sandigirl-blog1 · 7 years
Zero Waste
Lately, I have been reading a lot of depressing news about our beautiful oceans. There are stories about whales consuming 30+ plastic bags and suffocating to death, turtles confusing plastic bags for jellyfish, and drinking straws getting stuck up their noses.  Hundreds of animals are also getting caught up in plastic netting and plastic waste is washing up on the beautiful beaches of Hawaii. Does this infuriate anyone else? America alone throws away so many straws a year that they could fill Yankee Stadium over 50 times. That is billions of straws. I work in a restaurant and I see, first-hand, just how many straws humans waste. From testing a customer’s drink with a straw (which we immediately throw out after), to serving customers multiple drinks with a fresh, new straw each time, we’re putting hundreds of plastic straws in the trash each day – just from one establishment.
The truth is: our trash will out-live us all. I don't know about you, but this is not how I want humans to leave their mark on the world -- by literally killing it with plastic.  Did you know that most of the world’s oxygen comes from ocean plants? According to earthsky.org, scientists believe that 50 to 85% of the Earth’s oxygen is contributed by phytoplankton - which are tiny plants that live near the water’s surface and drift with the currents. Think of the ocean as the heart of the planet, pumping blood that distributes oxygen to all the rivers, streams, and ecosystems in between. Without the ocean, the human race and our planet would die!
All of this can seem pretty overwhelming, and you may think there’s little we can do…we’re simply consumed by plastic. But Rome was not built in a day, and there are steps we can take to lead a life where we produce less trash! It all starts with us, and what we choose to BUY! There are tons of documentaries, Ted Talks, Youtube videos, and blogs like this through which you can educate yourself about zero waste or a minimalist life style. I am going to share with you some changes I have made, that I’ve found quite simple and realistic, to help reduce my plastic footprint on this planet.
First thing’s first, stop buying plastic water bottles! Please do the world (and yourself) a favor and buy a canteen. Not only are plastic water bottles bad for your health and known to cause cancer, but they are also a HUGE factor in pollution. With so many cute canteens on the market and at your fingertips, like S’well and Hydroflask, there is no reason why you shouldn't be using one. Not only will it save you tons of money in the long run; it is healthy for everyone and our fragile ecosystem.
On a similar note as canteens, another great way to reduce your trash is to buy a reusable coffee mug. I don't know about you, but I definitely feel a ping of guilt every time I go into a coffee shop and use a plastic cup. Most of them (like Starbucks) sell adorable, reusable ones right there, and even give you a discount when you bring your own! Plus, I know I’m not the only one who has a mug obsession and can never have too many cute travel mugs.
Another thing I have incorporated into my routine is bringing my own Tupperware/ Bento Boxes for leftovers at restaurants. You can buy them on Amazon or at stores like Marshall’s or Ross, and they’re not expensive! Marshall’s always seems to have Tupperware on sale. It feels so good leaving a restaurant knowing my leftovers won’t spill in the car, will most likely keep longer and fresher in the fridge, and, of course, I am producing less trash!
Now, back to straws. I always keep my Brush with Bamboo Drinking Straws in my purse where ever I go. As soon as I order my drink, I tell the server I brought my own straw. I, then, hand it to them so they don't accidentally bring me a drink with a plastic straw in it. I have tried metal and glass straws in the past and love these ones the most. They feel more natural and don't hurt your teeth like a metal straw might.
Lets move on to shopping. When out and about, I always carry a tote bag in my car  just in case I have an impulse buy. A lot of states in America are now banning plastic bags or putting a charge on them (which is awesome!), but sometimes it’s not enough. You might be feeling lazy and buy one that you just end up tossing, so don't be caught without your tote! For groceries, produce bags and reusable jars are also a must! I found really cute produce bags shaped like different fruits on Amazon! There are so many brands to fit your individual style, so let’s make zero waste cute like I know we can. Also, do your research and shop at bulk grocery stores! A lot of stores have bulk sections for things like pasta, nuts, granola, and grains that you can store in mason jars. Jars definitely make your pantry look a lot more home-y than plastic bags and plastic bottles do.
Here's a plot twist for you. Did you know that clothing is one of the biggest forms of waste on the planet?! According to the Huffington Post, 22.3 billion pounds of clothing were thrown away in 2010. With millennials being bombarded 24/7 with ads and celebrities endorsing the latest fashion, there is constant pressure to keep up with the trends. No wonder we feel the need to consume consume consume, and to constantly impress our friends. But something that I love to do is shop at second-hand stores. I am fortunate enough to live in a city where second-hand stores, like Buffalo Exchange, keep up with the latest trends. But I have also found beautiful clothes at GoodWill for ridiculous prices -- like 3 dollars! Nothing beats the thrill of buying cute clothes for cheap and creating my own, unique styles. It is honestly a hobby and so rewarding to express yourself through clothing that you find second hand. Just walk into a store and try it; you wont regret it. And don't forget your tote bag!
