scholarlycait · 4 months
✦ Letters from a Cait Scholar: Days 489-492 ✦
Day 489
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 489, when we met, the stars aligned!
Isla's Get Fit Journal 3
Time fur a purr-ogress report! With some sharp but caring advice, the cait warrior whipped me into the best shape of my life! A healthy diet and exercise was all I needed. My best advice is to do your best with what you have, and don't be too hard on yourself. Oh, and take care not to overeat!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 490
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “You made it to day 490, if you ever need a paw, you know where to find me!
Power itself is neither good nor bad, it's all in how you wield it. You might feel stressed under the weight of your responsibility or be tempted to take advantage of your position, but I have faith that you'll always make the right choice! Just keep moving fur-ward!
P.S. Power and wealth come naturally together, so here's a whole bunch of Rubies!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×30
Day 491
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 491, I haven't missed a letter even once!
What's the fur-st thing you do every morning? When I wake up, I like to wash my face, comb my fur, and drink a relaxing cup of tea… Or at least that's what I'd like to do! Last night I fell asleep on my desk and now my sleeping schedule is all messed up. Remember to sleep in your bed and eat breakfast right away!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 492
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 492, I'm purr-oud to be part of your crew!
You thought I fur-got, but I didn't! That's right, Isla's botany class is back! Do you know which herb is commonly used fur healing wounds? If you're an apothecary, you already know the answer: waterweeds! Found most often in the Clearbrook Traverse, you can use waterweeds if you're ever hurt. Don't fur-get!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
0 notes
scholarlycait · 4 months
✦ Letters from a Cait Scholar: Days 485-488 ✦
Day 485
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 485, writing to you is such a delight!
It's time to learn more about the many jobs of Orsterra! This time I'll tell you about being a bartender.
Bartenders serve drinks, food, and sometimes even conversation to the many customers that walk through their doors. But it isn't all sunshine and tuna—they also have to be ready to deal with rowdy customers. I always try to be on my best behavior at taverns, and you should be, too!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 486
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 486, I'm out of quips!
To tame a messenger bird, you need to build trust, and the best way to do that is by feeding it purr-operly. If you don't, the bird won't follow any of your directions. Could you imagine if you were sending love advice to a fur-end, but the bird delivered it to the object of their affections instead? What a cruel trick that would be…
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 487
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 487, every cait goes to heaven!
Time fur another of Isla's pop quizzes! Which of these raises your level every time you eat one?
If you chose Berries, then congratulations, you're a winner! In case you didn't know, nuts raise your EXP while tuna seems to make my belly bigger and bigger!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 488
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 488, I could never live in a crate!
Do you remember the very fur-st letter I wrote to you? I told you I found out about your existence while researching a specific topic. The question is: what was I researching?
How to be suave
The Holy Flame
The Sacred Ring
I hope you picked choice number 3, because that's the right answer! By the way, the cait warrior is teaching me to be suave, but I'm afraid I don't have anywhere to show off my skills!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
0 notes
scholarlycait · 4 months
✦ Letters from a Cait Scholar: Days 481-484 ✦
Day 481
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 481, I've been exercising with lunges!
Isla's Get Fit Journal 1
The chubby cait keeps treating me to delicious food, and the cait merchant brings me rare cuisine from exotic lands. I love them both, but I recently realized I've gotten flabby! Starting from tomorrow, I'm getting fit! I guess that means I can eat some extra tuna today…
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 482
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 482, there are so many skills to purr-sue!
Isla's Get Fit Journal 2
I tried to sneak in a tuna treat, but the cait warrior caught me and gave me a sharp scolding! Today she's starting me on a new training regimen to "reach the peak of beauty." I'll try my best, mainly so I can tell you about all the purr-ogress I make!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 483
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 483, my new diet replaces tuna with peas!
