sassella · 5 years
.... Oh boy, Taka you took the words out of my mouth. XD
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😂😂 Ayato is definitely freaking up.
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sassella · 5 years
So supportive, I can't even
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😂😂 I never expected them fighting over to be the witness but is nice to have friends feeling happy for their wedding.
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sassella · 5 years
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Pffft, lecturing Eisuke is pretty much Soryu's thing now.😂
Story: Kissed by the Baddest Bidder: A Midsummer's Infatuation: Eisuke
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sassella · 5 years
Chok- I mean dam what are they gonna do with the laces ;)
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マスカレード・キス〜危険な駆け引き〜・Masquerade Kiss
VIP ルーム
Deja-vu Night
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sassella · 5 years
Holy- Hallelujah
Eisuke, This is only season 2!! Ndskwkwka
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I feel like, in season 2, Eisuke was being very lovey dovey with MC compared to other seasons. I mean he is very lovey dovey now, but in a different way.
Well… so… Eisuke and MC actually made love ALL day long.
….I shouldn’t be surprised tbh 😂😂😂. Again, the power of mc turning Eisuke on.. he cant control it.
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sassella · 5 years
I died
When you see Nack already smashing Lucia and you haven’t even kissed your Lucy yet
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sassella · 5 years
Fuck i laughed more than I should've had
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well, he’s not wrong
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sassella · 5 years
Omg, while others has only one child except for Ayato. THIS IS SO CUTE !!
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大人の初恋、はじめます・My Last First Kiss
Season 5
北見隆宗・Takamune Kitami
Twins and a little boy for Taka! Not exactly sure about their names but for the one in green ribbon it can be Anna or Kyouna.  As for the one in orange it can be Kyouri, also Anna, Ari, Anri, or Airi. Kyouna and Kyouri or Anna and Anri sounds nice to me. And the little brother can be Makoto, Minori, or Minoru. Love his big family!
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sassella · 5 years
So I put my favorite opening of Haikyuu on Shirogane playing volley!
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sassella · 5 years
Reigen has an “official” website
Y'all there’s already an official website for Spirits & Such Consulting im not kidding.
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You can even submit your consultations to the website and here are my favorites:
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sassella · 5 years
Contact Voltage about Love Choice complaints
Hi guys,
Not gonna beat around the bush. I too hate the idea of the Love Choice system, so for those of you who want to contact Voltage directly, I’ve written us a handy dandy standard email, it may require some formatting in terms of paragraphs and of course you can add or take away from it, but the main complaints we seem to have are listed:
To whom it may concern,
I am writing today to express my dissatisfaction with the announcement that your new game, Masquerade Kiss, will be released as a Love Choice title,
When this system was released, a large portion of the international fan base was clear that this was not something we desired, to which you responded reassuring us that Love 365 was going to remain a mainly pay to pay application. This release of Masquerade Kiss under this model strongly suggests that you are going to follow the Japanese application, under which all new main stories are on the Love Choice system, if this is the case then you’ve been dishonest to your fans and has shaken our trust in you considerably.
The Love Choice system is distinctly a freemium model, and I shall explain to you why this is not received well by the fandom:
1) Firstly, the waiting. One of the most attractive thing about your stories is the ability for those who are short on time to be able to purchase a story and read through it at their own leisure. Love Choice’s requirement for you to wait to read the next chapter breaks the immersion that your writers create, and if you are a free to play customer, by the time the next chapter has been unlocked, you are having to remind yourself of previous events in the story. It ruins the flow of the story and makes it hard to follow.
2) The choices within Love Choice stories are clearly labelled as to which choice is preferred by the love interest. This blatant signposting removes an element of personality in the game, as rather than considering which option you would be more likely to choose yourself, you’re only thinking as to the cost of the choice, and whether or not it is worth the investment of hearts. This once again breaks the immersion in the story and makes the process of reading extremely linear by making the cheaper choices redundant.