Now let’s focus on personal care for a second. I LOVE beauty products but I definitely appreciate when I find something that truly works. For example, when I decided to try minimum waste, I switched from shampoo bottles and conditioners to bars. I can honestly say that I will never go back. I get my bars from Lush -- and my hair has never looked healthier, more shiny, or longer! They smell amazing and last forever -- each bar lasts 80 washes or more! Lush also has “toothy tabs” that are a great substitute for toothpaste and come in a cardboard box that can be recycled or composted. I’ve also switched from buying plastic razors that are way over priced, to a metal one that lasts a lifetime -- all you have to do is replace the blade every so often, which is recyclable!
Lastly, for feminine care, I use a reusable menstrual cup, which I love. The Diva Cup is more sanitary than using tampons or pads, and so much cheaper, as you can imagine. All you do is put it in in the morning, take it out when you get home at night, and wash it with a mild soap. It provides protection against leaks for up to 12 hours, meaing you can even sleep with them in (they have SLIM to NO chance of causing toxic shock syndrome, which we can all agree is a terrifying part of using tampons). And for all you mamas out there! -- it even comes in two different models – one designed for women under 30 years old and/or have never delivered children, and one for ladies who’ve given birth or are over 30. There are also brands like THINX who make “period-proof underwear”, which I have never tried, but I’d love to hear if anyone has or recommends them!
Like I said, Rome was not built in a day, and there are many other steps even I need to take to live a completely zero waste lifestyle, but at least it’s a start. I would love to hear your tips on zero waste and about your journey to a better future for our Earth!
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sandigirl-blog1 · 7 years
You Can’t Rush Your Healing
Today’s post is based on a song.  I know – sounds more like an assignment for my college poetry class…but wait! I guarantee that when you’re finished reading you will have gotten something out of this.
 We posted a playlist this weekend with the song “You Can’t Rush Your Healing” by Trevor Hall. For those of you who have heard the song already, in the past or because you listened to the playlist (extra brownie points for you), you know how deep it is. I’m not going to do a line-by-line analysis because this isn’t a college poetry class. But what I am going to do is tell you how the words of this song affected me and encourage you to do some soul searching of your own.
 You really can’t rush your healing, in any aspect. It’s so completely true. You can try to speed up the process and pretend you’re okay, but this rarely works and is often actually detrimental to our health. I am not a Reiki master and don’t know much about spiritual healing to be honest, so why am I trying to give you advice on the subject? I’ve recently had someone very close to me pass away – my sister. Everything I do, say, think, feel -- even the way I smell my favorite perfumes and taste my favorite foods -- has been different since that day. The day my sister died changed me forever – in ways I never thought it could.  You may have gone through a similar situation. But even if you’re trying to heal from a shitty day at work, or a conflict with a significant other, every one of these difficult times take patience, understanding, self-love, and time to do so.
 The week of my sister’s passing in October of 2016 was undoubtedly the hardest week of my life. I was very close to packing up my life in San Diego and moving back to my small hometown in western Massachusetts.  When I came back to San Diego after the services, I felt that this was not somewhere I could truly be happy anymore. I felt that I needed to be living in Massachusetts again in order to heal and help my family heal as well. But since I had just started a new job in September, I figured I couldn’t just up and leave immediately.
 Everyone kept telling me how strong I was being. I kept up with my daily life as normal and didn’t talk about it much with others. I eventually figured that I would wait to make my decision of whether or not to move back – taking it day by day (still here in SD!). I didn’t know whether I was actually being strong or trying my hardest to keep busy and not have to deal with it – but whatever I was doing seemed like enough. I became thankful that my mind was trying to heal itself instead of go into a depression that it couldn’t find a way out of.
 I may have been okay then, but it’s been catching up with me more now. It started a couple weeks ago when my boyfriend and I were joking around with each other. He was lying on the couch in a funny position and I told him he “looked dead”. Before it even came out of my mouth, I was curled up in a ball struggling to breathe from the intense wave of pain and horrible images those words had created for me. From that day on, I have started to feel the grief creep in more and more - in ways I did not expect or prepare myself for. After all, you can never truly be prepared for everything life has in store for you – good or bad. But you can learn from these things.
 What have I been learning? I’ve learned that, initially, I tend to be strong in difficult situations. Whether I do it because I want others to feel like they can lean on me, or because it’s simply the way I begin my healing process, it is something that happens. I’ve also learned that, despite being strong for myself and for others, I am allowed to be weak, too. I am allowed to feel as weak and as vulnerable and as defeated as I need to feel, in order to build myself back up again. IT’S OKAY TO NOT BE OKAY!
