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I don’t remember anymore what the idea behind these two pictures was but it must’ve been something like “being picked up (from school? but no school uniform so can this still be England?) after a day of misfortunes and annoyances”.
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This is Pandora Esmerelda Michealis from my book on wattpad, The Bride of the Lord of Hell. She is a beautiful princess. Acknowledge her. Love her.
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The bois talk while Sebastian stalk Yee
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"So lost....I'm faded..." I tried something new for a change I don't usually draw sad stuff so this is a change.. (If you look closely the colors of the flowers are all Pinkie colors)
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“No matter how much you run, you can never hide from me, for I’ve branded you with my mark, for you’ll always be mine”
First day of Halloween Sebaciel week!! I tried my best lol sorry if this looks a bit sketchy or wonky, I was experimenting XD.
Tagging @chromehoplite, @paradisenfer and @sebacielthangs!! Thank you for organizing this!! <3
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“Grace, balance & beauty.”
Ballerina! Ciel.
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some of my works from last year. I painted them for a comic con in shanghai, and of couse, for celebrate ciel’s birthday as well(although he’s probably not gonna like it…haha). mainly about what they can do if the two character lives in our times.
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Rachel: (comes into Ciel's room) WHAT IS THAT?!?! Sebastian: (demonic noise) Ciel: (eating Takis) It's been here. I don't know what to do.
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Uploaded Kuroshitsuji Doujinshis [R-18]
Note: For pairings that are not SebastianxCiel, look at the bottom of the list.
Black Cherry [Raw]
Bocchan Taihendesu! [Raw] (Fem!Ciel & Hermaphrodite Ciel)
Candy Doll [Raw]
Candy Doll 2 [Raw]
Candy Doll 3 [Raw]
Caramel [Raw]
Devil Moralism (Sebastian x Ciel x Lau)
Fully Fully
Gimmick [Raw]
Halloween Night [Raw]
Hanky Panky [Raw]
Honey Honey [Raw]
Ice Coffin
Love Doll
Love Slave [Raw]
Macchiato [Raw]
Maebari [Raw]
Mellow Mellow
Milky [Raw]
Mille Feuille [Raw]
My Little Bird [Raw]
Nectar [Raw]
Nightmare [Raw]
Nightmare [Raw]
Piccola [Raw]
Recess [Raw]
Red Moon
Re; Black (Various Doujinshi Compilation File) [Raw]
Re; Chocolat (Various Doujinshi Compilation File) [Raw]
Snow White [Raw]
Sono Shitsuji [Raw] Feat. Grell I guess???
Sugary [Raw]
Suki Ni Shite [Raw]
Trick or Treat
Under The Rose [Raw] {With Extra}
Red Butler [Raw]|Grell x Sebastian/Madame Red/Prince Soma/William T. Spears
Karma Sebastian x Ciel [PG-13]
Yume Kara Sametomo Sebastian x Ciel [PG-13]
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Art by @darkmattertea for the story Full Moon on Ao3.
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Sebastian can’t decide what he finds most attractive about Ciel,
 dat ass, dem legs or dat body count.
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I feel like dadbastian would really enjoy fingering Ciel while he’s on the phone and he’d be like “you make a single noise and I’ll make you regret it in more ways than one” but maybe that’s just me u g H H H
and you’re goddamn right. fuck. he’d dig that shit. loves feeling his baby boy buck up and clench around his fingers tight, whiny pout riddling his pink lips and hiccing wails threatening to claw up and out his throat.
daddy bastian just has this glare that forces all those pretty noises back down, and ciel’s little cock twitches needily when his daddy goes back to speaking on the phone all normal and business-casual, like he doesn’t have three fingers up his baby boy’s ass, like those skinny thighs aren’t sprawled nice and wide across his lap.
ciel has to clamp a hand over his mouth when daddy starts pounding his fingers, torturous and merciless.
sorry ‘bout that. i just had to take care of something really quickly. you were saying?
