sasha-at-hogwarts · 5 years
Sasha owns the “i hate sasha” hoodie and bought one for snape as a joke. snape took it and wears it when he has Sasha for potions.
i like to headcanon that mc has fans at hogwarts, and i also like to headcanon jae sells both "i love mc" and "i hate mc" merchandise so he can get money from everyone
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sasha-at-hogwarts · 5 years
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Bc she a mean dickhead.
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Thanks, man. Appreciated
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Tulip, Rowan and Penny all looking rather surprised.
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Oh shit, sorry mate.
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That Hufflepuff in the background looks really disappointed.
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I misread Karasu as Keanu and got hella confused, thinking about Keanu Reeves.
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Mum should have a capital at the beginning since she’s directing the words at her mum, since it’s her name.
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Merula was probably also the best for the space, but let’s see what happens.
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Oh, apparently I did not pick that fucking option. Rip, sorry Merula.
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Yeah, but you still picked him over the others that auditioned.
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sasha-at-hogwarts · 5 years
dog animagus or bird animagus
Probably bird? I prefer birds to dogs
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sasha-at-hogwarts · 5 years
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Oh, I think we all know what the announcement will contain.
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I sense a but.
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Eh, that’s fine.
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Dennis is a frog. All he’ll do is croak at you.
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Is this goddamn thing nearly over.
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Cool. I wonder what else she likes about Sasha.
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Maybe run around instead then
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Rowan’s there for support, gotta love ur best friend.
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Oh shit, nice. Well, Merula’s gonna be pissed.
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sasha-at-hogwarts · 5 years
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Sasha’s trying to unlock the Tragic Backstory.
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Understatement of the century. Singing is probably a Big Thing for her.
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oh fuck this is gonna get hella sad.
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ah, there it is.
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no shit, Sasha.
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Sasha’s not the type to make threats, but dismissing her seems pretty mean.
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Sasha’s a nice person, even to people who are dicks to him.
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Trying to be nice and look what happens.
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Sick, fam.
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sasha-at-hogwarts · 5 years
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Me whenever I see her appear. Her immaturity annoys me to no end.
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It’s not about deserving, it’s about putting himself out there and giving it a go. If he doesn’t make it? THat’s fine, But this is so annoying, pushing him down all the time. She’s constantly aggravating him and one day Sasha could snap.
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Exactly. Sasha’s a Hufflepuff and keeps giving her chances to back down and to not react to her jabs (for the most part), but this stuff gets old real quick and it’s been old since year 1.
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FOR FUCK SAKE, MERULA. Forcing ppl to do stuff never ends well.
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Sasha, why haven’t you reported her for this shit? You’ve got 5 years of this stuff and will have another 2 to boot. I have no time for bullies, so please fuck off.
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BUT YOU NEVER BEAT SASHA IN A DUEL, SO WHY ARE YOU TRYING? I get the trying to prove herself, it’s hard when you lose, but this just seems … ridiculous. After five years of Sasha consistently beating her in duels, it seems pointless to try and win a duel again.
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Unfortunately, big emphasis on if.
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See? I feel bad for Merula because she feels like she has to be the best of the best. She’s assumedly the best witch at Hogwarts, but that doesn’t mean she has to purposely be a dick to Sasha and try and beat him at every turn. She doesn’t have to duel him to be a better person/the better magical person.
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sasha-at-hogwarts · 5 years
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well that’s your business to decide on who is better than the rest.
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oh fuuuuuuck
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if she could make up her mind, that would be great.
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oh bugger off, why don’t you harass someone else who’s auditioning. jeez.
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fuck off for once.
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if anything, you’re making him more motivated to win the audition
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fuck off now m8
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yeah probably not
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so she must think he’s a decent singer
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sasha-at-hogwarts · 5 years
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hold the phone, tulip.
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oh for god’s sake pls no
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now you’re just making me want sasha to finish this quest properly
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oh fuck off now.