 You can still be the tough, strong woman you are and have a mental breakdown at the same time. You can and NEED to take time to heal from a situation that has you out of whack. You need to be patient with yourself and let your body tell you what it needs to get back on track. And you need to remember to put YOU first. I am constantly trying to please others and keep everyone in my life happy – but often I’m left feeling drained and confused about what I need and what I want. I’ve recently started to do more for myself because of this. And you know what? It’s hard. And it doesn’t happen overnight (YOU CAN’T RUSH YOUR HEALING!). But if I can do it, I know you can, too.
 Ever since hearing this song, I have also attempted to be more in tune with my spirit and with my grief. My mom has told me everyone grieves in different ways, and that WHATEVER you feel, WHENEVER you feel it, is right. It seems like something we learn in kindergarten, and we probably do – but I guess it took me 25 years for it to really sink in. I am right in the moments I feel strong and I am right in the moments I feel so weak that I can’t stand up from the pain of losing her. But no matter what I feel and when I feel it, I can’t rush anything. Just like after a break-up, or a shitty day, we all need TIME – time to reflect, time to put it all into perspective. And I’ll quote one other line in the song: “LOVE IS NEVER LEAVING”. If I babbled on too much and you only come away with one thing, let it be that line. Love surrounds you – in nature, in animals, in other humans. It is up to you to decide when and to what extent you let that love in. But it’s always there… in one form or another.
 I hope you listen to more of Trevor Hall because he has so many other amazing songs. But, more than anything else, I hope I have helped someone else see the light at the end of the tunnel of their hardships. We’re all in this together. You suffer, I suffer. You prosper, I prosper. We prosper. Love and light to everyone on this Sunday afternoon! Make this week your best yet! XOXO
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sandigirl-blog1 · 7 years
I’m home with my puppy and a glass (...or bottle) of wine tonight. Hope you’re doing whatever your soul tells you it needs this weekend <3 Thankfully, it always needs good music. Look out for our next blog post solely based on a song in this playlist! Can you guess which one?
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sandigirl-blog1 · 7 years
‘Girl of the Month’: Courtney George
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This month, we sat down with Courtney George - dedicated yogi, Reiki I certified healer, and Sandi’s newest #girlcrush. Originally from Massachusetts (and our hometown!), Courtney has been local to San Diego for about 2 years now. Driven by an innate desire to teach, share, and create, she lives a busy, adventurous lifestyle searching for new ways to expand her awareness and better the world. She is on a beautiful journey to create the life she wants for herself. Courtney embodies the very essence of a ‘Sandi Girl’, and we’re very proud to call her our friend.
Why did you decide to make the move from Massachusetts to San Diego?
I graduated from college in December 2014, then continued living in Amherst, MA for 6 more months to save up some money. My original plan for my funds was to do my 200 hour yoga teacher training in Costa Rica, and go from there. However, that same year in May, my best friend, Emma, graduated college as well. We were going through some big changes in our lives and decided to just send it to San Diego. We made the decision - and about 6 weeks later we picked up our whole lives and drove 3,000 miles across country, with no jobs, no housing, and no plans. It was quite liberating!
What do you love most about living in SD?
The lifestyle is an absolute dream come true. I love being able to bike everywhere (to work, the grocery store, yoga, the beach, etc.), endless yoga studio options, the community, the variety of delicious food options, and that there is always something to do/somewhere to explore.
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What is currently on your iTunes playlist?
My Spotify is broken into different types of yoga playlists (Lyft, Sculpt, Vinyasa, Yin, etc.) so it’s honestly a whole mixture of juicy goodness. It ranges from Rap/Hip Hop, Heavy Dub/Trap, Trance-y Electronic..to Wah! and even some chanting. It really depends what I feel like flowing / biking to; every day is different. I am heavily influenced by music, it can completely alter my mood.
How long have you practiced yoga? Why do you practice, and what are your future plans for your practice?
I’ve been practicing yoga for about 5 years now. I took a semester off from college when I was 20 years old and moved back to Massachusetts from North Carolina. It was during my time home that I really felt the mind, body, and spiritual benefits from yoga. Gillian Gorman, owner of Radiance Yoga (Pittsfield, MA), is an inspirational teacher who really shined the light for me. Ever since then, I have incorporated yoga into my daily life, its magical.
I practice to silence my mind. I’m a very type A person so my mind is always running and thinking about a thousand things at once. Yoga allows me to address my mind state, and begin to quiet it. It’s a profound mind-body experience; it’s truly empowering. Yoga is more than being flexible. It essentially helps to strengthen qualities you want, like calmness or acceptance, and weaken ones you don’t, like judgment or criticism. You really become aware of the qualities and thoughts that you are feeding, and then, with that awareness, you begin to question “do I want to feed this or not?” We practice yoga to cultivate awareness, like awareness is a muscle, because it is.