those dark, cherrywood eyes don’t leave ciel’s water-glassed blues. kid’s bottom lip quivers, and he almost sobs, has to dilute it to a meek, teeny, breathy whimper and no, oh no, daddy raises a brow and clenches his jaw. continues talking smooth and normal to the nameless, faceless person on the other line.
three digits strike up against baby ciel’s tight walls, harsh, harsh, harsh, and it makes him choke on a guttural groan.
the kid lets his eyes burst into silent, foggy tears, chest heaving and hips squirming. doesn’t know how much longer he can keep himself quiet, but he tries his best for daddy, anyway. loves the high praise that comes with being a good, obedient boy.
when poor little ciel can’t hold back any more, can’t keep his cries swallowed and moans hushed and a loud, loud cry comes tumbling out his glossy pink lips, daddy’s breath hitches. 
ciel’s stomach flips.
daddy pauses. brings the phone away from his ear and ciel can hear whoever the hell’s on the other line chuckle and ask sebastian, what did i just hear?
don’t worry about it. i’ll call you back in a bit. 
a fourth finger plunges into baby boy’s hole and daddy ends the call and drops his phone. wraps a tight, cold hand around baby’s tiny neck and forces his pretty face all close, grip threatening and dangerous. 
i didn-i didn’ mean to! i swear, daddy, i was tryin’ m’ best-
i’ll make you fucking regret this, boy. 
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does dadbastian like humiliating Ciel in public? like,, maybe he would,,, not so discreetly touch his bum or somethin?
yes. he fucking loves humiliating that little shit. isn’t afraid to smack his ass in public when baby starts getting bratty, doesn’t hesitate to grab that jaw and force his pretty face all close and speak in a low, threatening rumble. fucking looooves the hot blush that spreads on baby boy’s cheeks and how he starts stuttering and bumbling, whimpering something about d-daddy, please, not here.
it puts little ciel in his place within mere seconds, going from being stupidly flirtatious with the nameless waiter that serves them, to half-hard, flushed a dark pink and squirming, squeezing his thighs together. it doesn’t get any easier when daddy stops replying to baby boy’s apologies and sebastian, hey. ’m sorry, okay?
oi, why aren’t you responding?!
address me properly, little boy.
baby gulps when his dick throbs and poor, poor ciel doesn’t get a word out his mister til he mutters out a tiny, embarrassed ’m sorry, d-daddy. i… i’ll be good for you. promise.
he’s like a fucking light switch. goes from big-mouthed, bratty, and infuriating to tiny, bashful, and needy.
it breaks daddy’s face out into a big, shit-eating grin and right there in the diner they’re seated in, he pats his lap and cocks his head up, raising a brow and licking his teeth;
come show me how much a good boy you are on my lap.
ciel knows he can’t get out of this without getting punished if not here then back home, so he shyly stands up, cute little feet shuffling, and gingerly seats himself in daddy’s big, big lap.
he wishes everybody would stop staring at him like he’s some tramp with his pimp, or something yucky like that. he watches as a mother scowls at him and covers her child’s eyes, whilst her husband’s go all wide and bugged. maybe he blushes a little, too, but ciel can’t focus on anything when daddy starts whispering into his ear.
that’s it, baby. so good for me.
daddy kisses the back of his neck and sneaks big hands under ciel’s baggy t-shirt, gliding up his teeny tiny waist and gripping possessive.
look at everyone. you’re the center of all their attention.
nn, d-daddy, please, not h-here.
baby boy feels his daddy smile against the bare skin of his back, and those hands trickle down, down, down.
c'mon. you’re being so good for me, little one. don’t you wanna show everybody who you belong to?
ciel bites his pinky lips when he feels his shorts getting unbuttoned, and he’s never been so grateful for being seated at a booth with long cloth-adorned tables. he’d never be able to come back to his favourite diner if anybody were to see daddy pull his hard little dick out, stroke it slow and low and painful.