In the town of I'cirlo to the west, people who are in trouble and don't know what to do are called "lost alpacas." The citizens of I'cirlo know to never ignore a lost alpaca, because it can turn into a rampaging alpaca in a single meow-ment!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 484
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 484, I shouldn't drink wine anymore!
The cait warrior is so graceful on the ballroom floor! She can lead her partner well enough to make even the clumsiest cait look like a ballerina. I'm always so im-purr-essed by her… I only hope I can guide you half as well on your journey!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
0 notes
scholarlycait · 4 months
✦ Letters from a Cait Scholar: Days 477-480 ✦
Day 477
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 477, is the adventuring economy in a recession?
The best thing about traveling is trying new foods along the way. If you ever find yourself fatigued from battle, stop by a nearby town and see what they have on offer. The cuisine of a place informs you of its history and culture in a way that books never can!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 478
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 478, my bookshelves can't stay straight!
It's time to learn more about the many jobs of Orsterra! This time I'll tell you about being a bard.
Bards write poems and compose songs. The cait merchant told me that sometimes they get ins-purr-ation from the sounds of nature. It must be nice to step outside and be inspired!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 479
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 479, a cait can't be confined!
Nowadays everyone likes cheese, but did you know its creation was a mistake? Someone accidentally left goat milk outside fur too long and came back to cheese! That must be why they say failure is the foundation of success. Yesterday I burnt the fish I was cooking, but I'm sure that means next time I'll cook something amazing… right?
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 480
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “You made it to day 480, and your horizons continue to expand greatly!
The first step to finding the path to happiness is to walk dozens of di-fur-ent roads. That will give you the confidence to walk fur-ward without fear. Trust your own judgment and forge a path all your own!
P.S. Every journey needs to be funded, and I've packed more Rubies than usual in this letter so you can keep searching fur happiness!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×30
0 notes
scholarlycait · 4 months
✦ Letters from a Cait Scholar: Days 473-476 ✦
Day 473
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 473, so many letters without a wrong addressee!
Have you ever tried speaking with the messenger cat? If you listen care-fur-ly, you can tell his mood from the sounds he makes. When he's in a good mood, he purrs deeply, but when he's mad, his purr is a higher pitch. I purr when I'm happy, too—the sound comes from deep within my stomach!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 474
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 474, as long as you're around, I'll never be bored!
Sandworms loosen the ground under the feet of approaching enemies so they get sucked under the soft earth. Sometimes when I'm absorbed in writing a paper, I don't want anyone to interrupt my flow, and wish I could become a sandworm to keep people away!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 475
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 475, I want to see the world with my own eyes!
Recently I reread a story I first read ten years ago. I realized that an old man who appeared to be against the purr-otagonist was actually acting in their best interests. The messages a reader can take away from a piece can change drastically depending on their purr-spective—I might even come away with a di-fur-rent take if I reread the story again in ten more years. I hope you'll still be around fur me to share my thoughts with!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 476
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 476, my back has an itch!
It's time to learn more about the many jobs of Orsterra! This time I'll tell you about being a tourney announcer.
An announcer has to keep the tourneys interesting and the audience at the edge of their seats. They have to do careful research about the combatants' abilities and know exactly what to say to get peoples' blood flowing. It's an exhausting job, so they often carry a pack of nuts around fur emergencies.
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
0 notes
scholarlycait · 4 months
✦ Letters from a Cait Scholar: Days 469-472 ✦
Day 469
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 469, ask me fur anything and I won't decline!
Children sing a special song so they can remember the days of the week. It goes like this:
On Lightsday the week begins, On Windsday we sing our hymns, Levinsday often brings the rain, But Firesday makes us dry again, Save the embers for Frostsday is cold, Then Darksday brings the rest that we're owed
Try singing along!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 470
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “You made it to day 470, and I'm going to tell you about a dream that's been haunting me!
It starts with the cait warrior talking to me like I'm the cait hunter. I get confused, so I look in the mirror and to my horror see that my face has been replaced by the cait hunter's! I scream and wake up in fear, only to open my eyes to the cait hunter's face right in front of me!
