offering his medical knowledge to those who needed it. Eventually, he’d ended up on Ord Mantell. The planet had taken a beating during the Mandalorian War. Oily wreckage still burned on its surface. Yet the farmers worked on. Urrik would patch up anyone who got injured on the job, as best he could without the use of the Force. He’d left the Order of his own accord. Although he doubted that anyone would be looking for him from his past, his powers weren’t something the former Jedi made public.  Regardless, he managed to save more than a few lives and limbs with what med kits, bonding patches, and antibiotic stimpacks he had available to him. It had earned him something of a reputation among many of the farm workers here in Ord Mantell City. People knew who to come to when they needed emergency medical help.  Now he sat in the cantina down the street from his makeshift clinic, when a frenzied Twi’lek man burst inside. The green-skinned alien’s eyes were wild and his expression panicked. Urrik looked up from his drink even before he entered. The Force around him screamed for attention.  “I’m looking for any volunteers! There’s been some sort of outbreak on Taris! Please, the people of the Undercity are suffering and we need help!”  Downing the rest of his drink, the healer slapped some credits down on the bar and got to his feet. His hand was raised to garner the other man’s attention. It seemed it was time for Urrik to be moving on from Ord Mantell. “I can help you. I’ve got some medical knowledge.” Approaching the young Twi’lek, he extended his right hand. “I’m Urrik. Urrik Forn.” The Twi’lek shook his hand, lekku twitching nervously. “Brakka Jeel. Pleasure to meet you, sir. Th-thank you so much.” @yourlovingspy 
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