My future plans for yoga is to do my 300 hour teacher training in India. I want to learn the truest roots of real Yoga.
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What is your favorite healthy snack?
Sugar Snap Peas & Garlic Hummus / Bitchin’ Sauce (whichever ones in my fridge), a Beaming Bite from Beaming Organic Superfood Cafe, or a Perfect Bar.
Can you tell us a little about Reiki and its healing benefits?
Ah, the power of Reiki, it’s hard to put into words but I’ll try! Reiki is the higher self’s connection to the universal energy that breathes life into all living things; it is encoded into our genetic make-up. Reiki is holistic; it works on the body, mind, and spirit by stimulating a person’s own natural healing abilities. When a child, for instance, falls and hurts their knee, instinctively they place their hand on the sore spot and the pain is relieved as they unconsciously work with this energy to heal themselves. Likewise, a parent will kiss their child’s hurt or injured limb and place their hand on top. Unknowingly, both the parent and the child are working unconsciously with this healing energy. The parent sending and channeling the energy, the child receiving and drawing the energy. Does that make sense? I could go on forever about it. It is something I highly recommend everyone to experience and ideally get attuned. A full Reiki treatment reopens the chakras and re-balances the flow of the universal life force around the body.
Who have some of your biggest influencers been in regards to your Yoga & Reiki path since living in San Diego?
Definitely my sister, Alisha Hawrylyszyn Frank, Christina Chambers, Desiree Crossman and Hailey Young (my 200 hr teachers). Everyone from my 200 hr and Sculpt TT honestly. Such an incredible group of people I’ve been blessed to practice, teach, and learn with. My best friend, Paige Demerer, Whit Helena, and all of Buddhi Yoga, Reach Yoga and CorePower Yoga’s teachers and community.
What is your morning ritual?
I’ve been working on waking up early. I had a yoga teacher/workout enthusiast tell me, “no one is a morning person, you just have to fucking get up”. I know it sounds simple, but most mornings I wake up and question whether I want to sleep just a little bit longer. It can be a battle. I don’t give in, I make myself get up, stretch, drink water, and listen to “Unbroken” - it’s a motivational speech video that can be found on YouTube. Then I’m off to a yoga class, whether it be an ass kicking sculpt class or a vinyasa slow flow (or both).
What are the three main philosophies you live by?
1. Life’s about finding a balance.
Whenever you label yourself as something or another, it restricts you a whole lot. I focus on what ignites my being. Sometimes that’s green juices, tea, a good book and then going to bed early. And other times, it could be eating tacos, drinking tequila, and staying up all night partying with friends. It’s your life, do whatever makes YOU happy.
2. We are far more powerful than we believe.
Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually - and I think we all need to recognize that in order to grow.
3. Trust your intuition.
As Steve Jobs said, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever - because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well worn path and that will make all the difference.”
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What are you currently reading?
Tools of Titan by Timothy Ferris and Journey into Power by Baron Baptiste (again).
What is the greatest piece of advice you have received and by whom did you receive it?
Bryan Kest held a workshop at Buddhi Yoga a few weeks ago, he was laying down all sorts of advice. A few quotes that stood out to me would be..
“You have to discover yourself every fucking day, because you change every fucking second.”
“There’s people out there who aren’t going to fit what you want them to do. You judging them is only poisoning yourself.”
“Whatever you are attached to will be taken away from you, the more attached you are, the more you suffer.”
“People bring their shit to yoga and turn yoga into shit.” To elaborate more, Kest was saying how countless amount of people show up to yoga and bring all their baggage with them onto the mat and throughout the practice. That is literally the opposite of yoga. The point of yoga is to stop the movement of your mind. The only thing one should focus on is their breath.
What do you have booked for future travels?
So far, I’m going to enjoy a nice little vacation in Cabo, Mexico soon. Hitting up Tahoe for spring skiing and then I’ll be heading back home to MA for the summer. I booked a one-way ticket to Bangkok in October with my girl, Ali Birnbaum. From there, we are going to backpack SE Asia, Australia and New Zealand. We have a ton of spots and goals we want to conquer, but we’re definitely going with the flow for most of it. It’s going to be an unreal trip that I’m incredibly grateful I get to experience. I’m really looking forward to it!
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Follow Court’s moves and future travels on Instagram! @courtneylgeorge
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sandigirl-blog1 · 7 years
For your listening pleasure today and all of the days. Have a beautiful weekend! -Love, Sandi Girl
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sandigirl-blog1 · 7 years
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The spiritual act of meditation has changed over the last decade.  It does not require a complete lifestyle change and science has proven the benefits of meditation could be useful for everyone. This ancient art is practiced by spiritual leaders, monks, hippies, NFL players, US Marines and even by Oprah.
