scar-vio-duo · 4 days
❤️- What is your sexuality/identity??
🧡- How did you find out that you were LGBTQ+??
💛- Who is/was your number one supporter in your journey of self-discovery??
💚- Is there any Pokémon you feel specially connected to when it comes to your sexuality/identity??
💙- Any plans for pride??
💜- What are some stereotypes of your sexuality/identity that you could fit into??
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scar-vio-duo · 17 days
Then I guess you have to run a campaign?
One of my friends found my D&D books and now they want me to run a campaign.
What do I do now I can't just say no.
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scar-vio-duo · 20 days
I mean... You're not exactly subtle.
Donna you're not subtle either lmao but yeah
Tho if anyone is actually being fucking obnoxious about it that's stupid as hell cause like its not their arcdamn business to begin with :/
Man, does it have to be so weird for a high schooler to have a crush?? Why do so many people have to tease me about it??? I hate it...
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scar-vio-duo · 21 days
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L + ratio + skill issue
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scar-vio-duo · 21 days
Mmm... certainly possible, yeah. But not certain so I'd just keep on the lookout for someone asking about a stolen egg rather than just assume it's stolen.
Because there's as much a chance it's not stolen as much as it could be, right?
Vista has been acting very strange ever since returning from Paldea. She's snappy in a way she isn't normally, and is still refusing to release the rattle she apparently stole from, presumably, a Tinkatink.
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scar-vio-duo · 22 days
Evelyn certainly thinks so. Or something like that.
Stfg you made like a wish to Jirachi or buddied up with a Victini and never fucking told me how do you keep doing this
I swear I don't KNOW--
Oh no...
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scar-vio-duo · 22 days
Neither? I think? It's more of a "it happened again" oh no.
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Oh no...
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scar-vio-duo · 22 days
Oh no...
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scar-vio-duo · 22 days
They shouldn't refuse a small Pokemon, and they definitely can't refuse a therapy or emotional support one. I have a Sunflora for such purposes.
do u think my uni will support me getting an esp (emotional support pokemon) because oh my god I cannot stand being here without a little guy. I’ve tried bringing my pokemon into my dorm and they’ve refused without a form from a therapist or anyone and it’s like bro PLEASE
at this point I might get a Treecko or Tododile just to hide the fucker from everyone. I might make them a tiny sanctuary. ugh
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scar-vio-duo · 25 days
Hey bitches
It's mother's day and my mom's actually p chill sometimes so I'm here to tell you guys to go buy stuff from her cause she's like a really fucking good baker
Runs a small bakery in Levincia called The Honeydew and she's doing one of those fucking holiday specials for anyone who comes in so GO THERE AND BUY SHIT
...and maybe tell her she's good at her job too cause that's nice or whatever
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scar-vio-duo · 29 days
I've never seen anyone shoplifting a single day in my arcdamn life ;]
Remember blokes-
If ya ever see somebody shopliftin'-
No ya didn't.
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scar-vio-duo · 29 days
17. Does your muse pour milk before cereal or cereal before milk? for both
CEREAL FIRST OBVIOUSLY??? Why would you ever do milk first that's fucking weird??? I don't even really eat cereal and I know this!!!
... But if you put milk first then the cereal doesn't get soggy and the milk doesn't get all weird? Not that I eat cereal much anymore but-
Donna. You're supposed to be the really smart one here. What the FUCK.
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scar-vio-duo · 29 days
5. What does your muse normally wear? for both
Oh uh, here? In Paldea? I normally wear the school uniform because... y'know, you're supposed to. Not that I wouldn't want to wear something else but uhh... it might be hard to find here. Long story...
Whatever the fuck I want to? Why do you even want to know? Its none of your arcdamn business anyway! ...but Donna will get on my case if I don't give an actual answer so fucking FINE!!! I like leather. I got this nice jacket that I just put an academy pin on and voilà, it technically passes dress code and they can't fucking bother me about it :)
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scar-vio-duo · 30 days
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TIDBITS HEADCANON PROMPT - For multimuse blogs, please specify muse.
How does your muse relax?
Is your muse a good kisser?
Describe your muse’s ideal holiday.
What does your muse wear to sleep?
What does your muse normally wear?
What is your muse’s earliest memory?
Describe how your muse greets others.
Describe what education your muse has.
What plans does your muse have for the future?
What physical trait is emphasized on your muse?
Is your muse good or bad at learning new things? 
What type of music does your muse enjoy listening to?
Would the muse get along with the mun? Why/why not?
What type of music does your muse not enjoy listening to?
What would your muse describe as ‘comfortable clothing’?
Does your muse enjoy snacking? What do they snack on?
Does your muse pour milk before cereal or cereal before milk?
Does your muse prefer to be in the company of others, or alone?
How does your muse sit? Do they take up space, or keep to themselves?
Describe your muse’s nighttime/whenever they get ready for sleep routine.
If your muse were to go on vacation, what would be the first thing they packed?
Is your muse a breakfast person? If yes, what do they normally eat for breakfast?
What is your muse’s ideal environment (e.g. big city, forest, mountains, desert, e.t.c.)?
If social media existed in your muse’s universe, would they be on it? Which plattform/s?
What is your muse’s opinion on gossip? Do they ever gossip, encourage it, discourage it?
What is the first thing your muse does in the mornings? Bonus: Describe their morning routine.
Does your muse pour milk/sugar in warm beverages (e.g. coffee/tea/e.t.c.), or prefer them plain?
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scar-vio-duo · 1 month
Uh. Hi. Not to butt into a conversation but um...
Zweilous are as blind as Deino, so they largely rely on scent and sound to get around. What I did with Galatea when she evolved was sit in front of her and let both heads investigate me. The brain hemispheres basically have their own head each, so they process the same information differently per head as to construct a full picture. However, the heads have a hard time recognizing each other, so try to keep both heads equally occupied with the same thing to prevent sensory overload, while also making sure they don't bump into each other and mistake the other head for an enemy.
Well shit.
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scar-vio-duo · 1 month
I say go for it! What about you Ev?
Oh fuck yeah go for it!!!
Hmm...I have an inquiry for all of thee.
Would any of thou be intrigued by the prospect of me sharing some of mine early drafts of the attire worn by Team Star?
I was rather surprised by the amount of praise I hath seen toward my pieces for Team Star by those outside of it and felt...ah, to Distortion with it, why not disclose some of my old notes? A glimpse inside the process of sorts!
Only if thou wish to see them, of course!
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scar-vio-duo · 2 months
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(I love that Director Clavell just runs like a fucking track star for no reason like he's the last person you'd expect it from but he bolts the fuck out of there when he needs to)
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