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fuck off.
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totally not done on purpose.
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i cant wait to see that happen.
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casually just drop dennis on the floor
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Literally only to please u
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sasha-at-hogwarts · 5 years
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but you’re about to?
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dude never be optimistic around snape
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ksuhvkhrf why why why just fucking run even tulip is like what the fuck 
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i can never unsee that
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I’m pretty sure there’s a backstory to all of those which is probably far more interesting than this fucking quest.
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pls i would like to know the context
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that was the most shocking part to be honest
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thanks i think.
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oh thank fuck its nearly over
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sasha-at-hogwarts · 5 years
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Not when it’s snivvy over there.
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I want to die pls stop.
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god everything i’m so scared
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oh god oh god oh god
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skksksksksksks ive never wanted to leave quicker
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snape hates everything, don’t be upset
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sasha-at-hogwarts · 5 years
Rules: bold the ones that are true and tag 15 a few people to do it.
Thanks for tagging me @danceworshiper
I’m over 5'5" // I wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo (I have 4 so far) // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas [alternative] I prefer rather unknown brands to Nike and Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during school breaks // I can do a hand stand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // my parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have/had a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of Sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least three pets
I’ll tag @cursebreakerhawk @huffleandapuffle @jack-miller-hm have fun, and feel free to not do it if you don’t want to.
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sasha-at-hogwarts · 5 years
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Oh god oh no.
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Not exactly an appropriate audience, right?
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He’s not a critic, he’s an asshole.
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I mean, you’re not wrong.
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Fucking go emo on him or something and do Do the Hippogriff
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This because it’s got the heart so you assume it’s the better option.
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It also sounds Latin.
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sasha-at-hogwarts · 5 years
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Only way Sasha’s gonna be immortalised. Aside from the never ending whispers in Hogwarts about the Curse Breaker.
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Because rock music is so similar to choir.
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Do they?
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Yeah, probably
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Isn’t Kirley mute?
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Get the gang there then.
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Oh, I think I’m going to hate this.
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sasha-at-hogwarts · 5 years
Hey, do you ship Sasha with anyone? I can't remember if you've mentioned it before
I’ve shipped Sasha with many people - mostly Rowan, Bill and Charlie. Though not Charlie anymore. Currently mostly ship Sasha with Rowan as they went to the Celestial Ball together!
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sasha-at-hogwarts · 5 years
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Uhh. What the fuck are you doing here?
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And when was that? I haven’t played the game in ages.
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And tell me why you’re so short.
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And make it emo?
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Wow, OK.
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Thanks, Orsino.
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Just what he needs.
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It’s a bit weird, especially since you didn’t ask for his permission.
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But it is kinda cool.
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sasha-at-hogwarts · 5 years
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I want a niffler.
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I have no recollection of Chester. Maybe bc he was a Prefect for another house?
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u look so emo.
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bc that was the only time he was busy. that’s gotta be dull. Sasha’s always busy.
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I would not have tagged you as a Ravenclaw.
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I mean, it’s pretty obvious to be nervous.
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Get Sasha’s friends to be an audience while he sings or something.
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I will however, immediately forget.
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Why is fancy an option? Is it for those who had him as a Prefect?
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This seems the better one. Of course there’s more to life than house points. Like trying to get a job and it never working out. (why won’t anyone employ me?)
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So Flitwick and Mrs Weasley would get along fine since I think Molly enjoys Warbeck too.
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Hopefully no-one else has been singing it at him.
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What the fuck are you doing back here?
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sasha-at-hogwarts · 5 years
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You’re his friend and probable crush. But let’s go with one of those answers.
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Maybe you can help him learn music theory 
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Bc ur the best and he loves ya
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Rowan will be a brilliant professor.
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Pls come as moral support.
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Why aren’t they sat together? Sasha looks so tiny in that huge armchair by himself.
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I have no recollection on who you know who could be in the fucking choir
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who the fuck are you.
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