you know what daddy’d do to you if he could?
ciel can’t help but squirm and writhe and grind his hips up into daddy’s fist, knuckles clenched white and throat clogged with desperate moans.
nnn, n-no, daddy. t-mmm, fuck, tell m-me. ciel manages to utter out quiet without making too much noise, but almost gives away when the head of his pinky little dick gets thumbed languid and pressure-heavy.
daddy’d have you ride his cock for just a bit before he’d bend you right over this very table and fuck the absolute brains outta your pretty head.
baby boy almost cums right then and there, but the awkward, bumbling waiter comes back with black coffee and a strawberry milkshake. chokes on a surprised yelp when he sees where daddy’s boy is seated. flushes bright pink, too. matches baby’s milkshake.
y-your food will come s-shortly, aha. here’s your d-drinks for now..!
the forced try at enthusiasm comes out painful and secondhand embarrassment inducing. ciel wishes he could play with this weak little waiter but daddy just knows before he opens that pretty pink mouth. tightens the grip on his cock and strokes fast from base to tip, base to tip.
kid nearly sobs and tightens his fists.
is uhh.. is he.. alright?
he’s fine. little ciel just reeeaaally loves his strawberry milkshakes. you know how kids are.
daddy winks at the too-awkward, barely-hit-puberty-yet teenager and it sends him into a fit of oh. haha. y-yeah. kids. right. you’re funny, mister. uhm. i’m g-gonna.. go. now.
once the acne-riddled waiter finally leaves with a final gonna g-get your food, now!, daddy chuckles deep and drums his fingertips upon baby’s soft, soft stomach.
now, if you be a really good boy and cum under this table for me, i might let you have dessert.
ciel is too spoiled. he looves dessert. especially when it’s daddy’s.
you deserve a reward, don’t you? it would be too cruel of me to put you through aaalllll of this and leave you with nothing, isn’t that right?
all the blushing thing can manage are nearly silent pants and eager nods; speaking is out of the question - even at attempting a plea of stop!, all that slips out is a high, high keen.
daddy can’t contain himself long enough to wait til after food comes, so he drags that little boy to the restroom.
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[Untitled: Sebaciel monster au]
I found this in my WIP folder and I doubt I’ll find the time to finish it anytime soon but I thought the preface was nice so I decided to share. Nsfw, of course. Enjoy.
Shaky breaths, shallow and sporadic, dilated pupils, tiny fingers clutching the sheets in the darkness of a small room tucked into the back corner of a home. Ciel Phantomhive lifted a hand to his mouth, stuffing trembling fingers past damp lips in hopes of remaining silent. The child’s bright eyes were now widened with a look of horror and utter fear from the sight above him… before they lowered into a lidded gaze. His legs shook, the small limbs thrashing against the mattress uncontrollably as his back arched upward. His petite chest reached skyward, his teeth clenching down harder on the slim digits within his mouth. He was so sure he would fly away, so sure he would melt into the darkness, or wither away, before a black and sultry grip clawed harder at his young hips. His ankles were parted, dark tendrils snaking up his thighs to wrap tight around his waist, his squishy little tummy, his fragile little neck, giving the small child a delectable little squeeze. Ciel shuddered, tears streaming down his face when the creature above rocked into him, searing his skin, boiling his blood, igniting a fire within his soul that had him on the edge of hysterics.
A low growl escaped the being, the vision of the child, his child, causing him to sink into the boy further, grip onto him tighter, taste his fearful quivers from deep within faster and faster. Those pretty blue eyes stained porcelain cheeks with hot tears and the creature began to wonder how much longer…before he breaks the fragile boy? Before he makes him scream?
Ciel clenched his muscles, spitting his own fingers out before reaching those small hands up to grab hold of the creature’s face with a soft and forceful grip. He gasped, finally filling his delicate lungs with enough breath to possibly form a scream, a cry, a howl for help, a savior to help him out of this hell.