It’s easy to start your practice and there are enormous benefits to doing so, such as increased positive emotions, increased life satisfaction, proven boosts to your immune function and decreased pain and inflammation. Research shows meditation increases memory and improves attention. It boosts your social life and increases social connection. It can generate helpfulness and increase resilience during periods of hardship. So what’s stopping you from taking 10 minutes out of your day to create all of this for yourself?
Some things that work for me, and to keep in mind while practicing meditation are:
 Setting An Alarm: To start out, set a timer for 10 minutes. Worrying about how long you have been sitting is a major distraction for new meditators.  Setting an alarm allows you to focus on your breath and you’ll know you are done when the timer goes off.
 Body Language: You want to sit in a cross-legged position in a comfortable spot on the floor with your shoulders back and chest open. Your palms should be open in your lap or lying flat on the floor with your palms facing up. You want your palms and your body to be open and ready to receive positive energy. If you sit with a slouched back or arms crossed in front of you, you feel more held back and reserved. Let your energy flow positively and easily. Open your heart.
 Breathing: Breathe deeply into your belly and try to focus on the rhythm of your breath. The reason to focus on your breath while meditating is because you are trying to block the outside world and focus on your body – the inner world. If your shoulders are moving up and down and you catch yourself breathing too fast, do not feel discouraged. Try to slow down.  Breathe in for four seconds, hold for four seconds, and release for four seconds. Soon, the rhythm will become natural.
White Light (or any color light): Try to imagine a tiny light in the center of your forehead or in front of your body. You could also imagine that your entire body is being bathed in a warm light. This is another way to focus on your inner self and silence your brain to other distractions. The goal is to expand those moments when the brain is completely still. The image of a light is a way to focus on the moment and allow your thoughts to fade away.  
Thoughts: If a thought or memory pops into your head, try to observe it and watch it drift past your conscious mind. Once it has passed, simply dismiss it by saying ‘memory’ to yourself in your head. If you hear a dog or plane outside, say ‘dog’ or ‘plane’ in your head. If you have an itch, don't itch it -- simply acknowledge it and it, too, shall pass away just as your thoughts do. Instead of becoming anxious about these things and becoming frustrated with your inner conversation, recognize these things exist so you can let them go. 
Guided Meditation: At first it might be difficult to quiet the mind.  Today’s world is full of all different kinds of stimuli. A great way to practice meditation is to listen to guided meditations found on CDs, podcasts, and meditation websites. You can find nature sounds, like waves crashing, or even music without vocals. You can find tons of great, free, guided meditations on YouTube, as well. I have provided some of my favorites below.
Lastly, time: Please. Be patient with yourself. It only takes 10 minutes a day to meditate, but give yourself some time to see benefits. After the first time you meditate you will feel a temporary bliss, like a runner’s high. This feeling may last all day, or it might last an hour. If you want that feeling to last longer, try meditating three days in a row. After a few weeks you will notice your body feels lighter, you sleep better at night, and you are happier, focused, and more energized throughout the day. The benefits are never ending. 
 ^ For creativity
^ Angels
^ For energy and procrastination (This guy has some REALLY good guided meditations!)
We invite you to share with us any meditation tips you might have and any changes you have noticed in your life that you can credit to meditation!  We can’t wait to hear from you!
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sandigirl-blog1 · 7 years
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We all know the feeling of living on a budget. I know I’m still feeling the aftermath of the holidays on my bank account. It’s also the time of year when we start booking flights for friends’ weddings, summer trips, and long weekends to the beach. Let’s face it -- we have to find ways to get creative with our money in order to make that dollar stretch as far as it can.
Whether your budget is big or small, you usually have to cut some things out to make room for necessities. But making room for necessities should NOT mean eating unhealthy foods because you can’t afford better options. That’s why we want to teach you how to REGROW five of your favorite foods at home, and reap the benefits of them for years to come. You can even grow all of these plants inside! As long as your plants can get plenty of sunlight through the window, and are well-cared for, they will flourish – and so will your wallet!
The Foods: (Listed from most simple to a bit more complicated)
1. Take one or two leftover cloves, scrape off the light outer skin, and plant
them in a cup of soil, root side down. (Your garlic cloves may have already
began to sprout if they’re old enough – plant sprout side up)
2. Place the cup in a window that will get plenty of sunlight, and water often
enough so soil stays moist.
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Source: http://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com/2015/05/11-foods-you-can-regrow-from-scraps.html/comment-page-1
3. The clove will eventually produce green leaves. Wait until these leaves
become brown and shriveled – this is the time to harvest!