P.S. I've sent you even more Rubies than usual ― I hope my generosity helps me sleep at night.” Received Item(s): Rubies ×30
Day 471
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 471, I've been learning how to punch!
The Cliftlands are the largest purr-oducer of rock salt in Orsterra, but the Frostlands are the largest consumer. They have to use a lot of salt to preserve their food, and that salty food helps keep their bodies warm. See, sometimes I have to fur-nish you with knowledge, or else you might fur-get I'm a scholar!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 472
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 472, do you know what caits like to chew?
The cait hunter got really fur-ious with me because I wasn't cleaning my room, but eventually he helped me get everything tidy. He looks like a meanie on the surface, but eventually he helped me get everything tidy. He looks like a meanie on the surface, but deep down he's a sweetheart. …Oh no! He saw what I was writing, and now he's mad at me again. I guess he's shy, too.
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
0 notes
scholarlycait · 4 months
✦ Letters from a Cait Scholar: Days 465-468 ✦
Day 465
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 465, only the strongest survive!
Today I read a fascinating story while I was taking a break. It was about a cait pauper who makes a series of shrewd trades and ends up living in a luxurious castle. Life in a castle sure does sound paws-some, but as long as I can eat fish and read lots of books, anywhere is fine fur me! I guess that means I don't need to change a thing!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 466
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 466, every new adventure comes with risk!
Lately I've been feeling lazy and lacking motivation. I find that it helps to write down what you need to do and then post it on the wall! …But then I look at all the things on the wall and get sooo tired… Time fur a catnap!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 467
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 467, to me you'll never be second!
Isla's botany class is back in session! Today's topic is snow crystals. Found most commonly in the Frostlands, snow crystals only bloom on the most fur-igid of days. Their rarity means that people clamor to pick as many as they can, and there are fewer and fewer snow crystals to be found every year. If you see someone hoarding snow crystals, give them a trouncing fur me!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 468
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 468, you have great taste!
Have you tried purr-forming at the Theatre of Memories yet? The most im-purr-tant thing to remember when acting is to be yourself and don't let stage fur-ight get the best of you. I find that the best way to overcome fear is to shout in a loud voice, so repeat after me: Purr- sistence! Purr-spicacity! Purr-fection!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
0 notes
scholarlycait · 4 months
✦ Letters from a Cait Scholar: Days 461-464 ✦
Day 461
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 461, I've been learning to make buns!
It's not every day that you meet a legend, but I'm sure you've come across more than most during your journeys. Orsterra thrives on legends, and I'm paws-itive that in the future, people will tell tall tales of your deeds.
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 462
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 462, I think I dropped a few screws!
Some think that carrying cait whiskers around will bring great fur-tune. This has caused people to go around cutting off our whiskers, and I've had quite enough! If having cait whiskers made you rich, I'd have a billion leaves by now!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 463
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 463, my loyalty is guaranteed!
They say dragons hatch from eggs. A good, uh, fur-end of mine once kept a regular chicken egg warm, hoping that a dragon would come out. They kept saying the chick that hatched was a dragon, and even named it "Platinum Wings." Oh, I get so embarrassed when I remember that… embarrassed fur my fur-end, of course!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 464
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 464, have I used this rhyme be-fur?
There are all sorts of interesting jobs in Orsterra. Tourney organizers have to find the most fur-ocious gladiators and give them a chance to shine in the arena. They tend to get so absorbed in their work that they size up every purr-son they meet, judging whether or not they have what it takes to be a champion. I can't wait to do more research about what other jobs are out there!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
0 notes
scholarlycait · 5 months
✦ Letters from a Cait Scholar: Days 457-460 ✦
Day 457
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 457, every day I thank the heavens!
Most of the books in the archives are written in the language of ancient Hornburg. Being a scholar, I can read most of them, but every once in a while I come across obscure words that even people in the ancient age would have a hard time understanding. I guess my learning will go on fur-ever!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 458
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 458, you and I can really relate!