Ciel sunk his fingertips into the creature’s soft cheeks, pulling the face in the darkness down to his, his scream of terror coming out as a whisper straight onto a hot and hungry mouth, “Don’t.. Please..
Don’t stop.”
A low growl filled the room as the precious little boy wrapped his restrained legs around the hellish being, “Ruin me. S..Sebastian!”
Vincent and Rachel Phantomhive were the proud new owners of a beautiful home, far out of town, surrounded by acres and acres of beautiful land. Peaceful was an understatement when it came to the isolated little house, shining brightly with the benefits from the family’s bountiful in-town company. The Phantomhive’s took pride in their business, in their property, in their home and their flawless marriage. But more than anything, they took pride in their beautiful baby boy, Ciel. With deep ocean blue eyes and a smile forever painted across those rosy cheeks, he was the couple's’ most prized possession.They were a small and happy family, taking care of business during the day together, eating dinner as a family in the evening and sleeping restfully at night.
Or so they thought.
Soon after the move into the house, a few strange instances began to occur. Misplaced items, unexplainable happenings and noises from the most isolated room of the house. Ciel’s bedroom. When the shimmering gloss from those blue eyes disappeared one day and that porcelain skin showed up marred with purple and rosy red splotches, raised scratches from tight caresses, the Phantomhive’s dream of a perfect life was shattered. Vincent stayed up one night in the throes of his distress, rocking his son in his arms, making phone call after phone call to find some sort of medium, some sort of brave soul that did not exist to come help them in their time of need.
Exhausted, he finally laid his baby boy down in his room, Rachel following behind and planting a tender kiss upon Ciel’s forehead as the worrisome parents spoke a soft prayer to the sweet child beneath the covers.
The light switch flicked off, the door slowly shut and the young Phantomhive couple left after tucking their only child into bed in hopes of a brighter tomorrow. But little did they know that their precious baby boy…
was sleeping with the monster under his bed.
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bunciel and wolfbastian?
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pimp!bastian tying ciel stomach down on the bed, wrapping those pretty (and oh so fragile) wrists in rough rope against the headboard- pulling those thin hips upwards, ignoring Ciels protests as he writes his name in marker all over his plush ass, sebastian threatening to tattoo his name on ciels ass if the boy forgets who he belongs to
Ciel’s cute little face gets planted into coarse pillow fluff. Sebastian’s fingers are laced around those bony little wrists, and he pins them against that bony little back.
The boy yelps. Jolts. Arches his back instinctively. An embarrassed wail gets muffled by cheap, coarse pillow fluff.
Ciel wonders what he did wrong this time.
“Oh, you’re gonna fuckin’ get it–” Sebastian twists those pretty wrists and slings his thighs over kid’s long, kicking, squirming legs. Ciel gasps. Tastes dust in his mouth. “Fuckin’ ridiculous. You’re absolutely fuckin’ ridiculous,” Ciel hears him rustling with something in his big, dark jacket when he pulls a hand away. Keeps the grip around Ciel’s chafing wrists stone-cold and unforgiving.
“Atta’ boy. Don’t you fuckin’ move.”
The groaned sigh that heaves from Sebastian’s lungs shouldn’t make the kid’s dick chub. Love it when you squirm, baby. Thicken quick in his little navy shorts. It should scare him. Ciel only gets to hear it when Sebastian’s mad. Real mad. Hears it when Sebastian draws a gun, a knife, a whatever from his coat. It sends fear, terror, white-hot terror coursing through Ciel’s weak, weak veins and it sends a warbled moan tripping from his cherry-kissed little boy lips.
Sebastian chuckles, low and gravelly, and it goes straight to poor, poor Ciel’s neglected little dick.
He feels his arms get twisted up til they hit the rusty wooden headboard of the rusty, rusty bed his scrawny hips are pinned to. Coarse rope gets hastily wrapped around his wrists, and it burns delicious when Sebastian ties the knot. Ciel squirms. Buckles his hips. Turns his pretty head to the side and coughs. N-No! What’re you-what’re you doin-!! Pretty head gets shoved back into dusty pillow fluff. Ciel chokes on a cough.