4. Take bulbs out of soil and hang them to dry (this takes about a week)
5. When dry, enjoy your homegrown garlic. And don’t forget to save a clove or
two to repeat the process!
Romaine Lettuce:
1. Cut the base off the head of the lettuce so that you have about two inches to work with.
2. Place the base in a dish or small jar with about ½ inch of water. You may
need to add some rocks in order to keep it in place during regrowth.
3. Place the dish in a window that gets a lot of sun throughout the day and
change the water every couple days. You will see changes in a few days and
start to see actual roots forming in about two and a half weeks. This means
you are ready to plant in soil!
4. Keep growing your lettuce inside in a sunny window or move it into the
garden, if weather permits. Harvest when there are enough leaves for a fresh, homegrown salad.
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Source: http://healthybodynow.net/regrow/
1. Place heart of the celery in a dish of water, being sure not to submerge the
top of the heart.
2. Place dish in a place that will get plenty of sunlight. Leaves will start to grow
in a few days.
3. Change the water in the dish every couple days and spray new sprouting
leaves with water as well.
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Source: http://healthybodynow.net/regrow/
4. You are ready to transfer celery from water dish to soil when it is about 2” tall.
5. You are ready to harvest when it’s about 8” tall. Enjoy!
1. Twist or cut off the leafy top part of the fruit.
2. Place a few toothpicks into the base of the top (peel away any leaves from
the base, giving yourself about an inch to work with)
3. Submerge the bottom inch of the pineapple top in a glass of water, using
the toothpicks to balance it.
4. In a couple weeks, you will notice roots growing in the water
5. Once these roots are nice and long, you are ready to plant in soil!
6. Keep your pineapple plant in a place that will get plenty of sunlight and
remember to keep the soil moist, but not too wet.
7. It takes about 2 years for your top to produce another whole pineapple, so be patient. The better you care for your plant, the sooner it will flower!
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Source: http://www.hilaryshome.com/2015/06/26/how-to-grow-a-pineapple/
1. Cut your avocado in half, take out the pit, and peel the skin from it.
2. Distinguish the bottom from the top of the pit . The bottom has a bump and
is a bit wider than the top.
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Source: https://www.dealsplus.com/blog/how-to-grow-your-own-avocado-tree-and-save-money/
3. Insert a few toothpicks into the top of the pit so that you are able to just
submerge it (about half way) into a small cup of water, top side up
4. Place cup where it can get plenty of sunlight and change the water once a
5. In about four weeks, you will notice roots growing from the base of the pit and a stem sprouting out of the top of the pit.
6. When the stem becomes about 6″ tall, take the top set of leaves off and wait for more to sprout in a couple weeks
7. TRIM! When the sprout becomes about a foot tall, trim in half -- this encourages new growth and is a very important step!
8. Now, it’s time to plant in soil! Your avocado tree will need a large flowerpot with enriched soil. Fill the pot almost to the top with soil (leave about an inch of room at the top). Place the pit (roots down) inside, water generously, keeping soil moist.
SPOILER ALERT: Avocado trees can take 3-15 years to produce fruit. So you’ll have to be patient with this one. But it will feel AMAZING to accomplish such a task.
Now, get to growing! Email us pictures of your plants or post on Instagram using #sandigirl to be featured on our page. Send us methods for other foods you have regrown, too. We’d love to see it all!
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sandigirl-blog1 · 7 years
Happy Friday! You’ve made it through another week. Reward yourself with some feel-good tunes to keep those positive vibes flowing through your veins throughout the weekend! xoxo
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sandigirl-blog1 · 7 years
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A minimalist lifestyle can sound a bit daunting to someone who tends to get attached to things. But letting go can feel better than you ever thought. Going cold turkey from a life of crowded messes to fitting all your possessions in an RV is not what we recommend, though. Much like starting anything new, you will need to take it slow and gradually do more. A great first step to living a minimalist lifestyle is to start while traveling.
I am guilty of being the WORST over-packer in the history of air travel, and I am not proud of it. However, I haven’t been more embarrassed by it as a few weeks ago, when I was traveling back to San Diego from Massachusetts after the holidays. I was also traveling with my 90-lb dog, which didn’t make things easier. I visited my hometown for two weeks with one LARGE, canvas suitcase, over-stuffed with outfits, beauty products, and electronics I never even used while I was there. I knew I was being ridiculous packing 8 pairs of jeans when I only ever wear leggings but I kept saying to myself: “You never know what you’re going to want to wear”. We ALL say that to ourselves while packing, don’t we?
The worst part is I acquired two more suitcases worth of stuff while I was there. My epiphany didn’t happen until I got back to San Diego. I was literally waddling around the airport trying to find an outlet to charge my phone with THREE suitcases and a large furry friend in tow. I wasn’t embarrassed about how I looked, though. I was embarrassed about how I thought this was ever affordable, comfortable, or practical.
