sam-i-am-perchance · 1 month
Okay, I don't know if anyone remembers the youtubers "The Pals" who did those MC series and roblox adventures but they used to sell their little mascots in plush form, and when I was watching them growing up my parents bought be Pablo (corl) and frank (sketch) and I wanna complete my set and get them all to heal my inner child or whatever now that i have adult money. I need help finding sir meows a lot (denis) bc hes sold out, Chip(Subzeroextabyte) bc his shop doesn't exist anymore, and Galaxy the wolf (Alex / craftedrl) because I cant find any galaxys for sale online ANYWHERE. I litterally grew up watching these guys, they were my idols, so id love help reuniting my pablo and frank with the rest of the gang, thanks for your time and your help <3
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