Sebastian’s big hands trail up the kid’s teeny tiny waist. You’re so skinny, baby. I could break you in two if I wanted. Ciel gulps. Fingers slide underneath his waistband. Ciel wriggles his hips desperate.
“Thaat’s it. Relax for me. ‘s just ‘Bastian, sweetheart. Stop fucking kickin’,” Ciel can feel the man’s dark, dark hair tickling up his soft neck, and that voice stoops low, low, low, or i’ll give you a fucking reason to kick, makes kid squirm some more, jut his hips, kicks, and he almost cries because god, oh god, he hears a rough, petrifying growl tear from ‘Bastian’s throat, rings in his ear threatening.
Ciel wails into pillow fluff when he feels that big hand smack down harsh on his clothed little bum. Over and over. Sebastian’s mad. Sebastian’s real mad. Ciel buckles and jitters and jumps. Sebastian keeps smacking and smacking and smacking. Ciel’s little navy shorts feel like sandpaper against the soft satin of his burning skin.
“Told you–” Sebastian gropes his sore little cheeks, spreads them apart through sandpaper shorts, “–to stop fuckin’ kicking,” Blubbered cries trip from Ciel’s cherry-kissed little boy lips.
“You’re mine. Nobody elses. Can you get that through your thick fucking skull?” Sebastian shoves that head into dirty cushioning, ruffles his fingers through soft, rich gray-blue locks and pulls painful. Loves the feeling of Ciel’s obedient little head nodding hasty and desperate. He catches a muffled mmyours, I’m yours, I’m-I’m yours. Hips buckle up needy. Sebastian tugs those shorts off kid’s squirming little hips.
“Gonna mark you up pretty. Brand you. You’re mine,” Sebastian licks his burning, stinging, peach-soft cheeks. Baby boy writhes under his tongue. Cries into dirty cushioning. Sebastian briskly pulls out an old, black, hits-you-right-in-the-face-when-you-open-it marker from his pocket and gives sweetheart’s ass a final smack. Ciel yelps cute. His eyes burn with pretty tears. Sebastian throbs in his trousers.
“Aaatttta’ boy. You’re peerrfect,” The burn of potent ink against stinging reddened skin is cooling and pricking; makes baby Ciel whine high and needy and clench his teeny tiny fists, sniffling his snotty nose. Sebastian is a snarling Doberman that bares its canines and foams at the mouth, all between this boy’s shaky, shaky thighs and hoarse, croaky pleas. Threatens to bite, threatens to rip little Ciel to shreds.
A Doberman’s mouth, full of canines and dangers, smiles wide and predatory at the name he etches out on smooth, cream-delicious, peach-soft skin. Black ink contrasts pretty against blushing, burning raspberry red, Sebastian thinks haughtily, and he wishes he had his camera, or something – wishes he could capture this very moment. Keep the photo in his wallet, maybe. Sebastian licks his lips. 
The work of art that lays before him, squirming and jittering sensitive to the fingers that trickle along it, weeping his name in hushed whispers and cries, is one he swears not to forget. Even as Ciel nearly breaks out the harsh restraints around his fragile, bony wrists, cursing him out in prayers and apologies, Sebastian looks at him fondly. Slaps his thighs when they try to wriggle up his worthless, boring shorts, and Sebastian leans down nice and close to murmur in that kid’s blushing little ear.
“Your God–” The man pronounces your with a bitter sarcasm “–can’t do shit,“ Sebastian rubs the warming ink that stains baby boy’s skin “He isn't yours, sweetheart. But I can tell you one thing for sure,”
Ciel gulps. Doesn’t wanna hear it, but Sebastian cracks his face into a too-wide grin, and murmurs low.
Sebastian pauses.
”You’re fucking mine.”
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