How do bats fly safely in darkness ?
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-Bats can fly in dark because bats emits ultrasonic waves and detect reflected ultrasonic waves. So they emit waves, the waves after striking with any obstacles in front of bats, gets  reflected.The reflected waves are then detected by the bats 
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It is an device  that uses ultrasonic waves in order to calculate the distance, direction and speed of underwater objects. Sonar full form is Sound Navigation and Ranging. Sonar is made of transmitter and a detector, which is installed in submarines, boat and ships
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Kidney stones treatment
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Ultrasound is also used in in the  treatment of  small kidney stones where, they are fined into grains by the effect of ultrasonic waves and later the stones are flushed out through urine. 
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Ultrasonography Scanner
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An ultrasound scanner is used in  this technique, which uses ultrasonic waves to get the images of internal organs of an human body like detecting the  stones in gall bladder and kidney and also the tumors in different parts of the body.
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It is an popular technique in which we get the image of heart,where ultrasonic waves are made to reflect various organs of our heart and form the image.
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The stethoscope uses  for checking of heart beat of a patient, is also an application of multiple reflection of sound.In which the heart beat of patient reaches  to the ears of doctor through multiple reflection.
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Scientific definition of Echo.
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It is multiple reflection of sound,where  the time travel between the original sound and the reflected sound must be at least zero. 
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Does sound also reflect like light ?
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Like light, sound also follow the rules of reflection.hits the surface of solid or liquid, it exhibits same phenomenon, as light. 
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Can you hear a sound in space ?
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Sound needs a medium in order to travel, it may be solid, liquid or gas. It cannot be traveled  in vacuum  like space.
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Different speed of sound
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The speed of light depends on that particular medium its propagate, Its speed of sound is lowest at gas, the speed of sound is  more liquid as compare to gas and the speed of sound is highest in solid.
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Reverberation of sound
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It is also a type of multiple reflection like echo,thought the no of repeatation of sound is more here i.e.a repeated reflection that causes persistance of sound is known as reverberation.
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How does sound propagate ?
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In order to propagate, it needs a medium in which the propagation must be proceed.(Medium is kind of any object/matter/gas through which sound travels). We know that sound travels in form of wave i.e. mechanical wave & its speed varies in various medium.
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Types of sound waves
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Depending upon the range of frequency of sound in hertz, the sounds are classified: - Sonic waves , infrasonic waves  and ultrasonic waves.(Hertz is the the SI unit of sound & it is denoted by the symbol Hz)
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Sound and vibration
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Sound is form of energy that makes a sensation of hearing in our ears. On the other hand  vibration can be defined as the to and fro motion motion of any body and that to and fro motion is the key factor for the production of any kind of sound.
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Commercial unit of energy
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we know that Joule is the unit of energy,but its demerits is that it is too small to express large quantity of energy.For bigger energy, we use bigger unit of energy known as "kilowatt hour (KWh)".
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The power of a body may be defined as the rate of doing some amount of work.The unit of power is Watt (W).      
         i.e. Power=Work/time
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Law of Conservation of energy.
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Law of conservation of energy definition: According to this law "energy can neither be created nor be destroyed in a chemical reaction.It can only be converted from one form to another form".
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