Do you know what time it is? Isla's pop quiz time! Berecain is known for which of these?
The Royal Academy
Hot springs
Deserts of white sands
Here's a hint: magma! Can you figure it out? Hehe, I'll give you some time to think about it, but I'm not waiting fur-ever!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 459
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 459, books are like food fur the mind!
Did you figure out the answer to my quiz? Berecain is famous fur #2, hot springs! That's why the people of the ancient Kingdom of Bernstein were known fur their radiant skin.
In case you were wondering, the Royal Academy is in Atlasdam and deserts of white sands are in Sufrataljah, the domain of the Detof—but that's a story fur another letter!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 460
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “You made it to day 460! Be-fur you know it we'll be at day 500… nifty!
500 days of travel… that's a feat that Orsterrans everywhere will hold in awe. If you ever get interviewed, don't fur-get to mention my paws-ome support.
P.S. To show you just how much I care, I've packed this letter to the brim with Rubies!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×30
0 notes
scholarlycait · 5 months
✦ Letters from a Cait Scholar: Days 453-456 ✦
Day 453
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 453, how many Rubies will you get from me?
Have you ever heard this song that scholars love to sing? It goes…
I love to talk and talk and talk 'Cause mysteries take time to unlock But if I don't force myself to sleep Be-fur long the sun will be at its peak!
Well, maybe only I like to sing it, but I think it's pretty good! What do you think?
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 454
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 454, you should hear my new score!
Whenever you think the worst has come to pass, don't fur-get it can always be worse… Like right now, some fallen books… are crushing me… That's the worst. But no matter how bad it gets… I'll never miss my letter to you… I'm a-meow-zing, aren't I…?
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 455
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 455, can you believe I survived!?
Sorry about my last letter. You must have been purr-etty worried, huh? Luckily, the cait warrior and cait hunter arrived just in the nick of time and saved my life! The cait hunter gave me an earful fur not keeping my books organized. Oh, they were so mad. Maybe I should tidy up after all…
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 456
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 456, these books can be as heavy as bricks!
Do you know the origin of the region name Berecain? "Ber" comes from the ancient kingdom of Bernstein, and "cain" apparently means "volcano" in an ancient tongue. Each part of the name has a special meaning and history in-fur-ming it!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
0 notes
scholarlycait · 5 months
✦ Letters from a Cait Scholar: Days 449-452 ✦
Day 449
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 449, by now our fates are intertwined!
I know this might seem sudden, but I want to tell you about my dear fur-iends. First, a purr-fectionist gourmand to whom money is no object, the chubby cait! Second, a softspoken cait of class and refinement, the cultured cait! We all came from dif-fur-ent backgrounds, but I couldn't ask fur a better group of companions!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 450
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “You made it to day 450, and I'm as happy as a kitten!
Time flies faster than a loosed arrow, and that's because you approach every day ready with the same passion as the last! No doubt there are many more trials ahead of you, but I believe that you'll always find a way to move fur-ward!
P.S. I've packed this letter with even more Rubies than usual, and I hope they bring you far!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×30
Day 451
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 451, no matter how old I am, my heart will stay young!
Fur every country that's born, another sinks into obscurity. Such is the march of history. If you come across the name of a fur-gotten nation in your journeys, I want you to stop fur a bit and contemplate the past. That's how we mourn the passage of time…
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 452
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 452, friendship is like glue!
Many ceremonies are overseen by the Order of the Sacred Flame. Their purr-iests officiate weddings, where the bride and groom make oaths to the Twelve. The oaths are dif-fur-ent depending on the region, but they all basically mean the same thing: married couples must vow to tackle obstacles together!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
0 notes
scholarlycait · 5 months
✦ Letters from a Cait Scholar: Days 445-448 ✦
Day 445
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 445, I hope we never have to say our goodbyes!