You may have guessed, but I vowed for my next trip to travel as a minimalist, and this is how you can, too:
  1.    The Suitcase
 One small bag or carry-on suitcase is definitely enough, even for long trips (roll your clothes instead of folding!). According to The Every Girl , a carry-on with a hard shell is the best option for your belongings. Soft shell suitcases don’t last as long, since they are less durable, so financially, it is smart to invest in a hard shell. Soft suitcases also stretch when over-packed, leading you to believe you have more room than you do. A smaller, lighter bag means you can take public transportation, or even walk, with ease when arriving at your destination. No need for the expense of an Uber or Lyft. You are already traveling cheaper and more eco-friendly.  
 2.    Toiletries
 -       Makeup: Don’t pack full bottles of BB cream, moisturizer, or even contact solution!  You can fit what you will need in small, reusable jars. Also, only pack makeup ESSENTIALS. You can take a step further into minimalist living and plan to go au natural during the day while site-seeing, and only wear a small amount of makeup while going out at night (or for business meetings if traveling for work).  One tube of mascara, one powder compact, your small jars of bb cream and moisturizer, and makeup remover wipes should be perfect.
 -       Hair: Most hotels still provide shampoo and conditioner; definitely take advantage of this. However, do your research. If you will not have access to shampoo, invest in a Lush cruelty-free shampoo bar. Go a step further and go for their Avocado Co-Wash Bar – a 2 in 1 shampoo/conditioner bar that saves space and money. One bar lasts for up to 80 washes! (I’ve had mine for 6 months! It works amazing and makes my hair smell and feel fresh.)
 -       Body: To save space, use the soap from your hotel or even your shampoo bar!
 -       Other essentials: I know a lot of people who simply don’t wear deodorant - and that’s awesome, one less thing to pack. But I can’t physically do it yet, and that’s OK! Lush also has natural deodorant bars. On top of this, take a portable, compact razor, a perfume stick for non-shower days, a small lip balm with SPF, and a few hair ties worn on each wrist.
 (This is not a specific list, just a guide. Think of what you NEED, and forget the rest. Tailor my guide to your specific needs and products.)
 3.    Electronics
 If traveling for work, it may be essential for you to pack your laptop or tablet. But if you can leave those at home, that’s even better. There are many apps available on your smartphone that you can benefit from while traveling. You can use FaceTime, the Kindle app, stream music and movies for the plane ride, use photo taking and editing apps, etc. For electronics, aim for just a smartphone and a portable charger! (Remember me, waddling around the airport looking for an outlet?)
 4.     Clothes
 Again, this is just a guide. Your specific clothing will depend on what climate you are traveling to, but keep this in mind: Pack items you LOVE, won’t mind wearing more than once, and items you want to be seen in – in the pictures of your trip. You can decide which pieces in your closet fit this category and then cut down even more.
 My suggestion: Pack a lightweight scarf! There are so many things you can do with a scarf. Pack your most versatile clothes. Wear your bulkiest clothing while on the plane. You can change as soon as you get there. As for shoes, again, think of where you are going and what you will NEED.
  Okay ladies, now repeat this to yourselves: If it doesn’t fit, it doesn’t go. If I will not wear it, it doesn’t go. If I will not wear it more than once, it doesn’t go. If I don’t need it, it doesn’t go.
 Although in order to downsize you may have to purchase a few things, and this seems like the opposite of minimalistic living, I think of them as investments. Investing in a few small essentials for this trip will prepare you so much for your next trip, and each one after that. My next trip isn’t until May, but you bet that I’ll be sharing even more tips and tricks then!
   Do you have more advice on how to live minimally, save space, money, and improve your well-being while traveling? Leave a comment, send us your thoughts in an email, or post a picture on Instagram using #sandigirl, and we will post our favorites! xoxo
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sandigirl-blog1 · 7 years
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There are many reasons why you should be drinking cold brew coffee, an important one being that it simply tastes better than regular drip coffee. It has a smoother, richer, creamier taste and even has a few added benefits that regular coffee doesn’t have, as pointed out by EatingBirdFood. Today, we want to share with you those benefits and show you how simple it is to make your own concentrate at home (pssst..it’s cheap)! We also found some mouth-watering drink recipes you can make with your homemade cold brew. These recipes might even motivate you to start your day a little earlier knowing you have a nice cold (or hot), creamy cup of coffee waiting for you when you wake up!
 Is cold brew coffee a better idea then drip coffee?