3) The cost of Love Choice you may argue is free, however I must disagree. To read a Love Choice story to the standard of your current model, with no waiting and choosing all possible options, is triple to cost of your current main stories for an arguably weaker system. Considering people read these stories for the happy endings trying to argue that this system is free is rather disrespectful.
4) The lack of ownerships over the stories. With Love Choice you have made it clear that there is no way for readers to keep the stories they have invested time and money into, unlike your current system. This means even if we have spent hearts to achieve the best ending, if we wish to re-read a story you’re still going to make us wait to experience it again, and spend ever more money if we want to read it in one sitting. Only allowing ownership through ‘Collector’s Edition’ campaigns is highly unfair to your fans, as this means that those who don’t have to the time or money, and new fans will miss out on this chance.
5) If the Love Choice system is implemented as it is appearing it will be, it will make the ‘Monthly Pass’ redundant. The pass system is quite restrictive as it in, however in making main stories Love Choice it removes a large portion of the 400 coin value stories. This suggests you are either going to increase prices once again for coin purchases, which will not be well received, or that part of our money will be lost as there are fewer full price stories leading us to spending passes on cheaper ones.
6) Finally, and the most pressing complaint we have is your forcing of this system onto us. We don’t mind if you introduce more of these stories for those unable to afford the coin system, what we as paying customers are disappointed in is the fact you are not giving us the option to use the old system on these stories. This means that if there is a character or story we do wish to read, it feels as if we are being extorted into spending more on your app and aren’t valued as a paying consumer.
As a supporter of your company, your stories, your characters and the pay to play model you use, I ask you to reconsider the introduction the Love Choice system as it stands. Please don’t alienate those of us who’ve found joy in your creations and how you let us interact with them more freely through the pay to play model.
Yours Sincerely,
[Your Name],
A loyal Voltage fan
To send this to them, I would suggest using the in app customer support feature under ‘Settings and Profile’
Go forth and share! Let’s show Voltage exactly how much we detest this business model!
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sassella · 5 years
Do ppl truly understand what supporting Voltage’s new Love Choice title means for the future of Love 365 and Monthly VIP passes?
Here’s a look into what will happen if people support this new title’s main stories being Love Choice, even playing it out of curiosity. This was posted in FB and makes good points.
Why is this new LC title a bad idea to support you might ask? Lemme tell you my thoughts.
1) If we ‘try it out’ whether out of curiosity for LC or because it’s being sold to us as ‘super sexy’ compared to other titles, we will in fact be giving Voltage the green light to henceforth make every future title LC, killing our P2P app forever. They will use your ‘curiosity’ as an excuse to make every single title LC. So even if later you hate LC, it’ll be too late.
2) Playing this LC title will be, in essence, telling Voltage that we are cool with them lying to us, that we are pushovers who will look the other way, not holding them accountable for their promises. We will be showing them that no matter how many times they lie to us, we will continue to support them and their empty words. Are you ok with sending them that message, because I’m not. I think promises should mean something. In business, if you make promises to your clients, you damn well better make good on them or there are consequences.
3) If all future titles main stories are LC, we will in fact be making the Monthly Passes obsolete. 95% of us use the passes to buy new releases at a 'discounted’ equivalent. If all new releases are LC, there will be nothing to use passes on. LC can’t be bought with passes or coins.
4) Do you enjoy waiting hours between reading chapters? No? Neither do I. It breaks up the flow too much to enjoy the story. With LC, we wait hours on end to read 1 freaking chapter. Or we pay hearts to read faster. But the price of reading at our own pace is stupid high. Sound good? Not really.
5) If you want to pick the best answers and get the CGs and best ending, guess what? That’s right! More hearts! The cost of getting all these is astronomical. You’ll be paying upwards of triple or more to get the CGs, best ending and to not have to wait.