The children of Orsterra love to play pirates, and of course the most paw-pular role is captain! Boys and girls alike purr-tend they're sailing the high seas, and when adults tell them to calm down, they say "Avast, kraken on the starboard bow!" and run away! Oh, to have the imagination of a child again…
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 446
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 446, we're together in this!
Remember how I wrote about how Orsterran children love to play pirates? Well, there's another make-believe game that's become paw-pular recently: playing [BAND NAME]! That's right, children everywhere are taken with your deeds. I'm so purr-oud to be your fur-iend!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 447
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 447, you'll never come in second!
There are more than a few people who feel guilty if they aren't purr-ductive during Darksday. But they don't realize that resting is a form of purr-oductivity as well, and a purr-sonal favorite of mine! Remember to relax guilt free on your days off!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 448
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 448, no path is entirely straight!
I've heard that some people were curious about my shopping habits, so I've decided to share them with you! Whatever the messenger cat can't carry, I ask the cait merchant to buy fur me. I've written about him be-fur, but he has impeccable taste, and always buys me the best!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
0 notes
scholarlycait · 5 months
✦ Letters from a Cait Scholar: Days 441-444 ✦
Day 441
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 441, this letter comes to you with love!
Some people like their clothes made from sheep wool, while others prefer alpaca wool. Sheep wool is purr-fect for retaining heat and repelling sweat, and its flexibility makes it suited fur children and people who purr-form hard labor. Alpaca wool is smooth and doesn't form furballs easily, making it simple to maintain. It's quite popular with elegant ladies. Which wool is fur you?
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 442
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 442, I love to wake up early and see the dew!
I still do my meow-velous exercises every once in a while, but recently I've been doing some new training I like to call "fur the family workouts." I start by sticking my paws out in fur-ont of me and then… punch, punch, punch! Paws of furry! This cait can split bricks! …Phew, now I've worked up a sweat.
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 443
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 443, I hope you've been saving your Rubies!
I'm sure you've seen people playing cards in Orsterra's taverns. While there are many games that use cards with pictures of swords and staves on them, the most common is to compete with hands of five. The game is all about bargaining and bluffing, and to be fur-midable at it, you have to be cool and composed—like me!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 444
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 444, I'm really strengthening my core!
This day has three 4's in a row! In the eastern countries, this would be considered terribly un-fur-tunate, but I think all the best things come in fours! Four kings, four horsemen… I told this to the cait hunter and they just laughed and called me simple as a kitten.
Anyways, the next time we'll have three numbers in a row is day 555! I can't wait!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
0 notes
scholarlycait · 5 months
✦ Letters from a Cait Scholar: Days 437-440 ✦
Day 437
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 437, I've been practicing my im-purr-essions!
I heard that the chubby cait has a hundred dif-fur-ent capes! That's a-meow-zing! But every time I see them, it feels like they're wearing the same one… It's not something I can really bring up.
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 438
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 438, I wonder if traveling instincts are innate?
As the old saying goes: "Good medicine is bitter to the mouth." The best medicines rarely have the best flavor, so most children hate taking them. You could try giving it to them with syrup or mixing the medicine into their favorite foods… Just be creative! It's times like these when an apothecary's knowledge really shines.
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 439
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 439, don't drink too much wine!
The chubby cait said that each wine should be drunk from a di-fur-ent glass because scents spread dif-fur-ently… or something like that. They know so much about wine! I usually just drink the cheapest wine I can buy from whatever glass I find lying around!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 440
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “You made it to day 440, and I'm purr-oud to be part of your team!
The messenger cat tells me you're getting more im-purr-essive by the day. If I keep writing these letters, maybe some day I'll be as a-meow-zing as you are. Get ready for a flood of letters written with even more love than be-fur!
P.S. I'm turning this new leaf by filling this one with even more Rubies than usual!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×30
0 notes
scholarlycait · 7 months
✦ Letters from a Cait Scholar: Days 433-436 ✦
Day 433
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 433, my desk is full of debris!
