selmatelse · 7 years
A concept: mermaids in wheelchairs
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selmatelse · 7 years
Earlier today I watched the teacher I work with walk into a room of people who run one of the largest and highly-accredited regional theatres in the country and immediately get an audition for a mainstage musical. I guess that’s what it’s like to be attractive?
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selmatelse · 7 years
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this tip tho!!!!!!!!
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selmatelse · 7 years
I’ve seen a couple of posts like this directed at men but none for white people so I’m going to make one
if you’re talking to a person of colour, about anything but especially about something personal or something regarding race in any way, you need to be asking yourself: “am I making them uncomfortable? do they want to be talking about this, here, now, and with me? am I being voyeuristic? am I being invasive? am I demanding information that they’re not volunteering? am I asking them to dredge up things they don’t want to dredge up? am I asking them to perform emotional or intellectual labour for me? would I ask this question of a white person? am I invading their personal space, emotionally or physically? am I disrespecting their boundaries? am I making it awkward or impossible for them to change the subject / end the conversation / leave the room? am I doing a good job of policing myself in this interaction so that they don’t have to?”
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selmatelse · 7 years
You know what I think is really cool about language (English in this case)? It’s the way you can express “I don’t know” without opening your mouth. All you have to do is hum a low note, a high note, then another lower note. The same goes for yes and no. Does anyone know what this is called?
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selmatelse · 7 years
So can we like…start normalizing the idea that not everyone dates or has their first boyfriend/girlfriend in junior high or high school?
There are plenty of people who go into college with little to no dating experience. There are tons of people who go into college having not had their first kiss yet. It’s not wrong; everyone experiences things at a different pace, and that’s okay. Don’t feel pressured into doing things you’re not comfortable with at the time just because you feel like you have to fill some sort of “quota.”
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selmatelse · 7 years
a canon url is a position of power
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selmatelse · 7 years
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While right-wing media continue to deny the existence of a gender pay gap, women of color in particular still face an unfathomable degree of discrimination in the workplace.
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selmatelse · 7 years
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–Emily Dickinson
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selmatelse · 7 years
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The Russian Metro Stations by  David Burdeny
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selmatelse · 7 years
you can make nearly any object into a good insult if you put ‘you absolute’ in front of it
example: you absolute coat hanger
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selmatelse · 7 years
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selmatelse · 7 years
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selmatelse · 7 years
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selmatelse · 7 years
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selmatelse · 7 years
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A little sketch comic about how bisexuality is totally cool and good and not bad.
The format is cliché!  I know.  But it makes it easy to talk about things I want to talk about.  Thanks for reading!
(I shouldn’t have to say this, but since a lot of people wanted to educate me on twitter: The words listed in panel seven [yes even in the parentheticals!] are just examples of how often acceptable language around gender and sexuality changes.  They are not lists of synonymous words, and many of them are now considered unacceptable.  That’s why they’re on the list. That’s what the list IS. I know.)
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selmatelse · 7 years
things people in my theatre class have said
“look guys i vandalized george washington”
“i fucking HATE that note” 
“that was so beautiful im crying how does she even hit that note??”
(off-key screeching) “i think thats a little flat”
“oh my god your voice is so good why are you in the ensemble?” “i can’t act” “THIS IS??? A THEATRE CLASS??”
“i love (random musical)” “fight me”
“everyone shut up and give me attention”
“and thats why its called a triple threat” “im not even a single threat”
“how was ur audition” “im dead”
“why do they make the orchestra play under the stage??? its like a fuckin horror movie in there”
(while walking backstage) “holy FUCK theres so much stuff in here”
“why is there a brownie on the side of the stage” “dont question it its always been there”
(incoherent screaming about the tonys)
“you wore that shirt yesterday” “shhhhHHHH”
“i had a dream about kiwis yesterday.” “…” “the fruit and the bird”
“theater is the place and theatre is the profession” “wait really”
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