6) Do you enjoy paying for CGs and no waiting between chapters and then NOT getting to even keep the story to read again? Yup. That’s right. You want to read a LC story again? Wait again or pay up again. Sounds neat! Ohhh, but…they say they’ll give us a campaign to keep it! Which brings us to…
7) Even of you get a campaign to keep it, its limited time offer. Meaning? If you’re busy, or don’t have the money right then or whatever reasoning you have, you know life?? You miss it, you will never own it. What about anyone coming into the game later? They automatically miss out on ever owning LC stories? How’s that fair? Not to mention yet again how much money it’ll cost you to own completing the campaign in time. People complain enough about how overpriced the subs and such are. You think those are high, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
8) Sales. Or more like, lack there of. LC will never be included in sales. Might be a small point to some, but to others, it’s a big deal.
9) This is likely my biggest (in my mind). Supporting a company that feels it perfectly acceptable to lie and mistreat their customers. Voltage has a record of trying (sometimes succeeding) to do us wrong. Take for instance the SITSC issue. This company tried to force us to rebuy stories we’d already paid for, simply because they failed to update the game to be able to transfer. It was THEIR mistake. And yet they thought it was perfectly fine and good business sense to make their customers pay the price. We stuck together and put our foot down. We told them it was unacceptable. The backlash was great. And yet, what was their first ’ atonement ’? Their answer was to offer us a 'discount’ on the stories we’d already paid for. Again, thinking it was in their right to still force their clients to pay for part of their own mistake. Still, we said no. We refused their pathetic excuse for an amendment. We told them it wasn’t good enough. We stuck it out and finally they did right by us, albeit very begrudgingly. Incidentally, they did succeed in forcing us to pay for PIL stories again when they pulled that crappy trick with changing 2 of the sprites to the JPN versions, proving they aren’t above shady tactics to get more money. Are we really ok with letting them continue to do these sorts of things?
I, for one, am sick of Voltage’s lies. In a world of business, trust is a huge deal. If you can’t trust a company to keep its word, why would you continue to do business with them? If we don’t put our foot down again, they will turn 365 into a LC, F2P app.
When Love 365 first was in the making, what did they promise us? “Don’t worry! We promise it will always remain STRICTLY P2P”. They failed to keep that promise. It wasn’t even 6 months after the app opened they put in the first LC sub. The backlash was immense. What was their reply? “Don’t worry! We’re only testing it out! Only a VERY select few stories will be LC. Rest assured, Love 365 will remain MOSTLY P2P!” And now? Now they’ve broken that promise as well.
Don’t fool yourself. This title is only the start. Every. Single. New. Title. Will. Be. LC. From here on out UNLESS WE make them accountable for their promises. Stand up to them. Force them to keep their word. Teach them that in the world of business, it’s the CONSUMERS whom hold the power.
If you like waiting hours to read each chapter, paying ridiculous amounts of money to get the CGs and best endings, not being able to keep the story, and not being able to use Monthly passes on new releases any more, then by all means, support LC. But if you think Voltage should do right by us, if you believe Voltage should be made accountable for their lies and empty promises, then send them a message by not playing the new title. Don’t touch it.
We’ve seen what we can do when we stand up and stick together. We get results. We did it for SITSC, we CAN save Love 365 from becoming LC. But you need to take a stand. I, for one, am asking Voltage to honor their promises. I choose to make them accountable. Will you?
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sassella · 5 years
Right, I've read all the boys' Main Routes and I can't help but fell in love with all of them! Like when the other guys are like, "I'm happy for you." I'm like BOY DON'T DO THIS TO ME T.T
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Thank you my boys ☺️☺️☺️☺️
To Have And To Hold: Makoto
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sassella · 5 years
My heart hurts for some reason
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Thank you my boys ☺️☺️☺️☺️
To Have And To Hold: Makoto
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sassella · 5 years
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sassella · 5 years
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I’ll never get over this expression 💕
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sassella · 5 years
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Highschool Shun and Yuki.
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