The fact that the most beautiful rose has thorns and the purr-ettiest bugs can be covered in poison is a lesson to never be deceived by appearances. And this lesson will save your life! I was reminded of this wisdom the other day when I bit into some a-meow-zing looking dumplings that were actually filled with spicy peppers! Oh, I can still barely feel my tongue…
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 434
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 434, my tongue is still sore!
Some towns have merchant guilds, and anyone who wants to start a business there has to report to them fur a certificate. It's a bit of a hurdle, but it's an im-purr-tant step in maintaining the public order.
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 435
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 435, every day is a new prize!
I've heard that a cait can tell what's wrong with their body by rubbing the pads at the bottom of our paws. I asked one of my cait friends who's good at massages to do it, and they said my eyes need rest, so today I'm relaxing with Isla's Eye Mask, a purr-oduct of my own invention!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 436
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 436, torn pages make me wince!
Have you ever heard of Berecain village? It's a secluded settlement deep in the Highlands, where it's rumored that the descendants of a bygone kingdom guard ancient secrets. Doesn't that pique your curiosity? See, sometimes being a scholar comes in handy!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
0 notes
scholarlycait · 7 months
✦ Letters from a Cait Scholar: Days 429-432 ✦
Day 429
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 429, the smell of books is divine!
I'm going to share a story with you that's a little embarrassing... when I was young I used to be afraid of taking things for granite. I thought they would turn to stone! I also used to write "fur all intensive purposes" in my early essays. When I found out what the correct phrases were, I was too embarrassed to leave my room fur days!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 430
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “You made it to day 430, and this time I promise not to be wordy!
I really enjoy thinking about what I'm going to write to you every day. Remember that Isla's eye is always watching over you, and that I love [BAND NAME] with all my heart!
P.S. I've sent you more Rubies than usual to show you just how much I care!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×30
Day 431
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 431, if you're ever feeling uncertain, just take the plunge!
As you know, I've been the conductor of the Cait Combo (I just named them now) fur some time now. During one of our practices, the cait warrior jumped on stage and started swinging her sword around like a baton! The other band members fell in love with her elegant sword strokes, and now I'm worried my days as conductor might be numbered!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 432
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 432, burnt fish is so hard to chew!
Remember yesterday when I wrote that I was worried the cait warrior would try to usurp my position as conductor? Well, it turns out, they only did that because they wanted to give me a chance to rest. I'm sorry I ever doubted her… From now on, we've decided to have her conduct the fast and fur-ious songs, while I conduct the more relaxing tunes!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
0 notes
scholarlycait · 7 months
✦ Letters from a Cait Scholar: Days 425-428 ✦
Day 425
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 425, a good book really makes me feel alive!
Some herbs aren't toxic on their own, but can become quite dangerous when combined with other herbs. You should be careful to only take medicines that have been purr-operly prepared by an apothecary. This tip comes to you from the chubby cait, who once ate two dif-fur-ent herbs be-fur developing a terrible tummy ache!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 426
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 426, don't let your travels get mired in politics!
It's time fur another of Isla's pop quizzes! What is Auguste the Playwright's favorite phrase?
For the family!
Nothing is impossible!
The answer... will be in my next letter! What, did you think I'd just give it to you?
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 427
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 427, the road ahead beckons!
And now, the long-awaited answer to my previous question... It was option 1: "Marvelous!" If you got it wrong, you are certifiably not marvelous. Now you can use the phrase next time you're surprised by something beautiful or fantastic!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 428
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 428, rhymes don't always have to be ornate!
Thanks to the exercise regimen taught to me by the cait warrior, my core has gotten a lot more paw-erful! When I was trying to get a book on a high shelf, I climbed on top of a chair to reach, and the messenger cat jumped right on me! But thanks to my strong core, I was able to keep my balance and grab the book without falling over.
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
0 notes