oute side. straight up "borking it". and by "it", haha, well. let's justr say. The neighbours dog
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KL-E-0 from fallout 4 is a trans woman
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if I can't have my ideal body might as well be slutty with the one I do have
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Nothing annoyed a younger me more than opening ao3 to look up my favourite character only to find so many fics that were so contradictory to how he’d actually act (mostly for the sake of shipping, but the way fandom sometimes treats m/m parings and feels the need to shove them into certain roles and traits is a completely different conversation that I will not be getting into)
I think a lot of this is because of people wanting these characters to fit into tropes and stereotypes that they were never made for, so they end up stripping them of all defining characteristics so they can fit the perfect mould, which is more of a bigger issue with fandom as a whole rather than a couple people mischaracterising my blorbo
But honestly? Good for them, it may be annoying, but they’re doing something creative that makes them happy and there is nothing more beautiful than that
I’m all for people doing whatever they want forever and if that means wildly mischaracterising my favourite guy, then go ahead and have a blast I’m genuinely happy for you, even though I can’t stand it and it makes me die a little on the inside
Something I will never get though is people trying to explain away/ justify/ just comply ignore any bad thing a character they like has done. That’s the best part of them! You’re allowed to like villains, can you really say you love them if you can’t accept them, war crimes and all?
Conclusion: make bad, cringey art. It doesn’t matter if it’s entirely self indulgent you made it for you anyway
(I still voted yes on the pole though, at that point they are just glorified oc’s, but who cares? I don’t have to read those fic’s or interact with those people at all)
on this blog we’re big believers of “doing what you want forever”
but to be honest when it comes to mischaracterising i’m probably the worst for it, i’ll just pick one character trait and just latch onto it permanently
like i don’t even remember anything about sae niijima but whenever i put something in the microwave i still slam the table like YOU REHEATED LASAGNA YOU MUST HAVE HAD THE HELP OF A MICHELIN STAR CHEF
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I just got startled by a train
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semisapphicsnowflake · 2 months
I know I've barely been on tumblr the past while but
already half a year on hrt oh my gods !!
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semisapphicsnowflake · 2 months
a sorority is like if a convent wasn't chaste
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semisapphicsnowflake · 2 months
Reblog to open a rail line from your blog to the person you reblogged this from
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semisapphicsnowflake · 2 months
overjoyed at the fact my tits have apparently outgrown felix's
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semisapphicsnowflake · 3 months
as much as i hate to admit it
as much as I want to believe I am truly solitary
I too crave human connection
I need company and I need conversation
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semisapphicsnowflake · 3 months
the leftism leaving people's bodies when you tell them making fun of someone's appearance is always objectively scummy even if the person they're making fun of is bad
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semisapphicsnowflake · 3 months
fucked that hot chocolate right in its pussy. that is to say i drank it
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semisapphicsnowflake · 3 months
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semisapphicsnowflake · 3 months
my favourite femboy is a boygirl
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semisapphicsnowflake · 3 months
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semisapphicsnowflake · 3 months
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