 It’s more alkaline. According to a study by Toddy, cold brew is about 67% less acidic than hot brewed coffee! Cold brew is good for keeping your body’s pH levels balanced and is great for the digestive system. The acidity of regular coffee can give you heartburn and can even damage the lining of your stomach. You know that immediate feeling that has you running for the bathroom sometimes after drinking hot brew? Not with cold brew coffee - just that happy pick me up!
If you are trying to watch your figure or just cut back on sugar, cold brew is your best option, since it is naturally sweeter and smoother than regular coffee. No need to add sweetener since it isn't exposed to the high temperatures that causes hot brew to taste bitter and flavorless.
Cold brew coffee can also be served hot. If you live in San Diego, you probably prefer iced coffee year round, but for those who experience cooler winters, a hot cup of coffee is essential to your morning routine. For iced coffee, just add cold water and ice to your concentrate. For hot coffee, add boiling water. It’s as simple as that!
Your homemade concoction can last in the refrigerator for up to two weeks!
 Now it’s time to make some amazing, flavorful cold brew coffee!
All you need is some ground coffee, water, a jar to put it in (a large mason jar works fine) and a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth. This recipe makes a coffee concentrate that you are going to need to dilute with cold (or hot) water, as mentioned before. 
 Place 1 1/3 C. ground coffee in a jar or pitcher and pour 4 C. cold or room temperature water over top.
Stir to combine
Cover and let sit for 8 hours (or overnight) at room temperature. 
Pour mixture over a strainer or cheesecloth into a bowl or clean jar. 
Strain a second time into storing jar and keep refrigerated. 
Enjoy your fresh cold brew all week long!  Remember to dilute the cold brew concentrate with a 1:2 ratio of concentrate:water before drinking ( 4 cups of concentrate will make up to 8 cups of coffee)
 Here are some recipes to try with your new cold brew:
 Skinny Cold Brew Coffee Protein Shake 
1 C. Unsweetened Almond Milk
1/2 C. Cold Brew Concentrate
1/2 C. Ice Cubes
1 Level Scoop Vega Essentials (Vanilla) 
 Combine all ingredients together into a blender until smooth and creamy.
This easy Almond Milk Cold Brew Coffee Latte was created by love and lemons  and sounds delicious! 
Cold Brew Concentrate
Almond Milk, or any nut milk
 Pour cold brew into ice trays and freeze over night. Make lattes by mixing the coffee ice cubes with almond milk. As the cubes melt, enjoy your latte! For a stronger latte, use more ice cubes - for a lighter one, use less. 
  GimmeSomeOven created this simple, two-ingredient, hydrating Coconut Water Iced Coffee :
Cold Brew Concentrate
Coconut Water
 Simple and tasty, dilute your cold brew coffee with coconut water with a 1:2 or 1:3 concentrate/water ratio and enjoy!
  Do you have other cold brew recipes that are too good to keep to yourself? Send us an email or Instagram a picture of you and your cold brew with the hashtag #sandigirl and we’ll share it on our page! xoxo
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sandigirl-blog1 · 7 years
How are you feeling on this beautiful Saturday morning? Whether you’ve already been on a 5 mile hike and ran errands or are still trying to find the motivation to get out of bed, put this playlist on and create the perfect day for YOU. xoxo
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sandigirl-blog1 · 7 years
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sandigirl-blog1 · 7 years
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We are SO excited to launch our official SanDi Girl logo!! Designed by our friend Erin Whitney, a freelance graphic designer from Amherst, NH, we believe it embodies elegance, professionalism, and the SanDi Girl lifestyle. Erin, who currently lives in Boston, MA, has also designed for us some BEAUTIFUL gifts for a friend’s bridal shower (one of which we’ll be posting next). She is super flexible, attentive to your visions, and her work is gorgeous! Email her today at [email protected] for your design needs :) 
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sandigirl-blog1 · 7 years
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sandigirl-blog1 · 7 years
Be humble for you are made of Earth. Be noble for you are made of stars.
Serbian proverb
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(via the-wolf-and-moon)
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sandigirl-blog1 · 7 years
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Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! We hope you can take some time today and reflect on what this holiday really means - as it’s much more than just a three day weekend. As we also approach inauguration day, keep MLK’s words in your heart. We may not all agree with everything that is happening in our country right now, but hate and violence will only make things worse. SUPPORT your loved ones - those in need. Don’t turn a blind eye. Make room in your heart for what is right. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness - only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate - only love can do that”. We’ve come too far to watch it all fall apart now. Show some love to your fellow sister, brother, neighbor, HUMAN today <3
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sandigirl-blog1 · 7 years
We’re getting through the Sunday scaries with a few of our favorite tunes! From artists like Billie Holiday to Fetty Wap, there is no specific genre that defines our taste here at SanDi Girl. Dive into our Spotify playlist and find some new favorites of your own! xoxo
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