sandersimagination · 5 years
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((Thank you! The sort-of-chibi style I decided to use for this has changed since i had initially got this one. But I’m still glad you seemed to like it and hope the new one holds to the same standards))
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sandersimagination · 5 years
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Oh? Eh, he’s chill. We sometimes get together and talk conspiracy theories when insomnia hits. At least til Sleep shows up and starts huffing about how we’re “making his job harder”, which he was already flaking on. It, surprisingly, does us all well since we actually manage to get some rest afterwards. But, you didn’t ask for a life story or anything, so in short. He’s chill, and I’d, probably die for him tbh.
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sandersimagination · 5 years
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Why of course I am. you are in the Imagination after all. It would be ridiculous to assume I wouldn’t be.
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sandersimagination · 5 years
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If I had to pick. I’d say my favorite is the apocalyptic dreams, they’re pretty sweet tbh. Least favorite thing? Probably having to deal with the Tasks I guess. Not that I have anything against them, they can just. Get a bit frustrating having them like to follow me around like lost puppies. Which will end up making them even more lost because, sense of direction? who’s she? never heard of her. And when I just wanna flop over an die they get really insistent on finishing the task they were made for before I can even do my job. Can’t a sleep deprived figment just get some rest Gurl? like jeez.
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sandersimagination · 5 years
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Hey Guys! Remy here, and no not the figment, Mod Remy. Sorry for the radio silence. The 1 year anniversary of this blog actually passed while i was MIA, and I’m sorry I couldn’t bring myself to at least doodle a little something. The reason behind it is simply a loss in motivation, due to getting tired of drawing things out on my phone and feeling like text post answers weren’t satisfactory of what I really want of this blog anymore. 
But I’ve recently gotten a drawing tablet, so I’m gonna try and pick this back up and keep with it as well as I can between getting a job and eventually having to face the hell that is furthering my education. I’m gonna try and get the few asks that have been left in my inbox this whole done today, maybe tomorrow if I don’t get drug out of the house to socialize for whatever reason. 
In the meantime though, feel free to send in any asks you might have for the figments of Thomas’s Imagination. If ask flow gets slow i’m gonna fall back to incorrect quotes to fill the void with a few doodles thrown in the mix.
Anyways, until next time guys, gals, and nonbinary pals!
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sandersimagination · 6 years
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Huh? Oh-
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No. They're just. Smol. And were steadily chanting somethin' the first few days they were here. So I just. Called 'em birbs. Cause that's what they acted like.
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sandersimagination · 6 years
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"Weeelllll. If I'm honest it'd be Heart."
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"Brain can be slow to process things. And probably wouldn't realize that Heart was throwing punches till he's already knocked out. Cause Heart is just as impulsive. If not more so. Than Brain is."
"Sleep won't be to happy he wound up missing the first ask. Speaking of where is he? He left out yesterday but I haven't seen him since."
"Beats me."
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sandersimagination · 6 years
Welp. The birbs have finally settled in it seems. Good. That means no more screaming every 10 minutes. But for some reason they like to keep following me. I don't know why. Like. Do you birbs want to get lost? Because I'll admit. I've got no sense of direction.
Speaking of. 'M actually lost right now. I don't even know how I got here. It's kinda morbid here if 'm honest. The birbs are kinda freaked out. But that's on them. I told them to not follow me but they did anyways.
Did I ever mention these guys are short. Like. Ruby-sized. If I had to pick something to compare them to. Like. I could probably pick them up and slam dunk them in a hoop if I tried hard enough.
They can also multiply which just makes this kinda worse. But I guess I'll have to deal with till I can find our way home. Or at least out of this town. Cause I have absolutely no signal here. So I can't call Doc or even Anxiety to come get us.
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sandersimagination · 6 years
Sleep: we've always had this unspoken rivalry.
Anxiety: Not a rivalry, you're just always mean to me. And it's not unspoken, you talk about it all the time.
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sandersimagination · 6 years
Sleep: Some people are like slinkies
Emile: Explain
Sleep: Not really good for much but makes you crack a smile when you push it down the stairs
Emile: Please don’t push Anxiety down the stairs
Sleep: You can’t stop me
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sandersimagination · 6 years
Sleep: We can’t lose. Because we have this. [points to chest]
Emile: We have heart?
Sleep: Heart? No. Me. I’m pointing at myself. I’m going to win this for us.
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sandersimagination · 6 years
Sleep: Where’s my fucking knife?
Missy: Dude, there are kids around. Say it nicer, maybe?.
Sleep:May I ascertain the whereabouts of my fucking knife?
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sandersimagination · 6 years
Anxiety: Um, I have a joke to cheer you up.
Brain: You, a joke?
Anxiety, hesitant: Don’t be sad, because sad backwards is das, and das not good.
Brain: ...
Anxiety: ...Brain?
Brain, screaming: ANXIETY JUST TOLD A JOKE!
Sleep, somewhere millions of miles away on a Starbucks run: OH MY FUCKING GOD!
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sandersimagination · 6 years
Sleep: Y’all motherfuckers don’t know about my knife shoes.
Anxiety: Ice skates
Sleep: Blocked.
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sandersimagination · 6 years
Missy: Is there a word that’s a mix between angry and sad?
ST: Malcontented, disgruntled, miserable, desolated-
Pranks: Smad.
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sandersimagination · 6 years
Sleep: What was your first impression of me?
Anxiety: I thought you were a slut who wore too much makeup. I was wrong. You don’t wear too much makeup.
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sandersimagination · 6 years
What on earth is with all the birbs?
"There not birds Shades. They're... Task? Like. A whole bunch if 'em."
"If I'm honest they make me think of the seagulls from finding nemo."
Of course they would Doc.
"I think they want us to do something? I dunno."
Yeah well that's not happenin'. I've resided to my fate of makin' nothin' but incorrect quotes for the rest of my existence.
"I'm sure some one will come around at some point. Don't worry about it Sleep."
If you say so.
"Yeah I don't see that happening at all."
"Just try to look on the bright side Anxiety."
"...Do you know who you're talking to?"
"Yes. Yes I do."
These birbs are gonna give me a headache
"Still. Not birds Shades."
Whatever Gurl.
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